Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yes, because my english prevents me from being able to be always precise and fair, but I can translate. I am the only one here standing up for my country, and I am not going to give you any reason to hate it even more. You are liberals, I am kind of conservative at some points, even if I was in your country, it did not work

I don't mean to be rude BUT ....... why don't you just simply crawl under a nice big rock and forget about this planet!
You're totally out of your element in the real world!
What rumors and lies about Russia is Biden spreading? And how does a person of his stature spread rumors without it being news? And yes, many are hoping it's an extension of the Obama Administration. It would be nice to have a strong economy, regulatory agencies with teeth, no scandals, no riots, increased manufacturing and continued job growth.

Whatever he holds to be truth is turned into a statement. In fact only guesses. In accordance with the analysis of your fellow BBC, which I shared, democrats had a very bad attitude against Russia, Biden does not seem to have an attitude that can reduce Russia's isolation and punishment, on the contrary, he uses it as his foil. Absolutely all Biden's statements concerning our country are against our country.

Now as far as criticism goes, Russia gives up plenty to criticize it for. You're gonna tell me that former Soviet bloc countries were able to figure it out and move along nicely in their new democracies but, it's too hard for Russia. With all of the aid, and support we've given. It's having problems because its corrupt. That corruption lies with your president who was the head of your secret police/spy organization during the days of communism. He has been pushing to get Russia back there as much as he can. It's why you live in France now.
Again, I do not prefer to comment on this because that is one of the things you would be happy to talk about to make a fool of us. Exactly as you do with Biden without agreeing with him on everything because your main source of concern is Trump, who has the power now, who occupied the dominant position. It is the same with countries hostile to the development of Russia with me, and a lot of russians.
There is a corruption more visible than yours but it is linked to the lack of development more than to a political will, not to mention that there are sometimes big differences between the territories, like you said about
By the way, when I asked why Biden was close to China, I was sent this:
And then, I am in France because I like this country and my husband could not work elsewhere. Now it is different with teleworking, I am in no hurry to go home because it is better to be in the countryside even if he complains about the internet in our region.
I'm not a comrade.
I said that because people on the left refer to themselves like that sometimes and you and some other people here seem to think like the marxists, but it was not mean, juste a simple feeling. I could have said colleague or ally.
I don't mean to be rude BUT ....... why don't you just simply crawl under a nice big rock and forget about this planet!
You're totally out of your element in the real world!
I do not mean to be rude but go rebuild your city. In a few months, you will need something to demolish again. And do not forgive your mask, social distancing is difficult to respect in the city !
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Hating P.utin is not Russophobia. Stop it with that. You will never convince anyone of that nonsense propaganda.

That's the same logic as saying I hate Americans because I think Trump sucks. It makes zero sense unless you think the leader of a country is the only person in that country that matters. Which is a really bleak and horrible way to look at things.
CIA is America, NSA is America, in a presidential country, Trump is America. When you read an article about American foreign policy for example, they say "Washington..." or "The United States..." so, yes, they are America because their actions and their words engaged all of America, so do not play with words. Poutin represent more 70% of our voices so yes, "Russian...", Russia's..." it reinforces the idea that Russia should be punished and nobody wants that, especially for those who are convinced that it is not fair.
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And even if you say that there is corruption, there are observers, debates without Poutin on television and on radio, with primaries which are organized by opponent parties. So there is a majority.
Whatever he holds to be truth is turned into a statement. In fact only guesses. In accordance with the analysis of your fellow BBC, which I shared, democrats had a very bad attitude against Russia, Biden does not seem to have an attitude that can reduce Russia's isolation and punishment, on the contrary, he uses it as his foil. Absolutely all Biden's statements concerning our country are against our country.

Again, I do not prefer to comment on this because that is one of the things you would be happy to talk about to make a fool of us. Exactly as you do with Biden without agreeing with him on everything because your main source of concern is Trump, who has the power now, who occupied the dominant position. It is the same with countries hostile to the development of Russia with me, and a lot of russians.
There is a corruption more visible than yours but it is linked to the lack of development more than to a political will, not to mention that there are sometimes big differences between the territories, like you said about
By the way, when I asked why Biden was close to China, I was sent this:
And then, I am in France because I like this country and my husband could not work elsewhere. Now it is different with teleworking, I am in no hurry to go home because it is better to be in the countryside even if he complains about the internet in our region.

I said that because people on the left refer to themselves like that sometimes and you and some other people here seem to think like the marxists, but it was not mean, juste a simple feeling. I could have said colleague or ally.
1. You have not shown where Biden is lying or passing rumors. Biden being harsh on a country, that is hostile toward the US is responsible for a leader. However, he an Obama, like Bush and Cheney before him, are Very supportive of the Russian people. That's why they sanction the country when leaders are caught in corruption that is condoned by other leaders as the people starve or are suppressed.
Trump is not good for the people of Russia. He only cares about the leadership that is currently strangling the economy for extreme personal gain. This is why we think you are a paid agent of government. You defend the actions of the ones you agree are corrupt and hurting the people. You say nothing of the culture and history and the people. You only defend MrPutin and his regime.

