Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Hopefully the Proud Boys, will be met with a line of State Troopers.
Or, the FBI waits until the night before Election day, and raid the homes of Proud Boys organizers and make multiple arrests. The FBI tend to do it's own thing not, the work of the AG or President.
Either way, the governors now know, as do the mayors. Direct orders and riot formations can make this very surprising for the White Supremacists.
People are just tired of the President and his supporters bullshit.
problem is.....like a lot of states that are republican controlled....look at the ******* they just pulled in Texas by the governor....some cities are doing the right thing despite the gov......Ga. being a good example and the mayor of Atlanta

that is how the right KEEPS control of their states...….the Carolina's being another good example....one big dem another big republican...and look at all the ******* the republicans pull in that state!

some places they are in control....and very hard to change it......they pass laws to block a lot....bottom one is a very true statement....should apply to a few on herevote5.jpgzzzz5g (2).jpg
As i say i hope I'm wrong on this one the effects if I'm right i can't even imagine.
Things just keep piling on one at a time. Today the Dr. apologizes and changes his
story one more time. I've followed the entire event and I've seen Trumps oldest sons
and Ivanka Photos and even a few sound bites. I see blank faces and even a hit
of a smile in a few. What i don't see is anguish, pain or fear. Even from Ivanka a
******* who's i've seen many times hugging and kissing daddy. I expected her
to fall apart or at least look distressed. His age and weight put daddy in the high
risk group. I think of my children when their ******* had a very mild heart attack.
I just see none of the facial expressions on his children's faces i saw on my own.
Do they really care little for their *******, along for the money or fame. Is the whole
close family thing for show. I don't know but observing and listening is what'struth.jpg
Causing confusion and doubt, something to watch closely.
As i say i hope I'm wrong on this one the effects if I'm right i can't even imagine.
Things just keep piling on one at a time. Today the Dr. apologizes and changes his
story one more time. I've followed the entire event and I've seen Trumps oldest sons
and Ivanka Photos and even a few sound bites. I see blank faces and even a hit
of a smile in a few. What i don't see is anguish, pain or fear. Even from Ivanka a
******* who's i've seen many times hugging and kissing daddy. I expected her
to fall apart or at least look distressed. His age and weight put daddy in the high
risk group. I think of my children when their ******* had a very mild heart attack.
I just see none of the facial expressions on his children's faces i saw on my own.
Do they really care little for their *******, along for the money or fame. Is the whole
close family thing for show. I don't know but observing and listening is what'sView attachment 3646352
Causing confusion and doubt, something to watch closely.

meme supposed to be a short jab of some kind...…….way to long to read and laugh at...and nothing funny there....but post what you want...…..just not a big fan of vids....but even then....some like em
Says the guy scared of a cold! :ROFLMAO:
well trump showed he ain't...well not really his was a case of stupidity that may cost him his life......he gave us the trump virus that did cost 200,000 lives and counting......and I won't even go into all the retards that attended his little virus get togethers....where he killed more people.....and even when he knew he probably had...still went to a fundraiser to get money and maybe ******* those that gave it to him.....nothing matters to him but money and p.utin
well trump showed he ain't...well not really his was a case of stupidity that may cost him his life......he gave us the trump virus that did cost 200,000 lives and counting......and I won't even go into all the retards that attended his little virus get togethers....where he killed more people.....and even when he knew he probably had...still went to a fundraiser to get money and maybe ******* those that gave it to him.....nothing matters to him but money and p.utin
you are a moron Trump gave us the virus! crawl back in your ignorant hole
Do we really want to change that decision that's been challenged three times without success. It's not a permit to *******. It really confirms our right to decide what's best for us not some politician or government bureau .
Well, that's the main point as far as I'm concerned. It's only common sense that if you challenge anything enough times, eventually you get what you want. But at who's expense? Why is a rightfully convicted criminal allowed to continue challenging his conviction UNTIL he finally is proven innocent and released ... when witnesses & evidence is no longer available to properly convict them?
No new evidence or witnesses are brought in to challenge Roe vs Wade ... its just an on-going challenge until those doing the challenging get what they want, then everything regresses back to "day one" of the original challenge and the whole process starts over.
Conservatives initially brought some logic to the abortion challenge ... the fact that a baby's life was being extinguished, and they spared no graphics to that abortion. As liberal as I think I am, I, myself, could not make sense of killing a baby in the womb once it was at the point of growth that it could live outside the womb. So, that basically gave a woman a couple early months to decide whether to extend the life inside her or to terminate it. The "kicking & screaming" fetus thing was and still is BS ... it might happen on an individual basis somewhere, but its not part of the system's "legal process" ... thus, what we have are a bunch of frik'n lawyers (all men) who get involved to create a BS situation that could be simple. And if these old, fat ass men, who insist on terminating Roe vs Wade, would consider the rights of the baby AFTER it enters the world as much as while it occupies the womb, that process would be much simplified again. This has been my argument all along with the conservative challenges to ending a woman's right to choose. So, you ******* a woman to bring a pregnancy to "full term" then toss 'em to the streets to struggle & become a real burden to society, and an automatic reload to the criminals we eventually remove from the streets at the expense of others.
I agree with my wife ... men do NOT belong in this decision making process whatsoever.
you are a moron Trump gave us the virus! crawl back in your ignorant hole
Trump gave us the severity of the virus we have NOW ... due to his ignorance. Most of the people in the US who lost their lives due to covid-19, lost their lives because of Trump's failure to enact precautionary procedures, and it wasn't because he wasn't properly INFORMED. No one will ever know exactly how many lives deaths Trump caused by his failure to enact proper virus epidemic protocols; how many times has he been wrong on his opinions of covid since it arrived earlier in the year? Actually, he has NEVER been right. Not only THAT, but then he had his administration suppressing the important information that the public needed in order to act on their own + ignoring CDC suggestions of social distancing, masks, closing businesses, etc while the virus was peaking. Trump has a reall issue with "science" related information. His paranoia tends to take over and it impacts a lot of people. What is really sad, is that the covid-19 has now been here OVER EIGHT MONTHS and the Trump Administration has YET to enact any strategy, other than to ignore the virus, to help eradicate the virus. And you can't say no strategies will work ... other countries around the world have proven that wrong ... we just have a sorry ass President with a lousy, undrained bunch of swamp creatures as his administration.
Have you not asked yourself WHY IS IT that it is the Republicans that are primarily coming down with the covid-19 and not Democrats? The ones who need to "crawl back in their HOLES" are the idiots currently running this country. As soon as Trump loses in November, they need to arrest him and take him straight to JAIL.
Trump sucks as a president ... and if he wins a second term, it'll be because he CHEATED the voice of the voters once again.
• he's betrayed the voters who voted for him by allowing this virus to continue, withholding the seriousness & truth​
• he's betrayed his administration and those attending his mass rallies with no social distancing & masks​
• he's betrayed THIS COUNTRY by collaboration with our adversaries & sharing highly classified information with them​
• and he won't hesitate to eventually betray YOU with his continuation of lies and deceivement​
You people are ...​
.................................... words_UnfuckingBelievable.jpg
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Is this real ?

