Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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My take - this close to the election - let the people decide.

I believe this would help President Trump and the Republicans running for senate seats. Believe that’s the right thing to do.

Do I think you’re correct about McConnell - yeah I do.
Will President Trump go along with him - prolly so - think it’s a BAD move.
Trump should use Biden's VP criteria in selecting a replacement for nomorwithus RBG....anyone as long as she's a black woman. I'm thinking Justice Owens....she looks good wearing black:

No YOU don't get it at all. Trump him self has posted many RUSSIAN made up BS as facts. In my previous post I posted the one about Biden. Many of Trumps tweets have proven Russian mis-information or downright lies. This has been fact checked and proven so many times it gives a nose *******.

Actualy no you don't. If you did you wouldn't be backing a habitual liar.

Seems I know alot more than you do. I talk regulary with my US friends. Some voted for the Liar in cheif some didn't. So I get a very good idea of what goes on. Any way As you American seems to love sticking your oar into everyone elses politics stop crying when we do the same to you.

You might be well educated, but you certainly are not well informed. You have a distnct lack of credibility due to your I'm righ because i say so attitude. Data and research beats you every single time.

Well done. You clearly are ignoring the links to continue your blow hard comments. In the data posted is the proof from REPUBLICAN run state department. but you contiune ignoring them as its clear you are not capable of rational thinking or data corralation

Again you are wrong as my data shows. but keep ignoring it.


And its been proven you voted for the worst liar in history. You must be so proud.

Again wrong. A nearly 1000 page report has been released by US Bipartisan Senate panel confirms that Russian President Vladamir P.utin ordered a 2016 hacking of the Democratic party accounts and the release of emails intended to harm her campaign. PROVEN..

Oh please tell me you didn't just say Fox news was reliable. :ROFLMAO:. Politifact states the Faux news is the MOST UNRELIABLE news media. Sorry to burst your bubble but fox news isn't anything of the sort you claim it to be.

Have you read the Mueller report? I have and thats not what it says. Basically the report stated that there was insufficient evidence . And as for the FB posts. Again thats NOT what it says. Only Barr stated thats what it mean't. In which it became clear to every one Barr is Trumps accomplice in the serial lies the WH tells. Also NOT all of his team were Democrats. So stop posting propaganda and lies.

you will never win....he is a fucking idiot....like talking to a brick
I think YOU don't get it at all. They did change the minds of Americans. Thats a proven fact. How so I hear you say.

Robert Mueller's report revealed a years-long plot by the Russian government to interfere in the U.S. that investigators called "sweeping and systemic." As to the amount of money expended on Facebook ads, the company said Russian operatives did spend less than $200,000 on advertising on the platform — but that doesn't account for the organic content the operatives created and shared.

Not only were influence specialists within Russia's Internet Research Agency purchasing normal advertisements, they were authoring their own posts, memes and other content as they posed as American users.They also reached out to politically active Americans, posing as like-minded supporters, and helped organize rallies and other events in the real world.

Facebook says the Internet Research Agency may have reached as many as 126 million people. Separately, Twitter announced that about 1.4 million people may have been in contact with IRA-controlled accounts.The social media aspect of the interference was just one dimension. Cyberattackers also went after political victims in the United States — whose emails and other data were released publicly to embarrass them — and state elections officials and other targets. And there may have been other avenues of interference as well.

So that part of your arguement doesn't hold up to the cold light of day.

The only thing laughable is your naivety about the real world and its workings.

The above report was made by the REPUBLICAN run state department.

The US EU, and many other countries have published data, research showing the far reach of the Russian troll-propaganda machine at work. Ranging from the GRU, IRA to people who parrot the party line verbatim without fact checking the source.

In fact Trump himself used a false Russian made story about Biden in a tweet not so long ago.

Again you miss the point. We're not talking about control,we are talking about influence and propaganda. As for the Us being run down. Thats your own fault in letting the US bcome a third world economic country. And yes thats the US's new status.

Seriously?.Yet another childish reply from you with no data, research, evidence or proof of anything. Just you saying its so because you say so.
Again I use a variety of sources. Both from the left and right of politics...It's called a balanced perpective. You should try it sometime.

