Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Look, the dems have fought to keep inactive and dead people on the rolls for years. They have fought to allow illegal criminal aliens to vote. They now fight, with only two moths to go, to ******* a proven method of fraud into a nationwide election in direct contradiction to the long establish established method of voting. This all in the frame of their media coup and inability to accept the outcome of a fair election.

"Proven method of fraud"? If absentee voting is a "proven method of fraud" why has it been allowed since forever? You're not making any sense.

Also, it's not really up to "the dems", and as I said plenty of Republican-controlled states are doing a lot of voting via mail.

Trumps guy- So Obama and his administration are Trump guys now? So decades of failed government programs and control are Trump guys?

Dejoy is Trump's guy. He was a huge Trump donor (and apparently paid his employees to donate to Trump and the RNC, which is the same thing Jared Kushner's dad went to jail for and now it looks like DeJoy is going to jail for).

The post office has been in shambles for all of yours' and my life.

Not really. Even with the POEA, which was a Republican-led effort to ensure that the Post Office would have similar financial problems to Amtrak, it has still been super reliable and effective. Only with Dejoy in as Postmaster General (which was only possible through total Republican shenanigans -- the board of governors for the post office is supposed to be split between Democrats and Republicans but is currently at 5 Republicans and 1 Democrat) has it started to really go to ******* with people not receiving medication, mail sitting in bags in warehouses, etc.
In a lot of states, like mine they only send a ballot if you request one.

The voter roll issue is a different thing, that's the same logic as registration drives, or same-day registration laws: make it easier for more people to vote.

I support making it easier for more people to vote because I'm pro-democracy. There's not actually evidence that this helps either party, but I don't see it as a party thing, I think of it as a moral thing. Everyone should get a say.
I agree and the Republican party would ALWAYS vote my mail ALOT! Now, all of a sudden because Trump calls mail-in voting an easier way for fraud, now you have the majority of Rednecks actually now believing the SAME ******* because there CULT LEADER said it! Crazy ass ******* to me and most of the Republicans in Congress have kept telling Trump to stop saying it! Why? Because, in past elections, Republicans have ALWAYS had a lot of votes coming in through mail-in voting! Now, the Republicans are worshipping their leader, so of course their DUMB ASSES have to FALL IN LINE! SMDH, they NEED to terminate the Republican Party entirely because they have FUCKED this country up FOR YEARS and STILL doing it!

By the way, the 1,000 votes happened under a Republican, so stop with that Democrat BULLSHIT! So many people in the larger counties in Atlanta have been talking about Brian Kemp stealing the election as well as his own Secretary of State saying not to send any absentee ballots to a large Black community in Atlanta because he KNEW that, if they voted, Brian Kemp would have lost the election! That was all OVER LOCAL TELEVISION in GA what happened, yet he claims he won a fair election! One thing about Republicans though, "THEY" ALL lie with a STRAIGHT FACE and DON'T care AT ALL!

Being that my home state has been a RED state for many years, thankfully, with so many Blacks and Latinos migrating here to Atlanta and other cities such as Savannah, C-Town, Mac-town, and the Garden City, Georgia will become a Democratic state! I hope that it happens and I am sure my Black Women from Zone 4 to Zone 6 will definitely like that!
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I agree and the Republican party would ALWAYS vote my mail ALOT! Now, all of a sudden because Trump calls mail-in voting an easier way for fraud, now you have the majority of Rednecks actually now believing the SAME ******* because there CULT LEADER said it! Crazy ass ******* to me and most of the Republicans in Congress have kept telling Trump to stop saying it! Why? Because, in past elections, Republicans have ALWAYS had a lot of votes coming in through mail-in voting! Now, the Republicans are worshipping their leader, so of course their DUMB ASSES have to FALL IN LINE! SMDH, they NEED to terminate the Republican Party entirely because they have FUCKED this country up FOR YEARS and STILL doing it!

By the way, the 1,000 votes happened under a Republican, so stop with that Democrat BULLSHIT! So many people in the larger counties in Atlanta have been talking about Brian Kemp stealing the election as well as his own Secretary of State saying not to send any absentee ballots to a large Black community in Atlanta because he KNEW that, if they voted, Brian Kemp would have lost the election! That was all OVER LOCAL TELEVISION in GA what happened, yet he claims he won a fair election! One thing about Republicans though, "THEY" ALL lie with a STRAIGHT FACE and DON'T care AT ALL!

