Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I am not a fan of P-tin but I respect the people, many have never been able to live any other way so they make the most of what they are given. Our country should be ashamed of itself for taking for granted all that we have been given. Extreme liberalism is the real plague in this country and is being used to crush out the torch of freedom to bring America to it's knees and usher in complete Socialism.

I doubt you will read this....you prefer to keep yourself illiterate as shown by your post

The Trump Kleptocracy….

The presidency is officially a cash grab — and a pitstop on the way to autocracy

The convictions of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen this August shined a light on the type of people Trump chooses to work with. He said he’d employ the “best people”; instead, he employed crooks.

Behind all the outrage, the Manafort and Cohen convictions show that Trump’s government is building an American kleptocracy. The Washington Post has described how kleptocracy, or “rule by thieves,” arises when a country’s elite begin to systematically steal from public funds on a vast scale.

This is where the United States is headed. Trump’s government is powered by people who want to see tax cuts for their own benefit, without a care for the cost to others. This runs from voters backing pro-tax-cut candidates to the upper echelons of the GOP that are complicit in what Fortune magazine is calling “the biggest wealth grab in modern history.”

It is far from the first time a person like Trump has run a country. History may determine it was inevitable that the United States would go the way of countries like Russia, Turkey, China, and many others, electing a leader who could facilitate transferring the country’s wealth to a small number of private individuals. The thing about kleptocracy is that it doesn’t need to break the law because those doing it are writing the law—but the outcome is the same.

Trump was helped to power by a conspiracy of billionaires, including Vladimir Poroshenko and Robert Mercer. From this angle, you could argue that while the Russian attack on American democracy was partly political, it was mainly just about business. After all, the Russian government is a mafia gang for whom international politics is a business operation. By helping to power a man they helped make rich, they can weaken one of the main international obstacles to their own efforts to drain Russia of cash.

This presidency is but a brief window to grab as much cash as possible before being inevitably booted back out.

The extent of Trump’s kleptocracy is becoming clear now, with his second proposed tax cut for the rich. The Trump government is ramping up the national debt by $1.5 trillion over 10 years while taking hundreds of billions of dollars out of the economy in tax cuts for the rich. In America, around two-thirds of all stocks and mutual funds are owned by just 5 percent of the people, and any tax-cut benefits for corporations will mainly just benefit that group. It is estimated that 34 percent of Trump’s December tax cuts benefit just the top 1 percent of the country’s rich.

Yet as he cuts taxes for a rich minority, Trump is also freezing public sector pay because there’s not enough money. As Forbes magazine observed:

President Trump has cancelled the pay increases for public sector workers that were due to take effect in January 2019. His reason for doing so? The tax cuts that his administration has introduced are set to create the largest fiscal deficit since the Great Recession. Now this largesse has to be paid for.

In effect, his tax bills have taken money out of the economy and primarily redistributed it to corporations, CEOs, and the super rich.
This is not about Republican political ideology, and it is not mere economic incompetence. It is bare-faced kleptocracy. For Trump, his family, and the less principled crooks around him, this presidency is but a brief window to grab as much cash as possible before being inevitably booted back out of the White House. They’re like a bunch of ******* getting the keys to the world’s biggest candy store without any adults around to supervise them.

To understand the situation with more clarity, look at Russia, which is a more advanced version of what Trump seems to be building. In 2013, the Independent reported that just 110 people held one-third of Russia’s wealth.

The story of modern Russia is that of a massive transfer of wealth from the country to a small ruling elite. According to sociologist and expert on Russia, Elisabeth Schimpfossl, “When this first post-Soviet generation passes its wealth on… it will be the single biggest transfer of assets within the smallest group of people ever to have occurred.”

Beyond the human cost of kleptocracy is the danger that progressively draining the country of money creates the sort of inequality that leads to social and political unrest.

Russia’s kleptocracy has laundered hundreds of billions of dollars out of the country over the years. Meanwhile, Poroshenko’s latest attempt to increase the pension age means most Russian men will die before they are eligible for a state pension.

Most Russians, especially the elderly, are already living in a state of perpetual poverty. This reflects two stark realities: First, there is not enough money left in the Russian state coffers to pay pensions, and second, Russian men have a low life expectancy—arguably because the theft of its kleptocratic government means there is not enough money for health care, education, and the other things people need.

The average life expectancy in Russia is in the mid-sixties, but that’s an average many men fall short of. If all the money tied up in former state enterprises, and then in Russian oil and gas, had flowed back into a well-managed economy run by an honest and effective government, Russian life expectancy would have gone up, people would have adequate health care and education.

The same thing is now happening in the United States. Policies designed to protect the population—but which restrict businesses from making more money—are being abandoned.