Take notice of your first sentence. Then apply it yourself before you tell others . Funny then that everything Trump stated he would do he NEVER DID. Hows the payments from mexico coming along for the wall..Or hows the wall coming...What is it now 100 miles from the 1500.. 28,000 lies and counting... yes you voted for the man. A habitual liar...Well done!
You are so far off on all of your opinions, I don't even think it's worth talking to you about it.
Not a single person I've known or ever talked to online said that Facebook or Twitter changed their mind. In fact, only one person told me that my arguments for Trump changed his mind from being undecided to voting for Trump in 2016.
So where is your evidence? Where is your proof that Facebook changed the minds of voters?
You give ads far too much credit. An ad is merely a suggestion. It's not brainwashing. And if you think that Russian ads contained different information than Trump's own anti-Hillary ads, you're mistaken. Trump hit Hillary harder than anyone.

All you have is conjecture. That's it.

And I never said the US was run down., I said RUSSIA was a run down, broken country. Powerless. The US has a few cities where leftist leaders fail to clamp down on rioters. But 99.9% of the country is still running just fine. You know... the country that kept you from becoming a German speaking country in the 1940's.

When the dancer is bad, he blames his slippers. Do not try to hide your lack of confidence in your democratic system by attacking our president. The interspersed interview with the American expert is a shame because it skews the president's answers.
If you think Americans believe anything coming out of Pu.tin's mouth, you're sadly mistaken.
He's a dictator. He changed laws so he could become leader again. His critics and political opponents end up poisoned or dead.
I know you have to "like" him, because you don't have free speech there. But don't piss on our leg and tell us it's raining. We're not naive.
Why do you keep going there? I'm not changing my profile name. It's the same one I have had since 2014. If people are so damned ignorant not to understand what MALE means then fuck em. It's like when I first signed up for yahoo mail. If I knew what absolute pieces of leftist ******* they are I would have never signed up. But I have had the same email address for years and read the not news on Yahoo everyday. I see no reason to change.
Right?, we leftists......trying to better society through equality and open minds, you should stop! You sound delusional.
You are so far off on all of your opinions, I don't even think it's worth talking to you about it.
Not a single person I've known or ever talked to online said that Facebook or Twitter changed their mind. In fact, only one person told me that my arguments for Trump changed his mind from being undecided to voting for Trump in 2016.
So where is your evidence? Where is your proof that Facebook changed the minds of voters?
You give ads far too much credit. An ad is merely a suggestion. It's not brainwashing. And if you think that Russian ads contained different information than Trump's own anti-Hillary ads, you're mistaken. Trump hit Hillary harder than anyone.

All you have is conjecture. That's it.

And I never said the US was run down., I said RUSSIA was a run down, broken country. Powerless. The US has a few cities where leftist leaders fail to clamp down on rioters. But 99.9% of the country is still running just fine. You know... the country that kept you from becoming a German speaking country in the 1940's.
You’re a moron, tell me when has a Republican ever voted overwhelmingly for the civil rights of American minorities? That’s correct, never. And don’t throw out the Lincoln story. Republicans back then by fundamentals were actually today’s Democrats. The DNC also sucks, the Progressives are the only real answer to equality and balance, neither Dems or Repubs are worth a damn. And rioters? Really? You have the full blown White Power movement over with the right wingers and the Dems aren’t far behind in never defending American minorities either. Russia powerless? Every American Intelligence organization has said positively that the Soviets are way are our asses during election time, so it’s really us who’s weak and powerless. Geezus!
Right?, we leftists......trying to better society through equality and open minds, you should stop! You sound delusional.
You leftists want to give special privileges to every race except white people. I think you need to look up the definition of equality.
The right wants equality. I.e. no one gets special preference for any job or position. No diversity officers. No affirmative action. No quotas.
THAT is equality.
Oh, and don't commit the crime if you want to avoid the risk of getting shot by police. Pretty simple equation.
You sound delusional. Go support another riot!

