Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Poutin considers that the best defense is attack and that because of the constant pressure from the West to grab Russia's resources and counter our monopolies. Socialist and capitalist liberals want and extrem nationalists want an other Maydan for different reasons but they work together with the west.

you have been mind fucked way to much.....who told him to invade Crimea and several other countries?...…..who had the Russian jets flying into our air space and France's air space....on more than one occasion.....who creates the near miss's in the sky....who has tried to influence the election in at least 4 different countries...…you people lost in the Mideast once before and pulled out...now under p.utin back and for what reason...….I think American solders have already shown p.utins elite over there the way to the hospital and home....kicked their ass last year....p.utin knows he is second best but like trump..is bullshitting his way through...only lasts so long......even with a bunch of retarded and greedy supporters....it does fall apart...….people here seeing it for what it is.....and people in Russia seeing it for what it is...….they get rid of p.utin they might stand a chance.....other wise the food lines will grow.....p.utin already having trouble filling his military and ****** to use mercenaries…..people see through the *******...his days are numbered no matter how many he kills ...others will step forward to speak the truth
I understand the President was nominated for a second Nobel Peace Prize - think peace in the Middle East might have something to do with that ;}
Peace in the Middle East , wake up educate yourself. In my lifetime peace in the middle east has been claimed by more than one administration of both party's. Their has never been one that lasted for any substantial period of time. It in my opinion it will never happen, why would it the parties involved are getting too much out of keeping it going. Millions of dollars and aid pumped into both sides buy supporters. Giving up that makes the choice to stop the gravy train a no brainier. Israel our side of choice has broken or violated treaties we negotiated regularly. The people of Israel have protested their own governments violation of treaties.
you have been mind fucked way to much.....who told him to invade Crimea and several other countries?...…..who had the Russian jets flying into our air space and France's air space....on more than one occasion.....who creates the near miss's in the sky....who has tried to influence the election in at least 4 different countries...…you people lost in the Mideast once before and pulled out...now under p.utin back and for what reason...….I think American solders have already shown p.utins elite over there the way to the hospital and home....kicked their ass last year....p.utin knows he is second best but like trump..is bullshitting his way through...only lasts so long......even with a bunch of retarded and greedy supporters....it does fall apart...….people here seeing it for what it is.....and people in Russia seeing it for what it is...….they get rid of p.utin they might stand a chance.....other wise the food lines will grow.....p.utin already having trouble filling his military and ****** to use mercenaries…..people see through the *******...his days are numbered no matter how many he kills ...others will step forward to speak the truth
I already had the opportunity to express my opinion on the subject. As one of your compatriots says it, using very nice expressions, I think "you are wrong as day is long". I understand your denial and your reversal of the role of the aggressor, despite the balance of power in your favor and the influence that you and your allies exercise in the world but I do not agree with that. You look down on us when it suits you, but when it comes to using fear for political ends, Russia is the ideal enemy. Sufficiently well prepared to be subversive and enterprising but too weak to be a complete level playing field.
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Peace in the Middle East , wake up educate yourself. In my lifetime peace in the middle east has been claimed by more than one administration of both party's. Their has never been one that lasted for any substantial period of time. It in my opinion it will never happen, why would it the parties involved are getting too much out of keeping it going. Millions of dollars and aid pumped into both sides buy supporters. Giving up that makes the choice to stop the gravy train a no brainier. Israel our side of choice has broken or violated treaties we negotiated regularly. The people of Israel have protested their own governments violation of treaties.
I agree with you on one thing, as long as there are Muslims in the Middle East, there will never be lasting peace. They can't even get along with themselves, let alone Jews and infidels. However, even a temporary peace is better than nothing. So it's best to give credit where credit is earned, even if it isn't permanent.
I agree with you on one thing, as long as there are Muslims in the Middle East, there will never be lasting peace. They can't even get along with themselves, let alone Jews and infidels. However, even a temporary peace is better than nothing. So it's best to give credit where credit is earned, even if it isn't permanent.


Yes, because Islam is the only religion ever to have conflict.

You probably think Sykes-Picot is a new trim level for a Dodge Ram
What didn't you like about my post. The truth? Or the truth?

Like other Russians on here P.utin can do no wrong and its all the Wests fault. Also be very careful. If you upset her she runs off to her fellow Russian in admin to complain and cry about it.
Like other Russians on here P.utin can do no wrong and its all the Wests fault. Also be very careful. If you upset her she runs off to her fellow Russian in admin to complain and cry about it.
I didn't even talk about Russia. I was referring to the Middle East and the two peace agreements recently made.
I understand your denial and your reversal of the role of the aggressor

Murdering political opponents, and driving tanks into neighboring countries and occupying them is an act of peace. Reporting on these things, or imposing sanctions for them is "aggressive".

Strange world you live in.
Wonder why Dems are sooooooooooo ANTI-Russia.

When Mitt Romney said Russia was our biggest threat Barrack Obama mocked him for it. That was of course OK.

I think the Russian people are much like us - have ta put up with politics and don’t really have much control over it.
The democratic party pursues a russophobic strategy of your deep state because as I explained above we are the ideal enemy. The United States has no other interest than control of resources. Russia is just breaking the isolation the United States imposes on it.
Wonder why Dems are sooooooooooo ANTI-Russia.

When Mitt Romney said Russia was our biggest threat Barrack Obama mocked him for it. That was of course OK.

I think the Russian people are much like us - have ta put up with politics and don’t really have much control over it.

They're not really a threat to us, but they're a threat to neighboring allies around them.

For instance, between Turkey and Russia we have completely abandoned the Peshmerga, who did most of the fighting against ISIS and were our biggest ally in the Middle East outside of Israel. I'd say the Peshmerga won the fight against ISIS for us, and we abandoned them.

Even Lindsey Graham clutched his pearls for a good day or two over that one.
I already had the opportunity to express my opinion on the subject. As one of your compatriots says it, using very nice expressions, I think "you are wrong as day is long". I understand your denial and your reversal of the role of the aggressor, despite the balance of power in your favor and the influence that you and your allies exercise in the world but I do not agree with that. You look down on us when it suits you, but when it comes to using fear for political ends, Russia is the ideal enemy. Sufficiently well prepared to be subversive and enterprising but too weak to be a complete level playing field.
WRONG...…….the more aggressive he is the more he is disliked....also for most americans….when he became trumps "owner"...people thought even less of Russia...……………………...But do you really thibnk the US is the only country disliking Russia/p.utim?....try the UK...France...Europe.....your man is disliked in most of the world....so direct your dislike to a lot of others also
Belarus is continuing to be a ******* show thanks to dictators in power

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