Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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FBI investigating mail-in ballots found in trash outside board of elections

As mail-in voting begins in many states, and President Donald Trump continues to question its validity, one of battleground Pennsylvania's three pivotal counties has been thrust into the national spotlight after a small number of mail-in ballots were found in a trash dumpster outside a board of elections office.
FBI investigating mail-in ballots found in trash outside board of elections
As mail-in voting begins in many states, and President Donald Trump continues to question its validity, one of battleground Pennsylvania's three pivotal counties has been thrust into the national spotlight after a small number of mail-in ballots were found in a trash dumpster outside a board of elections office.
Think this one out, birdbrain. If you were wanting to cheat in an election, would you be so stupid stubid as to put election forms in a public dumpster outside for the world to find? Don't you think this is some fool staging mischief simply to help validate Trump's attempt at discrediting mail-in forms?
And, if Trump thinks mail-in forms are so fraudulently inclined, why would he be ok with Florida and other Republican states using them, and choose to use them himself in his personal voting process, then turn around and try discrediting their use in other states?
Don't you think this is Trump's way of setting stage for his next event ... proclaiming the election a fraud and trying to remain in office?
Do you think average people are so naïve as to believe this BS ... never mind, you "tards" would believe anything the crook says.

Trumptards ~~~
............................... gif_BrainNjar2.gif
LAND of THE FREE I think not. Just read something that makes me mad. It should make us all mad regardless of political preferences . It was stated that in some states ballots are not counted if the oval is not completely filled. So a partial filled oval means they throw it out. Even if there's no mark at all in the other choices. A clear choice is indicated when only one oval is marked at all, but they throw it out. Who are these people who do anything to take away our right to vote. You have to produce in most places now not only a voter ID card but up to three other forms of ID. In my state two with photos. You've proved you have the right to vote before you do and they take that away simply because you may have bad eyesight or even a faulty pin. Don't press to hard filling that oval because if you punch a hole they throw that out too.

FBI investigating mail-in ballots found in trash outside board of elections

As mail-in voting begins in many states, and President Donald Trump continues to question its validity, one of battleground Pennsylvania's three pivotal counties has been thrust into the national spotlight after a small number of mail-in ballots were found in a trash dumpster outside a board of elections office.
Yes and the updated story says about fifty thrown out by temporary worker. At least 9 were for Trump. Trump naturally decreed 100% of them were for him and it's proof the Democrats are out to steal the election. The man believes Americans are too dumb or lazy to read within hours he altered the facts. With all the advisors we pay for you would think one would explain to him 9 out of fifty is not 100%. It might be interesting to know if the worker was a republican or democrat. That has not been reported, If it was a democrat and only 9 were for trump explain what advantage it would be to throw out 41 for a different choice. There are more than two choices on the ballot. But with that number you know Biden lost more votes in that error than Trump. The fired worker claimed it was not intentional but every one is investigating as i type, Justice, FBI and all the state agency's.
The Kremlin Is Increasingly Alarmed at the Prospect of a Biden Win


(Bloomberg) -- In Moscow, analysts for the Kremlin and its Security Council are working overtime to war-game scenarios for a Joe Biden presidency.
Increasingly alarmed at the prospect of a White House without Donald Trump, Russia is trying to determine what that’ll mean for sensitive issues from nuclear arms to relations with China, energy exports, sanctions and far-flung global conflicts, according to people familiar with the efforts. Though few see much prospect for improved ties if Trump is re-elected, Biden would likely be bad news for Russia, people close to the leadership said.

A Democratic victory may even give the Kremlin another reason to tear up its own electoral calendar, moving up parliamentary elections to the spring to get them out of the way before a new administration has time to impose additional sanctions or other penalties, according to a person close to the Kremlin, who spoke on condition of anonymity to express that opinion.

With so much at stake, Russia’s already meddling in the campaign, according to U.S. officials. But the situation is different from 2016, when Trump’s victory surprised even his backers in Moscow.

U.S. politics have become so polarized that there’s little need for Russia to step in and invent new controversies, according to a senior British intelligence official. Russia is nonetheless conducting a “very active” campaign to denigrate Biden and sow divisions in the U.S. political scene, FBI Director Christopher Wray said last week.