There I fixed it for you. 😉
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You’re a moron, tell me when has a Republican ever voted overwhelmingly for the civil rights of American minorities? That’s correct, never. And don’t throw out the Lincoln story. Republicans back then by fundamentals were actually today’s Democrats. The DNC also sucks, the Progressives are the only real answer to equality and balance, neither Dems or Repubs are worth a damn. And rioters? Really? You have the full blown White Power movement over with the right wingers and the Dems aren’t far behind in never defending American minorities either. Russia powerless? Every American Intelligence organization has said positively that the Soviets are way are our asses during election time, so it’s really us who’s weak and powerless. Geezus!
You need to be educated, because you clearly aren't. Republicans have always been and always will be against racism, slavery, and putting one group of people above another. Your Occupy Democrat education isn't doing you any favors.
And yes, Russia is powerless when it comes to the US elections. POWERLESS. You dopes can't accept that people got sick of leftist preaching and oppression. It's why we won the House, the Senate, AND the Presidency. That was no accident. Get your head out of your young ass. It's not too late to emerge from the leftist brainwashing you got in high school/college.
You leftists want to give special privileges to every race except white people. I think you need to look up the definition of equality.
The right wants equality. I.e. no one gets special preference for any job or position. No diversity officers. No affirmative action. No quotas.

How do you reconcile that with the fact that the FHA made it policy for decades to deny black people loans for homes in white neighborhoods, and that even in 2008 banks were found giving less favorable loans to black people?

Oh, and don't commit the crime if you want to avoid the risk of getting shot by police. Pretty simple equation.

Breonna Taylor was asleep at home when she was shot by police. Maybe they just should shoot people less? Just an idea for you.
You need to be educated, because you clearly aren't. Republicans have always been and always will be against racism, slavery, and putting one group of people above another. Your Occupy Democrat education isn't doing you any favors.
And yes, Russia is powerless when it comes to the US elections. POWERLESS. You dopes can't accept that people got sick of leftist preaching and oppression. It's why we won the House, the Senate, AND the Presidency. That was no accident. Get your head out of your young ass. It's not too late to emerge from the leftist brainwashing you got in high school/college.
Ok, m not wasting my breath on a fool who has clearly drank the American political Kool Aid. See ya later ya Sheep.
Ok, m not wasting my breath on a fool who has clearly drank the American political Kool Aid. See ya later ya Sheep.
American Kool-Aid? You live in America. If you don't like it, GTFO. My side likes law and order. Equal application of the law. Your side likes chaos, anarchy, fascism, violence, arson, illegal immigration, and *******. You are utterly pathetic if you buy into leftism these days.
You give ads far too much credit.
No, actually you give ads way less credit than you should. If your statement was "correct" you wouldn't see companies willing to pay millions of dollars for a 30 second advertisement during the Super Bowl, for example. So please tell us how YOU qualify your own declaration of the in-effectiveness of ADS when so many companies are willing to pay so much for them?
Do a bit of research ... validate your increasingly stupid statements before making grand statements as you continuously do and criticizing those who have made the effort to research & know a bit more about what they post.
You're becoming just another baseless rightard ... blending bits of facts to fit your bloated, baseless opinions. We sure have abundance of those kind already.

Thing is, specifically with political ads, they're loaded with lies and exaggerations "intentionally" to create redirected, baseless thinking. Trump & his group use fascist strategies to create false assumptions. As an example, his continuing lies over the covid-19 virus. Not designed to help the public, but to enhance his election effort. Right out of the Nazi "Hitler" playbook which Trump use to keep at the side of his bed. The key to Trump's "Hitler propoganda" approach, is to keep repeating a lie often and loud enough that people begin accepting it as the truth. The fact that he has a captured 34% of the voting public beleaving every word he says helps Trump immensely as they quickly and repetitiously continue spreading Trump's lies. It should concern all of you conservatives that Trump doesn't believe in science in any of the major world natural crisis we have going on. He's killing his own base with baseless opinions and stupidity. His herd comments of "eliminating the weak & old naturally" is very disturbing. That's only a couple steps away from Hitler's thinking of genocide and the eradication of the Jews during WWII.
That's why campaign donations are so critical for ALL politicians ... both parties. It enables them to repeat their BS more often to the public.

