Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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For those who can read russian

For those who can read russian
Give us four more years of Trump and we'll probably NEED to read Russian. I personally have nothing against the Russian people. In fact, I find much about Russia very intriguing.
VPutin is another snake in the grass ... only difference between him and Trump, VPutin and his government have no problem permanently eliminating their foes & adversaries. Trump would do it if he felt he could get away with it; if he gets re-elected, I'm sure he'll try.
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We couldn't care less who is elected leader of most other countries.
And again, you speak with "opinion" not with fact. I know that's a challenge with most you conservatives these days.
The US government (I assume that's what you're talking about when you say "we") very much cares who is elected leader in most countries, particularly those members of the United Nations/NATO. Maybe Trump doesn't, but everyone else does. "We" prefer leaders interested in human rights and some form of democracy. And, WE meddle in other counties' governments just as others meddle in ours.
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But you people on the left today simply cannot admit that you are supporting terrorist organizations in order to regain power.
Ok, let's hear your bull ******* proof on this one, wise guy. Anything possibly documented you care to share, or did this all come to you in a frik'n dream?
Or, you prefer to continue ignoring any challenge to your opinionated "facts"?
They voted for Abraham Lincoln... the greatest civil liberty President in the history of our country
Good God man ... that was 2 centuries ago ... got anything in the last 20 or so years? Damn, man ... that's ancient, ancient history.
You might should know that Lincoln was not all that keen on "state's rights" either.
I guess you hate Jesus Christ because he was a liberal, huh? He certainly wouldn't be considered a current day conservative, now, would he? Maybe you'd like to try your hand at quoting some scripture that would support you next comment? LOL


  1. an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.
    "conjectures about the newcomer were many and varied" ·

    guess · speculation · surmise · fancy · notion · belief · suspicion ·
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You leftists have been trying to better society for decades. OPEN MINDS? You cannot be serious!

well tell me about your bathroom laws that you were so hard to push....and then elect trump and it doesn't matter anymore......you people have not only no morale's…...but can not even support what you push.....like abortion....you push for abortion and yet once the c.hild is born want nothing more to do with it.....last I looked we 16million ******* in this country going to be hungry...…….

again you are talking out your ass because your mouth knows better
Yeah way better to just ******* the ******* - that’s what Dems figure - bunch a baby killing whining horseshite flingers.
Yeah that’s our plan - exactly - we just wanted an excuse to whine.

O wait a minute that’s the Dem MO - nvm :}
Ending life is ******* where I come from.

You people advocate ending life.

You just made it legal.

And you want power to further ruin this country. SCARY :|
You are the one dumb enough to believe all this foolishness, then you post all this garbage.
My third sentence in #18,604
@Hottobe cucked is a perfect example.
Especially when he acknowledges the opposite of just above in back to back post.
Maybe this slapping himself around explains this punch ******* understanding of politics he has.
Ending life is ******* where I come from.

You people advocate ending life.

You just made it legal.

And you want power to further ruin this country. SCARY :|
Majority of Americans support Roe v Wade. There are 8 states where less than 50% of women are against Choice.
Only 7 states have 1 abortion clinic. Being pro Choice is NOT being pro abortion.
You can fight that fight if you want, but it's been and still is a looser for Republicans during election year.
Record number of Republican House seats lost in 2018. Remember that. Or don't.
Majority of Americans support Roe v Wade. There are 8 states where less than 50% of women are against Choice.
Only 7 states have 1 abortion clinic. Being pro Choice is NOT being pro abortion.
You can fight that fight if you want, but it's been and still is a looser for Republicans during election year.
Record number of Republican House seats lost in 2018. Remember that. Or don't.

Musta been one helluva ******* there Ed !!!!
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