Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Lidya do you believe P.utin when he says Navalny poisoned himself? Before, you claimed he wasn't poisoned at all, it seems like Russia reversed their position on that.
I trust our doctors by default. I mean, they are doctors...
You may wonder who is profiting from the crime but I don't believe it would have been in Poutin's best interest to embarrass the death of an opponent who is not in a position to impeach him. I mean do you imagine the political fallout from the ******* of Julian Assange for the US? Navalny does not know any state secrets, he is not particularly credible as a presidential political figure, so... I think west is showing a political maneuver aimed at putting pressure on Russia over the construction of its pipeline which is to supply Germany with oil.
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Lidya, is the "laughing response" indication that you don't believe what I say, or that you choose NOT to provide an answer as to which individual you would prefer seeing as US President?
Personally, I don't see Trump in the least bit "humorous" ... and if I had my rathers ... I'd prefer putting him and some of this staff in front of firing squads for sharing highly confidential, government information with your country, Russia, our country's ADVERSARY.
Let me give you some things to think about with these two candidates, then you tell me who you might prefer being the USA's President.
• one candidate is a moderate (Biden) and the other an extremist (Trump)​
• one candidate (Biden) has been married once to one woman for over 50+ years, the other (Trump) has been married to 3 women, and has cheated on all 3 of them, cheating on wife 2 with a woman who is now wife 3, while wife 2 was in the hospital having his baby
• one candidate has never been in a lawsuit (Biden) while the other (Trump) has been in over 11,000 lawsuits and counting​
• one candidate (Trump) lies so often that his average lies per day is over 14 per day while serving as US president ... has told over 26,000 lies since being elected President in 2016​
• one candidate (Biden) does not owe your Russian oligarchs a single dollar, while the other candidate (Trump) owes Russian oligarchs almost $1 billion dollars .... figure that out in rubles.​
• one candidate (Trump) hung out and partied with a known ******* for years and admits he likes very young girls, even have photos of him lip kissing his 12 year old ******* and her on his lap in many photos. He once said on TV and I quote: "I'd date her if she wasn't my *******".
• one candidate (Trump) treats all women as "objects" and even was recorded saying, and again I quote: "just grab 'em by the pussy"
• one candidate (Biden) has over 40 years experience in the US political system and served under one of the most popular presidents in US history​
• one candidate (Trump) can not run a fair political contest without cheating and involving outside countries, and encouraging his own staff and administration to cheat and lie just like him.​
• one candidate (Trump) use to keep a book of Adolf Hitler's speeches on the night stand at his bed​
• one candidate (Trump) steals money from his very own charities and political donations and uses the money for his own personal use.​
• one candidate (Trump) withheld critical medical information from the publci, regarding the covid-19 virus, even lying to his own people that has resulted in over 200,000 DEATHS of men, women, and children in the USA. He even went as far to actually LIE to the people regarding the virus.​

I could go on and on and on, and I'm sure if I have LIED the Trumptards here would challenge me, but I doubt it. They know they now have a very bad President.
So, assuming what I have told you is TRUE ... (they ARE documented, by the way), who would you prefer being the President of the USA? Who would YOU most likely TRUST?

