Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The Clan Biden poisoned his former ally. There is no proof but you did it in the past, so 🤷🏻‍♂️

Yet more BS and lies. Typical of you people. Post unsubstantiated nonsense to deflect from everything you say. You claim people did what Russia is doing and pass it of with a so. Seriously? Nothing you post is backed up by fact, evidence or proven data. NOTHING.
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Vlad has a lot of them out there pushing bullshit propaganda

Latest was the Russian troll factory Peace Data which was removed after they were caught out YET AGAIN' posting lies, propaganda and BS.

The web brigades :) Russian Веб-бригады), also known as Russia's troll army (Армия троллей России), Russian bots (Русские боты), Putinbots, Kremlinbots (Путиноботы, кремлеботы), troll factory (Фабрика троллей), Lakhta trolls (Лахтинские тролли) or troll farms (Фермы троллей), are state-sponsored anonymous Internet political commentators and trolls linked to the Russian government. Participants report that they are organized into teams and groups of commentators that participate in Russian and international political blogs and internet forums using sockpuppets social bots and large-scale orchestrated trolling and disinformation campaigns to promote pro-P.utin and pro-Russian It has also been found that articles on Russia wikipedia concerning the MH17 incident and the2014 Ukraine conflict were targeted by Russian internet propaganda outlets.

Now who on here does that sound like I wonder!
Yet more BS and lies. Typical of you people. Post unsubstantiated nonsense to deflect from everything you say. You claim people did what Russia is doing and pass it of with a so. Seriously? Nothing you post is backed up by fact, evidence or proven data. NOTHING.
China is the REAL enemy :|

Wonder why Dems are obsessed with Russia???

When Mit Romney said Russia was the biggest threat he was mocked by Obama!!!!!
Russia only received a heap of ashes as a heritage unlike the United States

The USSR had the second-largest GDP in the world with unparalleled manufacturing capability (it just also sucked to live in).

It was only through the mismanagement of the centrally-planned economy and then the systematic kleptocracy under Gorbachev and later his disciple P.utin that Russia has now fallen to a shadow of its former self.

Why do you just lie? Do you ever bother to read anything others are saying here? Do you ever think, "hmmm, maybe there is something to this obvious connection between opposing P.utin politically and being shot in the street or poisoned..."?
When Mit Romney said Russia was the biggest threat he was mocked by Obama!!!!!

Russia is only a problem when you don't keep P.utin bottled up like Obama had him. At least Trump hasn't been able to repeal sanctions, so the Russian economy is still trash and eventually P.utin will eat a bullet from his own people.

China isn't a direct threat, but we're going to be playing out a game of influence with them. They're already investing heavily into developing economies (like with the Belt and Road Initiative), with the goal of controlling a significant chunk of the global supply chain. This is stuff the US would traditionally do to keep our network of friendly nations and favorable trade terms strong, but that dang Cheeto in the White House gutted the State Department almost immediately when he entered office, so now China will be eating our lunch.
would love to hear the right explain their stimulus to help Americans struggling to get by.....does not have anything for those struggling...but has millions for the military....I must have missed something...I thought the purpose was to help those in need
I posted from many articles from Russia.

Your sense of superiority will ruin you. The whole world envies you because you have a lot of wealth. What China has understood is that not everyone shares your vision of society and many will turn their backs on you as soon as they have nothing more to hope for from you. Do you want to throw the whole world into the arms of China? Continue like this, find secondary enemies such as Russia (whose resources and immense spaces, of course, do not interest you at all in any way), make scarecrow and do not treat the real threat
You accuse people, without proof, of not being people but bots, others of committing murders or kidnappings... But who are you exactly? You are teaching your fellow citizens to relay rumors and fake news... what a beautiful irony! You blame your fellow citizens for lacking education... What a joke! But in reality but who are you? Donkeys ? As they say at home "your freedom is to eat after the pigs". Support Biden or Trump, we have got the leaders we deserve. I am just sad to discover America's politic in this aspect. Innocently, I even thought that we had things to exchange.
From 'Not Us' To 'Why Hide It?': How Russia Denied Its Crimea Invasion, Then Admitted It

Despite clear indications that Moscow had dispatched these little green men, as they came to be widely known, Russia embarked on a campaign of denials and obfuscations about their provenance and role in helping cement Moscow's annexation of Crimea.

Despite clear indications that Moscow had dispatched these "little green men," as they came to be widely known, Russia embarked on a campaign of denials and obfuscations about their provenance and role in helping cement Moscow's annexation of Crimea.

