Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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republican party disavowed these people...…...guess trump and company didn't get the Memo

Mike Pence slated to speak at fundraiser hosted by QAnon ...
1 day ago · Mike Pence and top officials from Donald Trump’s campaign are slated to attend a Montana fundraiser next week hosted by a couple who have expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory ...

VP Mike Pence to attend Montana event hosted by QAnon ...
21 hours ago · Vice President Mike Pence and other top officials from President Donald Trump’s campaign are slated to attend a Montana fundraiser this month hosted by a couple who are adherents of the QAnon ...
their baaaack

Suspected Russian hackers target Biden campaign adviser ...
Russian state-backed hackers are reportedly suspected of targeting staff at a top advisory firm working with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign.

Russian state hackers suspected in targeting Biden campaign
21 hours ago · Microsoft recently alerted one of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s main election campaign advisory firms that it had been targeted by suspected Russian state-backed hackers.
wants a third term? got to win a second before he can go there

Cohen says Trump 'actually looking to change the ...

Michael Cohen explains why Trump likes Putin, and what ...
2 days ago · Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen says in a new book that Trump is a racist sexual predator who admires dictators and mocks the blue-collar Americans who back him.

Trump to resign, request pardon if he loses election: Cohen
2 hours ago · Cohen writes that Clayton, “not coincidentally, was a golf buddy of the President and almost completely inexperienced in criminal law,” adding he was “exactly what Trump and Barr wanted: a ...

Cohen: Trump is serious when he mentions staying for more than two terms

President Trump's former longtime personal attorney and fixer, Michael Cohen, said late Wednesday that he does not believe Trump has any intention to leave the White House if elected to a second term.

You Dems - you’ll believe ANYTHING - as long as it is negative regarding the President - being that the Main Street Media is way into the 90% of negative reporting on him - thar ya go - they totally feed your need ta WHINE !!!!!
republican party disavowed these people...…...guess trump and company didn't get the Memo

Mike Pence slated to speak at fundraiser hosted by QAnon ...
1 day ago · Mike Pence and top officials from Donald Trump’s campaign are slated to attend a Montana fundraiser next week hosted by a couple who have expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory ...

VP Mike Pence to attend Montana event hosted by QAnon ...
21 hours ago · Vice President Mike Pence and other top officials from President Donald Trump’s campaign are slated to attend a Montana fundraiser this month hosted by a couple who are adherents of the QAnon ...

When you're a Trumpeteer and you're campaign fund collections are far less than that of your competition, they couldn't care less as to how low they have to stoop to collect a few bucks on behalf of His Excellence, Dear Donald!
P.S. Just thought I'd use His official title for the first time, after all that's what His Friend from North Korea called Him right from the time of his first love letter to His Excellence, The Donald!!
Yes, because my english prevents me from being able to be always precise and fair, but I can translate. I am the only one here standing up for my country, and I am not going to give you any reason to hate it even more. You are liberals, I am kind of conservative at some points, even if I was in your country, it did not work
their baaaack

Suspected Russian hackers target Biden campaign adviser ...
Russian state-backed hackers are reportedly suspected of targeting staff at a top advisory firm working with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign.

Russian state hackers suspected in targeting Biden campaign
21 hours ago · Microsoft recently alerted one of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s main election campaign advisory firms that it had been targeted by suspected Russian state-backed hackers.
You will have to explain to me why the iron pot feels threatened by the earthen pot (reference to what some were saying about our economy) and why they have nothing but suspicion. You have the largest IT companies, with perhaps the best research centers and researchers, the largest military budget, intelligence services extended as ours or maybe more but nothing than suspicions which will give rise to sanctions. Always the same sanctions which prevent economic cooperation.
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You will have to explain to myself why the iron pot feels threatened by the earthen pot (reference to what some were saying about our economy) and why they have nothing but suspicion. You have the largest IT companies, with perhaps the best research centers and researchers, the largest military budget, intelligence services extended as ours or maybe more

we tried to help you more than once....last time Gorbachev was working on giving you a free economy and the start of free enterprise....voting and etc...…..I remember we sent over a lot of tractors to farm with.....just for a start.....but you let the KGB in...he took over ...ended those freedoms and has been milking the country of money since....now you have nothing.....not a lot of food...no health care...nothing to retire to....your country is fucked and you know it....anyone speaks up they die...…..was having huge anti p.utin rallies....let me guess he killed a lot of them.....and you support that.....doesn't say a lot for you now does it
Hating P.utin is not Russophobia. Stop it with that. You will never convince anyone of that nonsense propaganda.