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If you think Americans believe anything coming out of Pu.tin's mouth, you're sadly mistaken.
He's a dictator. He changed laws so he could become leader again. His critics and political opponents end up poisoned or dead.
I know you have to "like" him, because you don't have free speech there. But don't piss on our leg and tell us it's raining. We're not naive.
I have already reply to this before, I do not have to justify myself. The majority of voters support him, I understand that it might be incomprehensible in America that a candidate could be so popular and not have scandals or other accusations of sexual assault. Moreover, many people do not really judge his policy but worry more about his age or the fact of not having known another "presidential" candidate but are not anti Poutin for all that. I like him even without agreeing with all his choices this last years. I understand from having seen the last presidential elections in France that people do not have to fully agree with a candidate to get him to the presidency. "Vote Biden to get out Trump" What Next?
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American Kool-Aid? You live in America. If you don't like it, GTFO. My side likes law and order. Equal application of the law. Your side likes chaos, anarchy, fascism, violence, arson, illegal immigration, and *******. You are utterly pathetic if you buy into leftism these days.
Republicans haven’t voted for a civil liberty law ever! Dems have voted and passed protections for, women’s suffrage, black American can vote, pro choice, background checks for guns, equal pay for women, the dream act etc. The Republican majority never voted for an6 of that, now what do you have? Your side voted in a mangy three time loser, they voted in favor of segregation, they voted to sterilize American Indians, they voted to give the rich a tax break, they voted down women’s protection acts, the voted to go to Vietnam, they voted to over spend on military contracts, just to get kick backs.....look both parties suck to some extent, but you actually believe in one of them?! Hahaha! Keep smokin that Walmart Patriotism.
"Vote Biden to get out Trump" What Next?
Age is a factor in all levels of politics in Washington, and why we need term & age limits included in ALL major levels of government, here.
But, more important in THIS ELECTION for the Presidency, as we have a KNOWN factor ... the first 4 years of history of Donald Trump as President. We can accept what we see & hear, not accept what we see & hear, and choose to validate what we see & hear, or NOT. Obviously the political polarization climate has created an "unchanging" voter opinion for the majority of voters, however, there is still that 8-9% of voters who know very little and need to be encouraged to vote.
We know Biden has a full history in the American political system, exactly the opposite of Trump, who had none. We know Biden is primarily honest, has integrity ... we know Trump is not. The negatives Trump brings to our political system far, far out-weighs the unknown of Biden, or concerns of his age. That's why we have Vice Presidents. Biden has chosen a person who reflects his current beliefs, thus a person who would not radically change the atmosphere of the Presidency if she was to become a "resuming" President. Besides, Trump is no "spring chicken" and his health deteriorating fast.
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With any NORMAL Presidential Election, we should expect a run-away, lop-sided WIN for Joe Biden. Trump fulfilled exactly NONE of his major platform promises from 2016, and in fact, did exactly the OPPOSITE of what he promised. The tax cuts he gave only get passed on to younger generations as the deficit (which was around $500 billion in 2016) has now doubled, and probably to triple if Trump is elected for a second term. Imagine our deficit spending reaching $1.4 TRILLION in 2028 if Trump is re-elected. This isn't the NAT'L DEBT folks, this is the amount of money we spend in EXCESS of the revenue we receive to pay for government services. Its a DEFICIT ... which our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren will be paying on this debt long after we're dead and buried. Its continued GROWTH will bury the United States eventually if left unchecked.
Remember, Trump ran on the platform promise of paying OFF the National Debt by the end of his second term. He's going the wrong way if that's his intended promise.
We have a President who is dishonest and intends "openly" to win by "any means" ... that includes fabricating and having fabrication of false stories and exaggerations, and having private meetings with our adversaries to plan their involvement & help in re-electing Trump. He did it once and not only got away with it, but more importantly, had the entire Republican party endorse his method of winning the 2016 election. Lying & cheating is second nature to Trump ... hell, he's cheated on all 3 of his wives, in particularly, one wife was in the hospital with his new baby while he was cheating with his 3rd-tobe wife. That along with the thousands of private life law suits he's been involved in should be enough to get people to look closer at Trump as a candidate for the most important job in the WORLD. Still, after ALL THIS and all that has happened in the public sector of his Presidency, Republicans continue to back this known "flaw of humanity". Its why they removed the "Party Line Voting" option from the Presidential/Congressional North Carolina ballots ... Republicans intentionally removed that option as they knew a lot of people HERE are fed up with their lies and cheating and would pull ONE LEVER to vote entirely Democrat and walk out. Their idea, HERE, is to create LONG LINES at the voting poles, and large scale suspicion of Mail-In ballot cheating. The fewer people vote, the more likely they might retain a seat.
