Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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For now this kind of accusation without proof is on the same level as the conspiracy theories concerning your country.

As in, it's absolutely real?

There are conspiracies that are completely real. Epstein was a real guy who ran a real ******* ring and got real celebrities and politicians involved.

Just like Belarus is a real country whose right-wing leadership who "won" a contested election is disappearing multiple opposition leaders in a well-documented fashion while millions of people protest. You're in the side of the dictators and dictator wanna-bes. You and I will never be friends.
Also I want to point out what a complete coward you are. You didn't say that Kolesnikova wasn't abducted, just that it's an "accusation without proof" as if anyone anywhere was disputing what happened. You didn't read the article or any articles to find out that reporters had in fact been talking to eye witnesses of the abduction, and that her closest aides confirmed the abduction before being abducted themselves.

All you did is make a false equivalence argument, and a vague one at that. It's cowardly. If you don't think it happened, say so and defend it.

Just like you enjoy living in a liberal democratic society, but talk about how liberal democracy must be stopped (and replaced with what exactly? totalitarian dictators?)
You judge our country but we have democratic institution too. We are egal now. By dint of thinking that your point of view is superior you will start wars, when they have not been started in your interest.
You judge our country but we have democratic institution too.
Last I checked, murdering and disappearing political enemies was not a democratic thing to do.

By dint of thinking that your point of view is superior you will start wars, when they have not been started in your interest.

P.utin can't afford to start a war he knows he will lose. Don't worry your little head about it.
Biden recalls the humiliating defeat of the West in Crimea, when they tried to oppose the majority will of the people
Biden recalls the humiliating defeat of the West in Crimea, when they tried to oppose the majority will of the people

You think the West showing restraint when P.utin marched troops into Ukraine was a "humiliating defeat".

How exactly are you against war? It seems like war is all you think about and you dream about daddy P.utin winning some great war against Europe and the US. Glad we got to see your true colors.
And yes I am for the peace between our two countries. That is the only way to get rid of bad Chinese influence.

BAD CHINESE?...p.utin has stuck his nose into every free country election hacks into everything and everyone he can.....you just finally realize how weak the Russians are and can not defend their own country and there may come a time when they have to....and the way the world feels about p.utin ….you guys are going down!..

true the Chinese are starting to pull *******....but no where to the extent p.utin does or has been doing

like I said...you a Russian bot?
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers ...
Sep 03, 2020 · Trump recently claimed that he has received the bodies of slain service members “many, many” times, but in fact he has traveled to Dover Air ******* Base, the transfer point for the remains of ...

Trump Faces Fallout After 'Atlantic' Says He Calls ...
Sep 04, 2020 · Trump on Friday called The Atlantic article about his attitudes toward the military "a total lie," and he was backed up by some White House officials. Mandel Ngan/AFP via …

The U.S. military builds a bulwark against Trump
God bless our troops.
Sometimes that’s a throwaway line that politicians put at the end of their speeches.

But at this moment, particularly, I’m bursting with admiration for our military. At a time when a sitting president is trying his best to discredit the results of an election he stands to lose and is attempting to dissolve every last bond that holds us together as a people, the troops are saying: No.


Republican Military Veterans Turn On Trump In New Attack ...
Republican Voters Against Trump is one of several anti-Trump groups hitting the president from the right. The Lincoln Project has been running its own anti-Trump attack ads, while former members of the administration of President George W. Bush have also formed a group in support of Biden.

Veterans Against Trump - Home | Facebook
Veterans Against Trump. Trump doesn't just support conspiracy theorists he believes many conspiracy theories himself. He doesn't just "consort with knaves and fools," he is a knave and a fool. Vote 2020 #MATFA. The most eye-opening aspect of Trump's term is not his evil. It is his utter stupidity.

All those times President Trump dishonored U.S. veterans ...
Trump spent the first few months of 2016 claiming he sent nearly $6 million to veterans groups nationwide, but Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold couldn't find any evidence of any donations.
more trump and company diversion?

Schiff accuses Barr of lying about China election threat ...
21 hours ago · House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Sunday accused Attorney General William Barr of lying when he said China posed the …

Schiff: Barr “flat out lying to American people” about ...
15 hours ago · Rep. Adam Schiff is accusing Attorney General William Barr of lying with his claim that China poses a bigger threat to the U.S. elections this year than Russia. “That’s just a plain, false ...

