Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Canada is pissed that he cut one with mexico leaving them out
but I still think trump in his childish games is mad at trudeu for a few comments..and trying to punish him in some way
this guy is really testing friendships and alliances
he is flat gambling with our economy...and others economy....which right now is strong...but for how long?

I can guarantee you Canadians aren't the least bit pissed that the US (might)* have had cut a deal with Mexico! Canadians couldn't give a rats ass about that! What we are pissed about is that he imposed a tariff on Aluminum and steel from Canada under a FALSE PRETEXT! NATIONAL SECURITY!

Also be aware, the US/MEXICO IS NOT YET A done deal! That proposed deal has to go before Congress for approval which hasn't happened yet, in Mexico a similar process is required! The outgoing Mexican President has given verbal acceptance to the proposed deal, however he's only in power till Dec. 1st., the incoming President has already indicated that he's still got concerns and the US shouldn't consider it a done deal without his incoming Govt. scrutiny.

trump forgets that other countries were involved in this also.....there have been a lot of people watching who Russia talks to...after all it was Belgium that caught Russia hacking us...not our people...and there are others also watching everything Russia does

PoliticsTrump delays Russia probe documents; allies voiced concerns
JILL COLVIN and ERIC TUCKER,Associated Press

probably why most countries don't like Trump...for all his bullshit...they also know how he got there!

Insofar as I see it:
Trump is nothing short of the reincarnation of
Judas Iscariot!
He's A traitor to all his country's closest allies!
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Friends that take advantage of you - are NO friends at all - Trump is looking for fair trade - and thankfully he has the BALLS to pull it off!!!

You should go look and study the facts ......
Trade between Canada and the US are more in balance on hard goods that any other country in the world. So close in fact that in any given year any surplus/deficit will alternate from one country to the other.
Secondly, if you add in "services" to the equation, the US enjoys a huge trade surplus with Canada!
P.S. Do you really believe he has balls! Tennis? Basketball? Baseballs? Certainly not Gonads!
Trump is looking for fair trade - and thankfully he has the BALLS to pull it off!!!
  • Like he pulled off the WALL?
  • Like he pulled off a less expensive, better Health Plan?
  • Like he pulled off the N Korean denuke?
  • Like he pulled off the middleclass tax cuts?
Where has he pulled it off a better trade agreement?
Contrary to the "yellow haired saint" our Tariffs are paid for by our consumers when foreign goods arrive in the US. If we apply a 10% tariff tax on China steel, those in the US using products made by China steel pay more. Tell THAT to the "yellow haired saint "as he doesn't seem to grasp that!
If Trump pulls ANYTHING off its because he either didn't need congressional approval OR he lied & cheated. Think about it ... what has he pulled off other than the biggest swindle & con job in US Presidential history?
Furthermore, IF his SCOTUS picks work out no better than his cabinet picks, we'll be building the next world dictatorship within the next few years.
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for a republican...sexual misconduct is the norm......they have no morales or family values....yet want to preach it to others

Senate Judiciary aide resigns amid sexual harassment allegation: NBC

an aide for chuck Grassley who has been coaching kavenaugh on how to handle his problem!


A Republican lawmaker’s ******* just accused him of sexually abusing her since she was 9 years old


just a party of racists and perverts
for a republican...sexual misconduct is the norm......they have no morales or family values....yet want to preach it to others

Senate Judiciary aide resigns amid sexual harassment allegation: NBC

an aide for chuck Grassley who has been coaching kavenaugh on how to handle his problem!


A Republican lawmaker’s ******* just accused him of sexually abusing her since she was 9 years old


just a party of racists and perverts

And - - - Keith Ellison still gets a pass !!!

Name calling gets you - NO where

:frantic: Liberals are sooooo amusing : }
hate to answer you....as this has nothing to do with anything!
but that is a dispute between spouse......he said she said...….that's all!
when a spouse makes an accusation it means nothing without something to back it up!
right wingers try to twist the facts to suit their own means...usually a lie
besides he is leaving congress and running for state office...as I would think you are aware!
maybe not.as you don't pay a lot of attention to detail
hate to answer you....as this has nothing to do with anything!
but that is a dispute between spouse......he said she said...….that's all!
when a spouse makes an accusation it means nothing without something to back it up!
right wingers try to twist the facts to suit their own means...usually a lie
besides he is leaving congress and running for state office...as I would think you are aware!
maybe not.as you don't pay a lot of attention to detail

Nice try - she was his girlfriend - “Mr. Facts”
and she said the Democratic Party has completely trashed and abandoned her.
Why is he said she said ok for a Democrat but deems an automatic guilty sentence for a Republican - I ask ye now ????
what part of a lovers spat do you not understand?
he is running for state office...what does that say about how serious it is
or do you just have a thing against Muslims?...or just trying to find something on a dem?
funny..... poll I just saw only 5% of Min people believe the accuser....you would be part of that 5%!

