Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I'm not sure I follow all of the insinuations in this.
Trump didn't win because of anything Russia did. Not even close. 13 Russians were busted for putting a few ads on Facebook.
Trump won because Obama and his policies failed America so badly, and he embarrassed the US so badly on the world stage, that America swung backward toward conservative to bring prosperity back to the country.

Well as Russian State media is claiming otherwise. Claiming they have proof they did, it has relevence. In Russia right now State media are making claims in live and recorded programmes that P.utin and Russia have Trump under their influence. So once again it has relevence
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Well as Russian State media is claiming otherwise. Claiming they have proof they did, it has relevence. In Russia right now State media are making claims in live and recorded programmes that P.utin and Russia have Trump under their influence. So once again it has relevence
They would have no clue what effect their efforts had on the minds of American voters.
Our country is pretty much split down the middle. A little bit heavy on the left lately. But our Electoral College makes sure the majority doesn't win every time. Russia can't change that.
Plus, there's a reason why Republicans won the House, the Senate, and the Presidency in 2016. Obama screwed things up that badly. That wasn't Russia.
You've been fed a steady diet of leftist media that has tried to tie Trump to Russia, and it was a miserable failure.
13 Russians were busted for putting a few ads on Facebook.

Guessing you missed the 470 that were throw off FB for being part of a propaganda group based in Russia then. Or the fact that quite a few had twitter accounts doing the same thing.

Seems you missed the proof of Russian trolls using hundreds of thousands of twitter-FB- and other social media accounts to post anti HC-US propaganda and fake stories etc.

Or the fact that the Russian “information operations *******.” who are a GRU run unit, have been active on socail medai pushing dis-information about the US, BLM, Biden, and trump.

Or the Russian Internet Research Agency being found out on Twitter FB ect posting yet more propaganda and mis-information.
I feel like Trump sees our country as a friend he is suspicious of and I think that is the best attitude to have with.
Trump really has NO FRIENDS ... no real, sincere friends, Lidya. I honestly think he'd turn on his own flesh & ******* if he needed to gain advantage.
Trump is NOT a friend of Russia or VPutin; he'll use them to save his own skin. He'll take what he can get from the arrangement and then toss 'em under the bus. Trump has outstanding IOUs to a lot of powerful people at the tune of almost a billion dollars which HE DOES NOT HAVE. When those IOUs get called, he'll be in deep *******. His only advantage is staying President for a few more years so he can funnel more money, favors, and highly classified government information to VPutin for relaxing his huge IOUs. The Oligarchs won't wait after they have nothing else to gain from Trump, and that's coming soon. He may just welcome going to state prison for some of his crimes just to be protected from his Russian debts.
Again, Trump does NOT have any real friends, not even in his family. You better take those words to heart.
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Guessing you missed the 470 that were throw off FB for being part of a propaganda group based in Russia then. Or the fact that quite a few had twitter accounts doing the same thing.

Seems you missed the proof of Russian trolls using hundreds of thousands of twitter-FB- and other social media accounts to post anti HC-US propaganda and fake stories etc.

Or the fact that the Russian “information operations *******.” who are a GRU run unit, have been active on socail medai pushing dis-information about the US, BLM, Biden, and trump.

Or the Russian Internet Research Agency being found out on Twitter FB ect posting yet more propaganda and mis-information.
I don't think you get it. 470 people on Facebook aren't going to change the minds of tens of millions of American voters. Most people didn't go to Facebook for their political news in 2016. Nor Twitter. And those who did weren't fooled by any ads.
You people give Russia too much credit. It's laughable really.
Half of our country looks at Russia like its a broken down old car. Virtually useless and ineffective.
The other half believes Russia controls everything. Which seems more realistic?
I know you come from a largely left-leaning country, so you believe all the nonsense coming from leftist media.
Try thinking more rationally. My mind was made up on Donald Trump long before Russians ever got onto Facebook. Virtually everyone I know who voted for him had their minds made up just as early.
They would have no clue what effect their efforts had on the minds of American voters.

Not true at all. Since the 1950 the former Soviet Union and the now Russian federation have extensive knowlege and practices of the US population. Research groups such as the Pew have researched this extensively.

Our country is pretty much split down the middle. A little bit heavy on the left lately. But our Electoral College makes sure the majority doesn't win every time. Russia can't change that.