Schiff accuses Barr of lying over election intelligence
Click to view

You tried to overthrow the government. That is your method

more of your hero at work?

Belarus protests: Maria Kolesnikova 'detained by masked ...
A leading opposition figure in Belarus has gone missing, shortly after witnesses said she was bundled by masked men into a minibus in Minsk. Maria Kolesnikova's whereabouts are unknown. Police ...

Belarus opposition leader Maria Kolesnikova reportedly ...
1 day ago · Belarus opposition leader Maria Kolesnikova reportedly detained after huge protest September 7, 2020 / 7:15 AM / cbs/AFP Maria Kolesnikova (R) speaks during an opposition rally in Minsk, Belarus ...

Maria Kolesnikova 'in Ukraine' after disappearance from ...
9 hours ago · The Belarusian opposition figure Maria Kolesnikova has been detained at the border with Ukraine, Belarus state media has reported, after her allies …
Suburban women hold balance of power in ‘swingiest of the swing states’

DAVIDSON, N.C. — Listen to analysts, candidates and operatives from both major parties in North Carolina, and what emerges is a specific image of a decisive voter. She’s white, college-educated, unaffiliated and moved to a close-in suburb of Charlotte or Raleigh in the last decade or two — and as Election Day looms, she’s still making up her mind.

“They break late,” said local Republican consultant Paul Shumaker.

They are, in short, the “swingiest” voters in this, “the swingiest of the swing states,” in the words of Chris Cooper, a political scientist at Western Carolina University — a state that could determine the outcome of the presidential race (with Donald Trump and Joe Biden locked in a tight clash), and the balance of the United States Senate (with Cal Cunningham threatening to topple Republican incumbent Thom Tillis), and has on its docket a topflight gubernatorial tilt to boot (with Roy Cooper, a Democrat, to this point fending off a challenge from Dan Forest). The packed slate makes North Carolina the only big state this year with such a trio of pivotal contests.

“We consider this,” said Michael Whatley, the chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, “to be the eye of the hurricane politically.”

North Carolina’s volatile political terrain is a function of its surprising size, variety and growth. It stretches from the sand and the palms of the Southeast to the mountains of Appalachia in the Northwest, from Murphy to Manteo, or so goes the saw, some 600 miles across with the banking and financial center of Charlotte and the knowledge-worker hubs of the Research Triangle in between. And the state’s relentless growth — population nearing 11 million, and more than 1.3 million new registered voters just since 2016 — is only intensifying a swing-state status that’s been developing for at least a decade and a half.

In 2004, George W. Bush, the Republican president vying for a second term, won the state by 13 percent — while Mike Easley, a Democrat, became the governor by winning by the same margin. In 2008, and again in 2012, North Carolina made for the second-closest count in the presidential tallies — flipping party preferences, of course, going from Barack Obama to Mitt Romney. And in 2016, when Trump won here, by 3.6 percent, so did Cooper, albeit by barely more than 10,000 votes. Of North Carolina’s 100 counties, four picked Trump — and also Cooper.

Now, four years later, of the 7,040,308 registered voters as of last month, 36 percent are Democrats and 30 percent are Republicans, but an ascendant 33 percent are unaffiliated — the fastest-growing group, clustered in the fastest-growing suburbs. And of that 33 percent, Shumaker, a Tillis consultant, wrote in a recent memo to donors, 30 percent are “behavioral Republicans,” 30 percent are “behavioral Democrats,” and the remaining 40 percent are “pure swing voters.” These, both sides agree, are the voters that are most up for grabs — in the places that are most up for grabs.

“The urban ring around Charlotte,” said Cunningham, the Democratic Senate candidate, getting even more specific. “That is going to decide probably the presidential race and possibly the outcome of the United States Senate. And it’s ground zero for a marquee governor’s race.”

In 2016, dovetailing with national trends, Trump won 59 percent in the state’s rural areas and 65 percent in its outer suburbs and exurbs, and Clinton won 66 percent in the cities. In that “urban ring” Cunningham referenced, though, those close-in suburbs, Clinton won 49 percent of the vote and Trump won 48 — making it what Catawba College political scientist Michael Bitzer calls North Carolina’s only true “coin-toss.”

