Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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yes I know he has most of the world pissed at him/us....we sell a lot of food and etc to china....they can and will put a hurt on things...and I don't know why he is still fucking with Canada...….think the Canadian PM hurt his feelings and you know how vindictive this baby is...he did settle with Mexico

I read where Wal-Mart and several others are expecting major price hikes soon...…...you know who is paying for his...????
Yeah! I heard from numerous sources that the President was really pissed at PM Trudeau because Treadeau had some attributes your President didn't! Like honesty, intelligence, truthfulness, couldn't be bullshited, worse still, Trudeau had youth, good looks and even poor Melaynia and *******, Ivankia went Google Eyed over Trudeau!
I mean, just how bad can things get for this excuse for a president!
Now that I got that out of my system - I’m actually surprised - Democrats usually support the party line - no matter what - this defection must hit you guys where ya live!!!

Or perhaps they are starting to realize how ch[ldish they have been acting. They are starting to understand that mole hills don't need to be turned into mountains and nobody is perfect. You will never find someone for that position that doesn't have dirt in their closet. A lot of Democrats are starting to realize this whole -"React to your feelings instead of the facts" isn't going to work out in the end.

And for more hypocrisy, it wasn't to long ago the left was advocating for the removal of this question "Have you been convicted of a felony?" from job applications - because it shouldn't matter what they did wrong in the past. It was also not to long ago the NYT hired a racist writer, Sarah Jeong. But they excused her because that was "in the past" and "should be forgotten".

This happened what? 35 years ago? Is there anything more recent? You guys do know this person is being paid to come forward - You don't think that would have any effect on the truth do you?
Or perhaps they are starting to realize how ch[ldish they have been acting. They are starting to understand that mole hills don't need to be turned into mountains and nobody is perfect. You will never find someone for that position that doesn't have dirt in their closet. A lot of Democrats are starting to realize this whole -"React to your feelings instead of the facts" isn't going to work out in the end.

And for more hypocrisy, it wasn't to long ago the left was advocating for the removal of this question "Have you been convicted of a felony?" from job applications - because it shouldn't matter what they did wrong in the past. It was also not to long ago the NYT hired a racist writer, Sarah Jeong. But they excused her because that was "in the past" and "should be forgotten".

This happened what? 35 years ago? Is there anything more recent? You guys do know this person is being paid to come forward - You don't think that would have any effect on the truth do you?

talk about a crock!...wouldn't expect any less from you
has nothing to with dem starting to realize anything......they are dems in a red state...….let me say this again...a dem in a red state that supports trump

you really would like to believe that dems are giving up on the party...….when all the facts and news is the other way around

paid to come forward......what have you been smoking?....sounds like some of the right wing stuff that has been put out all week....the only nice thing now....they don't waste any time tracking it down....one from a republican....and another lie from an aid for scalia….both of which after being caught have apologized now...…
and that brings us to your lie......an apology to the gal?
or more ******* to cover up the first pile you spit out!
you republicans have never been known to tell the truth...one will lie and the other swear to it!
all we need now is for HH to come on and repeat your lie

this gal is a Dr. and a Teacher...I really doubt she is willing to go through all this humiliation for some money

most have already made up their mind....no matter what she says....so I really think she is going to go through all this for nothing.....it's all about abortion...PERIOD!
well except for trump...he gets an added bonus that this guy doesn't think a sitting president can be prosecuted
talk about a crock!...wouldn't expect any less from you
has nothing to with dem starting to realize anything......they are dems in a red state...….let me say this again...a dem in a red state that supports trump

you really would like to believe that dems are giving up on the party...….when all the facts and news is the other way around

paid to come forward......what have you been smoking?....sounds like some of the right wing stuff that has been put out all week....the only nice thing now....they don't waste any time tracking it down....one from a republican....and another lie from an aid for scalia….both of which after being caught have apologized now...…
and that brings us to your lie......an apology to the gal?
or more ******* to cover up the first pile you spit out!

Keith Ellison gets a pass though - RIGHT???
Or perhaps they are starting to realize how ch[ldish they have been acting. They are starting to understand that mole hills don't need to be turned into mountains and nobody is perfect. You will never find someone for that position that doesn't have dirt in their closet. A lot of Democrats are starting to realize this whole -"React to your feelings instead of the facts" isn't going to work out in the end.

And for more hypocrisy, it wasn't to long ago the left was advocating for the removal of this question "Have you been convicted of a felony?" from job applications - because it shouldn't matter what they did wrong in the past. It was also not to long ago the NYT hired a racist writer, Sarah Jeong. But they excused her because that was "in the past" and "should be forgotten".

This happened what? 35 years ago? Is there anything more recent? You guys do know this person is being paid to come forward - You don't think that would have any effect on the truth do you?

when are you going to learn Fox News is NOT a credible news source?

Myths about Christine Blasey Ford debunked

you really would like to believe that dems are giving up on the party...