Being that my home state has been a RED state for many years, thankfully, with so many Blacks and Latinos migrating here to Atlanta and other cities such as Savannah, C-Town, Mac-town, and the Garden City, Georgia will become a Democratic state! I hope that it happens and I am sure my Black Women from Zone 4 to Zone 6 will definitely like that!

Yeah but were they republican or democrat voters who committed the fraud? And, as Ridge pointed out, they were caught by a Republican and he wants to prosecute them. Strange, Kemp "stole" the election and "his" Sec. of State stopped "absentee ballots" to "the largest black community" in "Atlanta" but the headline is "1000 Double Voters" caught.... Strange how an incendiary accusation about stopping absentee ballots by a Republican to "the largest black community" in Atlanta....was not head lines on every leftwing news source.... Strange.....

See you leftist keep wanting to play word games and rationalize "republicans did this". There is a difference between vetted voters requesting to mail in an absentee ballot and every single name on the voter roll getting a ballot without asking. Including the long inactive voters....

Funny Republicans aren't suing to stop a purging of inactive voters in every state that tries especially long time Dem controlled districts, but Dems have for the last 10 years. Strange....
Yeah but were they republican or democrat voters who committed the fraud? And, as Ridge pointed out, they were caught by a Republican and he wants to prosecute them. Strange, Kemp "stole" the election and "his" Sec. of State stopped "absentee ballots" to "the largest black community" in "Atlanta" but the headline is "1000 Double Voters" caught.... Strange how an incendiary accusation about stopping absentee ballots by a Republican to "the largest black community" in Atlanta....was not head lines on every leftwing news source.... Strange.....

See you leftist keep wanting to play word games and rationalize "republicans did this". There is a difference between vetted voters requesting to mail in an absentee ballot and every single name on the voter roll getting a ballot without asking. Including the long inactive voters....

Funny Republicans aren't suing to stop a purging of inactive voters in every state that tries especially long time Dem controlled districts, but Dems have for the last 10 years. Strange....
Yea, that's right, shawty, Brian Kemp STOLE the election like I said! As long as the news source in my home state broadcasts the facts, that is ALL that matters! As a matter of fact, ABC News was talking about how the Republicans cheated the Georgia governor election in order to get Brian Kemp elected as well as here in my local newspaper in my home city! The Republicans have ALWAYS tried some cheating ******* to boost the election in there favor or take some voters OFF of the voter rolls, which also happened in my home state! *******, shawty, I have already stated 2 corrupt things that the Republican Party have done in my home state, yet so many Rednecks worship them like damn "SHEEP"! So, I am a leftist because I am showing facts reflected in my home state? LMAO, that same LEFTIST reverse psychology BULLSHIT, shawty! You are DEFINITELY a Republican though supporting your "OLD WHITE MAN" Party! Ya'll keep that ******* going though and not learn how to adapt! Republicans CAN'T sue when they have ALWAYS been caught in a LIE, shawty!

And, the "1000 Double Voters" article was ALSO done under a Republican! He needs to do his JOB and stop playing that LOYALTY game!
"Proven method of fraud"? If absentee voting is a "proven method of fraud" why has it been allowed since forever? You're not making any sense.

Also, it's not really up to "the dems", and as I said plenty of Republican-controlled states are doing a lot of voting via mail.

Dejoy is Trump's guy. He was a huge Trump donor (and apparently paid his employees to donate to Trump and the RNC, which is the same thing Jared Kushner's dad went to jail for and now it looks like DeJoy is going to jail for).

Not really. Even with the POEA, which was a Republican-led effort to ensure that the Post Office would have similar financial problems to Amtrak, it has still been super reliable and effective. Only with Dejoy in as Postmaster General (which was only possible through total Republican shenanigans -- the board of governors for the post office is supposed to be split between Democrats and Republicans but is currently at 5 Republicans and 1 Democrat) has it started to really go to ******* with people not receiving medication, mail sitting in bags in warehouses, etc.

Again- vetted voters requesting verus everyone who is on the rolls. Even with vetting there is fraud, proven and even proven by you. Remember your NC.. Opps.