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Ok, it was funny and dense, but it was not self-criticism.
Lidya, is the "laughing response" indication that you don't believe what I say, or that you choose NOT to provide an answer as to which individual you would prefer seeing as US President?
Personally, I don't see Trump in the least bit "humorous" ... and if I had my rathers ... I'd prefer putting him and some of this staff in front of firing squads for sharing highly confidential, government information with your country, Russia, our country's ADVERSARY.
No, I sincerely laughed at the end of it. When you said "one candidate (Trump) use to keep a book of Adolf Hitler's speeches on the night stand at his bed", I thank it was to put the nail in.
No, I sincerely laughed at the end of it.
So I assume you think its funny that the US have these problems with its "leader" of the free world?
Of the two candidates, I can assure you Biden would be less likely to use nuclear weapons in a war. The world would not survive a global nuclear war, I assure you.
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No, I sincerely laughed at the end of it. When you said "one candidate (Trump) use to keep a book of Adolf Hitler's speeches on the night stand at his bed", I thank it was to put the nail in.
Trump believes in fascism and dictator run governments. He's studied Adolf Hitler. He's trying to install a dictatorship now in the US. If you think that is funny, go look at the number of Russian soldiers who were killed by Adolf Hitler's 3rd Reich during WWII ... I don't think you'll see it so funny, then. Over five million Russian soldiers were killed by Adolph Hitler in WW2.
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Lidya, is the "laughing response" indication that you don't believe what I say, or that you choose NOT to provide an answer as to which individual you would prefer seeing as US President?
Personally, I don't see Trump in the least bit "humorous" ... and if I had my rathers ... I'd prefer putting him and some of this staff in front of firing squads for sharing highly confidential, government information with your country, Russia, our country's ADVERSARY.
I understand but I think that this opposition can fall if a certain number of prejudices on Russia fall and that we set up a real status quo.
I fail to understand you lack of concern ... when your own VPUTIN is killing off his own adversaries who run against HIM.
A war between USA & Russia would NOT be victorious for either side. The only safe way is to eliminate those who wish to have POWER over others on either SIDE! Trump is a power monger.
Trump believes in fascism and dictator run governments. He's studied Adolf Hitler. He's trying to install a dictatorship now in the US. If you think that is funny, go look at the number of Russian soldiers who were killed by Adolf Hitler's 3rd Reich during WWII ... I don't think you'll see it so funny, then.
I thought it was a note of humor by exaggeration like hyperbol (Гипербола)
I fail to understand you lack of concern ... when your own VPUTIN is killing off his own adversaries who run against HIM.
A war between USA & Russia would NOT be victorious for either side. The only safe way is to eliminate those who wish to have POWER over the other. BOTH SIDES!
As I explained, the russophobic rhetoric and actions of the Democrats have consistently been against Russia and its institutions, as if it was still the USSR. Poutin did not have the elbow room (facility) to lead a sovereignist policy in a country where capitalism has imposed itself quickly and in a chaotic manner. Especially since he saw as head of intelligence the country being eaten away from all sides... We owe him a lot even if today he is not as popular as before (since 2010 or maybe 2011).
I just support the idea that we must stop seeing the shadow of Russia on your elections. I have the impression that in this sense Trump sees Russia with a more moderate look.
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capitalism has imposed itself quickly and in a chaotic manner.
I can assure you, although capitalism seems to be an attractive system, its not all its cracked up to be, especially if its allowed to run freely and amok. It requires constant maintenance, otherwise it becomes vulturistic and crony in nature ... crushing small businesses and their creativity. What you end up with is a monopolistic system where one or two major companies monopolize ingenuity and competition, and job income stagnates in growth.

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and you think we are not on the verge of some kind of civil war???????

Oregon governor sends troopers to Portland for Proud Boys ...
5 hours ago · Ahead of the planned Proud Boys rally set for Saturday, Brown said she “is incredibly concerned about the increased risk of violence in Portland

Portland Proud Boys Rally Promoted On Facebook Pages ...
Sep 17, 2020 · The Proud Boys are a Trump-supporting, neo-fascist street gang infamous for attacking leftists at political rallies across the country, often in Portland. Tech Transparency Project A Facebook page promoting a neo-fascist Proud Boys rally scheduled for Sept. 26 in Portland included a propaganda video for the event.

Proud Boys plan large rally in Portland - The Washington Post
15 hours ago · The Proud Boys then began planning a show of ******* in Portland, after attending other heated events outside the city limits. Organizers expect as …

Portland denies Proud Boys rally permit, cites COVID ...
Sep 23, 2020 · PORTLAND, Ore. — Portland, Oregon, has denied a permit for a Saturday rally planned by the right-wing group Proud Boys. The city found the group’s estimated crowd size of …
people urging UK to join against trumpvirus….at least Johnson smart enough to see it is not the world heath that bungled the virus in the US.....that is why it is the trump virus

other countries have had the same virus and yet got it under control....without a vaccine...….but not trump....he sticks his head in the …..sand?....and apparently there is enough room for a lot of other heads

Boris Johnson Urged to Join Trump, Pull Funding from World ...
Apr 16, 2020 · A UK think tank has urged Boris Johnson to pull funding from the World Health Organization (WHO), following President Donald Trump’s example, over the global organization’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Aroldis Chapman on handshakes. Speed. Normal.

