Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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This is the face of a avid Trump supporter. interviewed live at Trump rally. So delusional, or stupid hard to tell witch. Millions of people dead and sick all around the globe and this guy when ask about not wearing a mask replied There's no covid pandemic it's a plot to bring the US and Trump down. The other questioned about mask not quite as stupid gave his reason for not wearing a mask, because i can't hear people when I'm wearing it but i carry one with me. The mask he had did not cover the ears? go figure the logic in that response. It made me wonder if we shouldn't change the voting laws to include a simple intelligence test. View attachment 3601956

I must be missing something here...……………………...

trump is running on the economy......and supposed to be so great....yet stock market can not stay stable......AND we have cities with long food lines....kind of like the recession of old!

he sure does NOT have anything else to run on...…...he has done nothing for working America...nor the US as a whole...….matter of fact we are an international embarrassment…..

he can not handle nor deal with a crisis....wtf is he running on? his friendship with P.utin?

his popularity in the 30% mark....and look at the mindset of those supporting him...….all the different groups of people he has offended...….this guy should not stand a chance
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I understand the President was nominated for a second Nobel Peace Prize - think peace in the Middle East might have something to do with that ;}
I understand the President was nominated for a second Nobel Peace Prize - think peace in the Middle East might have something to do with that ;}

never happen......blow your own horn all you want...he can't even make peace in his own country...he promotes hate and violence....the world can see that...….plus no one in history has killed as many of their own country men as he has
A look back at Trump comments perceived by some as ...
May 30, 2020 · Three protesters who claim they were roughed up by Trump supporters at a March 1, 2016, rally in Louisville, Kentucky, filed a federal suit against Trump, accusing him of inciting violence.

The other plague Trump has downplayed: white supremacist ...
2 days ago · Since Trump declared his candidacy more than five years ago, hate crimes, ranging from vandalism to *******, have surged, hitting a 16-year high in 2018, according to the FBI. That includes an ...

‘It’s you who have created the hate and the division ...
He went on to ask Trump if he ever wonders why this is the first time in decades that Americans have seen this level of violence. “It’s you who have created the hate and the division,” he said.

'No Blame?' ABC News finds 54 cases invoking 'Trump' in ...
May 30, 2020 · "But remember that the people who commit hate fueled violence are not logical, rational people." ... rights and strongly criticized Trump. In one of 28 emails sent to the professor on March 10 ...

Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence - The New York Times


Mar 14, 2016 · transcript. Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence Donald J. Trump has appealed to the raw anger of voters and encouraged crowds at rallies to use ******* against protesters who are disruptive.

All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies
Mar 12, 2016 · At a campaign rally in Kansas City on Saturday, the day after the unrest in Chicago, Trump addressed an earlier event in Dayton, Ohio, when a protester tried to storm the stage.

Trump campaign rallies linked with increase in violence ...
President Trump's rallies during his 2016 presidential campaign were often met with protesters and sometimes resulted in violent clashes. In March 2016, a scheduled Trump rally was canceled in ...

Trump's campaign rallies are officially a threat to public ...
Trump's violent rhetoric on the campaign trail breeds real-life violence, leading to a spike in assaults wherever Trump makes an appearance. That's the conclusion of a new study, which found that cities experienced an increase in assaults on days when they hosted a Trump campaign rally. There was no corresponding link between the incidence of violence and rallies for Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s Kenosha Tour Was Another Crude Appeal to White ...
Sep 02, 2020 · Trump has already signaled he is willing to harness that violence to keep power if he loses on election night. The Right-Wing Backlash in Kenosha On August 23, in Kenosha, a white police officer named Rusten Sheskey shot Jacob Blake, an unarmed Black man, seven times in the back.
I am still convinced that Biden brings war and misery to the Russian people but Trump is not doing much better in the Middle East region, according to this article.
I am still convinced that Biden brings war and misery to the Russian people but Trump is not doing much better in the Middle East region, according to this article.

no more than what P.utin is giving them
Dem propaganda- I NEED more Dem propaganda - I don’t get enough through regular media 😆
try paying attention to what is going on around you....can't continue to go on believing only what some right winger tells you to believe.....hell everyone watched what Charles Manson said and did also...…..but doesn't mean they would let him out of prison and believe what he said
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Sure they do....how else can they hide the facts from the American people...…...he is shooting for 300,000 American deaths....everything has to be big for him.....even killing fellow americans

Trump officials seek greater control over CDC reports on coronavirus

Political appointees at the Department of Health and Human Services have sought to change, delay and prevent the release of reports about the coronavirus by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention because they were viewed as undermining President Trump’s message that the pandemic is under control.

