Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah and you still missed the point.

Strange how he had propagandize a "Federal Budget Surplus" credited to him and yet Debt went up $5.7 Trillion under his administration. How can debt go up if you have a surplus?

That's right you commit fraud and put a large chunk of the budget in a "secret" budget and don't count on the public budget to make yourself look good.

I'm not an accountant, but there are two weird things:
1) SSA ran a huge surplus, and is required to buy T-bills by law with that money
2) The Federal Gov't reports privately held debt but not intra-governmental debt; if you look at both combined they increased under Clinton's term

But even if you consider intra-departmental debt (which you should, I agree), Clinton still ran a surplus at the end of his term (rather than the last 4 years as it appears if you ignore the T-bills that the SSA was buying).

And in any event, he was by far the most fiscally conservative president we've had in the modern age, and ran the smallest government as a percentage of GDP

No same id now. You really have a thing for federal id and control.

Not everyone drives, which is how most Americans get their photo ID.

Photo ID also generally costs money, which means you've created a poll tax, which is illegal. Unless you want the gov't to foot the bill to pay for IDs for everyone.

Purge the rolls after November and make everyone reregister with proof of ID before the next one. Can do it at the DMV with renewals. Go to the county clerk and show ID or have copies ID and a form notarized and delivered to the secure ballot boxes or the Clerks office.

Notary costs money. You have another poll tax.

Fair. What is more fair then doing the bare minimum, equal to buying cigs or booze, or meeting the same requirements to buy a gun to prove you can vote. Either more access and freedom applies to all rights, including gun rights, or your argument is mute.
Can I use a gun show loophole to vote?
Of course it could never work because the constitution says elections are up to the States.
The Constitution electoral college is the method and yet several dem states are changing that without amendment. And it also says freedom of speech and there are laws that put you in jail in spite of that. It also says Gun Rights shall not be infringed and that boat sailed a long time ago.

If they can't prove their voters have been validated we don't have to seat their reps until they do.
The Constitution electoral college is the method and yet several dem states are changing that without amendment.

Are you talking about the popular vote compact? The constitution says they can choose their electors however they want. If a state votes to choose their electors by best TikTok dance video there ain't ******* anyone can do to stop them.

And it also says freedom of speech and there are laws that put you in jail in spite of that. It also says Gun Rights shall not be infringed and that boat sailed a long time ago.

I will support mandatory gun ownership if you support mandatory voting. Deal?
I'm not an accountant, but there are two weird things:
1) SSA ran a huge surplus, and is required to buy T-bills by law with that money
2) The Federal Gov't reports privately held debt but not intra-governmental debt; if you look at both combined they increased under Clinton's term

But even if you consider intra-departmental debt (which you should, I agree), Clinton still ran a surplus at the end of his term (rather than the last 4 years as it appears if you ignore the T-bills that the SSA was buying).

And in any event, he was by far the most fiscally conservative president we've had in the modern age, and ran the smallest government as a percentage of GDP
And still missing the point.

And yet National Debt rose by 5.7 Trillion under his watch. So you did all that hoop jumping to end up right where you started. He and Congress still raised debt by 5.7 Trillion from the year he took office through the year he left office. And don't forget get Congress had a lot to do with the budget and the games.

The Fed Still eroded your purchasing power
They still prompt up the central banking system
Still fostered start of the Housing and the ending of the first big tech bubbles
And still sold you out to China and later Russia.
And wages still lost ground both due to floods of cheap labor and inflation

If you are lost in the weeds search National Debt by President and look at the graphs.
Are you talking about the popular vote compact? The constitution says they can choose their electors however they want. If a state votes to choose their electors by best TikTok dance video there ain't ******* anyone can do to stop them.

I will support mandatory gun ownership if you support mandatory voting. Deal?
No deal. You really don't get Freedom do you?

Not quite but you can run with that theory.
The Fed Still eroded your purchasing power

That's actually good; deflation causes demand shock and would ******* the economy

They still prompt up the central banking system
Still fostered start of the Housing and the ending of the first big tech bubbles
And still sold you out to China and later Russia.
And wages still lost ground both due to floods of cheap labor and inflation

Mostly true. Not sure how he "sold us out to Russia", but with China I assume you mean the outsourcing of labor.

If you believe all this pretty much the only places to go are strong anti-Fed Bitcoin or Gold-standard-style libertarianism (which would track with your overall gun obsession), or democratic socialism where you want to raise the minimum wage and make sure that enough protectionist policies are in place to support a healthy domestic economy with good-paying jobs for everyone.

Neither place is remotely close to Trump-world though. Even Rand Paul, obsequious turd that he is, still disagrees with Trumpism.
How about you address the fraud, you keep trying to say is not an issue.
No ones' saying it isn't an issue ... its just that the Republicans are the ones doing the fraud, not the Democrats. Quite a bit of difference between election fraud and voter fraud, cpl .... voter fraud involves only one person at a time, election fraud involves a whole precinct or state and in large numbers. Right now, in NC, there are two Republicans sitting on their asses in NC prison over their large scale participation in 2018 election fraud.
Voters might vote OUT of district, and you might call it fraud, but the large scale interruptions to voting take place at the voting precincts and going around collecting the forms for mail-in voting .... both Republicans guilty as charged.
So, let me ask you, WHY is Trump in NC telling the voters to mail-in their votes and THEN go to the polls? No president in history has ever said that. He's instructing voters to break the laws ... possibly so when he loses a state he can invalidate that state's votes ... maybe?
Your President is a scumbag, cpl ... and I'm hoping he and his family spend at least a year or so in a state prison before its over.
If they can't prove their voters have been validated we don't have to seat their reps until they do.
Why not, Donald Trump got seated as President ... lied and stole his way into Washington and then blocked and ignored all subpoenas to get his people to come to court under oath. They all should have been denied their Washington jobs until they testified under oath.
If you are lost in the weeds search National Debt by President and look at the graphs.
Are you just plain stupid? When Reagan took office, the nat'l debt was just under a trillion ... after Reagan, both Bushes, the nat'l debt was over $10 trillion and I can assure you Bill Clinton did not put that much increase (interest on the debt) on the books.
Obama did add a bit to the nat'l debt, primarily to pull the nation away from another Great Depression ... 800,000 jobs being lost per month, the auto industries, housing industry, wall street ... ALL CRASHING, thanks to that great "Trickle Down" Voodoo Economics that was to create jobs through the wealthiest tax dodgers payers & corporations. You need to go do some reading yourself, Einstein dumbass!
now where do you suppose they would get that kind of idea....