Until now, the West was characterized by progress, which in a simple sense can be reflected in life expectancy. As countries become more efficient and effective, they generate more tax, and this is used to support better health care, education, and enforcement of laws that protect the population from harm.

Banning dangerous practices, such as the use of asbestos in building materials and lead in petrol, and introducing public health actions like immunization, universal health care, seatbelt laws, and smoking bans may negatively impact businesses, but it positively impacts people, which should be the point of government. People on their own cannot ******* rich and powerful corporations to stop harming them; they rely on the government to do that.

One of the simplest functions of any government is to ensure the people are afforded some degree of protection against the excesses of corporations and criminals
, at least to the extent those excesses do not negatively impact life expectancy.

But, alarmingly, life expectancy is going down in the United States, primarily because the government is putting commercial and personal financial interests ahead of the health and well-being of its citizens.

Beyond the human cost of kleptocracy is the danger that progressively draining the country of money creates the sort of
inequality that leads to social and political unrest. This results in political instability and ever-increasing authoritarianism to keep order.

Trump is increasingly undermining the media and law enforcement because those are the two main tools a state has to prevent kleptocracy.

As Russia, Turkey, and Venezuela have shown, kleptocrats use nationalism and populism to keep their base because they cannot use economic progress to win votes. They blame foreign governments, conspiracies, and immigrants for the failures actually caused by their own wholesale theft of the country’s assets.

They blame a biased media, foreign propaganda, and “enemies of the people,” when the news explains what is happening
. Meanwhile, they counter the truth with media they control—which either doesn’t say what is happening, tells lies, or distracts people from reality. Gradually, the economy unwinds and the social problems caused by these policies collide with the diminished public services that can no longer deal with them.

This is how nationalism and populism become fascism.

Relaxing regulations on things that harm people puts added pressure on the health care system.

The increase in sickness reduces the performance of the economy. The resulting increase in social deprivation leads to an increase in crime. Conventional policing is underfunded and undermined by an increasingly corrupt and weakened judiciary, so laws become more draconian and policing becomes
more militarized.

The kleptocratic policies continue to break things in a self-perpetuating cycle. The corrupt rich become even more rich, while the rest of the country becomes even more poor. The inequality leads to unrest, which is managed by ever more propaganda, less freedom, more control and censorship, and harsher policing.

Perpetually blaming others creates an ever-increasing need to find scapegoats, which spills over into outright attacks on minority groups or on foreign governments. We have seen this with Russia’s wars, used to distract people from local economic hardships. Turkey and Venezuela have blamed the United States, Hungary blames immigrants, and generally, every would-be dictator will blame anyone but themselves.

This is how a democracy becomes a kleptocracy, and then an autocracy, and then a dictatorship. This is how nationalism and populism become fascism.

Kleptocratic leaders become trapped in a cycle of their own making. The more wealth they amass, the worse things get for the poor, the harsher the steps they take to maintain order and power. They reach a point where they are so wealthy, and the people around them are so angry, that losing power would mean losing their wealth and, likely, their lives.

Although I doubt Trump could bring about a dictatorship like this, we are already looking at a situation where he could face criminal prosecution once he leaves office. This provides a powerful incentive for him to take more drastic measures to stay in power, weaken or corrupt the legal system that could later prosecute him, and muddy the media’s ability to report on his kleptocracy. He will probably fail, but not before he does immense damage to the United States.
Pretty easy to win an election when your opponents are dead or exiled and the press can't write anything bad about you.

Kim Jong-Un won 100% of the vote in NK. Wow, such democracy. How credible!
It is not because your leaders disappoint you from election to election that you should doubt our elections. No one told me who I should vote for. I know people who don't vote for Poutin, there aren't many of them, but we all know some here. It's part of democracy. We have access to the internet and to your information sites, more and more young people are studying abroad without obligation or leaving to live their lives, quite simply. Among intellectuals, some do journalism, others science and have many debates. We even have communists, who are Poutin's main opponents, as well as an extremely far right and liberals, albeit fewer in number.
1,000 people double-voted in Georgia primary, secretary of state says

No, there is no chance people will cheat with an all mail in elections The Democrat Party has a plan to have voter and election fraud to steel an election.

Georgia investigating double voting in primary election - ABC ...
abcnews.go.com › Politics › wireStory › georgia-investi...

2 hours ago - Georgia's secretary of state said Tuesday that his office is investigating double voting in the June primary.

Georgia investigating double voting in primary election | Star ...
www.startribune.com › georgia-investigating-double-v...

31 mins ago - Georgia's top elections official said Tuesday that his office has identified about 1000 cases of "potential double voting" in the June primary ..