Yeah, Dejoy is Trumps guy and again what did he do specifically to "destroy" the postal system.... Since he took office in June 2020.... Now be specific with evidence from the Public record of the USPS... Not some theory yarn spun by a left wing news source...

Yeah, and now who is trying to make a nefarious theory... You are blaming the long standing failings of a failed bureaucracy run at every level by a Dem controlled Government Union, with 1000s of reg, on "5 Republicans and 1 Democrat board" and "Dejoy" head since June 2020.... Who appointed the board and how long have they been there?
Yea, that's right, shawty, Brian Kemp STOLE the election like I said! As long as the news source in my home state broadcasts the facts, that is ALL that matters! As a matter of fact, ABC News was talking about how the Republicans cheated the Georgia governor election in order to get Brian Kemp elected as well as here in my local newspaper in my home city! The Republicans have ALWAYS tried some cheating ******* to boost the election in there favor or take some voters OFF of the voter rolls, which also happened in my home state! *******, shawty, I have already stated 2 corrupt things that the Republican Party have done in my home state, yet so many Rednecks worship them like damn "SHEEP"! So, I am a leftist because I am showing facts reflected in my home state? LMAO, that same LEFTIST reverse psychology BULLSHIT, shawty! You are DEFINITELY a Republican though supporting your "OLD WHITE MAN" Party! Ya'll keep that ******* going though and not learn how to adapt! Republicans CAN'T sue when they have ALWAYS been caught in a LIE, shawty!

And, the "1000 Double Voters" article was ALSO done under a Republican! He needs to do his JOB and stop playing that LOYALTY game!

Dude you just detailed the dems to a "t". And you support a party that is so diverse they voted for the 2 old white guys over all the "qualified" minorities, for like the 50th time. Hypocrisy? Ah Yep.

Funny how the dems always cry fraud when a dem loses and election they thought they stole already. Especially when it is a woman dem who loses. Wasn't it you guys saying Trump would not accept the outcome... And yet it was you guys.

When I search voter fraud and election fraud it always seems to be more democrats then republicans getting caught, but you can rest assured the dems will always remember the republicans cheated in small district in NC, but skip all the other examples of Dem...Acorn, Unions for decades.

Again what party were those voters that cheated? And that was headlines on several sites from both sides.
I've personally been at several protests. I'm just telling you what I personally experienced, and that was everyone in masks and lots and lots of hand sanitizer

Acorn's "fraud" was about voter registration, where laws were very confusing because they had to turn in every voter registration card they received, but some were of fictional characters (people love to troll) or from the same person twice (some people are dumb I guess). They never voted on behalf of anyone else or sent in a single ballot.

The "dead people voted!" thing was also revealed to be a clerical error.

Irresponsible media (like Fox, or DailyCaller, or Breitbart) will never correct any mistakes they make on their reporting of this stuff, so it stick around.

That might be what you believe, but no data actually supports that. In fact, making it hard to vote is going to hurt the elderly and the very rural, who are kind of two groups Trump absolutely needs to stand any chance in hell.

No, of course not.

What's this
Stanford University

And no dead people voting, in Dem states especially is not "clerical errors"

See number 1

And here is the extreme leftist NPR even having to admit in their "fact check" that he is "partially right"

"Election experts say Trump is partially correct, that there is slightly more fraud in mail-voting than in-person voting. But they caution that both can be done safely and securely, and that election fraud is extremely rare in all instances.

"Where there is fraud in the system, it really seems to be in mail balloting," said Lonna Atkeson, a political science professor at the University of New Mexico. "There's some, there's not a lot. I think there's a little bit."" They were so desperate to keep the spin they had to trap the "professor" into opinion.

And note that is extreme hard left NPR trying to spin it and they still have to say he is right on the fraud.... Damn
Dude you just detailed the dems to a "t". And you support a party that is so diverse they voted for the 2 old white guys over all the "qualified" minorities, for like the 50th time. Hypocrisy? Ah Yep.

Funny how the dems always cry fraud when a dem loses and election they thought they stole already. Especially when it is a woman dem who loses. Wasn't it you guys saying Trump would not accept the outcome... And yet it was you guys.

When I search voter fraud and election fraud it always seems to be more democrats then republicans getting caught, but you can rest assured the dems will always remember the republicans cheated in small district in NC, but skip all the other examples of Dem...Acorn, Unions for decades.