as for the other..one was attempted *******...by a guy that could be making rulings on just such a thing for the country for the rest of his life....if it was ok for him as a kid...does that mean it's ok for others also?.....the other molesting a baby....his own ******* matter of fact.......just a little difference there to most people...someone of your twisted intelligence trying to make an issue i'm sure it is a big deal
end of conversation!
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what part of a lovers spat do you not understand?
he is running for state office...what does that say about how serious it is
or do you just have a thing against Muslims?...or just trying to find something on a dem?
funny..... poll I just saw only 5% of Min people believe the accuser....you would be part of that 5%!

as for the other..one was attempted *******...by a guy that could be making rulings on just such a thing for the country for the rest of his life....if it was ok for him as a kid...does that mean it's ok for others also?.....the other molesting a baby....his own ******* matter of fact.......just a little difference there to most people...someone of your twisted intelligence trying to make an issue i'm sure it is a big deal
end of conversation!

Ye just can’t have a conversation with a raving lefty anyhoo ; }

:frantic: Liberals :frantic:
Well I'm just having a battle of wits with an unarmed man

you were so eager to come up with something on a Dem....you didn't have a clue as to what was going on....what does that say about you?

View attachment 2115897View attachment 2115898

I always held the view that I'd never waste my precious time trying to describe or reason with an idiot simply because no one is capable of describing or reasoning with them better than themselves!
I always held the view that I'd never waste my precious time trying to describe or reason with an idiot simply because no one is capable of describing or reasoning with them better than themselves!

You guys are simply HILARIOUS - one lies or rather misrepresents and the others swear to it - you’re sooo full o bullfurt - FACTS - you wouldn’t know a fact if it bit you on yer arse !
You guys are simply HILARIOUS - one lies or rather misrepresents and the others swear to it - you’re sooo full o bullfurt - FACTS - you wouldn’t know a fact if it bit you on yer arse !
And you dear friend deserves more pity than to be laughed at!
Again, however, how can anyone be blamed for laughing when they witness idiocy in motion!
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Guess he now knows which side of the bread it is buttered on!

Sandwich Chain Closes Because Customers Can't Stomach That Owner Met Donald Trump
Glenn Fleishman Fri

Hoagie sandwich chain Taylor Gourmet will close all 19 of its outlets largely due to a decline in sales after its co-founder attended an event last year led by President Donald Trump, according to Washingtonian.
A Taylor Gourmet spokesperson confirmed the closures in the article. Seventeen locations are in D.C. and surrounding areas and two more are in Chicago.

While real estate costs, rapid expansion, and competition may have been factors, Washingtonian cites several company insiders who noted that sales dropped after co-founder Casey Patten was photographed with Trump. One said sales plummeted 40% the following day and “never recovered.” A Taylor Gourmet spokesperson said revenue rebounded.

Patten faced the backlash after an event in January 2017 with the president at the Small Business Administration. Taylor gave a short speech to Trump about how the food industry relies on immigrants and the American-born children of immigrants for staff, and Patten’s desire to reduce regulations that would affect his employees.

A D.C. neighborhood site, PoPville, posted an item about Patten’s attendance and a link to a photo. A social-media furor resulted.


guess that would be...don't bite the hand that feeds you?
rely on the working man for your biz...brag about being friends with a known anti-working man....AND wanting illegals to work for you!

probably had to close before ICE raided his places
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does this mean ...she can testify all she wants...I've already made up my mind?...nice he has an open mind

The Latest: GOP's Graham assures respectful hearing for Ford
Associated Press

Lindsey Graham: Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony Won’t Change My Support for Brett Kavanaugh
The Daily Beast 12


one thing about the right.....it is definitely party over country....but hell they have been showing that for the past 15 years!
does this mean ...she can testify all she wants...I've already made up my mind?...nice he has an open mind

The Latest: GOP's Graham assures respectful hearing for Ford
Associated Press

Lindsey Graham: Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony Won’t Change My Support for Brett Kavanaugh
The Daily Beast 12


one thing about the right.....it is definitely party over country....but hell they have been showing that for the past 15 years!
Graham's best friend, John McCain must be rolling over in his grave with disgust!
I guess there's a lot of truth to that old saying "Out of sight! Out of mind!"
Graham always did appear to me as being like a whore in Venice!
They want to work both sides of the channel but eventually end up drowning in the middle!
Graham's best friend, John McCain must be rolling over in his grave with disgust!
I guess there's a lot of truth to that old saying "Out of sight! Out of mind!"
Graham always did appear to me as being like a whore in Venice!
They want to work both sides of the channel but eventually end up drowning in the middle!

drowning in the middle would be fine with me....never did like the guy...especially after his health care plan!
Things are getting sadder and sadder and people aren't waking up to the realization that the United States is quickly becoming a Banana Republic!
I am N-O-T trying to be an alarmist - - - but for the sake of your country please look around, see what's going on, hear about it on radio and TV, read about current events on line and in print and, if you only believe in 50% of all of it, it should scare the heck out of you!

Unlike what your President stated in a speech on July 24th., Quote:
"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening," Trump said. "Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news."

My God! Please American's "Wake Up!" And Wake Up before it's too late!
The clock is ticking!
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