The Russian leadership hasn’t written off Trump yet, according to Gleb Pavlovsky, a former Kremlin adviser. “It’s not clear what kind of help they could offer Trump, but they’d give it to him as long as it didn’t provoke a big scandal,” he said. “They don’t want to trigger a boomerang effect.”
The U.S. leader is making Russia’s task easier through his own brand of information warfare, including repeated claims that mail-in voting will lead to massive fraud, assertions that Russian state media are amplifying.

Russian officials deny meddling, either now or in the 2016 elections. On Friday, P.utin proposed that the U.S. and Russia exchange guarantees of non-interference in elections, according to a statement on the Kremlin website. He also called for talks on information security and restoring cybersecurity cooperation, reviving a proposal he floated after the 2016 election.

Since that vote, Moscow’s infatuation with Trump has dimmed. Russian officials say “Russophobia” in the U.S. establishment won’t change no matter who’s in the White House. But the contrast between the two candidates is striking. While Trump said last week that China and mail-in voting were greater threats than Russia, Biden has said he’d make Moscow pay for meddling, calling Russia an opponent.

Meanwhile, tensions are flaring with Germany and France over the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, raising the prospect of a deep freeze if Trump loses.

“If Biden is elected, we will confront a consolidation of the West on an anti-Russian platform,” said Andrey Kortunov, head of the Kremlin-founded Russian International Affairs Council.

The prospect of new Western sanctions on Russia has helped drive the ruble to the lowest levels since April. Even as the economy plunged amid the Covid-19 lockdown earlier this year, the Kremlin was cautious about spending, continuing to husband hundreds of billions of dollars it’s stashed in rainy-day funds for potential future crises.

Kremlin animus toward Biden goes way back, dating at least to when he visited Moscow in 2011 as vice president and told opposition leaders he thought Vladimir P.utin shouldn’t run for president again. That kind of affront isn’t quickly forgotten, according to a person close to the Kremlin. Putin moved this year to extend his rule to 2036.

The Russian leadership relishes the chance
to turn the tables on Washington after decades of what the Kremlin sees as sometimes-crude efforts to manipulate Russian politics, according to a person close to the authorities.

But Facebook and other social media companies are taking a more proactive stance on stopping disinformation, taking down accounts linked to the Kremlin. Late Thursday, Facebook said it removed more Russian disinformation efforts. The Treasury Department, meanwhile, sanctioned a Ukrainian politician it called a Russian agent for efforts to tar Biden for alleged corruption related to his *******’s business dealings in Ukraine.

“There is very little incentive for the Russians to stop the information operations they’ve been doing,” said Michael Daniel, who formerly served as cybersecurity coordinator in the Barack Obama White House and currently leads the Cyber Threat Alliance organization. “What I don’t think they necessarily have a strong incentive to do is take a step that would drive the U.S. to a much greater degree of retaliation.”

Fiona Hill, the National Security Council’s senior director for European and Russian affairs until 2019, says divisions are emerging within the Kremlin over the wisdom of continuing a “dirty tricks” campaign that’s had mixed results and may now face diminishing returns.

On the one hand, Russia’s 2016 influence operations succeeded beyond the Kremlin’s wildest dreams. The U.S.-dominated, unipolar world that P.utin has long railed against is no longer. America’s global leadership, NATO, the European Union and the structure of institutions and alliances the U.S. built after World War II have taken a hit. “On that ledger, wow, yes, basically over-fulfilled the plan,” said Hill.

At the same time, getting caught in the act of trying to sabotage U.S. democracy has proved costly. “They lost the entire U.S. political class and politicized ties so that the whole future of U.S.-Russia relations now depends on who wins in November,” she said.
The Kremlin Is Increasingly Alarmed at the Prospect of a Biden Win


(Bloomberg) -- In Moscow, analysts for the Kremlin and its Security Council are working overtime to war-game scenarios for a Joe Biden presidency.
Increasingly alarmed at the prospect of a White House without Donald Trump, Russia is trying to determine what that’ll mean for sensitive issues from nuclear arms to relations with China, energy exports, sanctions and far-flung global conflicts, according to people familiar with the efforts. Though few see much prospect for improved ties if Trump is re-elected, Biden would likely be bad news for Russia, people close to the leadership said.

A Democratic victory may even give the Kremlin another reason to tear up its own electoral calendar, moving up parliamentary elections to the spring to get them out of the way before a new administration has time to impose additional sanctions or other penalties, according to a person close to the Kremlin, who spoke on condition of anonymity to express that opinion.

