Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Things gonna get real dicey now my friend since RBG checked out :|

bad for the country....but good for Dems this election....and mcconnell may not get her replaced...…..the last dingbat they shoved through did not go over well....and now we have an election coming up and some of those republicans are going to be very hesitant to stick their neck out......guessing trump will push a woman trying to get the woman vote back.....not sure it will work though.....but with the retard in charge.….he had words with RBG before his election and I'm sure he has not forgotten
Amy Coney Barrett

Crazy bad timing - I’m inclined to say be best to wait til after the election - doubt President Trump will though :|
I have the impression that you are talking more about politics in the United States, in France as well, but maybe a little less.
Russian ... I could give a flip about France's politics. They're not trying to be a world power, and, own thousands of nuclear missiles.
Trump, with VPutin & Russia's help, is wanting to be like his mentor. We can't have that here and won't have that here.
Amy Coney Barrett

Crazy bad timing - I’m inclined to say be best to wait til after the election - doubt President Trump will though :|
Just gives Trump more motivation and incentive to do the thing he does best ... word_Cheating.jpg They had to make up a LIE to keep Obama from selecting a Supreme Court Judge ... .NOW its come back to bite the Republicans ...KARMA IS REAL, folks .... will they LIE again? Make up ANOTHER LIE to remove their first LIE?

The way Mitch McConnell & Trump looked at it just 3 years ago ...
Three years ago, McConnell led the successful effort to obstruct Obama's choice of Merrick Garland, chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, to fill the vacancy created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.
McConnell's reasoning at the time? It was important for the Senate to "give the people a voice in the filling of this vacancy" by waiting until the new president took office.
Maybe it is NOW not important to give the people a voice in filling the SCOTUS vacancy. Bet that's what it'll come down to.
Any BETS, Trumptards, as to how Orange Man Trump & Moscow pic_RussianSymbol.jpgMitch will move forward on this Supreme Court selection? Will they WAIT for the President who is elected in November OR WILL THEY go ahead and INSIST on placing yet another conservative & liar SCOTUS judge NOW?

Is there ANY honesty, character or integrity LEFT in the Republican Party to say ... "We stick by our decision with Obama's selection ... "let the people decide WHO selects the next Supreme Court Judge ... LOL Is there even one OUNCE of character and integrity left in the ReThuglicans ... one ounce?????
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I don't think mitch can pull this one off.....several of those senators have to face the voters....people still hate Collins over the last one

The smart move would be to use this to get the Evangelicals back behind him solidly - could even help in the senatorial bids to make it all about the Supreme Court appointment - but as I said I doubt they’ll wait - not good.
Nope ... Trump will have NONE OF THAT, blkdlaur. He doesn't give a rats ass what the Evangelicals say or think.
Trump won't even flinch an eye lid ... he has no problem retracting his WORDS. He IS what he IS and will always BE.

This might just be the EVENT that pushes Trump to try and make his BIGGEST "power play" FUCK UP yet ... and all BEFORE the ELECTION, too.
Trump's easy to predict .... he lies, cheats, and steals to do anything and everything.

HELL, just think, if Trump manages to pull it off, the US Supreme Court will have its first JUDGE with no experience other than at Dog Catcher or Night Watchman. Probably wear his MAGA hat to his swearing in.

