Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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More and more....shows trump is in over his head...…..corruption his only win

War is 'a last resort,' Army chief says after Trump's comments

The Army's top general defended military leaders on Tuesday after President Donald Trump accused them of going to war to keep defense contractors "happy," saying he and others take the decision to send troops into combat "very, very seriously."

Now they worry about spending?

Republicans Roll Out 'Skinny' Stimulus Bill

WASHINGTON—Senate Republicans proposed a new, smaller package of coronavirus aid Tuesday aimed at unifying the party and bolstering it politically, as talks with Democrats remained at a standstill and both parties blame the other for the lack of progress over the summer.

The new bill, which includes jobless aid, liability protections for businesses and school funding among other measures, is expected to cost around $300 billion, after the $650 billion in new spending is offset with $350 billion in savings from unspent funds from earlier coronavirus packages. The proposal is designed to assuage the spending concerns of some GOP senators by reducing the price tag from an earlier $1 trillion proposed by Republicans, while also adding new tax credits for private-school scholarships and homeschooling expenses, a longtime priority of conservative groups.

“Today we’re releasing a targeted proposal that focuses on several of the most urgent aspects of this crisis, the issues where bipartisanship should be especially possible,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said on the Senate floor Tuesday. “We’re going to get the stonewalling of Democratic leaders out from behind closed doors and put this to a vote out here on the floor.”

Senate returns with a path to nowhere on coronavirus aid ...
13 hours ago · Senate Democrats from Schumer on down have slammed McConnell for sitting out talks on the coronavirus relief package. While the Kentucky Republican said the …

Senate GOP struggles to unify behind coronavirus relief ...
Sep 04, 2020 · A fight over Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s plan to subsidize private school tuition is threatening to derail a Senate GOP effort to write a slimmed-down coronavirus relief bill

Senate set for futile vote on skinny coronavirus relief ...
9 hours ago · Senate set for futile vote on skinny coronavirus relief package 2020-09-08 In another exercise of futility, the GOP-led Senate is preparing to vote on their “skinny” coronavirus stimulus package, which includes no checks, this week after the Labor

Senate GOP 'goal' is to vote next week on 'targeted ...
Sep 01, 2020 · Any pared-down coronavirus relief bill would need 60 votes to pass the Senate, and Democrats are expected to block it, which could give Senate GOP candidates something to talk about on the campaign...

Senate GOP coronavirus bill includes $29.4B for Pentagon ...
The Pentagon would get nearly $30 billion under the Senate Republicans’ coronavirus relief plan, including $8 billion for weapons systems. The $29.4 billion for the Pentagon is included in the ...
Ahhh how cute. And you really can't figure out where I stand?

Pretty simple go back and read how I said mass Mail in Ballot is wrought with fraud and I don't like fraud. It really isn't as hard as you try to make.

So you want to ban absentee ballots? That sounds like a "yes" to me
Clearly you can't read. Or comprehend basic topic points or definitions. Well you proved that already with Socialism

You really do suck at strawmen....

Then just tell me what you support!

Do you support no absentee ballots? Do you support absentee ballots for only some (who? why? how does this stop fraud?)? Do you support absentee ballots for all?
Really it sad how little you understand and weak your strawmen are.. I was very clear we are taking about Mass Mail In Ballots and not Absentee Ballots.

Oh, only "Mass" mail-in ballots? So since that's not a thing that's defined... anywhere... I'll assume you mean mail-in ballots for some but not all? Who gets them and how does that stop fraud?
Then just tell me what you support!

Do you support no absentee ballots? Do you support absentee ballots for only some (who? why? how does this stop fraud?)? Do you support absentee ballots for all?
Absentee is a vetted voter who requests to have an Absentee Ballot. Mass Mail In is everyone who is on the roll. Most states don't clean the rolls often, if at all. Example. Nevada.

So large number of ballots go out to places where people have not lived for years and many time have moved out of state. So if having forward service now they can vote twice in two different states and no one will know.

Or someone can pick them up and submit them. In Nevada there were trash cans at Apartment Complexes filled with ballots of people who moved.

So the Dem for the last 3 years have sued to block purging of the rolls and have all mail in ballot elections. Covid has just been the latest cover. So why would they want that?
1. Because Covid
2. I think we can deal with fraud as long as Republicans stop trying to cause fraud by fucking up the post office or telling people in NC to vote twice
Oh so you can go shopping and protest but not vote? Yeah, your argument is dead. You and your party have done that. It is ok to riot but not vote. It is ok to have Portland Chop and ******* Trump supporters but going out to vote is too dangerous.

Yeah- the problem for you is the Dems have far longer record and more examples of voter and election fraud. And you have been part of this debate already go back
In a lot of states, like mine they only send a ballot if you request one.

The voter roll issue is a different thing, that's the same logic as registration drives, or same-day registration laws: make it easier for more people to vote.

I support making it easier for more people to vote because I'm pro-democracy. There's not actually evidence that this helps either party, but I don't see it as a party thing, I think of it as a moral thing. Everyone should get a say.
Oh so you can go shopping and protest but not vote? Yeah, your argument is dead. You and your party have done that. It is ok to riot but not vote. It is ok to have Portland Chop and ******* Trump supporters but going out to vote is too dangerous.