With so much at stake, Russia’s already meddling in the campaign, according to U.S. officials. But the situation is different from 2016, when Trump’s victory surprised even his backers in Moscow.

U.S. politics have become so polarized that there’s little need for Russia to step in and invent new controversies, according to a senior British intelligence official. Russia is nonetheless conducting a “very active” campaign to denigrate Biden and sow divisions in the U.S. political scene, FBI Director Christopher Wray said last week.

The Russian leadership hasn’t written off Trump yet, according to Gleb Pavlovsky, a former Kremlin adviser. “It’s not clear what kind of help they could offer Trump, but they’d give it to him as long as it didn’t provoke a big scandal,” he said. “They don’t want to trigger a boomerang effect.”
The U.S. leader is making Russia’s task easier through his own brand of information warfare, including repeated claims that mail-in voting will lead to massive fraud, assertions that Russian state media are amplifying.

Russian officials deny meddling, either now or in the 2016 elections. On Friday, P.utin proposed that the U.S. and Russia exchange guarantees of non-interference in elections, according to a statement on the Kremlin website. He also called for talks on information security and restoring cybersecurity cooperation, reviving a proposal he floated after the 2016 election.

Since that vote, Moscow’s infatuation with Trump has dimmed. Russian officials say “Russophobia” in the U.S. establishment won’t change no matter who’s in the White House. But the contrast between the two candidates is striking. While Trump said last week that China and mail-in voting were greater threats than Russia, Biden has said he’d make Moscow pay for meddling, calling Russia an opponent.

Meanwhile, tensions are flaring with Germany and France over the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, raising the prospect of a deep freeze if Trump loses.

“If Biden is elected, we will confront a consolidation of the West on an anti-Russian platform,” said Andrey Kortunov, head of the Kremlin-founded Russian International Affairs Council.

The prospect of new Western sanctions on Russia has helped drive the ruble to the lowest levels since April. Even as the economy plunged amid the Covid-19 lockdown earlier this year, the Kremlin was cautious about spending, continuing to husband hundreds of billions of dollars it’s stashed in rainy-day funds for potential future crises.

Kremlin animus toward Biden goes way back, dating at least to when he visited Moscow in 2011 as vice president and told opposition leaders he thought Vladimir P.utin shouldn’t run for president again. That kind of affront isn’t quickly forgotten, according to a person close to the Kremlin. Poroshenko moved this year to extend his rule to 2036.

The Russian leadership relishes the chance
to turn the tables on Washington after decades of what the Kremlin sees as sometimes-crude efforts to manipulate Russian politics, according to a person close to the authorities.

But Facebook and other social media companies are taking a more proactive stance on stopping disinformation, taking down accounts linked to the Kremlin. Late Thursday, Facebook said it removed more Russian disinformation efforts. The Treasury Department, meanwhile, sanctioned a Ukrainian politician it called a Russian agent for efforts to tar Biden for alleged corruption related to his *******’s business dealings in Ukraine.

“There is very little incentive for the Russians to stop the information operations they’ve been doing,” said Michael Daniel, who formerly served as cybersecurity coordinator in the Barack Obama White House and currently leads the Cyber Threat Alliance organization. “What I don’t think they necessarily have a strong incentive to do is take a step that would drive the U.S. to a much greater degree of retaliation.”

Fiona Hill, the National Security Council’s senior director for European and Russian affairs until 2019, says divisions are emerging within the Kremlin over the wisdom of continuing a “dirty tricks” campaign that’s had mixed results and may now face diminishing returns.

On the one hand, Russia’s 2016 influence operations succeeded beyond the Kremlin’s wildest dreams. The U.S.-dominated, unipolar world that P.utin has long railed against is no longer. America’s global leadership, NATO, the European Union and the structure of institutions and alliances the U.S. built after World War II have taken a hit. “On that ledger, wow, yes, basically over-fulfilled the plan,” said Hill.

At the same time, getting caught in the act of trying to sabotage U.S. democracy has proved costly. “They lost the entire U.S. political class and politicized ties so that the whole future of U.S.-Russia relations now depends on who wins in November,” she said.
Only the newspapers in the west can reverse the aggressor/attacked logic like that or maybe Joe Biden's campaign team. One would almost forget that the journalist is paid to please his readership and his candidate.

