Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Is that fake ?

And this ?
Maybe your democrat is paid by Russia

dems do not like Russia...nor people who promote Russia.....Russia may own the gop...but dems are still trying to take care of the country
well said, a country like the USA, cannot be destroyed from the outside, it can and will be destroyed from the inside. I am reminded of a quote often attributed to Benjiman Franklin and the signing of the constitution, he walked out of independence hall and was asked by a lady "Mr Franklin, what type of government do we have". His reply a democracy if you can keep it"

those very words have never been more important than they are today.
I may be wrong but the Ben Franklin quote is miss quoted. I remember that he said we have a Republic if we can keep it. This country has never been a Democracy it is a Democratic Republic. The people vote for their representatives who truly vote for the President. A true Democracy can be a Mob Rule. Now having representatives makes sure it is a smaller mob.
Pretty Sure it can be amended.
Funny how Dems always defend the failing unionized Postal bureaucracies as constitutional, but forget all the other stuff in the Constitution.
What other stuff do we forget?
The right to practice Islam without persecution?
The right to protest?
The right to a free press?
The right to hold the government accountable?
Do you know what it takes to amend the constitution? Go for it. We can use some more wins in the House and Senate.
I live in a city, the postal service is great but, we would get along just fine. It's the rural red areas, or small mountain towns that really need it.
Nice try. Talking about mass mail-in balloting and fraud with Mass Mail-In ballots. And if you can't figure out where I stand based on my previous responses you are really fucking dumb.
Speaking of dumbfucks fucking themselves with their own positions, you do know that more Democrats turnout to vote on Election Day than Republicans? How many positions can you fuck yourself in?
I may be wrong but the Ben Franklin quote is miss quoted. I remember that he said we have a Republic if we can keep it. This country has never been a Democracy it is a Democratic Republic. The people vote for their representatives who truly vote for the President. A true Democracy can be a Mob Rule. Now having representatives makes sure it is a smaller mob.

actually our system of government was set up on the roman gov...because at the time it was the best or so they thought....

The Roman Republic [ushistory.org]

The Romans established a form of government — a republic — that was copied by countries for centuries In fact, the government of the United States is based partly on Rome's model. The ladder to political power in the Roman Senate was different for the wealthy patricians than for the lower-class plebeians.

the reason for the representatives is that our founding fathers were racists

James Madison on Slavery and the Electoral College ...
Apr 10, 2019 · James Madison on Slavery and the Electoral College. Posted on April 10, 2019April 10, 2019by MAMcIntosh. The Electoral College may not have been expressly designed only to protect African slavery, but based on Madison’s notes, it was the mode most preferred by pro-slavery forces. By Dr. Alan J. Singer.1599698398125.png
I argue full purge of all rolls and people have to reregister. For the next election. Not November but after.

And yes they have IDs and Yes they can be authenticated. They have to when they get welfare, open a bank account, get a job, buy booze and cigs.

And your thoughts?

So, about 7500-8000 people die everyday. The next election is two years away.
That's about 5.5 million people dead since the last the election, still on the rolls.
Nice description of Democrats, and I'm sure I know who exactly you were talking about.
Why not make voter registration mandatory, if eligible, when applying for any type of welfare (MOST people getting some form of welfare actually work)?
What kind of democracy uses rumors and clichés as the foundation of its international policy? You have no proof, you only want to make coupters to find opportunities to your capital. Russia only received a heap of ashes as a heritage unlike the United States, who, in premium, has 10 years of undisputed hegemony. You have so much riches that you pay the luxury of burning your cities.
Self interest, is the basis of our international policy, as is most nations.
Speaking of rumors, how is that cure for Covid coming along in Russia that MrPutin gave to his own *******- supposedly?
We have so many 'riches' because we have capitalistic based government. You should try it sometime, I highly recommend it, but be sure to infuse some heavy regulations or those corporations will eat themselves.
You accuse people, without proof, of not being people but bots, others of committing murders or kidnappings... But who are you exactly? You are teaching your fellow citizens to relay rumors and fake news... what a beautiful irony! You blame your fellow citizens for lacking education... What a joke! But in reality but who are you? Donkeys ? As they say at home "your freedom is to eat after the pigs". Support Biden or Trump, we have got the leaders we deserve. I am just sad to discover America's politic in this aspect. Innocently, I even thought that we had things to exchange.
What are you even doing on this website? Seriously.
I may be wrong but the Ben Franklin quote is miss quoted. I remember that he said we have a Republic if we can keep it. This country has never been a Democracy it is a Democratic Republic. The people vote for their representatives who truly vote for the President. A true Democracy can be a Mob Rule. Now having representatives makes sure it is a smaller mob.
A Republic, is a type of democracy.
We vote 'mob rule' at the state and local level.
And, that is not Ben Franklin's quote in context. The woman was not asking about what type of 'democracy', she was asking was it a monarchy or democracy. Again, A republic is a type of democracy.
This is nuts.

It's only a matter of time before you nutjobs turn your guns on each other.

Land of the free? You've been compromised by a Russian and an idiotic real estate agent.
What are you even doing on this website? Seriously.
The same thing than you I suppose, except that I feel obligated to defend the interests of my country. I can not stand the injustice done to him. If it is necessary to quote a source close to your ideas, I would say that since I left for France and more particularly since the Russophobic speech was popularized, I share the analysis of this journalist without agreeing with him concerning the Poutin's review. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2016...emocratic-russia-brought-us-Poroshenko-a56658
As debris from the past generation, Biden and Clinton pursue the same strategy of isolation and aggression from Russia and have learned nothing from their mistakes.
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Wow I am Russian, what a new ! And from bot to troll, I am lucky.

Seeing as you have tried to pass yourself off as French the cap fits. Its also quite clear you have no intention of wanting a discussion just a platform to push Russian prpaganda and BS. Its really that simple.
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