Again not true. Research has shown that the US can and has been influenced by Russian mis-information etc on social media, the news. Again this has been researched and proven to be a factor in influencing the Us population or parts thereof.

Plus, there's a reason why Republicans won the House, the Senate, and the Presidency in 2016. Obama screwed things up that badly. That wasn't Russia. You've been fed a steady diet of leftist media that has tried to tie Trump to Russia, and it was a miserable failure.

Oh dear. And you were doing so well. First of all I research. I can call up many different sources to back what I say. Secondly any one who has a different view ( and shows the data which you dislike ) are from the left. WRONG.

I deal with actualities, facts, data driven proof. All of which I post here. I deal with BOTH sides of the arguement. But i use PROVEN DATA and research to back up what I say.
Not if he does do the smart thing and makes it a campaign issue of who gets to appoint the next Supreme Court Justice - it could win the election for him again like it did in 2016 and a lot of senators could ride in on his coattails.

dream on......McConnell for one is pushing for it...he has pushed all these judges from the very start...…..and he himself facing trouble at home
Not true at all. Since the 1950 the former Soviet Union and the now Russian federation have extensive knowlege and practices of the US population. Research groups such as the Pew have researched this extensively.

Again not true. Research has shown that the US can and has been influenced by Russian mis-information etc on social media, the news. Again this has been researched and proven to be a factor in influencing the Us population or parts thereof.

Oh dear. And you were doing so well. First of all I research. I can call up many different sources to back what I say. Secondly any one who has a different view ( and shows the data which you dislike ) are from the left. WRONG.

I deal with actualities, facts, data driven proof. All of which I post here. I deal with BOTH sides of the arguement. But i use PROVEN DATA and research to back up what I say.
I still don't think you get it. The conservative side of America largely watches Fox News or other conservative news outlets. They follow them on Facebook too. They also follow the President's tweets directly. Those aren't manipulated by leftist media or Russians. They go by the tens of thousands to Trump's rallies.
I live here. I voted for Trump. I watch news about him every single day. I talk to other Trump voters. We know what's real and what isn't.
I'm actually amazed that you are sitting there in the Netherlands, thinking you know more about the minds of American conservative voters than someone who is actually one of them. I'm well-educated. I'm well-informed. Russia had nothing to do with any of that.

You say data driven proof. You can't prove any of it. You are asserting that Russian interference with ads and anti-HC posts on Facebook changed the minds of American voters to vote for Trump. You can't get in the brains of other humans to know that for sure.
All you can do is guess. And I'm telling you, as an American voter who voted for Trump, it was Trump's policies that he laid out in detail that I voted for. Hillary not only was corrupt, but she was awful to listen to. Those had nothing to do with Russia.

You really should live here for a decade and see how our system works, with our news sources (Fox News is the only reliable mainstream news source). CNN is a joke. I used to be a CNN person, until they started being 100% pro-Clinton. I dropped them and went over to Fox News in 2015.
Fox News uncovered the Russia collusion hoax in 2017. It took Mueller and his team of 16 Democrat lawyers two years to come to the same conclusion. NO RUSSIA COLLUSION. And the Russian Facebook posts? No threat at all.
I don't think you get it. 470 people on Facebook aren't going to change the minds of tens of millions of American voters. Most people didn't go to Facebook for their political news in 2016. Nor Twitter. And those who did weren't fooled by any ads.
You people give Russia too much credit. It's laughable really.
Half of our country looks at Russia like its a broken down old car. Virtually useless and ineffective.
The other half believes Russia controls everything. Which seems more realistic?
I know you come from a largely left-leaning country, so you believe all the nonsense coming from leftist media.
Try thinking more rationally. My mind was made up on Donald Trump long before Russians ever got onto Facebook. Virtually everyone I know who voted for him had their minds made up just as early.

I'm sure you have a source for all this info or is it just another of your brain farts!
fox is NOT a news source...by their own admission....had to or face a serious lawsuit for lying to the public....they are a entertainment channel....so your statements about fox are the same as saying entertainment tonight reported....

Russian Hackers Could Be Stealing U.S. Voter Information

Although Russian interference was implied by U.S. investigators, Russian President Vladimir Putin denied his country's involvement. Investigators also said Russians were behind a series of political advertisements that may have swayed voters in key states during the 2016 election.