Another .... word_LOSER.jpg
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Well I don’t agree on your characterization of our President but the judicious move for all concerned would be to wait til after the election. This will create a shite-show of epic proportions. Hopefully they think this through because using the appointment as a campaign issue would be the better tactic for sure. I just don’t think President Trump will wait and I really think that’s a big mistake.
I just don’t think President Trump will wait and I really think that’s a big mistake.
................. word_BINGO.jpe
... and sadly, do you know WHY you say that blkdlaur, its because you know what I've said about honesty, character, and integrity are TRUE ... you really know they'll do what they want to do, NOT what is RIGHT to do. Its been that way THREE & half YEARS now ... doesn't change.
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I don’t agree on your characterization of our President
Really? So you think President Trump is honest, has good character, and high integrity? Really? You're serious? Can you give me EXAMPLES of things he's done in office that represent those 3 traits?
You're THAT STUBBORN to admit Trump's not a LiarNChief?
Yeah Mac - that’s the trouble with politics - those in power generally do what they want to do - not what’s right to do :{
doubt if it effects trump one way or the other......but will effect some in the senate!
Oh, I think it will .... this is gonna ******* Trump into making his biggest FUCK UP to date, actually. Right before the Election, too.
• He sticks to honoring the agreement of letting the people choose ... he's gonna want to CHEAT big time to assure himself a 3rd SCOTUS pick.​
• If he insists on ignoring the Obama SCOTUS agreement of 3 years ago, he once again proves he cares nothing for the people, and the people speak out at the election boxes. Hopefully Democrats will promote that one loudly.​
So, they are most definitely between a rock & a hard place .... Elevator Going DOWN!​
Not if he does do the smart thing and makes it a campaign issue of who gets to appoint the next Supreme Court Justice - it could win the election for him again like it did in 2016 and a lot of senators could ride in on his coattails.
Russian ... I could give a flip about France's politics. They're not trying to be a world power, and, own thousands of nuclear missiles.
Trump, with VPutin & Russia's help, is wanting to be like his mentor. We can't have that here and won't have that here.
I understand, it is legitimate, and I am sorry to be such a bother, but I think Trump is not the only democrats establishment's target, Russia is too. Many statements point in this direction and help isolate Russia. I feel like Trump sees our country as a friend he is suspicious of and I think that is the best attitude to have with. No major conflict in sight. Trump is pretty ridiculous on a lot of things from a lesser perspective, but Biden has to explain his intentions. He must also talk about how he sees future relations with Russia by promising something other than a conflict, finding common interests. He must recognize Russian Crimea.

For those who do not understand that one can think differently according to the point of view from Russia and that it will require a friendly dialogue and patience.
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#Russia's state TV: Ukrainian panelist says that he doesn't usually get involved in U.S. politics, but America can't stand four more years of Trump. Host Olga Skabeeva tells him: “When we interfere, our candidate usually wins—and yours loses. That’s what happened in 2016.” pic.twitter.com/5C3sQSUsdm

#Russia is not ready to dump Trump:
Kremlin-controlled state TV hosts throw buckets of mud on #Ukraine, insist it should investigate Biden and conclude that "Republican majority in the Senate won’t allow President Donald Trump—whom we elected— to be impeached. It’s impossible." pic.twitter.com/d7NL1mL4Bp

Russia's state TV:
Ukrainian diplomat Vadim Triukhan cites German newspapers: "Trump won the first elections thanks to Russia and now he wants to be re-elected thanks to Ukraine."
Russian state TV host Evgeny Popov: "Well, how else could you put it? That's exactly what happened." pic.twitter.com/TVF0RMAso7

#Russia's state TV host Olga Skabeeva says that since #Ukraine took the money from the U.S., it is now obligated to deliver the kompromat on Biden.
Panelist asks her: "Are you on Trump's or Russia's side, Olga?"
Skabeeva responds: "We elected him!" pic.twitter.com/oXDolkWE0S

#Russia's state TV host Vladimir Soloviev, who has a special access to the Kremlin/close relationship w/ Poroshenko, cites reporting that Trump believes "the Russians should be our friends, who cares about the Ukrainians?” and surmises Russia should have taken much more than #Crimea. pic.twitter.com/OFkuQtAKEf

“For Russia, Johnson is a very convenient negotiator, just like Trump. He will inject instability into European politics.”
Host: “And we will wait for them to fall apart.”
“We'll gladly wait until they drive themselves into crisis.”
Host: “We’re so cunning.”
[Audience claps] pic.twitter.com/pFoLqxmE7X

#Russia's state TV host Evgeny Popov says that at the #G20, "Poroshenko completely captivated Trump, we can now say with complete certainty that Trump is ours." Co-host Olga Skabeeva adds: "He wants the U.S. to be just like Russia… and himself to be just like Poroshenko." ©️ pic.twitter.com/U0E71yUoiR

Wake the f*** up America!!!!
I'm not sure I follow all of the insinuations in this.
Trump didn't win because of anything Russia did. Not even close. 13 Russians were busted for putting a few ads on Facebook.
Trump won because Obama and his policies failed America so badly, and he embarrassed the US so badly on the world stage, that America swung backward toward conservative to bring prosperity back to the country.
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