2. Trump has some of the power, but the House and Supreme Court have power too, which they exercise without fear of backlash from Trump. That is another difference between us. MrPutin has fired the government when it wasn't working for him, Trump cannot because they actually work for us, and our constitution, in theory and practice until now, keeps the president in check.
Anyway, Trump and China are tied together more than any other person in our government:
As is his family:

3. I am a liberal. We don't refer to ourselves as comrades. That's either some right wing bullshit, or you are characterizing the American Left with other European political parties to the Left. Compared to them, our Left is much, much more center, or even center right. Even AOC.
CIA is America, NSA is America, in a presidential country, Trump is America. When you read an article about American foreign policy for example, they say "Washington..." or "The United States..." so, yes, they are America because their actions and their words engaged all of America, so do not play with words. Poutin represent more 70% of our voices so yes, "Russian...", Russia's..." it reinforces the idea that Russia should be punished and nobody wants that, especially for those who are convinced that it is not fair.
We have three equal branches of government. When you say 'Washington', that's usually Congress and the President. Our Congress is extremely powerful. They are elected directly by the people. Russia does not have that equal set up through it's Federation Council.

We couldn't sanction Russia, if we didn't give money and resources.
We have three equal branches of government. When you say 'Washington', that's usually Congress and the President. Our Congress is extremely powerful. They are elected directly by the people. Russia does not have that equal set up through it's Federation Council.

We couldn't sanction Russia, if we didn't give money and resources.

Yeah exactly. When the news talks about the president acting in an official capacity they say "The White House". When they talk about the PM of the UK they say "10 Downing Street". When they talk about the Russian government they used to say "The Kremlin", now they say "P.utin".
was just going to post one everytime hottobe said something.....since I know these bother him.....but have branched out and need to quit doing so many......don't really care for them myself.....but some are pretty funny.....I have so many I can't find the ones I want when I want them sometimes

The redheaded witch - ROCKED !!!!!! :}
I am doing this because you are seeking to destabilise Russia with your media. You reverse the roles of aggressor and assaulted because the system is governed by the rules or by your elite in the West. Russia do not have the superiority even if it is less weak than you think. There is no evidence that our president is involved in the assassinations and computer attacks that you are talking about, or even that they are Russians bribed by the state. Biden's claims that hold the Russians responsible are unfounded
On the other hand, I know countries which have stood up to you and which can bear witness to the barbarism shown by your agents. We have put communism on trial, but your imperialist policy is still at work. If our country seems as insignificant to you as it would have reached out to you long before Poutin's election. He ensured the transition to democracy for our people while we had never really had a democratic experience while remaining vigilant about the intentions of the west, unlike Yeltsin. Today, he embodies this patriotic struggle and a strong state power with a dedication that you do not seem to understand, even though many elements of his domestic policy are questionable such as violence against women, homosexuals or in terms of energy transition for example.
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I feel like I'm talking to a Biden's campaign team. That is why I do not blame you. Same feeling, opposite camp
Let me be clear, dipshits like @blkdlaur and @Hottobe cucked argue politics in a left right way. They never could participate in a substantive discussion. You are wrong as the day is long, but you have some substance and a position that transcends internal divisions, hence our discussions on Russia, not the political party.
I am not like those dolts, or even the opposite. I am coming from the angle of an American, pro America. I do with Russia and China and have been consistent for years, regardless of the President. I have issues with the government, how it operates in bad faith on an international scale, and how it perverts the term democracy.
Those other two, all you have to say is Biden bad or Trump good and you own them. My position is that Russia is bad for the world. China is too, in a different manner and will be for generations. The people of Russia will not allow this to go on for another generation.
Let me be clear, dipshits like @blkdlaur and @Hottobe cucked argue politics in a left right way. They never could participate in a substantive discussion. You are wrong as the day is long, but you have some substance and a position that transcends internal divisions, hence our discussions on Russia, not the political party.
I am not like those dolts, or even the opposite. I am coming from the angle of an American, pro America. I do with Russia and China and have been consistent for years, regardless of the President. I have issues with the government, how it operates in bad faith on an international scale, and how it perverts the term democracy.
Those other two, all you have to say is Biden bad or Trump good and you own them. My position is that Russia is bad for the world. China is too, in a different manner and will be for generations. The people of Russia will not allow this to go on for another generation.

Your AMAZING Ed - REALLY f‘n AMAZING - at least in your own mind. :LOL:
This is the face of a avid Trump supporter. interviewed live at Trump rally. So delusional, or stupid hard to tell witch. Millions of people dead and sick all around the globe and this guy when ask about not wearing a mask replied There's no covid pandemic it's a plot to bring the US and Trump down. The other questioned about mask not quite as stupid gave his reason for not wearing a mask, because i can't hear people when I'm wearing it but i carry one with me. The mask he had did not cover the ears? go figure the logic in that response. It made me wonder if we shouldn't change the voting laws to include a simple intelligence test. 200911065411-acosta-trump-supporter-fake-pandemic-large-169.jpg
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