The key within the key, said Shumaker: “Suburban-based, white, female independents. Republicans don’t have to win them overwhelmingly. We can break even, or just lose them, but we can’t lose them overwhelmingly.”

But that’s what’s happening, according to Morgan Jackson, a Raleigh-based Democratic strategist working for the Cunningham and Cooper campaigns. “They were growing more Democratic, based on urbanization period,” he said. “In the age of Trump, that’s been on steroids.” To bolster his point, Jackson cited the following: “Roy Cooper won 28 counties by 522,000 votes. He lost 72 counties by 512,000 votes,” he said. “But since November of 2016, 60 percent of all new registrations have come from the 28 counties that Roy Cooper won.”

On account of the pandemic, more than 600,000 North Carolinians have requested mail-in absentee ballots that started to get sent out the first week of September, and the rush has been driven hugely disproportionately by Democrats and unaffiliated voters — more than 80 percent of those requests, “which is kind of mindboggling,” said Meredith Cuomo, the executive director of the North Carolina Democratic Party.

Positioned to benefit, potentially, from these currents are Biden, Cunningham and Cooper, in some sense cut from similar cloth—generally low-key and mild-mannered, moderate in mien and (they hope) appealing enough to enough voters on a wide enough range on the ideological scale.

Cunningham, perhaps in particular, is a 47-year-old attorney and ******* of two and former state senator who’s an Iraq and Afghanistan JAG vet who hails from what’s known by some as “the barbecue capital of the world.”

Since late July, most publicly released polls have been within the margin of error, with Biden having a slight advantage.

Still, GOP strategists here see an opportunity in the uptick in the unrest around the country stemming from protests for racial justice, hoping this election’s animating themes shift away from the coronavirus and attendant issues of education, public health and the health of the economy and more toward the Trump-propelled focus on “safety” in the suburbs and “law and order” and efforts to paint Democrats of all stripes and sorts as tools of “the radical left.”

Republicans say the message is resonating. “Riots and looting and vandalism,” said Whatley, the state GOP chair. “That’s turning into a tier-one issue for us.”

Democrats dismiss this notion. “This is Donald Trump’s America currently that we’re living in,” said L.T. McCrimmon, who left her role as Cooper’s deputy legislative director to become the state director for the Biden campaign. “Cities are burning because he’s gaslighting folks. He’s encouraging this violence. Joe Biden’s trying to heal and unify the country.”

Early in-person voting starts October 15. Only one thing’s for sure. “We do things by pretty slim margins around here,” Cunningham said. “I’m fighting for every last vote, knowing that every last vote could be the difference.”

They are, in short, the “swingiest” voters in this, “the swingiest of the swing states,” in the words of Chris Cooper, a political scientist at Western Carolina University — a state that could determine the outcome of the presidential race (with Donald Trump and Joe Biden locked in a tight clash), and the balance of the United States Senate (with Cal Cunningham threatening to topple Republican incumbent Thom Tillis), and has on its docket a topflight gubernatorial tilt to boot (with Roy Cooper, a Democrat, to this point fending off a challenge from Dan Forest). The packed slate makes North Carolina the only big state this year with such a trio of pivotal contests.

“We consider this,” said Michael Whatley, the chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, “to be the eye of the hurricane politically.”

North Carolina’s volatile political terrain is a function of its surprising size, variety and growth. It stretches from the sand and the palms of the Southeast to the mountains of Appalachia in the Northwest, from Murphy to Manteo, or so goes the saw, some 600 miles across with the banking and financial center of Charlotte and the knowledge-worker hubs of the Research Triangle in between. And the state’s relentless growth — population nearing 11 million, and more than 1.3 million new registered voters just since 2016 — is only intensifying a swing-state status that’s been developing for at least a decade and a half.

In 2004, George W. Bush, the Republican president vying for a second term, won the state by 13 percent — while Mike Easley, a Democrat, became the governor by winning by the same margin. In 2008, and again in 2012, North Carolina made for the second-closest count in the presidential tallies — flipping party preferences, of course, going from Barack Obama to Mitt Romney. And in 2016, when Trump won here, by 3.6 percent, so did Cooper, albeit by barely more than 10,000 votes. Of North Carolina’s 100 counties, four picked Trump — and also Cooper.