UK pledges over $400 million for WHO, calls for end to ...
11 hours ago · British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will pledge on Saturday a 30% increase in funding for the World Health Organization while urging reforms to …
I can assure you, although capitalism seems to be an attractive system, its not all its cracked up to be, especially if its allowed to run freely and amok. It requires constant maintenance, otherwise it becomes vulturistic and crony in nature ... crushing small businesses and their creativity. What you end up with is a monopolistic system where one or two major companies monopolize ingenuity and competition, and job income stagnates in growth.

It is the transition from socialism to the market economy that has been disastrous. Look, even in regions which have known only 40 years of socialism, such as East Germany, and which have been greatly helped and privileged ... It is in East Germany that we have finds the most unemployment and precariousness in an German economy yet reputed to be solid and essential to the European Union.
Kremlin’s World War III Propaganda Meltdown Shows P.utin Is Cornered
Anna Nemtsova
The Daily BeastSat, 26 September 2020, 6:25 am CEST
Mikhail Klimentyev/Getty

Mikhail Klimentyev/Getty

MOSCOW—Russia these days may look frightening to Americans, who hear often of election meddling and poisoning among other ill deeds. But consider for a moment the view from the other side of the divide, or at least the view presented to Russians by their television sets.
The looming potential for World War III has become a regular topic on Russian state propaganda shows. Night after night, Vladimir Soloviev, who is often described as the Kremlin’s top propagandist, condemns the West’s “economically suffocating” strategy of imposing sanctions and suggest war is the logical outcome.

The conclusion reached by Soloviev and his like-minded panel of guests is that the country’s politicians and titans of business should break all ties with the West, including communicating with their relatives. A long history of grievances spills out; Soloviev says the conflict between Russia and the West started in the 13th century: “They believe we are barbarians and they are civilized, so they have a right to point out to us how we should live and behave.”

Trump Followed Russian Media’s Lead on SCOTUS Prediction

The show, which is broadcast nightly on state channel 1, heats up quickly. This week, Sergei Kurginyan, a pro-Kremlin political expert close to the secret services, accused the West of tearing Russia apart by creating a fifth column in the Far East, where thousands of Russians have been marching in anti-P.utin rallies for two months. P.utin’s nemesis Alexei Navalny was out East bolstering the opposition rallies when he was poisoned with a deadly nerve agent.

Kurginyan has been consistently criticizing the Russian elite for pursuing naïve dreams about becoming part of European society: “Our elites have grown together with Europe through family connections, children, grandchildren. But in the current situation they will have to tear these connections apart. That will be terribly painful but you will have to do that,” he said.

A popular newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda announced in plain language on Friday that: “The world is under a threat of the Third World War over the Russian COVID-19 vaccine.” The paper claimed the European Union and the U.S. were furious about Russia selling millions of doses of its vaccines to Brazil and Africa.

The Russian nationalist publication Tsargrad also carried an overheated headline on Friday, claiming an invented military victory: “NATO Exercises Failed: Russian Ships Scared Americans and Ukrainians Away.”

What has caused this latest storm of anti-Western propaganda?

This week, the U.S. imposed new commercial restrictions on Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the oligarch known as “P.utin’s chef.” The companies operated by Prigozhin, one of .utin’s most trusted lieutenants, are linked to the Wagner mercenary army and troll farms responsible for U.S. election interference. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also suggested this week that the order to poison Navalny came from senior Russian officials, the pressure grows on Putin to explain the poisoning or face yet more sanctions. Both the European Union and Britain are also preparing sanctions against P.utin’s partner in Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, after a violent crackdown on the opposition and a fraudulent election.