Of the two Senate seats in NC, both are Republican (Tillis & Burr). Tillis is running this election and is 4 points behind his Democrat rival. Burr, announced last Fall that he would NOT run for re-election in the mid-terms.
Something to think about as more and more Republicans are endorsing Biden this time around.
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Republicans haven’t voted for a civil liberty law ever! Dems have voted and passed protections for, women’s suffrage, black American can vote, pro choice, background checks for guns, equal pay for women, the dream act etc. The Republican majority never voted for an6 of that, now what do you have? Your side voted in a mangy three time loser, they voted in favor of segregation, they voted to sterilize American Indians, they voted to give the rich a tax break, they voted down women’s protection acts, the voted to go to Vietnam, they voted to over spend on military contracts, just to get kick backs.....look both parties suck to some extent, but you actually believe in one of them?! Hahaha! Keep smokin that Walmart Patriotism.
They voted for Abraham Lincoln... the greatest civil liberty President in the history of our country, while Democrats wanted to keep slavery around.
And you prove you are uneducated. The rich didn't get a tax break. My brother is part of the 1%, and his taxes went up with Trump's tax bill. Trump didn't close loopholes in the tax law that Obama had 8 years to close, so some billionaires weren't affected. All the big tech companies still made billions... but you twits on the left support them, because they push leftism and shut down conservative speech. You believe Occupy Democrat falsehoods. You really should do more research. You're wrong about almost everything.
Nothing wrong with starting the Vietnam War, except that we didn't fight to annihilate the Communists. We fought to beat them back. A mistake.
Like most topics, you are incorrect. I don't believe everything Trump or the Republicans do is good. I know when my party is being a poor leader, like Bush in 2004 (didn't vote for him the second time), and Romney in 2012 (didn't vote for him).
But you people on the left today simply cannot admit that you are supporting terrorist organizations in order to regain power. I'd have the common sense to walk away. You bury your head in the sand. Disgraceful.
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I have already reply to this before, I do not have to justify myself. The majority of voters support him, I understand that it might be incomprehensible in America that a candidate could be so popular and not have scandals or other accusations of sexual assault. Moreover, many people do not really judge his policy but worry more about his age or the fact of not having known another "presidential" candidate but are not anti Poutin for all that. I like him even without agreeing with all his choices his last years. I understand from having seen the last presidential elections in France that people do not have to fully agree with a candidate to get him to the presidency. "Vote Biden to get out Trump" What Next?
The majority of voters HAVE to support him. They get put on a list if they don't. If I were Russian, I'd vote for him too, because I'd be afraid of getting poisoned if I didn't.
Pu.tin changed the laws after his time as President was done, so he could be President again after Medvedev. And Russian citizens did nothing. They bent over and let Pu.tin do what he wanted.
Just this year, there was a proposed constitutional change to possibly allow him to remain in power for the rest of his life. That's the move of a dictator. The thing you and our leftists accuse Trump of being, but he's nothing of the sort.
I find it funny that you are so involved in our election. We couldn't care less who is elected leader of most other countries. The only ones we really care about are Mexico and Canada because of their proximity.
I find it funny that you are so involved in our election.

I'm just sick of the misconceptions about Russia, our ability to act. We are a bigger country than you might think and certainly smaller than we think but I don't believe any evil spirit is at the head. Many statements are more fantasy than intelligence, when it comes to judging our policy.

We couldn't care less who is elected leader of most other countries. The only ones we really care about are Mexico and Canada because of their proximity.

Even the French elections, for which I do not vote, are less exciting (although I heard the last one was exceptional)
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