In the darkness of the morning on February 27, 2014, heavily armed men wearing green uniforms with no identifying insignia stormed the regional parliament in Simferopol, the capital of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula, and raised the Russian flag atop the building.

The seizure came a day after pro- and anti-Russian protesters had clashed outside the building over the future of the peninsula following the ouster of Kremlin-friendly Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who had fled Kyiv days earlier. And it was just the beginning.

As masked commandos in similar garb fanned out across the peninsula over the next two weeks, surrounding Ukrainian military bases and taking control of other strategic facilities, it was clear to many on the ground that they were Russian military. One of the soldiers said as much on camera.
But despite clear indications that Moscow had dispatched these forces -- or "little green men," as they came to be widely known -- Russia embarked on a campaign of denials and obfuscations about their provenance and role in helping cement Moscow's annexation of Crimea in March 2014.

Russia described them as "self-defense units" created by locals concerned about alleged threats against Crimea's Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian ultranationalists.

Only later did the story begin to change.

Nothing To See Here

A day after the seizure of the Crimean parliament and the regional government headquarters, masked Russian soldiers took control of the Simferopol airport. One woman in the crowd appeared certain about their nationality, yelling "Russia, Russia!" as a group of commandos loaded their weapons and equipment into a military truck.

But the same day, Russia's ambassador to the European Union told Euronews that the troops at the airport were not Russian. "There are no troops whatsoever, no Russian troops at least," Vladimir Chizhov said.

Days later, during his first public comments on the events in Crimea, Russian President Vladimir P.utin was asked directly whether Russian troops were blockading Ukrainian soldiers inside their bases on the peninsula.

Despite the clear evidence of Russian soldiers' role in these blockades over the previous days, P.utin replied: "Those were local self-defense units."

The Bloomberg reporter who asked the question noted that the armed men wore "uniforms strongly resembling Russian Army uniforms."

P.utin responded: "Take a look at the post-Soviet states. There are many uniforms there that are similar. You can go to a store and buy any kind of uniform."

The same day, Ukrainian journalists published a video on YouTube in which one of several commandos deployed in Crimea said of himself and his colleagues: "We're Russians."

Asked about videos in which the armed men in Crimea say they are Russian, Putin's defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, said: "It's complete nonsense," Russia's state-run news agency RIA Novosti reported at the time. Asked whether the men in unmarked uniforms in Crimea were Russian, Shoigu added, "Absolutely [not], are you kidding?" Russia’s state-run TASS news agency reported.

The Changing Story Of Russia's 'Little Green Men' Invasion

The Changing Story Of Russia's 'Little Green Men' Invasion

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, meanwhile, told a news conference in Madrid alongside his Spanish counterpart that “pro-Russian forces” in Crimea were not taking orders from Moscow and that military personnel at Russia’s naval base in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol were staying put.

"With regard to the servicemen of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, they are staying at the sites of permanent deployment. Yes, there were additional special measures of elevated alert for ensuring the security of the Black Sea Fleet," Lavrov said.

Admitting It...Kind Of

After weeks of denials, Russia gradually changed its tune following a March 16, 2014, secessionist referendum in Crimea that paved the way for Moscow's formal annexation of the peninsula two days later.The referendum was rejected as illegitimate by 100 members of the UN General Assembly.

Speaking to the BBC the day the annexation treaty was signed, P.utin's spokesman still insisted that "servicemen from self-defense regiments of Crimea" were blocking "some" Ukrainian soldiers from leaving their posts. He appeared to concede that at least some Russian soldiers controlled the ground in Crimea, including the borders between the peninsula and the rest of Ukraine.

"It’s not all Russian forces. There are Russian forces that are increasing the security level for [the] Russian naval base. And from now on, I don’t know, because from now on, from today, starting from today, Crimea has joined the Russian Federation. And now, the situation is different there,"Peskov said.

Addressing senior security officials at the Kremlin 10 days later, P.utin praised both the Black Sea Fleet "and other units stationed in Crimea" for avoiding bloodshed and ensuring "the referendum took place in a peaceful and free manner."

The following month, P.utin said for the first time publicly that Russian troops were active on the peninsula ahead of the referendum -- though he suggested they were there only to provide backup for the locals.

Asked why the commandos operating in Crimea in March 2014 wore uniforms resembling those of the Russian Army, Putin said such clothing could be bought anywhere across the former Soviet Union.

Asked why the commandos operating in Crimea in March 2014 wore uniforms resembling those of the Russian Army, P.utin said such clothing could be bought anywhere across the former Soviet Union.

Asked specifically about the identity of the "little green men," P.utin said during his annual televised question-and-answer session with the public that "certainly, our officers stood behind Crimean self-defenders."