Protests happen outside, and every protest I've been at has involved masks. They also tend not to involve a lot of vulnerable groups like the elderly or immune-compromised who should be able to vote.

Yeah- the problem for you is the Dems have far longer record and more examples of voter and election fraud. And you have been part of this debate already go back

That's kind of not true. The people who double-voted in the last election were Trump supporters, and the election fraud found in the 2018 election was from republican political groups in NC.

The core of the issue is that the Republicans (especially Trump) think (probably incorrectly) that if fewer people are able to vote he'll do better. So there's a systematic effort to make it harder to vote -- close polling locations, make it impossible for absentee ballots to make it through the post office (he can't actually stop them, since it's up to the states according to the Constitution how they do absentee voting and whether they do it).

We're going to have a record shortage of poll workers, many of whom are on the older side and therefore vulnerable to Covid. The election is going to be a logistical ******* show, and anything that helps, like letting people use absentee ballots, is likely to cause less death and increase participation.
In a lot of states, like mine they only send a ballot if you request one.

The voter roll issue is a different thing, that's the same logic as registration drives, or same-day registration laws: make it easier for more people to vote.

I support making it easier for more people to vote because I'm pro-democracy. There's not actually evidence that this helps either party, but I don't see it as a party thing, I think of it as a moral thing. Everyone should get a say.

Well again you are not up on the topic or you are avoiding it. The point of my post was directed at the push nationwide, by the dems, to make this an all mail in election. In less than three months And the Dems have a nefarious motive. And their actions prove it. Riots Ok in Person voting bad. Burring down Black and White owned business good, vote in person bad.

No you are not. You are a socialist. The direct opposite of democracy. So again you are completely lacking on the topic.

No the roll not being purged of inactive voters along with an all mail-in ballot is a ballot harvest and fraud scheme. And the only people buying and selling this are dems.
Well again you are not up on the topic or you are avoiding it. The point of my post was directed at the push nationwide, by the dems, to make this an all mail in election. In less than three months And the Dems have a nefarious motive. And their actions prove it. Riots Ok in Person voting bad. Burring down Black and White owned business good, vote in person bad.

If you just assume everyone else has a nefarious motive you're begging the question, which isn't a good way to start a discussion.

Also, if you haven't noticed, the democrats are running the people who are the most anti-rioting in the whole party. One of them is a cop for christ sake.

No you are not. You are a socialist. The direct opposite of democracy. So again you are completely lacking on the topic.

Totalitarianism is the opposite of democratic. I am extremely against totalitarianism, which is why I'm always trashing Russia and China, along with Pinochet and Hussein and all the other dictators the US has unwisely supported over the years.

I believe in a strong social safety net, and I believe in equal participation in democracy. In fact, I find unrestrained capitalism to be very un-democratic, because you can buy elections with enough money.

No the roll not being purged of inactive voters along with an all mail-in ballot is a ballot harvest and fraud scheme. And the only people buying and selling this are dems.

People have been working to purge the voter rolls less often for decades. This mail-in push is for right now. And plenty of Republican states are choosing to do a lot of mail-in ballots, Trump's adopted state of Florida being one of them. Florida where Trump requested a mail-in ballot.

The "it's nefarious!!!!" is smoke to distract from people working together to have a safe election that has high participation and very little fraud or error. Why else would Trump's guy fuck up the Post Office? It's to create mess and chaos because he thinks that will help him stay in office.
Well the other reason for DeJoy being that he owns millions and millions of dollars of stock in competitors to the Post Office. He's going to go down for campaign finance violations anyway, so he'll never see the fruits of his labors. The rest of us get to deal with the fall-out, including who knows how many people who didn't get medication they needed, or checks they rely on to buy food.
Protests happen outside, and every protest I've been at has involved masks. They also tend not to involve a lot of vulnerable groups like the elderly or immune-compromised who should be able to vote.

That's kind of not true. The people who double-voted in the last election were Trump supporters, and the election fraud found in the 2018 election was from republican political groups in NC.

The core of the issue is that the Republicans (especially Trump) think (probably incorrectly) that if fewer people are able to vote he'll do better. So there's a systematic effort to make it harder to vote -- close polling locations, make it impossible for absentee ballots to make it through the post office (he can't actually stop them, since it's up to the states according to the Constitution how they do absentee voting and whether they do it).

We're going to have a record shortage of poll workers, many of whom are on the older side and therefore vulnerable to Covid. The election is going to be a logistical ******* show, and anything that helps, like letting people use absentee ballots, is likely to cause less death and increase participation.

"Protests happen outside, and every protest I've been at has involved masks. They also tend not to involve a lot of vulnerable groups like the elderly or immune-compromised who should be able to vote."

You forget there are videos of all the protests. And the Dems said we have to stay home and destroy our economy and no drive in church, but riots are ok. Yeah you have already lost. Your media destroys you.

