Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The informal troops were Russian self-defense forces.

One last thing before I ignore your lies and BS from now on.

First you claim the forces in the Crimea were partisans. Now you claim they were Russian self defense forces. . So which lie was it?
Seeing as you have tried to pass yourself off as French the cap fits. Its also quite clear you have no intention of wanting a discussion just a platform to push Russian prpaganda and BS. Its really that simple.
You have decided that no one can defend Russia and its president without getting paid, so no discussion is possible, as long as you do not admit that we can have different opinions, without being a "foreign agent" or racist as I have seen elsewhere to an other.
One last thing before I ignore your lies and BS from now on.

First you claim the forces in the Crimea were partisans. Now you claim they were Russian self defense forces. . So which lie was it?
Autodefense groups like partisans in Ukraine. Unconventional patriotic groups if you prefer but the former in Crimea were Russians while the others in Ukraine are pro-Russians. In fact, they have the same opponents.
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He knowingly and willingly lied’: Biden rips Trump over Woodward book revelations

Former Vice President Joe Biden slammed Donald Trump over the revelation that Trump acknowledged how “deadly” the coronavirus could be back in February, accusing the president of “a life-and-death betrayal of the American people” that he contended was “almost criminal.“

He knew how deadly it was. It was much more deadly than the flu,” Biden said during an event with autoworkers in the swing state of Michigan. “He knew and purposely played it down. Worse, he lied to the American people. He knowingly and willingly lied about the threat it posed to the country for months.”

Trump acknowledges he intentionally downplayed deadly coronavirus, says effort was to reduce panic

President Trump acknowledged Wednesday that he intentionally played down the deadly nature of the rapidly spreading coronavirus last winter as an attempt to avoid a “frenzy,” part of an escalating damage-control effort by his top advisers to contain the fallout from a forthcoming book by The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward.

Trump’s comments came hours after excerpts from the book and audio of some of the 18 separate interviews he conducted with the author were released, fueling a sense of outrage over the president’s blunt description of knowing that he was not telling the truth about a virus that has killed nearly 190,000 Americans

Joe Biden Greeted in Michigan by Trump Supporters Chanting 'Four More Years!'

Biden took to Michigan on Wednesday to speak about an economic plan, the auto industry and unemployment in the state, but moments before he took the stage news broke of Trump telling journalist Bob Woodward that he wanted to downplay the severity of the novel coronavirus pandemic.

While this deadly disease ripped through our nation, he failed to do his job on purpose," Biden told attendees at an autoworkers union hall in Warren. "It's a life and death betrayal of the American people."

"He knowingly and willingly lied about the threat it posed to our country. For months," the former vice president added.

DHS Whistleblower Alleges Trump Appointees Tried to Change Intelligence to Fit President’s Agenda

A little over a year after a CIA officer filed a whistleblower complaint that eventually led to Trump’s impeachment by the House, the former head of the Department of Homeland Security’s intelligence branch is now alleging that top Trump appointees at the agency politicized reports to downplay threats in order to reflect the boss’s political outlook. Below is everything we know about the whistleblower’s report and the political blowback of the emerging scandal.

Who is the whistleblower?
Unlike the last major whistleblower scandal, in which the identity of the person was not widely reported on, the whistleblower’s name, Brian Murphy, is on the complaint filed with the DHS inspector general. Murphy was responsible for intelligence and analysis at the agency until he was removed from his position in July and given a management role after it was revealed that his office gathered intelligence reports on two American journalists.

The whistleblower’s allegations
Murphy alleges that top Trump appointees at the Department of
Homeland Security — including Acting Secretary Chad Wolf and Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli — abused their power by directing officials to alter intelligence reports to reflect the president’s political messaging. Specifically, officials were told to downplay real threats from white supremacists and exaggerate those from antifa and “anarchist” groups, according to CNN.

Murphy claims that he refused requests to water down draft versions of a report detailing the terrorist threat of white supremacists, which led to a decision by Wolf and Cuccinelli to put the document on pause. While the final version of that warning has not yet been made public, a copy of the draft leaked earlier this week states that white supremacy is the “most lethal threat” to the country and will remain so throughout all of next year. As the New York Times notes, DHS has “stalled in releasing an implementation plan for combating white supremacy and other forms of domestic terrorism for nearly a year.”

According to the Washington Post, Wolf also told Murphy to stop providing analysis on the threat Russia poses in the coming election because it made “the president look bad.”