"There was no other way to conduct the referendum openly, fairly, with dignity, and help them express their opinion," Putin added during the April 17, 2014, live broadcast.

OK, It Was Us

Nearly a year after the annexation, Russia finally dropped all pretenses that its military wasn't involved in the seizure of Crimea. In a March 2015 documentary aired on state television, P.utin said he told top security officials of his intent to take Crimea shortly after Yanukovych abandoned power.

"I said that the situation in Ukraine has unfolded in such a way that we are ****** to begin the work of returning Crimea to Russia," P.utin said in the documentary.

He added that he had ordered his military and security agencies to save the life of Yanukovych, who turned up in southern Russia less than a week after fleeing Kyiv on February 22, 2014.

The film, titled Crimea: The Way Home, makes clear that the "little green men" who took control of the Crimean government buildings, airports, and other facilities were Russian soldiers.

The Simferopol airport -- where P.utin’s ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, had said there were no Russian troops operating -- was taken over by marines from Russia's Black Sea Fleet at Sevastopol, the film states.

It also says that P.utin sent thousands of officers and soldiers of various ranks into Crimea from Russia, claiming this deployment was legal because Moscow was still within the 25,000 allowed under a bilateral treaty on Russia's naval presence there. That agreement also required Ukrainian approval for movements of Russian military beyond its Sevastopol base and barred Russian forces in Crimea from "interference in Ukraine's internal affairs."

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets local residents during a visit to the Crimean port of Sevastopol on May 9, 2014.

Russian President Vladimir P.utin meets local residents during a visit to the Crimean port of Sevastopol on May 9, 2014.

P.utin said his decision to deploy Russian troops there was necessary to protect locals in predominantly Russian-speaking Crimea from violence and repression by Ukrainian nationalists, an argument Kremlin critics and Western governments dismiss as specious, and to prevent clashes between Russian and Ukrainian soldiers.

"In order to block and disarm 20,000 well-armed [Ukrainian soldiers], you need a specific set of personnel. And not just in numbers, but with skill. We needed specialists who know how to do it," P.utin said in the documentary.

"That’s why I gave orders to the Defense Ministry -- why hide it? -- to deploy special forces of the GRU (military intelligence) as well as marines and commandos there under the guise of reinforcing security for our military facilities in Crimea," P.utin added.

P.utin had a high-profile opportunity to explain his turnaround regarding the identity of the armed men operating in Crimea.

In a testy interview with P.utin last year, Austrian journalist Armin Wolf pressed the Russian president repeatedly on the "little green men" and Moscow's military activities in Crimea ahead of the annexation, though P.utin sidestepped the issue of his contradictory statements.

Instead he denounced what he called an "armed coup d'etat" in Kyiv, saying that "our armed forces" allowed "the free expression of the will of the people living in Crimea." He also repeated his earlier assertion that Russia did not exceed its permitted troop levels under the bilateral agreement with Kyiv.

At one point during the exchange, Wolf told P.utin: "You later admitted that the Russian military was in Crimea, even though you had previously denied it."

P.utin replied: "I did not deny anything. The Russian Army was always there."

P.utin's assertion that he "did not deny anything"was omitted from the Kremlin's official transcript of the interview.
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You accuse people, without proof, of not being people but bots, others of committing murders or kidnappings... But who are you exactly? You are teaching your fellow citizens to relay rumors and fake news... what a beautiful irony! You blame your fellow citizens for lacking education... What a joke! But in reality but who are you? Donkeys ? As they say at home "your freedom is to eat after the pigs". Support Biden or Trump, we have got the leaders we deserve. I am just sad to discover America's politic in this aspect. Innocently, I even thought that we had things to exchange.

Then stop pushing the Russian propaganda and BS. Hardly anything you have posted even offers the slightest example of a discussion. You constantly post debunked and discredited news items and post false and non factual statements...ALL WITHOUT PROOF. At best most of it has been Anti US and pro Russia. And you wonder why people are being less than curtious to you!
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Defending the oppressed Russian and Russian-speaking communities has been a doctrine of our government for a long time, including in the Baltic countries. We already had armed men present in Crimea. The informal troops were Russian self-defense forces.
Russia spreading disinformation about Biden's mental health: DHS
A previously planned release was withheld by DHS.

NOTIFIED: September 8, 2020

NOTIFIED: September 8, 2020

The Department of Homeland Security has found that Russia is spreading disinformation regarding former Vice President Joe Biden’s mental health, according to a DHS bulletin obtained by ABC News.

