Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Interesting things in the news today Donald the Duck Trump has ******* on Americans once again. The jerk said "the virus affects virtually nobody."
over two hundred thousand dead and climbing at a rate of over a thousand a day. All of them nobody's. Out of the mouth of the biggest ass ever. The other breaking news is Trumps Russian buddy is purposing a agreement to stop election interference between the USA and Russia. You know both of those assholes have been denying it ever occurred in the first place. But if you read the news from around the world and even our own including FOX you would know it did and still is. Only a day or two ago one social network reported taking down over a hundred accounts in two days posting false information in favor of Trump.
I hate to be logical about this but i think about things. The questions to me are obvious. Why are the Russians doing this. The operations they have been traced too are many and also my computer buddy tells me expensive. They are investing vast amounts of cash and resources to get Trump elected. There's a reason why and the history between the two nations tells me it's not good. The Russian leader wants to take back the former Soviet Union. That's no secret he's stated it more than once. In my travels to Russia people have spoken about his ambitions that are well known among the Russian people. Would we oppose the takeover of those nations who now have established governments. Under Trump, who knows he is pushing for the removal of our troops out of Germany. There for my entire life to prevent the spread of the former Soviet Union. Did Trump make a deal, he likes deals. You help me and I'll turn a blind eye to you.
The occurrences of Russian Planes and subs inside our boundary has been reported to be almost ten times higher than ever before. Are they testing the water, practicing for a invasion. Red Dawn was a great movie but not a situation i would care to live through.
YOU are the fascists - you are the ones promoting tearing things down and trying to stop free speech - but YOU people perpetually accuse your opposition of that which YOU do.

When has "the left" ever stopped free speech? I haven't seen it.

But Ur-fascism dictates your enemy has to be dangerous and is using some mysterious power to stop you. So reality doesn't matter. We were always at war with East Asia.
Because you are hater.

Lets shut down your nauseating whining once and for all.

Lets start with your brainless accusation I have white privilage.

For your information I am of Chinese Indo heritage. With a small smattering of Dutch. Therefor you brainless troll I AM ASIAN, it states ASIAN on my birth certificate. ITS EVEN ON MY PROFILE So explain again my so called 'white privilage...Seriously just how stupid are you?

Now where as you princess are saying you live in a predominant WHITE middle class area of France. (if thats even true at all). Which by the very definition makes you a hypocritical white privilaged female. Ooops You didn't think that through did you!.

Now your brainless hater bullshit

Unlike you. I research. Use factual data and historical data or research. I use diverse sources to post. Where as you post the usual Russian biased bullshit claiming it to be a source of integrity. All the time knowing that the very source you use is dis-trusted due to the continual lies, bullshit, and propaganda it pushes out. It lack integrity, honesty, or factuality in nearly all its material. Something you love pushing. So yes your own posts prove you are a propagandanist and troll.

You see. I have NOTHING against the Russian-Chinese or any other people or their cultures. What I do have a problem with are people like you who don't even understand or know the difference between Russiaphobia and countering Russian news media falsehoods, lies, and propaganda using PROVEN factual data and research.

All your posts are anti US and anti US politics. yet as usual you fail to see your own hypocrisy or double standards within your baby like mind.

1. You post exactly the same material as the IRA does, sometime even within hours of them doing so.
2. You post in the same order and subject matter as they do.
3. You post using RT news as a source even down to the instructions to the Russian media on how to post, what to post, and when.
4. You constantly claim Russiaphbia when you have done NOTHING BUT post Westernophobia in every single post you make.
5. You attack US politics using Russian state backed lies and Bullshit, yet cannot see how big a hypocrite you are or even the double standards you use to do so.

And before you attempt to deny any of it. The evidence is in your own posts within the thread.

Also your inept claim that you cannot get news material. It took me two seconds to pull up over TWO HUNDRED Russian language news sources in English, and thousands of French- English translations of Russian newes media items. So stop with the lies.

And that's just for starters.

Now for your ignorant and brainless hater comment.

I hate no-one, but I am sure as hell not letting people like you play the victim when you started all this with your Russian RT media BS and lies about the US and its politics, and youeven ran off to admin like a crying baby claiming some-one was being mean to you..Actualy pathetic in fact.

You're untruthful, and a hypocrite, one who cannot even see your own hypocrisy or double standards. Sad really.

So your childish accusaions are rejected just as your propaganda and anti US posts are rejected. Seriously. Seeing your comments is like watching a three year old have a tantrum over who can have the orange crayon next!

You claimed you were not going to engage in any discussions. Yet another lie from you. AGAIN!

So don't even bother replying as youou will get no replies. Your not worth the effort or time.

funny....trump appointed Wray as "his" man...…..but apparently he is choosing the facts/law over trump....Wray says where there is all kinds of Russian meddling...very little with China....not what trump wants to hear...….where is trump getting his information ..p.utin
I will not respond to ad hominem attacks. I already had the cliché on the Russians in France (Seine Saint Denis, 93, for those who knows France, in the "ceinture rouge" of paris, with a majority of migrants - 1/3 of the population) when I arrived, ça va ça va. Only those which relate to substantive elements. First, I am not from the United Russia party but from the Greens (Зеленые).
Second, I do not see how to defend the interests of my country in the face of people who have no qualms about constantly citing it as a bad student and who have no other wish than to see its institutions collapse. Third, I am deliberately asking questions that generate debate because I hope they will bring up interesting arguments, compared to what I have read elsewhere - Know that I read all the shared articles that have a link with the subjects on which I bounce back.
Fourth, it is never pleasant to be alone against everyone in a debate.
Fifth, I do what I can with my level of English.
Sixth, Russian sources in English are not numerous. 7 or 8 at most to my knowledge - but if you wish, I can bring you dozens and dozens of Russian-speaking sources.

