Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Biden recalls the humiliating defeat of the West in Crimea, when they tried to oppose the majority will of the people
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WE allowed the annexation of Crimea because the people of Ukraine were all over the place, like an abused spouse.
Truth is, the West knows the secret about Russia, it's a weak dying country. Russia can't even take care of it's own citizens, so Russia goes across the globe causing chaos feeding false pride to anti-West citizens like yourself.
Russia cannot take care of it's citizens, no one fears them. We feel sorry for them. Like an old soldier who believes he is still in fighting shape. We let you talk and enjoy your oatmeal.
Even Trump knows that votes are checked against registration. That's how they are able to tell that people double-voted. They don't count you twice because they know you already voted when you show up to polling and tell them your name.

Do you bother to think through any of this stuff, or do you just let your lizard brain react?
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You might want to read the articles. Both votes counted. That is the issue.
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You might want to read the articles. Both votes counted. That is the issue.

They only double count if the absentee ballot hasn't yet been logged. Did you read the article? They also know exactly how many double votes occurred, and exactly who did them, so they arrest you and put you away if you double vote like Trump told his followers to do.
They only double count if the absentee ballot hasn't yet been logged. Did you read the article? They also know exactly how many double votes occurred, and exactly who did them, so they arrest you and put you away if you double vote like Trump told his followers to do.
So fraud occurred with mail in ballots and you are ok with it, why? And both votes counted and how many were missed?

The election was certified. So they counted.... Duh.
So fraud occurred with mail in ballots and you are ok with it, why? And both votes counted and how many were missed?

The election was certified. So they counted.... Duh.

If the number of double votes was over the margin of the win I doubt they'd certify. Also this was a primary.

Do you seriously want to shut down all absentee ballots? Is that your position? Kind of weird, because the Trump family would then not be allowed to vote.
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You might want to read the articles. Both votes counted. That is the issue.
1000 out of 1600000. Less than 1/10th of 1%.
The article said they are not sure why they did it, or why it wasn't caught when they voted.
Usually when you check in, your name is checked on the latest voter rolls, yet a few random people slipped by. I wonder why that was allowed to happen.
Also from the article, it appears it may be Long County GA, which is one of the most Red counties in the country.

Another reason is the same reason Florida cleared many from the voting rolls in 2008, same name.
If the number of double votes was over the margin of error I doubt they'd certify. Also this was a primary.

Do you seriously want to shut down all absentee ballots? Is that your position? Kind of weird, because the Trump family would then not be allowed to vote.
So it was already certified.

Then they later found that 1000 people double voted via mail in and at the poll.

They don't know how many dead people voted Democrat, yet, probably still working on that count.

Talking about mass mail in and fraud. Not absentee.

But way to try to seize on that straw man propaganda about Trump. Since you have no real argument and have no idea what you are talking about, again....
1000 out of 1600000. Less than 1/10th of 1%.
The article said they are not sure why they did it, or why it wasn't caught when they voted.
Usually when you check in, your name is checked on the latest voter rolls, yet a few random people slipped by. I wonder why that was allowed to happen.
Also from the article, it appears it may be Long County GA, which is one of the most Red counties in the country.

Another reason is the same reason Florida cleared many from the voting rolls in 2008, same name.

Few Random people. You mean a 1000 that they found. And this is not the first case Mac has been trying to use NC for months and that was all mail in fraud.

I just keep wondering why the Dems, after Nevada and Georgia, and the cases of Mail Workers dumping mail that were caught recently, are so gung ho to have all mail in election. And you can save the, "because of covid." You will look a complete fool trying that it at this point.
No Russian troops, just a democratic referendum. There was only armed self-defense groups, such as the partisans in Ukraine, who immediately cooperated with the local authorities to defend the Russians there.

Just stop with your BS.

P.utin himself said Russia had FSB and GRU troops in the Crimea. So either you are lying or he is...Which is it?

P.utins denial


Also RT news and Prava news showed troops in the Crimea both BEFORE and DURING the illegal occupation. This has been proven to be factual with video's and photograghs. So again which is it?

P.utins admittence to troops in the crimea before and during occupation.


Just stop with your falsehoods and lies. Why? because P.utin himself shows you are lying with his own words.
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Few Random people. You mean a 1000 that they found. And this is not the first case Mac has been trying to use NC for months and that was all mail in fraud.

I just keep wondering why the Dems, after Nevada and Georgia, and the cases of Mail Workers dumping mail that were caught recently, are so gung ho to have all mail in election. And you can save the, "because of covid." You will look a complete fool trying that it at this point.
As long as the postal service is continued to be fucked with from within, you are right.
Your side is literally is setting the fire, then complaining about the fire.
If Trump is ok with mail-in ballots for himself and Florida, then why is it not ok with other states? Why not share your brilliant answer with us, cpl.
Wow you marxist all share one brain.

