Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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simple question....can't you answer it? So is having a heartbeat your criteria? Is it killing if there is a heartbeat?

definitely not going to get into this discussion…..especially with you....it could go on for days......

It states if you are under 24 weeks pregnant you can have an abortion if you meet the following criteria. In England, Wales and Scotland under the 1967 Abortion Act you must obtain agreement to your abortion by two doctors and they must agree that: You must be less than 24 weeks pregnant
LOL, so a person in Mason Michigan makes a rather obvious political statement about their opinion of main in balloting.....and the local county clerk files a complaint with the police. She's probably deeply concerned her fellow dumascraps might actually think the toilet in this front lawn is an actual ballot receptacle and "cast" their votes into it. Judging by the level of intellect shown by some of the dullards on here....she might have a legitimate concern!

I'm just sick of the misconceptions about Russia, our ability to act. We are a bigger country than you might think and certainly smaller than we think but I don't believe any evil spirit is at the head. Many statements are more fantasy than intelligence, when it comes to judging our policy.

Even the French elections, for which I do not vote, are less exciting (although I heard the last one was exceptional)
The Soviet Union is evil and openly kills political adversary’s.
Give us four more years of Trump and we'll probably NEED to read Russian. I personally have nothing against the Russian people. In fact, I find much about Russia very intriguing.
VPutin is another snake in the grass ... only difference between him and Trump, VPutin and his government have no problem permanently eliminating their foes & adversaries. Trump would do it if he felt he could get away with it; if he gets re-elected, I'm sure he'll try.
All true.
definitely not going to get into this discussion…..especially with you....it could go on for days......

It states if you are under 24 weeks pregnant you can have an abortion if you meet the following criteria. In England, Wales and Scotland under the 1967 Abortion Act you must obtain agreement to your abortion by two doctors and they must agree that: You must be less than 24 weeks pregnant
Got the deflector gun out hey? The conversation wouldn't last longer than how quickly you can type yes or no! It was a very simple question.
definitely not going to get into this discussion…..especially with you....it could go on for days......

It states if you are under 24 weeks pregnant you can have an abortion if you meet the following criteria. In England, Wales and Scotland under the 1967 Abortion Act you must obtain agreement to your abortion by two doctors and they must agree that: You must be less than 24 weeks pregnant
Ah yes....shift the goalpost. YOU brought up heartbeats. Heartbeats start around week 5 or 6....at which time some women don't even realize they are pregnant. So is having a heartbeat your criteria? Is it killing if there is a heartbeat?
Ah yes....shift the goalpost. YOU brought up heartbeats. Heartbeats start around week 5 or 6....at which time some women don't even realize they are pregnant. So is having a heartbeat your criteria? Is it killing if there is a heartbeat?

no that is the opinion of some of your right wing pretend Dr.'s telling you what to think
it's the law!....or can't you understand that......get a job and listen to workers.....get around a little bit and quit hiding from immigrantion
The law also gives Trump the authority to appoint a replacement for Justice Ginsburg and the authority for the Senate to confirm the replacement prior to the next election. So you apparently support that happening correct? After all:
it's the law!
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