Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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There is no more dictator than the one who wants to impose his conception of democracy
Like p. Utin.
Imperfect though democracy is, at least it allows people to choose their leader. Your guy will never willingly relinquish his hold on power in Russia.
You are his subjects. Whether you like it or not.
Good for you. Yes it does seem that way.

nice to see you back into the political foray......I saw you making comments on the Virus and etc....I stay away from that thread and a bunch of others....like trump says the virus is what it is...…….BUT it is something he has basically created.....maybe not created...but allowed it to take over!....anyway more than enough to comment on in the trump thread and this thread
Ridley is a woke POC wannabe who posts the contents of his colon than actual truths or facts.

Good job going completely off-topic because of a grudge you hold in a completely different thread about BLM. Super mature.

"POC wannabe" ffs. Why not just show your true colors and use the classic southern term "n****r-lover"
nice to see you back into the political foray......I saw you making comments on the Virus and etc....I stay away from that thread and a bunch of others....like trump says the virus is what it is...…….BUT it is something he has basically created.....maybe not created...but allowed it to take over!....anyway more than enough to comment on in the trump thread and this thread

I try to be active. Sometimes life gets in the way as it does.
I try to be active. Sometimes life gets in the way as it does.

when it comes to politics everyone should be active and pay attention to what is going on.....had people paid attention to the facts we would not have trump...instead they listen to the lies

wish we had some of the laws they have in France....kind of like truth in advertising...only for politics!

problem is so many that are qualified and can do the job want no part of it because of the lies and BS that gets thrown in.....trump being a good example....not qualified and a big trash talker and unable to do the job...yet look at those who support him....and if the polls are halfway accurate..he is picking up speed with his lies and bullshit making it a close race......when there should be no question

sorry took off on your subject
I just read and share medias about your elections and politics. It is new for me because I did not care before russophobic speeches aroused my curiosity... It is not surprising to think that a Russian internet user, qu'il soit de France ou non, who shares medias about politics is necessarily a bot, it is just russophobic. Can you imagine if we said that to you in France when your citizens participate in our debates ? Come on. So I share, because I think it is relevant, if nobody cares... That is ok too
Your sharing is refreshing. Do you see anything racist written on here by Trump supporters ? Democrats say Trump is a Nationalist and in the same breath complain that people from other countries, such as yourself, voice your opinions.
Your sharing is refreshing. Do you see anything racist written on here by Trump supporters ? Democrats say Trump is a Nationalist and in the same breath complain that people from other countries, such as yourself, voice your opinions.
No, because we love our countries and we do not want a world only dominated by the United States and the United States dominated by the Liberals who actually behave in authoritarian. They are not able to admit that we can like in our country a character controversial in your country for the simple reason that their sources are not ours. To them, everyone else is brainless opponents. To them again, anyone who praises Poutin, journalists, lawyers or scientists are corrupt idiots. Obviously, they sometimes say that they are not against the Russians but refuse to admit that we have the legitimacy of the institutions that we support and support. The double insult.
No, because we love our countries and we do not want a world only dominated by the United States and the United States dominated by the Liberals who actually behave in authoritarian. They are not able to admit that we can like in our country a character controversial in your country for the simple reason that their sources are not ours. To them, everyone else is brainless opponents. Anyone who praises Poutin, journalists, lawyers or scientists are corrupt idiots. Obviously, they sometimes say that they are not against the Russians but refuse to admit that we have the legitimacy of the institutions that we support and support. The double insult.

Russia has no free press and political opponents of P.utin are openly murdered using horrible poisons or on the streets in front of their houses.

These things aren't "accusations", even you have to admit that P.utin's government has closed press offices, named reporters "foreign agents", and you have to admit that the political opponents of P.utin have been getting openly murdered even if you think somehow P.utin has nothing to do with it.

It's cowardly to say that dislike of P.utin is an "insult" to Russians. I think you are an insult to Russians, since you want to keep them suffering under a dictator who has left his country to rot while he enriches himself and his cabal. And on top of that you want to use them as some sort of shield for yourself so you don't have to defend P.utin, you just pass off any criticism as dislike of Russia generally, which is total B.S.
I can see why you think you'll find allies among the MAGA people though. I'm sure a few of them have fantasies of publicly black bagging political opponents like Hillary or Obama the way P.utin would.

I think even the MAGA people here have more sense than that though. Find a Q-Anon forum, that might be more your speed.
70% of voters appreciate Poutin or his policy. Biden can go back where he came from.

Pretty easy to win an election when your opponents are dead or exiled and the press can't write anything bad about you.

Kim Jong-Un won 100% of the vote in NK. Wow, such democracy. How credible!
I am not a fan of P-tin but I respect the people, many have never been able to live any other way so they make the most of what they are given. Our country should be ashamed of itself for taking for granted all that we have been given. Extreme liberalism is the real plague in this country and is being used to crush out the torch of freedom to bring America to it's knees and usher in complete Socialism.
Do you see anything racist written on here by Trump supporters ?
Well, maybe we need to go back to the first of some of these threads like Politics Politics Politics and start reading the garbage the right-wingers wrote about Obama over the past 8 years before Trump. Then you'll read some racist BS directed at Obama ... 8 years worth.
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