How about you address the fraud, you keep trying to say is not an issue.

Especially after your temper tantrum over NC. Then Nevada and now Georgia. There is clearly fraud, which ever you want to call it, and an all mail in ballot has only one motive.... so the Dems can cheat.
As long as the postal service is continued to be fucked with from within, you are right.
Your side is literally is setting the fire, then complaining about the fire.
What a joke.

The organization has been a failure for all of our life times. Hence why most of them are Dems and 3 different private companies do it better faster and cheaper in almost all cases.

The only reason Post Office is still around is the cartel arrangement the Postal Worker Union has with the Dems.

Even if they got the funding the Dems held up, so you sheep will believe Trump is out to get the post office, the Post Office could never handle 150 Million ballots out and back in that window Heck the Post Office can't handle an off year election ballot mailing.

This is all about getting the dems the bigger opening to cheat. And save the BS access argument- Nevada proved you wrong. And now Georgia. Oh and NC
@cpl2010co you didn't answer my question.

Are you in favor of banning all absentee and mail-in ballots? Only some absentee and mail-in ballots? What is your solution?
What a joke.

The organization has been a failure for all of our life times. Hence why most of them are Dems and 3 different private companies do it better faster and cheaper in almost all cases.

The Post Office delivers mail on time regularly to places that private companies wouldn't because it costs too much. If you shut down every unprofitable post office, and stopped unprofitable delivery routes, it would make money hand over fist, but that would mean rural people couldn't get mail and that's bad.

Also if the Post Office could offer other services like basic banking, it would make money but the Republicans deliberately stop it from doing so.

The only reason Post Office is still around is the cartel arrangement the Postal Worker Union has with the Dems.
Pretty sure the Post Office is around because it's in the Constitution. Read it.
The Post Office delivers mail on time regularly to places that private companies wouldn't because it costs too much. If you shut down every unprofitable post office, and stopped unprofitable delivery routes, it would make money hand over fist, but that would mean rural people couldn't get mail and that's bad.

Also if the Post Office could offer other services like basic banking, it would make money but the Republicans deliberately stop it from doing so.

Pretty sure the Post Office is around because it's in the Constitution. Read it.

Yet they can't handle simple mail-in elections in off years. Strange how that happens.

Pretty Sure it can be amended. Or cut the postal service and have mail only a few times a week.

Funny how Dems always defend the failing unionized Postal bureaucracies as constitutional, but forget all the other stuff in the Constitution.
@cpl2010co you didn't answer my question.

Are you in favor of banning all absentee and mail-in ballots? Only some absentee and mail-in ballots? What is your solution?
Nice try. Talking about mass mail-in balloting and fraud with Mass Mail-In ballots. And if you can't figure out where I stand based on my previous responses you are really fucking dumb.
Nice try. Talking about mass mail-in balloting and fraud with Mass Mail-In ballots. And if you can't figure out where I stand based on my previous responses you are really fucking dumb.

I don't care if you call me dumb (my mom says I'm very smart), but I still don't know what your position is other than "Dems Bad, Rawr!!"
A US postal worker rented a storage unit to hide mail ...
Jan 29, 2020Postal worker is caught on video dumping bin after bin of mail in the woods Delacruz's attorney, Wilfredo Bonilla, Jr., told CNN Wednesday that he was unable to comment at this time.

2016: Video Captures Postal Worker Dumping Mail in the Trash
Video Captures Postal Worker Dumping Mail in the Trash in 2016 01:28. Share this - copied. Cameras show a Florida postal carrier tossing hundreds of pieces of mail into dumpster. WBBH's Trent ...
US Postal worker accused of tossing campaign mailers in ...
Postal workers throwing away elec materials or ballots is interfering and is a federal crime. β€” Coy Morrow (@morrowcoy2) June 27, 2020 That is mail tampering.
Camera catches USPS worker throw away GOP campaign ads ...
He said the postal worker was caught on video throwing a stack of his campaign mailers in the trash. "Some patriots nearby heard a noise when she tossed them in & went to investigate," Nehls ...
US Postal Carrier Filmed Dumping Bins of Mail Into a Ditch ...
The U.S. Postal Service has launched an investigation after a metro Atlanta resident says she filmed a worker dumping hundreds of pieces of mail in the woods.

Yeah if you believe Union Dems Postal workers won't toss ballot from Republican districts you are either dumb and an ideologue or just dumb...

And you do know they put and R, I or D in the ballot barcode numbering in most states. Wonder how many I and R coded ballots will end up in the trash.
I don't care if you call me dumb (my mom says I'm very smart), but I still don't know what your position is other than "Dems Bad, Rawr!!"
Ahhh how cute. And you really can't figure out where I stand?

Pretty simple go back and read how I said mass Mail in Ballot is wrought with fraud and I don't like fraud. It really isn't as hard as you try to make.
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