It's a small number of oddballs though, run by a super weird oddball. There's a long history of right-wing secessionist militia in the US, this is just another one.
Coronavirus relief deal elusive as Pelosi says Democrats await agreement from the administration

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Sunday there’s no deal yet on a new coronavirus relief package as Democrats wait to see whether the Trump administration will agree to terms.

Pelosi spoke a day after President Trump, hospitalized with covid-19, tweeted his support for more stimulus legislation, writing, “WORK TOGETHER AND GET IT DONE.”

Pelosi was asked on CBS News’s “Face the Nation” if the president’s comment suggested that a deal was in hand or close.

“No, it means that we want to see that they will agree on what we need to do to crush the virus so that we can open the economy and open our schools safely,” Pelosi said.

another church photo op?

Secret Service agents criticize Trump car ride: 'This should never have happened'

Multiple Secret Service agents are criticizing President Trump's brief appearance in an SUV outside Walter Reed Medical Center Sunday evening, accusing the president of putting his protective detail in unnecessary danger.

Meadows 'optimistic' Trump will leave Walter Reed, return to White House Monday after coronavirus treatment

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said the administration is “optimistic” President Trump will be able to return to the White House on Monday after spending several days at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center being treated for coronavirus, saying Trump's health improved overnight and the president is ready to get back “to a normal working schedule.”

another church photo op?

Secret Service agents criticize Trump car ride: 'This should never have happened'

Multiple Secret Service agents are criticizing President Trump's brief appearance in an SUV outside Walter Reed Medical Center Sunday evening, accusing the president of putting his protective detail in unnecessary danger.

Melania Trump reportedly refused to leave COVID-19 isolation for fear of infecting Secret Service agents — unlike Trump who took a ride in his motorcade

  • First lady Melania Trump did not visit President Trump in the hospital over the weekend because she was concerned she might infect hospital staff or members of her security detail, a White House official told NBC News.
  • Both the president and first lady tested positive for COVID-19 last week, with the president taken to the hospital on Friday.

Americans fault US govt over foreign powers for virus crisis

WASHINGTON (AP) — More Americans blame the U.S. government instead of foreign nations for the coronavirus crisis in the United States, a rebuke to the Trump administration's contention that China or other countries are most at fault, a new poll shows.

The poll by The University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research was conducted before President Donald Trump tested positive for the virus Friday and was hospitalized. Trump has downplayed the severity and impact of the pandemic in recent months.

Although many see plenty of blame to go around and there's a wide bipartisan divide over who is responsible, 56% of Americans say the U.S. government has substantial responsibility for the situation. That compares with 47% who place that much blame on the governments of other countries and only 39% who say the same about the World Health Organization.

American lives mean nothing to this asshole....even our children mean nothing to him

How Trump official pressured CDC to change report on Covid and *******

In early September, as many school districts were still deciding whether to hold in-person classes, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention altered the title of a scientific report on the coronavirus and removed words like "pediatric" from its text, days after a Trump administration appointee requested similar changes, according to emails obtained by POLITICO.

That request — issued by then-public affairs official Paul Alexander — came amid President Donald Trump's broader push to reopen schools, with the president issuing demands on Twitter the prior day that "Democrats, OPEN THE SCHOOLS ( SAFELY)," and holding a press conference that touted data on the relatively low risk of Covid-19 for children.

"On schools, as part of our science-based approach, we want schools to safely open and stay open," Trump told reporters on Sept. 10. "Children are at extremely low risk of complications from the virus."

So NOW we hear Press Secretary McEnany has tested positive for the covid.
Gee, what happened to Trump's brilliant knowledge on how this would blow over, etc? And yet, as his administration continues to go down with covid they still haven't come up with any plans to stop covid. The number of victims continue to rise, mostly Republicans who have ignored face masks & social distancing due to Trump's encouragement.
If both Trump & Pence get quarantined, maybe Nancy Pelosi will take charge and we'll be back to a "working government" again.

It's a small number of oddballs though, run by a super weird oddball. There's a long history of right-wing secessionist militia in the US, this is just another one.
Why do not ask federal agencies to do something about armed militias, like send the army ?
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