The age-old theme of a “conflict of civilizations” between East and West has been resurfacing on state media outlets. This undercurrent is at the core of the West’s issues with Russia, the propaganda outlets insist.

If the West continues to punish Vladimir P.utin’s allies with economic sanctions and block Russian movement around the world, they say, Moscow will come up with a new strategy building on alliances with other Western antagonists. “We have not sent forces to Ukraine, to Kyiv only for the sake of our relations with Europe. By the new strategy we would deploy the forces and surely our allies in Turkey and China would respect us for such a strong decision,” prominent Kremlin-aligned political analyst Sergey Markov tells The Daily Beast.

Russian Media Is Rooting for Civil War in America: ‘The Worse, the Better’

The propaganda outlets portray P.utin and his allies withdrawing from the world, as if in a besieged castle, to isolate and defend themselves.
Russia’s ability to respond in kind with sanctions is limited. A few weeks ago, the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov imposed sanctions against Pompeo after the U.S. State Department sanctioned members of his family. But this was widely seen as little more than a joke since Pompeo has no property or bank accounts in Chechnya. Still, the story made the Russian-speaking news. Olga Skobeyeva, a host of one of the more popular political talk shows, 60 Minutes, praised Kadyrov’s “cool” sanctions.

Germany and France are demanding that the Kremlin investigate last month’s poisoning of Navalny with the Soviet-era chemical weapon Novichok. But the last two decades of Russian history show how strongly Putin resists any demand imposed by the West. Instead, they are ramping up the propaganda. “They say, ‘Oh, you once again want to tear us apart, here is our answer to you.’ And P.utin comes out with a speech about the most powerful hypersonic weapon,” a commentator on independent Rain TV, Pavel Lobkov, told The Daily Beast.

Last weekend, on Russia’s Day of the Gunsmith—an obscure holiday which is usually ignored—P.utin went on television to discuss Russia’s latest nuclear weapons. They can reach anywhere in the world, he said. The Avangard hypersonic glide vehicles can wipe out a territory the size of Texas or France, viewers were told. Putin blamed the U.S. for the withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic-Missile treaty back in 2002. “We had to create these weapons in response to the U.S. deploying a strategic missile defense system, which in the future would be able to actually neutralize, nullify our entire nuclear potential,” P.utin said.

On Friday, P.utin asked the White House for a truce on the “information war,” which is laughable since Western intelligence agencies say the Kremlin has already been targeting the 2020 presidential election. Nonetheless, Markov explains that Moscow is expecting incoming rhetorical fire during the height of the American election season: “Russian intelligence has informed Vladimir P.utin earlier this year of rough attacks on him personally coming up,” he said. “That might happen during the U.S. elections, the conflict might enter a hot phase, so it is time to buy canned food.”
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Russian Media Is Rooting for Civil War in America: ‘The Worse, the Better’

“It is better to remain neutral, but if we had to choose, then Trump is certainly ours.”

Julia Davis

Updated Sep. 18, 2020 6:20AM ET / Published Sep. 16, 2020 9:00PM ET


There is no shortage of local topics that interest the Kremlin—from the poisoning of an inconvenient dissident, to the events in neighboring Belarus and the ongoing battle against the coronavirus. In the thick of it all, America remains front and center of the Russian state media’s steely focus.

In P.utin’s Russia, U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s rallies, events and press comments are viewed and reported with maniacal obsession.
Russian state media happily poked fun at the Trump campaign’s use of a stock photo of Russian-made fighter jets, but aside from an occasional jab,
Moscow’s coverage of the Trump presidency closely resembles that of Fox News. State-controlled media’s slant is a telling indicator of the Kremlin’s leanings. To imagine the relationship between Russian President Vladimir P.utin and his massive media apparatus, one may reference the coziness between Sean Hannity and Trump—and magnify that intensity tenfold, with directives flowing only from the top down. Obsessed with retaining his dominance and fully realizing the power of propaganda, P.utin leaves nothing to chance.
Russian lawmakers, state media experts and pundits on tightly-choreographed TV shows openly reveal that the Kremlin is still rooting for Trump. But Moscow has a growing concern that this time around, their preferred candidate might lose. Appearing on a state TV show The Right To Know, Margarita Simonyan, the editor-in-chief of the Kremlin-funded propaganda networks RT and Sputnik, said about Trump’s chances of re-election: “I think Trump will lose, but then I think there will be a major blow-up from the standpoint of accepting or not accepting the outcome of the election.