Again what party were those voters that cheated? And that was headlines on several sites from both sides.
I am talking about my home state, shawty! Ya'll worried about mail-in voting and you have a corrupt criminal who is President who has fucked over SO MANY people who trusted him, yet ya'll are forgetting about a stock market that still has gains when we are STILL in a recession! Doesn't make any sense when that happens though I get it since the Federal Reserve has to LIE and do their QE bullshit! Wait until that QE stops though and stock market adjusts though wouldn't surprise me that the Fed interferes with that! Overall, the U.S. is FUCKED anyway you look at it period and gradually Americans WILL start seeing inflation! I wonder if the Trump worshippers know what Trump's administration and the Fed are planning though behind CLOSED doors that they WON'T dare to share with the American people! Most Americans who happen to have an account with a Bank will NOT like what Trump and the Fed has PLANNED! China has already done the EXACT same thing and of course, you know that Trump and the Fed will do the EXACT same thing! They have too though since they DON'T want to be BEHIND China, especially when it pertains to FINANCE which is 10x times bigger, very IMPORTANT, and will HURT a lot of Americans if you DON'T prepare for it!
I am talking about my home state, shawty! Ya'll stupid muthafuckas worried about mail-in voting and you have a corrupt criminal who is President who has fucked over SO MANY people who trusted him, yet ya'll are forgetting about a stock market that still has gains when we are STILL in a recession! Doesn't make any sense when that happens though I get it since the Federal Reserve has to LIE and do their QE bullshit! Wait until that QE stops though and stock market adjusts though wouldn't surprise me that the Fed interferes with that! Overall, the U.S. is FUCKED anyway you look at it period and gradually Americans WILL start seeing inflation! I wonder if the Trump worshippers know what Trump's administration and the Fed are planning though behind CLOSED doors that they WON'T dare to share with the American people! If they DON'T though, most Americans who happen to have an account with a Bank will NOT like what Trump and the Fed has PLANNED! China has already done the EXACT same thing and of course, you know that Trump and the Fed will do the EXACT same thing! They have too though since they DON'T want to be BEHIND China, especially with it pertains to FINANCE which is 10x times bigger, very IMPORTANT, and will HURT a lot of Americans if you DON'T prepare for it!

I don't disagree with your sentiment on the Fed and QE.

However, I assert you forgot few other co-conspirators.. In fact, it could be argued they are the biggest of the conspirators. You also forgot a huge portion of the timeline.

I point out we have had inflation since the Fed Started. Look at purchasing power of the US dollar from 1900 to today. Why do you think they stopped auditing the fed years ago?

I am not quite sure why you hold the idea of QE and Fed and want to blame Trump. This started back in the early 1900s with Wilson and FDR with the control of JP Morgan and with the help of the Rockefeller and few other family banking cartels. The Fed did this move without Trump. In fact, they used it to heel the Dems and many Republicans in Congress.
I am talking about my home state, shawty! Ya'll worried about mail-in voting and you have a corrupt criminal who is President who has fucked over SO MANY people who trusted him, yet ya'll are forgetting about a stock market that still has gains when we are STILL in a recession! Doesn't make any sense when that happens though I get it since the Federal Reserve has to LIE and do their QE bullshit! Wait until that QE stops though and stock market adjusts though wouldn't surprise me that the Fed interferes with that! Overall, the U.S. is FUCKED anyway you look at it period and gradually Americans WILL start seeing inflation! I wonder if the Trump worshippers know what Trump's administration and the Fed are planning though behind CLOSED doors that they WON'T dare to share with the American people! Most Americans who happen to have an account with a Bank will NOT like what Trump and the Fed has PLANNED! China has already done the EXACT same thing and of course, you know that Trump and the Fed will do the EXACT same thing! They have too though since they DON'T want to be BEHIND China, especially when it pertains to FINANCE which is 10x times bigger, very IMPORTANT, and will HURT a lot of Americans if you DON'T prepare for it!

It's pretty typical of a Republican administration to immediately start doing what they would consider "extreme leftist" monetary policy like MMT when their back is up against the wall. Except instead of using the money printer to deal with health care or basic human needs, they use it to prop up stock prices.
"Election experts say Trump is partially correct, that there is slightly more fraud in mail-voting than in-person voting. But they caution that both can be done safely and securely, and that election fraud is extremely rare in all instances.

