Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And by all means, "******* for brains" .... try to stay in the 21st Century with your bullshit. No one cares what happened OVER FIFTY YEARS AGO.
We've seen your poor math skills....let me give you a hint, when I was talking about the 2012 NC ballot that required a separate vote for president after you had already checked "give me all dem dumascraps"...that was less than 50 years ago.

Now instead of deflecting why don't you answer the question posed:

Since this was the case all the way through 2013, the real question is how do you not know that? Are you lying about being in NC? Are you a TarBrain that never actually votes....just sit in your basement and whine? Have you voted all these years, checking the "give me all dem dumascraps" and never even noticed you had to vote for the president too?

I suspect it's the final option....must hurt to find out now that you checked "give me all dem dumascraps" and failed to vote for president....which helped lead to YOUR electoral votes going to Romney!
Encouraging suicide....wow, real class act there Macky. No wonder your own dad put you on "Ignore"!
Actually I'm volunteering to help, h-h. I'll help you find a nice cleared area where they can find all your body parts (except maybe your brain since its so small) and put them in a bag. Not near an intersection though ... holds up traffic doing that. Your miserable life isn't worth all that.
Hey, maybe even your x-wife will come by and attempt to identify you. Who knows!
We've seen your poor math skills....let me give you a hint, when I was talking about the 2012 NC ballot that required a separate vote for president after you had already checked "give me all dem dumascraps"...that was less than 50 years ago.

Now instead of deflecting why don't you answer the question posed:

Since this was the case all the way through 2013, the real question is how do you not know that? Are you lying about being in NC? Are you a TarBrain that never actually votes....just sit in your basement and whine? Have you voted all these years, checking the "give me all dem dumascraps" and never even noticed you had to vote for the president too?

I suspect it's the final option....must hurt to find out now that you checked "give me all dem dumascraps" and failed to vote for president....which helped lead to YOUR electoral votes going to Romney!

HEY HH - think ya should be educating dumascraps ???? ;)
HEY HH - think ya should be educating dumascraps ???? ;)
blkdlaur, he didn't even understand the discussion. He never really tries ... just waits to make senseless comments.
I wasn't speaking of myself when I mentioned the removal of the party-line vote. But, he always looks at a way to twist a comment of liberals. Not even worth my correcting him. He wasn't part of the discussion THEN ... and he isn't NOW.
Actually I'm volunteering to help, h-h. I'll help you find a nice cleared area where they can find all your body parts (except maybe your brain since its so small) and put them in a bag. Not near an intersection though ... holds up traffic doing that. Your miserable life isn't worth all that.
Hey, maybe even your x-wife will come by and attempt to identify you. Who knows!
Dang, must have really struck a sensitive nerve explaining the NC "party line voting" to you....try to forget that you helped lead to YOUR electoral votes going to Romney....lots of TarBrains like you couldn't figure out how to check a whole TWO boxes on those ballots.
According to the betting markets America wants Biden and thinks he's winning this debate.

Which is hilarious. Biden is doing a horrible job. Trump just set the expectations so incredibly low, and people hate Trump so much, that even seeing Biden is still alive hurts Trump. lolololol. Cheeto is going to lose to a half-dead has-been

Interruptions, accusations, chaos: Trump trolled the debate stage

Donald Trump came to heckle. He came to interrupt and to pontificate and to flail his arms, batting away questions and facts in a chaotic fury. He was a boor and a troll, holding up his stubby mitts in an angry pantomime as he tried to halt the words coming from former vice president Joe Biden’s mouth. Trump seemed to believe that with a single rude hand gesture, one that he regularly uses to assert his dominance, he could hold back the truth so he could be free to spin and hype and vent.

It was an exhausting mess that spun beyond moderator Chris Wallace’s control and outside the bounds of anything that could reasonably be called a debate. It was a 90-minute display of a president’s testosterone-fueled, unmanaged rage and insecurity.

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