That's the same logic as saying I hate Americans because I think Trump sucks. It makes zero sense unless you think the leader of a country is the only person in that country that matters. Which is a really bleak and horrible way to look at things.
https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2016...emocratic-russia-brought-us-Poroshenko-a56658 as I said, and this is a liberal media often known as pro-west media. The old generation of Clinton and Biden Democrats want to convey their russophobia to continue their strategy of isolating Russia.
Umm Republicans don't care for your bs either. ONly those who have no values, and support everything Trump does, which is all for himeself, do they support Russia.
Let's start with the very basic difference between the two countries. One follows the basic tenets of a democracy and Russia picks and chooses.
Let's start with the very basic difference between the two countries. One follows the basic tenets of a democracy and Russia picks and chooses.

Russia never had a chance to develop a functioning democracy. A push for a constitutional monarchy failed because the Tsar was an asshole who got killed for it. The democratic Mensheviks got pushed out of power after the revolution, leading eventually to Stalin as dictator. Then Yeltsin let his cronies feed on the corpse of the USSR by "selling" all the profitable national industries for pennies on the dollar to them, creating a new class of oligarchs that now run the place.
Très bien alors pas de souci, je peux parler en français de manière plus aisée qu'en anglais.
Premierment, cela fait plusieurs mois que pas un de vos postes concernant la Russie n'est respectueux, fait de clichés et de mensonges rapportés pas votre candidat Biden, qui, je le maintiens, est dans la continuité de l'administration Obama et soutien Navalny, un extrémiste qui n'a pratiquement aucune influence en comparaison aux communistes et aux libéraux. Vous pensez vos journaux libres, mais ce n'est pas pourtant ce que disent certains de vos camarades gauchistes qui font régulièrement des articles sur la liberté de la presse, notemment en France, sur la collusion entre médias et milieux financières ou sur la manque de diversitée sociale de vos rédactions. Dans nos journaux russophones, internationaux, nationaux et locaux il n'est pas rare de voir des experts de l'ouest intervenir, comme dans quelques articles que j'ai partagé. Bizarrement, ce genre d'experts, travaillant à l'Ouest ou venant de l'Ouest, n'apparaît que très peu dans vos médias que j'ai pu consulter, notamment en France ou très réçamment en m'intéressante à la politique. Je suis toujours cidérée par ce décalage quand je rentre en Russie chaque Été notemment.
What rumors and lies about Russia is Biden spreading? And how does a person of his stature spread rumors without it being news? And yes, many are hoping it's an extension of the Obama Administration. It would be nice to have a strong economy, regulatory agencies with teeth, no scandals, no riots, increased manufacturing and continued job growth. Oh, and not starting ******* with our allies or kissing up to our adversaries. Competent appointees, clear directives from the top, empathy toward others, and someone who can admit to mistakes and try to correct them Damn that would be nice. Imagine going to Europe again, and not pretending to be a Canadian. If we survive Covid.

Deuxièmement, je prendrai toujours le défense de la Russie, mon pays et ******* président, tant que les accusations contre eux sont le fruits de rumeurs et de supposition, ou d'attaques partiales exclusivement destinées à décridibiliser la Russie. Des critiques, j'en ai bien comme tout le monde, mais je ne les formule pas devant ceux qui seraient bien trop content d'entendre une russe critiquer la Russie. C'est le luxe des dominants, comme quand un homme est trop content de voir des femmes se battre concernant leur droit. En Russie, nous avons beaucoup de choses à mettre en valeur et je me permets de dire que face aux difficultés de développement de la Russie, ******* territoire immense, ******* passé communiste, aucun de vos dirigeants n'aurait fait mieux.
Vos élections ressemblent à une avalanche de merdes tous les 4 ans, alors que pourtant vous avez une potentielle démocratique énorme vu de l'extérieure. Nous pourrions échanger et grandir mais il en va de la fierté nationale de ne pas s'aplatir devant les oppresseurs quand il est attaqué.
You pull a classic. Our criticism is for the government and leaders of Russia, not for the people. I have and still do keep contact with Russians from across the land. Literally from outside of St Petersburg all the way to Siberia (which is surprisingly nice) people agree in general the government is corrupt, but there is not much to do about it. They are all proud of their culture and history, which is slightly different, but do NOT care for MrPutin. I agree. YOU are the only one acting like the President IS the people and the culture. He is not.