Speaker at Far-Right Salem Rally Demands Democrat Leaders Be 'Shot Dead in the Streets'

2 arrested as Trump supporters, Proud Boys gather for Labor Day caravan, Salem rally

Trump supporters drive in 'cruise rally' to Salem where ...
Aaron 'Jay' Danielson, 39, was shot and killed by Antifa supporter Michael Reinoehl, 48, on August 29 as BLM and pro-Trump sides clashed in Portland. Five days later Reinoehl was shot and killed ...

Salem rally shot dead, Speaker at Far-Right Salem Rally ...
Salem rally shot dead, Speaker at Far-Right Salem Rally Demands Democrat. Video has emerged showing a speaker at a rally in Salem, Oregon, urging that democratic leaders be "shot dead in the streets" for pushing a so-called "******* agenda" and being greeted with cheers and …

Speaker at Far-Right Salem Rally Demands Democrat Leaders ...
1 day ago · Speaker at Far-Right Salem Rally Demands Democrat Leaders Be ‘Shot Dead in the Streets’ September 8, 2020 nedhamson Video has emerged showing a speaker at a rally in Salem, Oregon, urging that democratic leaders be “shot dead in the streets” for pushing a so-called “******* agenda” and being greeted with cheers and applause from ...
You are defending the politics of North Korea? You're comparing their politics with ours?
Yes they have three parties, but strangely enough, only ONE in in the legislature. Just one.
How is that?
The USA has more than two parties, especially at the local level.

Again, @Hottobe cucked sucks up this propoganda. You like the enemies of Democracy better than you own countrymen.
I mean are you so shallow and ill informed?
I was not defending North Korea, I just showed the absurdity of a comparison with this country by taking a provocative example.
What kind of democracy uses rumors and clichés as the foundation of its international policy? You have no proof, you only want to make coupters to find opportunities to your capital. Russia only received a heap of ashes as a heritage unlike the United States, who, in premium, has 10 years of undisputed hegemony. You have so much riches that you pay the luxury of burning your cities.
I was not defending North Korea, I just showed the absurdity of a comparison with this country by taking a provocative example.
you seem to have a habit of defending dictators....most of the country does not like that...…..sure you may find fools and illinformed trumptards who think letting Russia pull trumps strings and control America is fine

p.utin needs trump in the white house more than ever....any other politician to include some of the right would put a stop to some of the ******* he is pulling...….penalizing him or Russia would really hurt and he can not afford that....so he needs trump to block any of that

still not convinced you are not a "bot".....easy to dupe people like hottobe and a couple others but most see through your *******
What kind of democracy uses rumors and clichés as the foundation of its international policy?

the one you seem to be supporting....TRUMP!

You have no proof, you only want to make coupters to find opportunities to your capital.

again you seem to be describing trump...the person you are supporting

Russia only received a heap of ashes as a heritage unlike the United States

Russia had the opportunity to do a lot more....but they let a former KGB agent take over the country and make himself the richest person in the world while ******* his country of benefits and ets…...but you again support the man

You have so much riches that you pay the luxury of burning your cities.

p.utin has more riches than anyone else in the world...….just think if he hadn't killed ...robbed ...and stole from the country things may not be where they are today......but you keep supporting your dictators

how much of that wealth belongs to the Russian people?

Vladimir Putin's Net Worth: Is He the World's Richest Man ...
Jan 24, 2017 · That’d put Putin within striking distance of Bill Gates, who according to Bloomberg is the world’s richest man with an estimated net worth of $84 billion. One less credible critic says Putin’s real worth could be as high as $200 billion .

Trump idolizes Putin as he runs Russia like his personal company and is 'richest man in the world by a multiple'

Trump Idolizes Putin Because He Can Run Russia Like Own ...
Sep 06, 2020 · He mistakenly identified Putin as “the richest man in the world,” Cohen writes. Trump also admired the Russian strongman because Putin had the ability “to take over an entire nation and run it like it was his personal company — like the Trump Organization, in fact,” according to Cohen.
you seem to have a habit of defending dictators....most of the country does not like that...…..sure you may find fools and illinformed trumptards who think letting Russia pull trumps strings and control America is fine

p.utin needs trump in the white house more than ever....any other politician to include some of the right would put a stop to some of the ******* he is pulling...….penalizing him or Russia would really hurt and he can not afford that....so he needs trump to block any of that

still not convinced you are not a "bot".....easy to dupe people like hottobe and a couple others but most see through your *******

Or is she a Russian-French citizen with loyalties to Russia?
Yes of course, all citizen who love Russia is a bot, millions of bots. Like Liu Yifei for supporting her country, and yet I do not judge her.
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