ABC News previously reported that DHS withheld publication of an intelligence bulletin warning law enforcement agencies of a Russian scheme to promote “allegations about the poor mental health” of Biden. The draft bulletin, titled “Russia Likely to Denigrate Health of US Candidates to Influence 2020 Election,” was submitted to the agency’s legislative and public affairs office for review on July 7. The analysis was not meant for public consumption, but it was set to be distributed to federal, state and local law enforcement partners two days later, on July 9, the emails show. It was not -- and after an uproar in the media an updated version of the bulletin was released Tuesday, providing details on what the Russian operation looks like.

Russian actors are spreading "unsubstantiated allegations" that former Biden is of "ill-health," the DHS bulletin says, and speculates that "this narrative will resonate with some American voters and reduce their confidence in him as a candidate."

PHOTO: Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with winners of the Leaders of Russia contest outside Moscow, Sept. 8, 2020.

Mikhail Klimentyev/AP
Russian President Vladimir P.utin attends a meeting with winners of the Leaders of Russia contest...

"Russia is using both covert proxy websites and overt state media to amplify these allegations, often in conjunction with other election-related malign influence narratives, which is consistent with their tactics in 2016 to undermine a former presidential candidate," it continues.

MORE: DHS withheld July intelligence bulletin calling out Russian attack on Biden’s mental health

The bulletin says the current effort has been ongoing since September 2019.

"Russian covert and covert influence actors posted negative commentary and unsubstantiated allegations about the poor mental health of Biden. For example, proxy websites have claimed that the candidates gaffes are symptoms of dementia, that he is mentally unfit for the presidency, and that he is unlikely to serve his full term due to his age," the bulletin reads.

PHOTO: Democratic U.S. presidential nominee  Joe Biden discusses the economy during a speech in Wilmington, Del., Sept. 4, 2020.

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters
Kevin Lamarque/Reuters
Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Joe Biden discusses the economy during a speech in Wilmin...

President Donald Trump's campaign has also maintained an effort to depict Biden, who turns 78 shortly after Election Day, as mentally unfit for office.

One such example came in July, when the Trump campaign aired an ad in 12 states that questioned Biden’s fitness for office.

"Joe Biden is slipping," a narrator in the ad says. "Now at the age of 77 years old and running for president for the third time, Biden is clearly diminished. Joe Biden does not have the strength, stamina and mental fortitude required to lead this country."

PHOTO: A Department of Homeland Security flag is displayed outside the Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters in Washington, July 17, 2020.

A Department of Homeland Security flag is displayed outside the Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters in Washington, July 17, 2020.
Last week on Fox News, DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf refuted critics quoted in the ABC story who characterized the initial bulletin as being withheld for political reasons, calling the story “inaccurate.” Instead, he said, the bulletin's release was delayed for quality control reasons.

"The report that you referenced was, at the end of the day, a very poorly written report. I had questions about it when I talked to career officials in I&A [Intelligence and Analysis] in the office that produced the report,” Wolf said. “They also had questions about it. They're hard at work on rewriting that report, putting it in better context. I hope to see that record out soon."

That updated bulletin also refers to China and Iran raising questions about Trump’s mental health but "these efforts probably fall short of Russia’s more sustained, coordinated malign influence operations across multiple overt and covert platforms to undermine other US politicians" it reads.

The bulletin says DHS has “high confidence” in the assessment that was
On the Crimea. Nope yet again you have failed. Why? Because all the media posted shows P.utin lying, then changing his mind. So just stop with the Russian backed BS. The evidence all backs up YOU Russians lied then YOU Russians LIED now again.

"Lidya, post: 3165964, member: 365216"
Defending the oppressed Russian and Russian-speaking communities has been a doctrine of our government for a long time, including in the Baltic countries. We already had armed men present in Crimea. The informal troops were Russian self-defense forces.

Thats the second time you have refered to yourself as a RUSSIAN..

We already had armed men present in Crimea.

doctrine of our government for a long time

Gotcha! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: You're a Russian Troll....
I can send others sources than RT or Sputnik but it will be in Russian or maybe in French. I do not understand why it is inconceivable for you to admit that the American liberal vision, visibly the majority here, is not the only ideology to have democratic and popular support, without seeing in it the shadow of a man orchestra or of a criminal clan. Everything that comes out of the Russian media or that relayed by our Russian nationals is by definition suspect ... If it is not a racist definition, I do not understand. Even the Trump supporters here, who are more conservatives, can understand this.

If I share French newspaper articles you will probably say that they are owned by Russian banks, that the journalists have Russian parents or that they are paid by Russia?
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