I'm glad we agree. Can we concentrate on how we can make sure the election runs fairly and securely, or are we going to go back to flinging poo at each other like apes?
It's pretty typical of a Republican administration to immediately start doing what they would consider "extreme leftist" monetary policy like MMT when their back is up against the wall. Except instead of using the money printer to deal with health care or basic human needs, they use it to prop up stock prices.

Yeah and the Dems have the exact same track record. Don't forget it started under and because of Wilson and FDR. And Saved Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obama. And couple of them had super majorities and yet you have the same problems since the 20s.. Funny, how could that be you voted democrat and they had super majorities.
Oh Poo, they did, you did. Any party or elected official who tries to prevent legal a citizen from voting should fall victim to someone exercising their second amendment right. That's right shoot them they are not a American . You shouldn't ******* them just give them a dam good reason to not try to stop votes. In my youth i had the privilege to see and hear Will Rogers. He said the real problem is the majority don't vote. Therefore the idiots at all levels are put there by the minority, but everybody complains about poor government. If you don't help choose shut up and go away.
Yeah and the Dems have the exact same track record. Don't forget it started under and because of Wilson and FDR. And Saved Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obama. And couple of them had super majorities and yet you have the same problems since the 20s.. Funny, how could that be you voted democrat and they had super majorities.

Huh? Clinton was the only president in modern history to run a Federal budget surplus.

He was probably the last Conservative president.
I'm glad we agree. Can we concentrate on how we can make sure the election runs fairly and securely, or are we going to go back to flinging poo at each other like apes?
Voter ID at registration and no same day registration or in fact no registration in any election with in 5 days of election. Disclosure of previous address and confirmation communication between clerks to make sure single vote per person. For going forward

I argue full purge of all rolls and people have to reregister. For the next election. Not November but after.

I feel there should be in person voting starting Nov 1 or even Oct 30. Voter ID required. People who have standing absentee ballots can vote after calling in and confirming their Identity. No confirmation no ballot. No new absentee ballots without confirmation with ID and follow up confirmation. If they can ramp up communist style trace tracking in 3 weeks they can do it for voting.

Basically, no one who has not been authenticated by ID in person or other method equal to new bank confirmations, will not have their vote counted.

And yes they have IDs and Yes they can be authenticated. They have to when they get welfare, open a bank account, get a job, buy booze and cigs.

And your thoughts?
And your thoughts?

So you want a Federal ID system and you want to ******* every single voter to register for every single election every time?

I think you missed the "fair" part of what I was talking about. Your proposal is extreme in how expensive and onerous it would be. The only way I'd be in favor of it is if it came with universal mandatory voting like Australia has, and was fully funded by the Federal Government.
Huh? Clinton was the only president in modern history to run a Federal budget surplus.

He was probably the last Conservative president.
Yeah and you still missed the point.

Strange how he had propagandize a "Federal Budget Surplus" credited to him and yet Debt went up $5.7 Trillion under his administration. How can debt go up if you have a surplus?

That's right you commit fraud and put a large chunk of the budget in a "secret" budget and don't count on the public budget to make yourself look good.
So you want a Federal ID system and you want to ******* every single voter to register for every single election every time?

I think you missed the "fair" part of what I was talking about. Your proposal is extreme in how expensive and onerous it would be. The only way I'd be in favor of it is if it came with universal mandatory voting like Australia has, and was fully funded by the Federal Government.

No same id now. You really have a thing for federal id and control.

Purge the rolls after November and make everyone reregister with proof of ID before the next one. Can do it at the DMV with renewals. Go to the county clerk and show ID or have copies ID and a form notarized and delivered to the secure ballot boxes or the Clerks office. No USPS. Then each year after a 2 elections purge inactive voters and send a notice. Collect address and email at registration and send notice before a 60 day window so they can clear it up before the 5 day cut off.

Fair. What is more fair then doing the bare minimum, equal to buying cigs or booze, or meeting the same requirements to buy a gun to prove you can vote. Either more access and freedom applies to all rights, including gun rights, or your argument is mute.

I think you have long missed the point of Freedom. No one should be required to vote. If you want to vote you should be required to meet the same burden as to buy a gun in a free state. Show ID, ask if you are a felon and attest you have not been adjudicated insane. Just cut Congresses perks and salaries to pay for the cost in each state.
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