The House Intelligence Committee has requested the whistleblower’s testimony
Shortly after the report was made public, the House Intelligence Committee requested that Murphy testify privately on September 21, with a potential public hearing to follow. In a letter to Murphy’s attorney on Wednesday, the committee described the report’s allegations as “repeated violations of laws and regulations, abuses of authority, attempted censorship of intelligence analysis and improper administration of an intelligence program related to Russian efforts to influence the US elections.”

“We will get to the bottom of this, expose any and all misconduct or corruption to the American people, and put a stop to the politicization of intelligence,” Representative Adam Schiff, the committee’s chairman, said in an accompanying statement.

didn't they already do enough with their Sturgis motorcycle rally?....now they want to take aid money and use to try and get more people to their state rather than help the virus people...…………………...typical republicunt

South Dakota governor uses coronavirus relief funds for $5 ...
1 day ago · South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem's administration announced Tuesday that it is using federal coronavirus relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign aimed at …

Amid Virus Surge, Noem Pushes Tourism With CARES Act Funds ...
2 days ago · South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s administration is using federal coronavirus relief funds to pay for a $5 million tourism ad campaign aimed at drawing people to the state, even as it emerges as ...
You have decided that no one can defend Russia and its president without getting paid, so no discussion is possible, as long as you do not admit that we can have different opinions, without being a "foreign agent" or racist as I have seen elsewhere to an other.
Where do you stand on poisoning people who are a threat to your power?

Autodefense groups like partisans in Ukraine. Unconventional patriotic groups if you prefer but the former in Crimea were Russians while the others in Ukraine are pro-Russians. In fact, they have the same opponents.

Still pushing the Russian BS. You switch between points the moment your BS is shown up. Yes you are a Russian propagandanist. Your own posts prove that very point!
You have decided that no one can defend Russia and its president without getting paid, so no discussion is possible, as long as you do not admit that we can have different opinions, without being a "foreign agent" or racist as I have seen elsewhere to an other.

You are NOT defending Russia. You are pushing the very same Russian propaganda that the IRN started in June this year... Funny that ehh!
Still pushing the Russian BS. You switch between points the moment your BS is shown up. Yes you are a Russian propagandanist. Your own posts prove that very point!
Because I support the government that I voted for last time ? Where is the problem ? Everybody does that here. I do not agree with everything for which Poutin is held responsible in Russia, especially during the COVID crisis. If you did not have Russia and conspiracy theories and rumors constantly in your mouth, I would have been content with what I originally signed up for and find keys to new post-containment couple dynamic and "lifestyle". Apparently, even the owner of the site, with Ukrainian origin like my *******, does not appreciate what you may have said in your discussions before me either. So, what is the problem? Is he corrupted, paid by Russia ? I testify to my personal fears about the candidate who only constantly criticizes Russia. I heard you disagree with Biden, but where are your criticisms?
You may not appreciate my opinion, but reproach me by using the same rhetoric that you blame our media and institution for abusing, as well as your political opponents obviously, that is not ok. Everyone knows what your wealth and your hegemony are made of, or you are the lucky one. Anyway, you have the beautiful role of distributing the good points now.
those darn republicans...…….still trying to fuck voters out of their rights

Judge orders Texas to change way mail-in ballots are rejected
1 day ago · A federal judge ordered Texas officials to change the way mail-in ballots are rejected for signature violations, ruling that the current process violates the Constitution because voters are not ...

Texas ordered to fix flaws in method used to reject some ...
1 day ago · As Texas prepares for an expected deluge of mail-in votes in November, a federal judge has found that one facet of the state’s signature verification rules for those ballots is unconstitutional ...
Because I support the government that I voted for last time ? Where is the problem ? Everybody does that here. I do not agree with everything for which Poutin is held responsible in Russia, especially during the COVID crisis. If you did not have Russia and conspiracy theories and rumors constantly in your mouth, I would have been content with what I originally signed up for and find keys to new post-containment couple dynamic and "lifestyle". Apparently, even the owner of the site, with Ukrainian origin like my *******, does not appreciate what you may have said in your discussions before me either. So, what is the problem? Is he corrupted, paid by Russia ? I testify to my personal fears about the candidate who only constantly criticizes Russia. I heard you disagree with Biden, but where are your criticisms?
You may not appreciate my opinion, but reproach me by using the same rhetoric that you blame our media and institution for abusing, as well as your political opponents obviously, that is not ok. Everyone knows what your wealth and your hegemony are made of, or you are the lucky one. Anyway, you have the beautiful role of distributing the good points now.