If the United States, officials say something, it's true. On the other hand, if an official from Russia says something, it is necessarily false... He is Russian. All that is Russian is false, it is well known. It is the liberals of the West who say it. That is obviously true...
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It was stated that in some states ballots are not counted if the oval is not completely filled. So a partial filled oval means they throw it out.
In NC they have eliminated the "party-line" vote, thus you can't check just one block to vote for one party. You have to take EACH candidate, individually, and vote them in or out. They've discontinued "same day" registration, on-campus registration, shortened the number of early voting days the polls will be open by 50%, cut the number of poll locations to go vote, cut the number of voting booths/machines for voting. This all came about in 2014 mid-term elections by our Republican run legislators. Their explanation ... "to cut down on fraudulent voting". Sort of like Trump saying there will be LESS covid-19 testing because, and I quote Trump ... "the more the tests that are run, the more virus they find." Well, duhhhhhhh!
Stupidity Stubidity runs deep in the party, I do believe.
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If the United States, officials say something, it's true. On the other hand, if an official from Russia says something, it is necessarily false... He is Russian. All that is Russian is false, it is well known. It is the liberals of the West who say it. That is obviously true...
Oh Lidya, will you quit your damn gif_BabyCrying1.gif over what "you think" the US thinks of Russia, for Christ sakes! What do you expect Americans to think once Russia has so openly meddled in our politics, here? Russian politics brought it on themselves. VPutin is a frik'n liar most the time and has Trump licking his ass for him. Trump's practically sucking his dick, I imagine, just to keep the Russian "hit squads" from collecting on the $1 billion he owes the oligarchs. They know if Trump doesn't get re-elected, his credit line goes to an automatic, uncollectable "ZERO". He's had 6 bankruptcies here in the US and well known for NOT paying his bills.
You best be hoping the USA remains strong in the world or all kinds of crap with start up from Iran, N Korea and others.
VPutin's just wanting to get even for losing the cold war to Reagan in the 1980's. Thing is, it started our OWN problems with uncontrolled/deficit spending with other stubid Republican ideas ... StarWars and Trickle Down Economics, which is WHY we have a national debt of over $23 TRILLION now.
So, if you are looking for Russian sympathy HERE ... its in the dictionary between ******* & syphilis ... only place you'll find it in this forum.

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Because you are hater.
Most of the so called facts on here are not facts in the least.
Oh Lidya, will you quit your damn View attachment 3631959 over what "you think" the US thinks of Russia, for Christ sakes! What do you expect Americans to think once Russia has so openly meddled in our politics, here? VPutin is a frik'n liar most the time and has Trump licking his ass for him. You best be hoping the USA remains strong in the world or all kinds of crap with start up from Iran, N Korea and others.
VPutin's just wanting to get even for losing the cold war to Reagan in the 1980's. Thing is, it started our OWN problems with uncontrolled/deficit spending.
So, if you are looking for Russian sympathy HERE ... its in the dictionary between ******* & syphilis ... only place you'll find it in this forum.
View attachment 3631970

Mac that is disgusting, Lidya , a very young woman makes a great deal of sense. All you people that constantly put down Russia can just stop it, you look like totally vindictive, arrogant idiots. Rude and Completely Without Morales, Understanding or manners. Apparently quite a few countries have meddled with our elections in one way or another, with the world wide web we should expect that, stop it before it effects us, just like Security programs protect us from most viruses. You are old enough to respect women with some understanding.
Mac that is disgusting, Lidya , a very young woman makes a great deal of sense. All you people that constantly put down Russia can just stop it, you look like totally vindictive, arrogant idiots.
Well, for one, Lidya had her 7-8 personal pics in her profile that looked nothing like the 3-4 very young blond photos that are there now.
Second, I wasn't putting down Russia, parse'. I was putting down VPutin, who's a jerk just like Trump ... as I said a couple times, the Russian people aren't anything like the government .... just like in the USA. Russian women are awesomely pretty. Why don't YOU ask Lidya what happened to her real photos; they're not there now.
You are old enough to respect women with some understanding.
Well, I show Lidya no disrespect at all. Just asked that she quit crying about how she thinks the USA media mistreats Russia .... If Russia would like to bring those dozen or so Russian agents who the US subpoenaed, who hurriedly disappeared and ran back to Russian, the attitude toward the government there might change a bit. If the rolls were reversed, there would be no subpoenas; they would have been arrested and tossed into jail.