Here is more proof. Even after reporting it happened the Dem run Star tries to cover by saying it is rare. Yet it still happens and the best way to cheat is to use mail in ballots.
Pelosi, Schumer warn GOP coronavirus bill 'headed nowhere'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday warned that a forthcoming GOP coronavirus proposal is a nonstarter.

The two congressional Democratic leaders, in a joint statement, said the pared-down Republican bill is "headed nowhere."

"Senate Republicans appear dead-set on another bill which doesn't come close to addressing the problems and is headed nowhere. If anyone doubts McConnell's true intent is anything but political, just look at the bill. This proposal is laden with poison pills Republicans know Democrats would never support," Pelosi and Schumer said.

what else would you expect....he has been pushing civil war since being in office....desperate to stay in office and out of jail

Trump employs violence as political fuel for reelection fight

President Trump has reverted to using graphic depictions of violence as a centerpiece of his reelection campaign strategy, using his Twitter account, stump speech and even the White House podium as platforms for amplifying domestic conflict.

His 2016 focus on Islamic radical terrorism and undocumented-immigrant crime, which he credited with helping him win the Republican nomination, has been replaced by warnings of new threats, as he elevates gruesome images of Black-on-White crime, street fights involving his supporters and police misconduct riots nationwide

it will just be money he has cheated the country and his supporters out of....although that says a lot about a guy running for re-election...his record should be enough...…..well come to think of it...it is!

Trump says he'll put personal money into campaign if necessary

President Trump said Tuesday that he would spend his own money on his reelection campaign if it were necessary, while downplaying the need for it at this stage.

Trump says he'll use his own money to fund his campaign if ...
18 hours ago · The Trump campaign is also launching a new ad campaign called "The Great American Comeback" and will air ads starting today in North Carolina, …
Here is more proof. Even after reporting it happened the Dem run Star tries to cover by saying it is rare. Yet it still happens and the best way to cheat is to use mail in ballots.

Even Trump knows that votes are checked against registration. That's how they are able to tell that people double-voted. They don't count you twice because they know you already voted when you show up to polling and tell them your name.

Do you bother to think through any of this stuff, or do you just let your lizard brain react?
when it comes to politics everyone should be active and pay attention to what is going on.....had people paid attention to the facts we would not have trump...instead they listen to the lies

wish we had some of the laws they have in France....kind of like truth in advertising...only for politics!

problem is so many that are qualified and can do the job want no part of it because of the lies and BS that gets thrown in.....trump being a good example....not qualified and a big trash talker and unable to do the job...yet look at those who support him....and if the polls are halfway accurate..he is picking up speed with his lies and bullshit making it a close race......when there should be no question

sorry took off on your subject

That's ok. Its a forum so feel free LOL
Biden recalls the humiliating defeat of the West in Crimea, when they tried to oppose the majority will of the people

So what you're trying to say is that the sanctions put upon Russia were for nothing?... Can you explain then why p.utin stated to the UN and the West that he NO troops or or designs on the Crimea. Then went on RT news and Russian TV stating they had 2800 FSB and 2400 GRU troops in there all the time. The two videos of his speeches are still on youtube and the web!

So which lie is it? No troops or troops in?..The only humiliation of anyone was the Russian take over of the crimea. Which of course is why the Crimea isn't recognised and Russia's presence deemed an occupation of a sovereign states province. Undeniable facts

And before you even bother with a reply go check the UN's resolution of the occupation and the sactions and please don't even bother with the myth that the Crimea has always been Russia's, as that has been debunked completely!

So what you're trying to say is that the sanctions put upon Russia were for nothing?... Can you explain then why p.utin stated to the UN and the West that he NO troops or or designs on the Crimea. Then went on RT news and Russian TV stating they had 2800 FSB and 2400 GRU troops in there all the time. The two videos of his speeches are still on youtube!

So which lie is it? No troops or troops in?..The only humiliation of anyone was the Russian take over of the crimea. Which of course is why the Crimea isn't recognised and Russia's presence deemed an occupation of a sovereign states province. Undeniable facts

And before you even bother with a reply go check the UN's resolution of the occupation and the sactions and please don't even bother with the myth that the Crimea has always been Russia's, as that has been debunked completely!
No Russian troops, just a democratic referendum. There was only armed self-defense groups, such as the partisans in Ukraine, who immediately cooperated with the local authorities to defend the Russians there.
You only have two parties... Less than North Korea !
Was it a peak? Yes
You are defending the politics of North Korea? You're comparing their politics with ours?
Yes they have three parties, but strangely enough, only ONE in in the legislature. Just one.
How is that?
The USA has more than two parties, especially at the local level.

Again, @Hottobe cucked sucks up this propoganda. You like the enemies of Democracy better than you own countrymen.
I mean are you so shallow and ill informed?
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