They’ll be battling over that for a long time, who knows how it might end.”

Having openly wished for Trump to drive the United States into civil war, Russian state media figures are now relishing that idea with renewed enthusiasm. They believe it would destabilize America to such an extent as to undermine its very sovereignty, thereby untying the Kremlin’s hands to wreak even more havoc upon the Western world. Appearing on Russia’s state TV show The Evening with Vladimir Soloviev, analyst Dmitry Drobnitsky explained his belief that U.S. elections “can be considered America’s internal affairs only up to the point when an actual civil war starts there.”

The idea of a coup d'état seems all but inevitable, Drobnitsky argued: “The loser in this election would be an idiot to accept the outcome.”
Russian state media repeatedly echoed Trump, who is doing the Kremlin’s bidding by attacking the legitimacy of the 2020 elections, falsely suggesting that mail-in voting is completely fraudulent, and that Democrats are rigging the process to falsify the outcome. There is no doubt that the Kremlin would align with Trump in case of a contested election, as the groundwork for accusing the Democrats of fraud has been laid in advance.

Russian state media analysts also make no secret as to the Kremlin’s preferred candidate. Writing for the newspaper Kommersant, Dmitry Kosyrev, political columnist for state media outlet RIA Novosti, pondered: “Is Trump ours?” This popular refrain can be interpreted in one of several ways: to signify Russia’s hold over the American president, to express that Trump’s position is in perfect alignment with that of the Kremlin—meaning, “he is on our side”—or to signal Russia’s preference: “He is the one we choose.” Kosyrev concluded that in the anticipated civil war in the United States, “it is better to remain neutral, but if we had to choose, then Trump is certainly ours.”

“The loser in this election would be an idiot to accept the outcome.”

There is a unanimous consensus among the pro-Kremlin analysts, all of whom uniformly reject the potential presidency of former Vice President Joe Biden. Analyst Mikhail Taratuta told Moskovsky Komsomolets, a Moscow-based daily newspaper, that Trump’s re-election “would open a new window of possibilities” for Russia, as opposed to Biden’s presidency, which would constitute “a serious situation” with “no chance of improved relations.”

Russia’s Federal News Agency (FAN), underwritten by “P.utin’s chef” Yevgeny Prigozhin, exclaimed: “Experts predict civil war in the United States following the presidential election.” A political scientist specializing in America, Rafael Ordukhanyan, told FAN that “The USA has become a land of idiots,” and predicted: “There will be civil war.” He added: “We prefer Trump... he has an affinity for our president.” Ordukhanyan recommended that Russia intensify its info-wars against the United States, in order “to showcase America’s impotence on a global stage.”

Broadcaster Vladimir Pozner surmised that the United States is on the verge of a civil war and added that in the past, America was loved, hated, or feared, but now it is merely pitied. He attributed the crisis to the words and actions of President Trump, who “lies with every breath.” RIA

Novosti ridiculed the idea of potentially awarding a Nobel prize to the president who is provoking civil war in his own country.

While some Trump administration officials urge the president’s supporters to load up on ammunition and the president personally spreads fears of a potentially rigged election, the Kremlin’s networks follow through with matching rhetoric in multiple languages.

Moscow’s state media outlets at home and abroad anticipate November mayhem in America,
with the expectation that Trump and his supporters would eventually gain the upper hand. Russian analysts argue that facing electoral defeat, Trump will use his executive powers to mobilize troops into the streets, while pro-Trump militias will take matters into their own hands.

