Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yep, hypocrisy abounds in politics on both sides of the aisle. Chucky Schumer used to argue that a president shouldn't get to fill a Supreme Court vacancy in the last 18 months of their term...of course that was when GW Bush was nearing the end of this term.


Then when Obozo had less than a year left before the 2016 election, Schumer did the ole about face!

Now the situation arises again with a Republican in the White House and....about face!

Truthfully I just think it would be a better campaign issue and help President Trump and the senators running get more votes - rather than fighting it out and looking like hypocrites - although they ARE within the law.
why don't you kick back and relax and slip into something more comfortable....like a coma
Very classy....thanks for showing your "intellect"

You claimed you were busy....but yet you typed over 14 times the number of letters necessary to give simple yes or no answers:

You brought up heartbeats. Is it killing if there is a heartbeat? Simple yes or no please

You do support Trump and the Senate filling Ginsburg's seat right? Simple yes or no please. Remember "it's the law!"
Truthfully I just think it would be a better campaign issue and help President Trump and the senators running get more votes - rather than fighting it out and looking like hypocrites - although they ARE within the law.
Yep....although it certainly is entertaining to watch the politicians on both sides spin in circles.
Yeah - NEVER underestimate the propensity of the left to WAIL.

Gonna be a shite-ton o HOWLING for sure!!!!

Guess we should just settle in and enjoy it.

Shows how much - the people - really get to say in this, kinda :|
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fuck.....you have a very selective memory.....retards get that way sometimes....focus on one thing and walk out in front of a car
Still no answer.
It’s the law not to illegally enter our country. Typocal cant think for yourself liberal.

Law or not. Do you think a heartbeat is life. Yes or No?
still no answer? Your not answering is obvious.
I don’t work Retired. I worked for a living unlike you. Still no answer hey? Libs hate the truth

well since you are butting in on someone else's conversation....go back and look before you just shoot off at the mouth.....something you are good at anyway....retired?....truth to what....again you have no fucking idea....you just want to fucking jabber

Proof that Atilla the None has dropped the US's standing in the world......looks like now they are siding with Iran AGAINST the US and are warning the US......but Atilla is determined to get us into war

United States sanctions against Iran - Wikipedia

The United States since 1979 has applied various economic, trade, scientific and military sanctions against Iran. U.S. economic sanctions are administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control. Currently, the U.S. sanctions against Iran include an embargo on dealings with the country by the U.S., and a ban on selling aircraft and repair parts to Iranian aviation companies.
The United States has imposed sanctions against Iran in response to the Iranian nuclear programand Ir…

European leaders warn US move to reimpose Iran sanctions ...
1 day ago · On Saturday, the US moved to reinstate a range of UN sanctions against Iran, saying it had the authority to do so as an original signatory of the joint comprehensive plan of action (JCPOA), the ...

and you know the chump is not going to like this!

Iran chides US as world refuses to reimpose sanctions | US ...
1 day ago · Iran has promised to inflict a "decisive response" against the United States for acting like a bully to adversaries and allies alike after Washington said it would reimpose UN sanctions - without ...
these republicans determined to ******* as many as they can with this trump virus...even our c.hildren

Des Moines says no to governor's demand for classroom ...
1 day ago · Des Moines school officials have repeatedly refused to abide by Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds’ order requiring the state’s 327 school districts to hold at least half their classes in-person ...

Des Moines Schools, Reynolds still at odds over in-person ...
Des Moines Schools, Reynolds still at odds over in-person classes Des Moines Register 14 hrs ago Stripe will paying employees a bonus to leave Seattle, New York and San Francsico, but it's also ...
Donors Flood Democrats With Cash After Ginsburg's Death ...
21 hours ago · Using ActBlue, donors earmark money for Democratic candidates and causes they want to support. In August, ActBlue brought in about $15.7 million a day, a fraction of what’s been raised since Ginsburg’s death, for a total of $485.4 million.

Democratic donors raised millions after Ruth Bader ...
Click to view

According to the Democratic donor site ActBlue, $6.2 million flowed through the site in the 9 pm hour Friday, immediately following news of Ginsburg’s death. It was more money raised in a single ...
two down...…..

Susan Collins says she opposes holding a vote on a ...
1 day ago · Susan Collins says she opposes holding a vote on a replacement for Ginsburg before the election. Sept. 19, 2020, 5:19 p.m. ET. Sept. 19, 2020, 5:19 p.m. ET. By Emily Cochrane. Senator Susan ...

Lisa Murkowski becomes 2nd GOP senator to oppose pre ...
1 day ago · Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, on Sunday became the second GOP senator to publicly oppose voting on a Supreme Court nominee before the November election. "For weeks, I have stated that I would not ...
You are so far off on all of your opinions, I don't even think it's worth talking to you about it.