Blah blah blah blah blah. YOU started the Anti west comments. No one else did. Then when challenged. you go all out of shape crying about people being mean to you. Funny that. You even tried to pass off that you were in France. Your profile states France when you are a Russian in Russian. Nothing to do with being French or in France.

Apparently, even the owner of the site, with Ukrainian origin like my *******, does not appreciate what you may have said in your discussions before me either. So, what is the problem?

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Oh I know exactly who you mean. And by the way. She doesn't own the website. But nice try.

Also been running off to mummy have you to complain. LOL!

If you did not have Russia and conspiracy theories and rumors constantly in your mouth .

Says the Russian who has posted NOTHING but anti Western nonsense, conspiracy theories and rumors constantly since the start of her posts. Not exactly truthful is it now. Do you see your hypocritical stance?...Probably not.

I would have been content with what I originally signed up for and find keys to new post-containment couple dynamic and "lifestyle"

Funny how it was YOU that started posting the BS and anti Western comments No one else did. So no, you have proven beyond any doubt you are not just here for the life style. But it was a good attempt at pulling the wool over people. And only an attempt that failed miserably.

You need to stop. Re-read your posts and see the amount of Anti Western nonsense you have posted. Then sit and think exactly why people are replying to you like they are. You started the lies and mis-information no one else did. And now you are trying to claim the victim status. Sorry but your posts and comments show that boat never even was an option.

You enjoy the site, as I said before I'm done with your BS.
Très bien alors pas de souci, je peux parler en français de manière plus aisée qu'en anglais.
Premierment, cela fait plusieurs mois que pas un de vos postes concernant la Russie n'est respectueux, fait de clichés et de mensonges rapportés pas votre candidat Biden, qui, je le maintiens, est dans la continuité de l'administration Obama et soutien Navalny, un extrémiste qui n'a pratiquement aucune influence en comparaison aux communistes et aux libéraux. Vous pensez vos journaux libres, mais ce n'est pas pourtant ce que disent certains de vos camarades gauchistes qui font régulièrement des articles sur la liberté de la presse, notemment en France, sur la collusion entre médias et milieux financières ou sur la manque de diversitée sociale de vos rédactions. Dans nos journaux russophones, internationaux, nationaux et locaux il n'est pas rare de voir des experts de l'ouest intervenir, comme dans quelques articles que j'ai partagé. Bizarrement, ce genre d'experts, travaillant à l'Ouest ou venant de l'Ouest, n'apparaît que très peu dans vos médias que j'ai pu consulter, notamment en France ou très réçamment en m'intéressante à la politique. Je suis toujours cidérée par ce décalage quand je rentre en Russie chaque Été notemment.

Deuxièmement, je prendrai toujours le défense de la Russie, mon pays et ******* président, tant que les accusations contre eux sont le fruits de rumeurs et de supposition, ou d'attaques partiales exclusivement destinées à décridibiliser la Russie. Des critiques, j'en ai bien comme tout le monde, mais je ne les formule pas devant ceux qui seraient bien trop content d'entendre une russe critiquer la Russie. C'est le luxe des dominants, comme quand un homme est trop content de voir des femmes se battre concernant leur droit. En Russie, nous avons beaucoup de choses à mettre en valeur et je me permets de dire que face aux difficultés de développement de la Russie, ******* territoire immense, ******* passé communiste, aucun de vos dirigeants n'aurait fait mieux.
Vos élections ressemblent à une avalanche de merdes tous les 4 ans, alors que pourtant vous avez une potentielle démocratique énorme vu de l'extérieure. Nous pourrions échanger et grandir mais il en va de la fierté nationale de ne pas s'aplatir devant les oppresseurs quand il est attaqué.

Troisièment, j'ai passé deux mois ici à pouvoir poser des questions et en découvrir davantage sur cette pratique que nous appréhendions avec mon mari. J'ai toujours eu extrêmement de mal avec la politique mais je ne supporte pas que l'on fasse ******* beurre sur mon pays, ******* peuple, nos valeurs.

Quatrièment, concernant la possession du site, je ne en sais rien. Je ne faisais que rapporter les propos d'un de vos camarades pro Biden.

Dois je vous l'écrire en Russe ou en anglais ? Mettre un drapeau français et russe dans chaque publication car je n'ai pas changé mon lieu de résidence pour l'Eté en description ? Dans la rubrique demandant où nous sommes, j'ai répondu déjà répondue dans le oblast de Kursk, donc rien de nouvelle.
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