And I do NOT understand why you put a dislike on my post # 18928 as every word in that is TRUE. You might not like it, but that's the facts, "jack".
Most of the so called facts on here are not facts in the least.

Mac that is disgusting, Lidya , a very young woman makes a great deal of sense. All you people that constantly put down Russia can just stop it, you look like totally vindictive, arrogant idiots. Rude and Completely Without Morales, Understanding or manners. Apparently quite a few countries have meddled with our elections in one way or another, with the world wide web we should expect that, stop it before it effects us, just like Security programs protect us from most viruses. You are old enough to respect women with some understanding.

you just pretty well summed yourself up in a nutshell...….no knowledge of facts.....we see that from on every post......and no morale's...well we know you don't have that or you would not even consider voting for a racist, c.hild molester and thief like trump.....

Like I said, I am not responding to ad hominem attacks. @Hottobe cucked Age has nothing to do with it, I am learning how to debate but I can take it. If I had wanted to do anything subversive I would not be here. No one can really convince anyone here. I realized this as soon as I started giving my opinion. Personally, I am only trying to show you that you operate in a liberal American paradigm (it is the same for conservative with I disagree), and that the propaganda that you seem to see everywhere in your opponents (paid or fake or robot or maybe all three, obviously) also exists in you and that what seems rude to you is just as rude to us, plus arrogance. But if I have to be arrogant too, I think you do not understand anything about Russian society, nor your own society obviously. And when I tell you that I am moderate, it is precisely because I take the time to discuss and understand. If I had said bad things about Trump more openly, would I have been a good Russian?

Go discuss politics on russian forums or on VKontakte, you will see what it feels like to insult Russia as you do without realizing it, to denigrate the skills of its experts, the free will of the people... Go ahead with your media and their "truth" and good luck ! The myth close to McCarthyism which consists in hunting down Russians who dare to think differently is disgusting. What will be the next step? Besides, RT understood your propaganda so well that he posted a message to join the camp of foreign agents as a subscriber ! I am not joking ! Your propaganda is so strong that during the last French presidential elections, three of the four main candidates were accused of being supported by Russia in the same time (Mélenchon, Fillon et Lepen). Ouhlalala ça en fait du monde, dites moi ! Sooooo powerful WE are !
I was not particularly interested in politic but strangely, I did not see any messages of hatred towards Poutin, Russia, the Russians... Anything. It did not make noise.
Why ? Because alongside, there was debates of ideas between very diverse political families and politized debates. Not two clientelist clans who have used for more than a century all the most filthy maneuvers to stay in power.
In NC they have eliminated the "party-line" vote, thus you can't check just one block to vote for one party. You have to take EACH candidate, individually, and vote them in or out.
Oh the humanity! You can't just check one box and say "just give me all dem dumascraps". Trouble was lots of North Carolina dolts couldn't figure out NC's version of "just give me all dem dumascraps". NC had implemented a goofy version of single party voting back in the 60s. It actually required people to vote for the president/vice president separately from their checkbox saying "just give me all dem dumascraps". NC dolts had inordinate troubles trying to comprehend such a incredibly complicated ballot requiring a whole TWO votes. As a result NC had around twice the nation's average for undervotes in presidential elections....i.e. people would check off "just give me all dem dumascraps" but then not comprehend they needed to check off "oh and give me Obozo too"

Your propaganda is so strong that during the last French presidential elections, three of the four main candidates were accused of being supported by Russia in the same time (Mélenchon, Fillon et Lepen).

That's literally how Surkov's propaganda methods work. He would direct money to multiple candidates and make it obvious that was happening, so that people are confused and don't know what's really happening.

Of course even Surkov is ousted now. Totalitarian regimes always eat themselves.
But if I have to be arrogant too, I think you do not understand anything about Russian society, nor your own society obviously.
Go discuss politics on russian forums or on VKontakte, you will see what it feels like to insult Russia as you do without realizing it, to denigrate the skills of its experts, the free will of the people... Go ahead with your media and their "truth" and good luck ! The myth close to McCarthyism which consists in hunting down Russians who dare to think differently is disgusting.

Stop claiming to represent all of Russia. You are not speaking for all Russians everywhere. Nobody made you dictator of Russia, or the official ambassador of Russia.
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