As for the accusations of repeating bullshits and lies, I refute them. There is good on both sides and I like to tell you as much that our media provide a different and plural vision of society, including the American one. Except that indeed, it disturbs and does not use the same journalistic codes. Just as you will rarely see Trump speak positively in France, and you might find it scandalous, the press titles are all held by groups close to power. What you do not seem to understand is that through your cartoonish internal trench warfare is that I neither agree with the Democratic Party nor agree with the Republican Party. Nor do I totally agree with Poutin. I am only Russian and pro Russian. That is it.

I wonder if you are Biden and Trump groupies or if self-criticism is only good for the russians and the communists? Because actually I do not see any self-criticism on either side - but especially on the side of the big brains (lol). Why would I then have to justify myself for my opinions just because of my provenance ?
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Lidya do you believe P.utin when he says Navalny poisoned himself? Before, you claimed he wasn't poisoned at all, it seems like Russia reversed their position on that.
I wonder if you are Biden and Trump groupies or if self-criticism is only good for the russians and the communists? Because actually I do not see any self-criticism on either side
You know that isn't true, Lidya ... in my conversation to YOU just a few days ago I told you I was critical of our own government. I can pull it up if you like. You'll recall those comments because I was also the one talking about how beautiful Russian women are without the hang-ups of a lot of American women .... do you recall the total conversation or do you need links?
As far as your English goes, you're GOOD at your English for someone who also speaks fluent Russian and French. How many languages do you speak?
And lastly, you are primarily alone now, because a lot of the Republican posters, here, now realize how crooked Trump is and have left for now. If he WINS the election, they'll be back.
You know that isn't true, Lidya ... in my conversation to YOU just a few days ago I told you I was critical of our own government. I can pull it up if you like. You'll recall those comments because I was also the one talking about how beautiful Russian women are without the hang-ups of a lot of American women .... do you recall the total conversation or do you need links?
As far as your English goes, you're GOOD at your English for someone who also speaks fluent Russian and French. How many languages do you speak?
And lastly, you are primarily alone now, because a lot of the Republican posters, here, now realize how crooked Trump is and have left for now. If he WINS the election, they'll be back.
I mean your own candidate Biden or Trump. no one is self-critical of their own candidate. So why would I bother to be moderate and one-sided? Anything ! Each one makes the propaganda of his candidate, I share what I think is right, from my point of view. When I was talking about the big brains I was talking about the followers of pure reason who never go out of their paradigm and who take a higher tone, who do not understand those who think and interpret facts with different ideological software... And then they come to give lessons in democracy... The grandmother was telling fortunes, she said two things, as some still say in my country.
I mean your own candidate Biden or Trump. no one is self-critical of their own candidate. So why would I bother to be moderate and one-sided?
Let me give you some things to think about with these two candidates, then you tell me who you might prefer being the USA's President.
• one candidate is a moderate (Biden) and the other an extremist (Trump)​
• one candidate (Biden) has been married once to one woman for over 50+ years, the other (Trump) has been married to 3 women, and has cheated on all 3 of them, cheating on wife 2 with a woman who is now wife 3, while wife 2 was in the hospital having his baby
• one candidate has never been in a lawsuit (Biden) while the other (Trump) has been in over 11,000 lawsuits and counting​
• one candidate (Trump) lies so often that his average lies per day is over 14 per day while serving as US president ... has told over 26,000 lies since being elected President in 2016​
• one candidate (Biden) does not owe your Russian oligarchs a single dollar, while the other candidate (Trump) owes Russian oligarchs almost $1 billion dollars .... figure that out in rubles.​
• one candidate (Trump) hung out and partied with a known ******* for years and admits he likes very young girls, even have photos of him lip kissing his 12 year old ******* and her on his lap in many photos. He once said on TV and I quote: "I'd date her if she wasn't my *******".
• one candidate (Trump) treats all women as "objects" and even was recorded saying, and again I quote: "just grab 'em by the pussy"
• one candidate (Biden) has over 40 years experience in the US political system and served under one of the most popular presidents in US history​
• one candidate (Trump) can not run a fair political contest without cheating and involving outside countries, and encouraging his own staff and administration to cheat and lie just like him.​
• one candidate (Trump) use to keep a book of Adolf Hitler's speeches on the night stand at his bed​
• one candidate (Trump) steals money from his very own charities and political donations and uses the money for his own personal use.​
• one candidate (Trump) withheld critical medical information from the publci, regarding the covid-19 virus, even lying to his own people that has resulted in over 200,000 DEATHS of men, women, and children in the USA. He even went as far to actually LIE to the people regarding the virus.​

I could go on and on and on, and I'm sure if I have LIED the Trumptards here would challenge me, but I doubt it. They know they now have a very bad President.
So, assuming what I have told you is TRUE ... (they ARE documented, by the way), who would you prefer being the President of the USA? Who would YOU most likely TRUST?

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