'Information warfare': How Russians interfered in 2016 ...
Feb 16, 2018 · Those are just a few of the strategies deployed by a Russian organization to interfere in the 2016 election, "disparage" Hillary Clinton and support Donald Trump's campaign, according to a …
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A Federal Judge Says USPS Delays Were an “Intentional ...
A federal judge blocked a series of actions implemented by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy that have led to widespread mail delays, calling them “an intentional effort on the part of the current ...

Intentional effort’ to sabotage election: Judge orders ...
23 hours ago · ‘Intentional effort’ to sabotage election: Judge orders reversal of DeJoy’s USPS changes. Published. 5 mins ago. on. September 18, 2020. By. Jake Johnson, Common Dreams.

Federal Judge Rules Trump and Louis DeJoy Waged ...
A federal court in Washington State issued an injunction against recent changes at the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) late Thursday. Chief U.S. District Judge Stanley A. Bastian, a Barack Obama appointee, determined that President Donald Trump and U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy were “involved in a politically motivated attack on the efficiency of the Postal Service” in an oral bench ruling.
don't think you get it. 470 people on Facebook aren't going to change the minds of tens of millions of American voters. Most people didn't go to Facebook for their political news in 2016. Nor Twitter. And those who did weren't fooled by any ads.

I think YOU don't get it at all. They did change the minds of Americans. Thats a proven fact. How so I hear you say.

Robert Mueller's report revealed a years-long plot by the Russian government to interfere in the U.S. that investigators called "sweeping and systemic." As to the amount of money expended on Facebook ads, the company said Russian operatives did spend less than $200,000 on advertising on the platform — but that doesn't account for the organic content the operatives created and shared.

Not only were influence specialists within Russia's Internet Research Agency purchasing normal advertisements, they were authoring their own posts, memes and other content as they posed as American users.They also reached out to politically active Americans, posing as like-minded supporters, and helped organize rallies and other events in the real world.

Facebook says the Internet Research Agency may have reached as many as 126 million people. Separately, Twitter announced that about 1.4 million people may have been in contact with IRA-controlled accounts.The social media aspect of the interference was just one dimension. Cyberattackers also went after political victims in the United States — whose emails and other data were released publicly to embarrass them — and state elections officials and other targets. And there may have been other avenues of interference as well.

So that part of your arguement doesn't hold up to the cold light of day.

You people give Russia too much credit. It's laughable really.

The only thing laughable is your naivety about the real world and its workings.

The above report was made by the REPUBLICAN run state department.

The US EU, and many other countries have published data, research showing the far reach of the Russian troll-propaganda machine at work. Ranging from the GRU, IRA to people who parrot the party line verbatim without fact checking the source.

In fact Trump himself used a false Russian made story about Biden in a tweet not so long ago.

Half of our country looks at Russia like its a broken down old car. Virtually useless and ineffective.
The other half believes Russia controls everything. Which seems more realistic?

Again you miss the point. We're not talking about control,we are talking about influence and propaganda. As for the Us being run down. Thats your own fault in letting the US bcome a third world economic country. And yes thats the US's new status.

I know you come from a largely left-leaning country, so you believe all the nonsense coming from leftist media.

Seriously?.Yet another childish reply from you with no data, research, evidence or proof of anything. Just you saying its so because you say so.
Again I use a variety of sources. Both from the left and right of politics...It's called a balanced perpective. You should try it sometime.

Try thinking more rationally. My mind was made up on Donald Trump long before Russians ever got onto Facebook. Virtually everyone I know who voted for him had their minds made up just as early.

Take notice of your first sentence. Then apply it yourself before you tell others . Funny then that everything Trump stated he would do he NEVER DID. Hows the payments from mexico coming along for the wall..Or hows the wall coming...What is it now 100 miles from the 1500.. 28,000 lies and counting... yes you voted for the man. A habitual liar...Well done!
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I still don't think you get it. The conservative side of America largely watches Fox News or other conservative news outlets. They follow them on Facebook too. They also follow the President's tweets directly. Those aren't manipulated by leftist media or Russians. They go by the tens of thousands to Trump's rallies.

No YOU don't get it at all. Trump him self has posted many RUSSIAN made up BS as facts. In my previous post I posted the one about Biden. Many of Trumps tweets have proven Russian mis-information or downright lies. This has been fact checked and proven so many times it gives a nose *******.

I live here. I voted for Trump. I watch news about him every single day. I talk to other Trump voters. We know what's real and what isn't.