Now, four years later, of the 7,040,308 registered voters as of last month, 36 percent are Democrats and 30 percent are Republicans, but an ascendant 33 percent are unaffiliated — the fastest-growing group, clustered in the fastest-growing suburbs. And of that 33 percent, Shumaker, a Tillis consultant, wrote in a recent memo to donors, 30 percent are “behavioral Republicans,” 30 percent are “behavioral Democrats,” and the remaining 40 percent are “pure swing voters.” These, both sides agree, are the voters that are most up for grabs — in the places that are most up for grabs.

“The urban ring around Charlotte,” said Cunningham, the Democratic Senate candidate, getting even more specific. “That is going to decide probably the presidential race and possibly the outcome of the United States Senate. And it’s ground zero for a marquee governor’s race.”

In 2016, dovetailing with national trends, Trump won 59 percent in the state’s rural areas and 65 percent in its outer suburbs and exurbs, and Clinton won 66 percent in the cities. In that “urban ring” Cunningham referenced, though, those close-in suburbs, Clinton won 49 percent of the vote and Trump won 48 — making it what Catawba College political scientist Michael Bitzer calls North Carolina’s only true “coin-toss.”

The key within the key, said Shumaker: “Suburban-based, white, female independents. Republicans don’t have to win them overwhelmingly. We can break even, or just lose them, but we can’t lose them overwhelmingly.”

But that’s what’s happening, according to Morgan Jackson, a Raleigh-based Democratic strategist working for the Cunningham and Cooper campaigns. “They were growing more Democratic, based on urbanization period,” he said. “In the age of Trump, that’s been on steroids.” To bolster his point, Jackson cited the following: “Roy Cooper won 28 counties by 522,000 votes. He lost 72 counties by 512,000 votes,” he said. “But since November of 2016, 60 percent of all new registrations have come from the 28 counties that Roy Cooper won.”

On account of the pandemic, more than 600,000 North Carolinians have requested mail-in absentee ballots that started to get sent out the first week of September, and the rush has been driven hugely disproportionately by Democrats and unaffiliated voters — more than 80 percent of those requests, “which is kind of mindboggling,” said Meredith Cuomo, the executive director of the North Carolina Democratic Party.

Positioned to benefit, potentially, from these currents are Biden, Cunningham and Cooper, in some sense cut from similar cloth—generally low-key and mild-mannered, moderate in mien and (they hope) appealing enough to enough voters on a wide enough range on the ideological scale.

Cunningham, perhaps in particular, is a 47-year-old attorney and ******* of two and former state senator who’s an Iraq and Afghanistan JAG vet who hails from what’s known by some as “the barbecue capital of the world.”

Since late July, most publicly released polls have been within the margin of error, with Biden having a slight advantage.

Still, GOP strategists here see an opportunity in the uptick in the unrest around the country stemming from protests for racial justice, hoping this election’s animating themes shift away from the coronavirus and attendant issues of education, public health and the health of the economy and more toward the Trump-propelled focus on “safety” in the suburbs and “law and order” and efforts to paint Democrats of all stripes and sorts as tools of “the radical left.”

Republicans say the message is resonating. “Riots and looting and vandalism,” said Whatley, the state GOP chair. “That’s turning into a tier-one issue for us.”

Democrats dismiss this notion. “This is Donald Trump’s America currently that we’re living in,” said L.T. McCrimmon, who left her role as Cooper’s deputy legislative director to become the state director for the Biden campaign. “Cities are burning because he’s gaslighting folks. He’s encouraging this violence. Joe Biden’s trying to heal and unify the country.”

Early in-person voting starts October 15. Only one thing’s for sure. “We do things by pretty slim margins around here,” Cunningham said. “I’m fighting for every last vote, knowing that every last vote could be the difference.”

You tried to overthrow the government. That is your method
Whereas p. Utin would rather shore up demagogues like himself next door in Belarus in order to consolidate his geopolitical aim of returning to the good old days of the USSR. You won't remember the queues and the starvation and the disappearing of critics. Mind you, he's nearly there again with his poisoning and discrediting of opposition leaders and critics. He has killed people in the UK and that won't be forgotten.
A reckoning will come, don't you worry.
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