Now as far as criticism goes, Russia gives up plenty to criticize it for. You're gonna tell me that former Soviet bloc countries were able to figure it out and move along nicely in their new democracies but, it's too hard for Russia. With all of the aid, and support we've given. It's having problems because its corrupt. That corruption lies with your president who was the head of your secret police/spy organization during the days of communism. He has been pushing to get Russia back there as much as he can. It's why you live in France now.

And don't tell me about Russia's size being too big to mange while they continue to try and grab more.
America has more than twice the population that Russia has, we do ok. Well, we can do a lot better, but, it's better than any other country and has the position and history of doing better.

Troisièment, j'ai passé deux mois ici à pouvoir poser des questions et en découvrir davantage sur cette pratique que nous appréhendions avec mon mari. J'ai toujours eu extrêmement de mal avec la politique mais je ne supporte pas que l'on fasse ******* beurre sur mon pays, ******* peuple, nos valeurs.
What practice do you mean?

Quatrièment, concernant la possession du site, je ne en sais rien. Je ne faisais que rapporter les propos d'un de vos camarades pro Biden.
Dois je vous l'écrire en Russe ou en anglais ? Mettre un drapeau français et russe dans chaque publication car je n'ai pas changé mon lieu de résidence pour l'Eté en description ? Dans la rubrique demandant où nous sommes, j'ai répondu déjà répondue dans le oblast de Kursk, donc rien de nouvelle.
I'm not a comrade. The owner of site changed it so that when you type P.utin you get Putin. I asked him why, and he said it's been some weird stuff written about him. Like I said, it's his site, he can do what he wants. I just wish when someone said something about Biden, Trump's name would appear. Then it would be truthful.
You Dems - you’ll believe ANYTHING - as long as it is negative regarding the President - being that the Main Street Media is way into the 90% of negative reporting on him - thar ya go - they totally feed your need ta WHINE !!!!!
Ummm, these are. his own words, from his own mouth, on tape!! He comes out to gaslight the American people, and you buy it.

(that means to convince you, you didn't hear what you heard- like when your wife sees you banging her friend and starts to walk out, you go running behind her with your hard dick bobbing with each step telling her it's not what she thinks.)

You're a cultist.
Glad ta see the Mememeister is back - been a while :}

Now just need those arse-kickin avatars !!!!!!

was just going to post one everytime hottobe said something.....since I know these bother him.....but have branched out and need to quit doing so many......don't really care for them myself.....but some are pretty funny.....I have so many I can't find the ones I want when I want them sometimes
hope this holds...…...

Democrats build big edge in early voting

Democrats are amassing an enormous lead in early voting, alarming Republicans who worry they’ll need to orchestrate a huge Election Day turnout during a deadly coronavirus outbreak to answer the surge.

The Democratic dominance spreads across an array of battleground states, according to absentee ballot request data compiled by state election authorities and analyzed by Democratic and Republican data experts. In North Carolina and Pennsylvania, Democrats have a roughly three-to-one advantage over Republicans in absentee ballot requests. In Florida — a must-win for President Donald Trump — the Democratic lead stands at more than 700,000 ballot requests, while the party also leads in New Hampshire, Ohio and Iowa.

Even more concerning for Republicans, Democrats who didn't vote in 2016 are requesting 2020 ballots at higher rates than their GOP counterparts. The most striking example is Pennsylvania, where nearly 175,000 Democrats who sat out the last race have requested ballots, more than double the number of Republicans, according to an analysis of voter rolls by the Democratic firm TargetSmart.
Though the figures are preliminary, they provide a window into Democratic enthusiasm ahead of the election and offer a warning for Republicans. While Democrats stockpile votes and bring in new supporters, Trump’s campaign is relying on a smooth Election Day turnout operation at a time when it’s confronting an out-of-control pandemic and a mounting cash crunch.

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