Actualy no you don't. If you did you wouldn't be backing a habitual liar.
I'm actually amazed that you are sitting there in the Netherlands, thinking you know more about the minds of American conservative voters than someone who is actually one of them

Seems I know alot more than you do. I talk regulary with my US friends. Some voted for the Liar in cheif some didn't. So I get a very good idea of what goes on. Any way As you American seems to love sticking your oar into everyone elses politics stop crying when we do the same to you.

I'm well-educated. I'm well-informed. Russia had nothing to do with any of that.

You might be well educated, but you certainly are not well informed. You have a distnct lack of credibility due to your I'm righ because i say so attitude. Data and research beats you every single time.

You say data driven proof. You can't prove any of it. You are asserting that Russian interference with ads and anti-HC posts on Facebook changed the minds of American voters to vote for Trump. You can't get in the brains of other humans to know that for sure.

Well done. You clearly are ignoring the links to continue your blow hard comments. In the data posted is the proof from REPUBLICAN run state department. but you contiune ignoring them as its clear you are not capable of rational thinking or data corralation

All you can do is guess.

Again you are wrong as my data shows. but keep ignoring it.

And I'm telling you, as an American voter who voted for Trump, it was Trump's policies that he laid out in detail that I voted for

And its been proven you voted for the worst liar in history. You must be so proud.

Hillary not only was corrupt, but she was awful to listen to. Those had nothing to do with Russia.

Again wrong. A nearly 1000 page report has been released by US Bipartisan Senate panel confirms that Russian President Vladamir P.utin ordered a 2016 hacking of the Democratic party accounts and the release of emails intended to harm her campaign. PROVEN..

You really should live here for a decade and see how our system works, with our news sources (Fox News is the only reliable mainstream news source)

Oh please tell me you didn't just say Fox news was reliable. :ROFLMAO:. Politifact states the Faux news is the MOST UNRELIABLE news media. Sorry to burst your bubble but fox news isn't anything of the sort you claim it to be.

It took Mueller and his team of 16 Democrat lawyers two years to come to the same conclusion. NO RUSSIA COLLUSION. And the Russian Facebook posts? No threat at all.

Have you read the Mueller report? I have and thats not what it says. Basically the report stated that there was insufficient evidence . And as for the FB posts. Again thats NOT what it says. Only Barr stated thats what it mean't. In which it became clear to every one Barr is Trumps accomplice in the serial lies the WH tells. Also NOT all of his team were Democrats. So stop posting propaganda and lies.

I believe you are correct sir.
If the right was smart they would NOT do this.....some conservatives would vote accordingly if they knew what would happen after the election and MIGHT save a couple republican seats....MIGHT...….do it now...just make the dems more mad and encourage more to vote...AND what do they need with trump and a few others now...they already got what they wanted

but like I said...the whole judge thing ...nationwide...has been all McConnell...he is determined to get loaded with conservative judges...and he is in trouble so he would push this just for spite maybe....or who knows his crazy and biased reasons
My take - this close to the election - let the people decide.

I believe this would help President Trump and the Republicans running for senate seats. Believe that’s the right thing to do.

Do I think you’re correct about McConnell - yeah I do.
Will President Trump go along with him - prolly so - think it’s a BAD move.
It is funny to see that presumed russian activist groups, presumed to be linked to the russian state, prevent the questioning, where precisely the other democracies and candidates are singled out.
Well as Russian State media is claiming otherwise. Claiming they have proof they did, it has relevence. In Russia right now State media are making claims in live and recorded programmes that P.utin and Russia have Trump under their influence. So once again it has relevence
Having a favorite candidate does not imply recourse to illegal actions, or even interference. Lobbyists also have their candidates. If there are accusations followed by sanctions, they must be irrefutables, otherwise, no fair justice. Olga Skabeyeva is known to be a good patriot in Russia. I do not really watch her shows but she is famous.
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Russia had absolutely NOTHING to do with my vote. ZERO

Hillary was as corrupt as the day is long and I was sick of Obama’s kiss ass policies - PERIOD !!!!!
now that is one fucking screwed up statement...………………….

Russia had nothing to do with your vote?
Hillary crooked as the day is long....with that kind of a statement I'm sure you can come up with a few links
Obama's kiss ass policies....tell me who and why he would need to kiss anyones ass...he was pres and could not run again


When the dancer is bad, he blames his slippers. Do not try to hide your lack of confidence in your democratic system by attacking our president. The interspersed interview with the American expert is a shame because it skews the president's answers.
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