Michael Caputo, the top HHS spokesman, said in an interview Saturday that he and one of his advisers have been seeking greater scrutiny of the CDC’s weekly scientific dispatches, known as the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, for the past 3½ months. The adviser, Paul Alexander, has sent repeated emails to the CDC seeking changes and demanding that the reports be halted until he could make edits.

and while trump and company are willing to set records on how many americans they are killing and planning on more just do not want us to know the facts...…….

Canada reports zero COVID-19 deaths in 24-hour time period
1 day ago · Canada reported no COVID-19 deaths in a 24-hour period on Friday for the first time since March, Reuters reported Saturday. Canada’s death toll from the virus was 9,163 as of …
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Colorado sues USPS over pre-election mailers that contain ...
1 day ago · Colorado sues USPS over pre-election mailers that contain incorrect voting information Jena Griswold, Colorado’s secretary of state, called the efforts an “attempt at voter suppression”

Colorado secretary of state sues Postal Service over ...
Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold filed a lawsuit Saturday against the United States Postal Service over "election mailing that could mislead Colorado voters." The lawsuit cites a national ...

Colorado Sues USPS After Agency ‘Flat Out Refused’ to Stop ...
Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold on Saturday filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) alleging that the agency sent postcards to every voter containing false information ...
U.S.’s annual budget deficit tops $3 trillion for the ...
2 days ago · The current deficit in fiscal 2020, which has one month to go, topped $3 trillion for the first time. The government operates on an annual budget that runs from Oct 1. to Sept. 30 instead of using ...

US Budget Deficit Hits Record $3 Trillion Through 11 ...
2 days ago · US Budget Deficit Hits Record $3 Trillion Through 11 Months The Treasury Department says that the U.S. budget deficit hit an all-time high of $3 trillion for the first 11 months of this budget
people tired of the lies...the bullshit...the deceit......the deaths...

Joe Biden leads in the polls in 4 pivotal states

  • Four new polls conducted by The New York Times/Siena College show Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin.
  • Biden is ahead 50%-41% in Minnesota, 46%-42% in Nevada, 45%-42% in New Hampshire, and 48%-43% in Wisconsin. When all four states are combined, Biden leads 48%-42%.

Trump Onslaught Against Biden Falls Short of a Breakthrough

President Trump’s weekslong barrage against Joseph R. Biden Jr. has failed to erase the Democrat’s lead across a set of key swing states, including the crucial battleground of Wisconsin, where Mr. Trump’s law-and-order message has rallied support on the right but has not swayed the majority of voters who dislike him, according to a poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College.

naturally ...in his mind he is the best...and everyone loves him....giving to much credence to the people with no smarts at all

Trump claims during Nevada campaign rally that Democrats are trying to 'rig' upcoming election

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump opened a three-day campaign swing through the West on Saturday by claiming Democrats are trying to steal the upcoming election and warning that Joe Biden is incapable of leading the country.

Polls show Biden with the advantage in four battleground states

New polls in four key battleground states show Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden with the edge over President Donald Trump, including in one of the key states Trump flipped to the Republican column in 2016.

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I am still convinced that Biden brings war and misery to the Russian people but Trump is not doing much better in the Middle East region, according to this article.

what's your point.....he will....but it will be P.utins doing!....election meddling trying to invade other countries air space...he pushes....Biden will sanction the hell out him....something trump refuses to do.....Biden will go after p.utins money ties.....how it effects the country?...….but blame p.utin ...not Biden
Poutin considers that the best defense is attack and that because of the constant pressure from the West to grab Russia's resources and counter our monopolies. Socialist and capitalist liberals and extrem nationalists want an other Maydan for different reasons but they work together with the west.
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