During his eponymous evening show, TV host Vladimir Soloviev described Trump’s followers as “wealthier than BLM [Black Lives Matter],” “much better armed,” “extremely aggressive and very active.” Soloviev argued that facing the prospect of Trump losing the election, his armed supporters would head into battle to secure the White House for the benefit of the incumbent. A long and bloody conflict would inevitably follow, shattering America’s stability and world standing—which would serve Moscow’s interests to a T.

Discussing the upcoming November elections in the United States, Evgeny Popov, the host of state TV show 60 Minutes said: “There are more and more precursors of civil war.” With great irritation, Popov complained that in spite of America’s internal turmoil, U.S. nuclear-capable B-52 strategic bombers are still flying near Russia's borders. Referring to Russia’s anticipation of the impending civil unrest in the United States, State Duma deputy Aleksey Zhuravlyov retorted: “If things blow up like they should over there, there will be less flying.” He concluded with a simple view on events in America that is undoubtedly shared by the Kremlin: “The worse, the better.”
people urging UK to join against trumpvirus….at least Johnson smart enough to see it is not the world heath that bungled the virus in the US.....that is why it is the trump virus

other countries have had the same virus and yet got it under control....without a vaccine...….but not trump....he sticks his head in the …..sand?....and apparently there is enough room for a lot of other heads

Yet the WHO has alot to answer for when this situation first broke out. Their lies, inaction and blatent support for China when they knew things were not as the Chinese or WHO stated they were.
Yet the WHO has alot to answer for when this situation first broke out. Their lies, inaction and blatent support for China when they knew things were not as the Chinese or WHO stated they were.

will agree....but not time to divide countries up right now

plus......add to the fact trump pulling money from about everything and everyone...…..leaving china as the biggest contributor......same with pollution and etc...trump pulls out...china steps in
Kremlin’s World War III Propaganda Meltdown Shows Poroshenko Is Cornered
Anna Nemtsova
The Daily BeastSat, 26 September 2020, 6:25 am CEST
Mikhail Klimentyev/Getty

Mikhail Klimentyev/Getty

MOSCOW—Russia these days may look frightening to Americans, who hear often of election meddling and poisoning among other ill deeds. But consider for a moment the view from the other side of the divide, or at least the view presented to Russians by their television sets.
The looming potential for World War III has become a regular topic on Russian state propaganda shows. Night after night, Vladimir Soloviev, who is often described as the Kremlin’s top propagandist, condemns the West’s “economically suffocating” strategy of imposing sanctions and suggest war is the logical outcome.

The conclusion reached by Soloviev and his like-minded panel of guests is that the country’s politicians and titans of business should break all ties with the West, including communicating with their relatives. A long history of grievances spills out; Soloviev says the conflict between Russia and the West started in the 13th century: “They believe we are barbarians and they are civilized, so they have a right to point out to us how we should live and behave.”

Trump Followed Russian Media’s Lead on SCOTUS Prediction

The show, which is broadcast nightly on state channel 1, heats up quickly. This week, Sergei Kurginyan, a pro-Kremlin political expert close to the secret services, accused the West of tearing Russia apart by creating a fifth column in the Far East, where thousands of Russians have been marching in anti-P.utin rallies for two months. P.utin’s nemesis Alexei Navalny was out East bolstering the opposition rallies when he was poisoned with a deadly nerve agent.

Kurginyan has been consistently criticizing the Russian elite for pursuing naïve dreams about becoming part of European society: “Our elites have grown together with Europe through family connections, children, grandchildren. But in the current situation they will have to tear these connections apart. That will be terribly painful but you will have to do that,” he said.

A popular newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda announced in plain language on Friday that: “The world is under a threat of the Third World War over the Russian COVID-19 vaccine.” The paper claimed the European Union and the U.S. were furious about Russia selling millions of doses of its vaccines to Brazil and Africa.

The Russian nationalist publication Tsargrad also carried an overheated headline on Friday, claiming an invented military victory: “NATO Exercises Failed: Russian Ships Scared Americans and Ukrainians Away.”

What has caused this latest storm of anti-Western propaganda?