They aren't giving up on their party, they are simply walking away from the progressive liberal far left ideas.
It's good to know however that you are dead set against any type of compromise between the GOP and the Democrats <real party of no>
Hard party lines is part of what has gotten us here in the first place - is it not?
no surprise there....republicans have been robbing it since Reagan

Why the latest warnings about cuts to Social Security and Medicare are a reason to worry
Paul Brandus,MarketWatch

You’ve spent a lifetime paying into Social Security, but there’s no guarantee that you’ll get out of it what you’ve put in. The federal government earlier this year admitted that for the first time since 1982, it needs to dip into Social Security’s trust fund to pay for the program this year. Here’s how bad: Unless something’s done to shore up Social Security, monthly checks could get cut 23% by 2034. ...
They aren't giving up on their party, they are simply walking away from the progressive liberal far left ideas.
It's good to know however that you are dead set against any type of compromise between the GOP and the Democrats <real party of no>
Hard party lines is part of what has gotten us here in the first place - is it not?

the dems can not deal with the party of no!
they have been the party of no for how many years now...….the dems have to go it alone!...just like Obama did for 8 years
Don't watch Fox news, not sure why you keep bringing that up. I very rarely post anything from fox. Yahoo, Huff Post, CNN, and NYT are not more credible. So whats your point?
that was a statement put out by them....so just where did you get it from?
I know you don't watch fox news....but you do listen right!
Hard party lines is part of what has gotten us here in the first place - is it not?

that's very true...….but who started that...believe it was Norquist putting the screws to the right to block everything Obama wanted.....and now all of a sudden you want the dems to just turn the other check and g along with the right...….don't see that happening…..especially on this Kavenaugh deal

and now it is starting to look like not only obstruction....very close to treason!
that's why the FBI...whom he hates so bad....refused to release or "unclassify" those documents on the Mueller investigation....close call for treason on some of that

he has the right to declassify anything he wants......but last time he gave Russia some info that was classified it put some isralies and a british agent in jeopardy....that's why now a lot of countries are hesitant to share info with the US

should have pushed treason then...…..but I think it is being looked at
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trump's big gamble is that all these tariffs will work out and help the deficit....but most think the economy has already peaked...the tariffs are starting to hurt the avg American...right now economy good...most say it won't be next year...and where are we heading?
If China and a few others don't come around to trumps way pretty soon this is going to cost everyone
trump's big gamble is that all these tariffs will work out and help the deficit....but most think the economy has already peaked...the tariffs are starting to hurt the avg American...right now economy good...most say it won't be next year...and where are we heading?
If China and a few others don't come around to trumps way pretty soon this is going to cost everyone

I strongly suggest that you're going to see in the not too distant future Canada and Mexico negotiate a bilateral trade agreement between just the two of them! No US participation! Canada is already in talks with the EU and Far East, including China, on import/export agreements, excluding the US!
You can only expect friends to turn the other cheek so often!
It's my personal feeling is that the next time Trump spits into our face, ducking won't do any good because he'll be met with a kick in the gonads!
I strongly suggest that you're going to see in the not too distant future Canada and Mexico negotiate a bilateral trade agreement between just the two of them! No US participation! Canada is already in talks with the EU and Far East, including China, on import/export agreements, excluding the US!
You can only expect friends to turn the other cheek so often!
It's my personal feeling is that the next time Trump spits into our face, ducking won't do any good because he'll be met with a kick in the gonads!
Friends that take advantage of you - are NO friends at all - Trump is looking for fair trade - and thankfully he has the BALLS to pull it off!!!
that's very true...….but who started that...believe it was Norquist putting the screws to the right to block everything Obama wanted.....and now all of a sudden you want the dems to just turn the other check and g along with the right...….don't see that happening…..especially on this Kavenaugh deal

and now it is starting to look like not only obstruction....very close to treason!
that's why the FBI...whom he hates so bad....refused to release or "unclassify" those documents on the Mueller investigation....close call for treason on some of that

he has the right to declassify anything he wants......but last time he gave Russia some info that was classified it put some isralies and a british agent in jeopardy....that's why now a lot of countries are hesitant to share info with the US

should have pushed treason then...…..but I think it is being looked at

trump forgets that other countries were involved in this also.....there have been a lot of people watching who Russia talks to...after all it was Belgium that caught Russia hacking us...not our people...and there are others also watching everything Russia does

PoliticsTrump delays Russia probe documents; allies voiced concerns
JILL COLVIN and ERIC TUCKER,Associated Press

probably why most countries don't like Trump...for all his bullshit...they also know how he got there!
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I strongly suggest that you're going to see in the not too distant future Canada and Mexico negotiate a bilateral trade agreement between just the two of them! No US participation! Canada is already in talks with the EU and Far East, including China, on import/export agreements, excluding the US!
You can only expect friends to turn the other cheek so often!
It's my personal feeling is that the next time Trump spits into our face, ducking won't do any good because he'll be met with a kick in the gonads!

Canada is pissed that he cut one with mexico leaving them out
but I still think trump in his childish games is mad at trudeu for a few comments..and trying to punish him in some way
this guy is really testing friendships and alliances
he is flat gambling with our economy...and others economy....which right now is strong...but for how long?
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