There NOT opinion. They are backed up by the DATA which I posted here. You clearly lack any credibility as you have done nothing but blow hard with NOTHING of substance. So no you are right. Its not worth talking to you about things lie this as its clear its totaly above your level of comprehension and understanding.

Not a single person I've known or ever talked to online said that Facebook or Twitter changed their mind. In fact, only one person told me that my arguments for Trump changed his mind from being undecided to voting for Trump in 2016.

Yes of course you changed someones mind. Sorry but you have NO believable credit. Your WHOLE ARGUEMENt is around YOU saying YOU are right and thats final. Well sorry to burst your self made bubble but the facts show you are WRONG.

You claim to be intelligent when all the sign is you lack not only intelligence but the ability to process facts and data.

All you have is conjecture. That's it.

The evidence and proof has been posted in this thread by a few people aready.. Or were you not paying attention?. Though its more likely you are ignoring the posts because it doesn't suit your agenda.

You give ads far too much credit. An ad is merely a suggestion, It's not brainwashing.

Again Wrong. The influence of advertisment in the political area is a influencer. And thats been proven. Seriously do you ever read, or research anything as its clear you haven't a clue to the BS you're spouting.

And if you think that Russian ads contained different information than Trump's own anti-Hillary ads, you're mistaken. Trump hit Hillary harder than anyone.

So now you're trying to say that Trumps ads hit HC. Yet a momement ago you claimed that ads do not work.. So. Is your first comment BS, or this one BS?

All you have is conjecture. That's it.

Talking to you is like educating a three year old.

The US has a few cities where leftist leaders fail to clamp down on rioters. But 99.9% of the country is still running just fine.

You know... the country that kept you from becoming a German speaking country in the 1940's.

Again you fail to even reaserch or actauly do any kind of corrolation from the data posted. So as has been proven on numerous occassions it's not conjecture it's PROVEN FACT!

And I never said the US was run down., I said RUSSIA was a run down, broken country. Powerless.

And exactly what does that have to do with the subject matter. You meander through comments changing subjects to suit yourself. Stopping on topics that are not being explained to you.. That has all the signs of dementia

The US has a few cities where leftist leaders fail to clamp down on rioters. But 99.9% of the country is still running just fine.

Wow seriously. I'm sorry but you seriously are not even a stable thinker let alone some one who claims to be well informed or educated. Go look at the Data and stats from not only the FBI, but the State department and see just how much of a BS statement you just made.

You know... the country that kept you from becoming a German speaking country in the 1940's.

Oh that debunked BS again.

We could speak german already. Large pockets of Dutch speakers on the border with Germany, those in schools, tradesmen, business men could already speak German...ITS IN OUR EDUCATION and has been for decades. Again your lack of even a simple search is very telling.

While the operation's ultimate commander, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was American, its architect, service chiefs, air commander, and naval commander were all British. As for D-Day's vehicles, both Britain's warships and landing craft outnumbered America's more than four to one, and British planes accounted for two-thirds of the aircraft. In fact, one-third of the supplies used by American troops during D-Day came from Britain.

Also the Brits were in the Netherlands BEFORE the US forces. The Brits held out against Germany while the US stayed at home wondering if the apple pie needed more spices.

Operation Market Garden, an attempt to advance from the Dutch-Belgian border across the rivers Meuse, Waal and Rhine into the north of the Netherlands and Germany. However, the Allied forces did not reach this objective because they could not capture the Rhine bridge at the Battle of Arnhem. During Market Garden, substantial regions to the south were liberated, including Nijmegen and Eindhoven.

Parts of the southern Netherlands were not liberated by Operation Market Garden, which had established a narrow salient between Eindhoven and Nijmegen. In the east of North Brabant and in Limburg, British and American forces in Operation Aintree managed to defeat the remaining German forces west of the Meuse between late September and early December 1944, destroying the German bridgehead between the Meuse and the Peel marshes. During this offensive the only tank battle ever fought on Dutch soil took place at Overloon.

Please just stop with your irrational comments. You don't research, you don't corralate information. All you do it prattle off the Trump mantra of I'm Right because I say I am.

Well you're not and haven't been at any point in this conversation.
two down...…..

Susan Collins says she opposes holding a vote on a ...
1 day ago · Susan Collins says she opposes holding a vote on a replacement for Ginsburg before the election. Sept. 19, 2020, 5:19 p.m. ET. Sept. 19, 2020, 5:19 p.m. ET. By Emily Cochrane. Senator Susan ...

Lisa Murkowski becomes 2nd GOP senator to oppose pre ...
1 day ago · Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, on Sunday became the second GOP senator to publicly oppose voting on a Supreme Court nominee before the November election. "For weeks, I have stated that I would not ...

Those two might as well change party affiliations - they are RINOs in every sense of the word.
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