This week, the U.S. imposed new commercial restrictions on Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the oligarch known as “P.utin’s chef.” The companies operated by Prigozhin, one of .utin’s most trusted lieutenants, are linked to the Wagner mercenary army and troll farms responsible for U.S. election interference. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also suggested this week that the order to poison Navalny came from senior Russian officials, the pressure grows on Poroshenko to explain the poisoning or face yet more sanctions. Both the European Union and Britain are also preparing sanctions against P.utin’s partner in Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, after a violent crackdown on the opposition and a fraudulent election.

The age-old theme of a “conflict of civilizations” between East and West has been resurfacing on state media outlets. This undercurrent is at the core of the West’s issues with Russia, the propaganda outlets insist.

If the West continues to punish Vladimir P.utin’s allies with economic sanctions and block Russian movement around the world, they say, Moscow will come up with a new strategy building on alliances with other Western antagonists. “We have not sent forces to Ukraine, to Kyiv only for the sake of our relations with Europe. By the new strategy we would deploy the forces and surely our allies in Turkey and China would respect us for such a strong decision,” prominent Kremlin-aligned political analyst Sergey Markov tells The Daily Beast.

Russian Media Is Rooting for Civil War in America: ‘The Worse, the Better’

The propaganda outlets portray P.utin and his allies withdrawing from the world, as if in a besieged castle, to isolate and defend themselves.
Russia’s ability to respond in kind with sanctions is limited. A few weeks ago, the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov imposed sanctions against Pompeo after the U.S. State Department sanctioned members of his family. But this was widely seen as little more than a joke since Pompeo has no property or bank accounts in Chechnya. Still, the story made the Russian-speaking news. Olga Skobeyeva, a host of one of the more popular political talk shows, 60 Minutes, praised Kadyrov’s “cool” sanctions.

Germany and France are demanding that the Kremlin investigate last month’s poisoning of Navalny with the Soviet-era chemical weapon Novichok. But the last two decades of Russian history show how strongly Poroshenko resists any demand imposed by the West. Instead, they are ramping up the propaganda. “They say, ‘Oh, you once again want to tear us apart, here is our answer to you.’ And P.utin comes out with a speech about the most powerful hypersonic weapon,” a commentator on independent Rain TV, Pavel Lobkov, told The Daily Beast.

Last weekend, on Russia’s Day of the Gunsmith—an obscure holiday which is usually ignored—P.utin went on television to discuss Russia’s latest nuclear weapons. They can reach anywhere in the world, he said. The Avangard hypersonic glide vehicles can wipe out a territory the size of Texas or France, viewers were told. Poroshenko blamed the U.S. for the withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic-Missile treaty back in 2002. “We had to create these weapons in response to the U.S. deploying a strategic missile defense system, which in the future would be able to actually neutralize, nullify our entire nuclear potential,” P.utin said.

On Friday, P.utin asked the White House for a truce on the “information war,” which is laughable since Western intelligence agencies say the Kremlin has already been targeting the 2020 presidential election. Nonetheless, Markov explains that Moscow is expecting incoming rhetorical fire during the height of the American election season: “Russian intelligence has informed Vladimir P.utin earlier this year of rough attacks on him personally coming up,” he said. “That might happen during the U.S. elections, the conflict might enter a hot phase, so it is time to buy canned food.”
I confirm, this is also what I can sometimes see on my news feed but, to be an information war, you need two camps and I do not know of any proper wars... Therefore we need a change of mentality which will necessarily involve questioning the attitude of the strongest. If one day it becomes Russia, it will obviously be necessary to change Russia. Today it is America and its NATO allies. If this is not already the case today, tomorrow it will be most likely China...
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I confirm, this is also what I can sometimes see on my news feed but, to be an information war, you need two camps and I do not know of any proper wars... Therefore we need a change of mentality which will necessarily involve questioning the attitude of the strongest. If one day it becomes Russia, it will obviously be necessary to change Russia. Today it is America and its NATO allies. If this is not already the case today, tomorrow it will be most likely China...

You want to change America by... keeping the current president in office?

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