Yeah um NC is not the only example. It is the one you guys can find with a republican. Google or look back plenty of Dem examples. Go look you will be surprised, not really you already know. Oh and don't forget Acorn... Or Chicago's and many other Dem areas having dead people voting for decades. I bet if we purge all the rolls of inactive voters the Dem totals would cut by a 1/3 or more.

The core issue is we have elections laws, many passed by Dems, and now, after 3 years of not accepting the results of a fair election, Dems are trying a new way that has been proven to be the best way to have fraud in an election. At the same time the Dems have spent millions stopping the voter rolls from being purged.

The fact is dem voters are lazy and don't vote so the Dem Party hopes by running around the laws and sending out ballots at the minimum they will get more hipster wannabe socialist to vote. But in realty they are looking for a vote harvest and a legal fight. They want it to go to the House or the Military to install Biden.

Is that "access" include criminal illegal aliens?
"Protests happen outside, and every protest I've been at has involved masks. They also tend not to involve a lot of vulnerable groups like the elderly or immune-compromised who should be able to vote."

You forget there are videos of all the protests. And the Dems said we have to stay home and destroy our economy and no drive in church, but riots are ok. Yeah you have already lost. Your media destroys you.

I've personally been at several protests. I'm just telling you what I personally experienced, and that was everyone in masks and lots and lots of hand sanitizer

Yeah um NC is not the only example. It is the one you guys can find with a republican. Google or look back plenty of Dem examples. Go look you will be surprised, not really you already know. Oh and don't forget Acorn... Or Chicago's and many other Dem areas having dead people voting for decades. I bet if we purge all the rolls of inactive voters the Dem totals would cut by a 1/3 or more.

Acorn's "fraud" was about voter registration, where laws were very confusing because they had to turn in every voter registration card they received, but some were of fictional characters (people love to troll) or from the same person twice (some people are dumb I guess). They never voted on behalf of anyone else or sent in a single ballot.

The "dead people voted!" thing was also revealed to be a clerical error.

Irresponsible media (like Fox, or DailyCaller, or Breitbart) will never correct any mistakes they make on their reporting of this stuff, so it stick around.

The fact is dem voters are lazy and don't vote so the Dem Party hopes by running around the laws and sending out ballots at the minimum they will get more hipster wannabe socialist to vote.
That might be what you believe, but no data actually supports that. In fact, making it hard to vote is going to hurt the elderly and the very rural, who are kind of two groups Trump absolutely needs to stand any chance in hell.

Is that "access" include criminal illegal aliens?
No, of course not.
If you just assume everyone else has a nefarious motive you're begging the question, which isn't a good way to start a discussion.

Also, if you haven't noticed, the democrats are running the people who are the most anti-rioting in the whole party. One of them is a cop for christ sake.

Totalitarianism is the opposite of democratic. I am extremely against totalitarianism, which is why I'm always trashing Russia and China, along with Pinochet and Hussein and all the other dictators the US has unwisely supported over the years.

I believe in a strong social safety net, and I believe in equal participation in democracy. In fact, I find unrestrained capitalism to be very un-democratic, because you can buy elections with enough money.

People have been working to purge the voter rolls less often for decades. This mail-in push is for right now. And plenty of Republican states are choosing to do a lot of mail-in ballots, Trump's adopted state of Florida being one of them. Florida where Trump requested a mail-in ballot.

The "it's nefarious!!!!" is smoke to distract from people working together to have a safe election that has high participation and very little fraud or error. Why else would Trump's guy fuck up the Post Office? It's to create mess and chaos because he thinks that will help him stay in office.
If you just assume everyone else has a nefarious motive you're begging the question, which isn't a good way to start a discussion.

Also, if you haven't noticed, the democrats are running the people who are the most anti-rioting in the whole party. One of them is a cop for christ sake.

Totalitarianism is the opposite of democratic. I am extremely against totalitarianism, which is why I'm always trashing Russia and China, along with Pinochet and Hussein and all the other dictators the US has unwisely supported over the years.

I believe in a strong social safety net, and I believe in equal participation in democracy. In fact, I find unrestrained capitalism to be very un-democratic, because you can buy elections with enough money.

People have been working to purge the voter rolls less often for decades. This mail-in push is for right now. And plenty of Republican states are choosing to do a lot of mail-in ballots, Trump's adopted state of Florida being one of them. Florida where Trump requested a mail-in ballot.

The "it's nefarious!!!!" is smoke to distract from people working together to have a safe election that has high participation and very little fraud or error. Why else would Trump's guy fuck up the Post Office? It's to create mess and chaos because he thinks that will help him stay in office.

Look, the dems have fought to keep inactive and dead people on the rolls for years. They have fought to allow illegal criminal aliens to vote. They now fight, with only two moths to go, to ******* a proven method of fraud into a nationwide election in direct contradiction to the long establish established method of voting. This all in the frame of their media coup and inability to accept the outcome of a fair election.

Trumps guy- So Obama and his administration are Trump guys now? So decades of failed government programs and control are Trump guys?

The post office has been in shambles for all of yours' and my life.
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