Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Obama reduced it by 53%!!!
Trump has increased it 250%!

Because if this was Obama's pandemic, EVERYTHING would count. Trump fucked this up.
Ah going to the %s after you posted the numbers. Trump didn't increase the rate. Covid and Democrat States shutting down did. You might want to look at the numbers.

And it was still under Obama's lowest rate until Dems shut down states. oops, damn those numbers you posted and facts.
35% of you out there. I'm not surprised that the entertainment value appeals to some.
But this is encouraging. IF she can vote, it'll be great because she doesn't speak English, one of your GOP poll watchers will probably flag her, and pull her ballot until she can prove she has a right to vote, then, without even looking, they'll loose her ballot. All under the assumption that she probably voted for Biden.
Made me think that maybe since I have not seen and I’m being honest any support for Biden. Could it be they (Biden) are the new silent majority?
How? I defer to you to explain.
You are one of the experts on it.
Ohhhh you're going to have to go to Karen in HR and go through democrat mandated sensitivity training to stay in your party.

Just off the top of my head, you assumed she didn't have ID or could navigate voting system. Actually that is Sexist and bigotry. Then you showed your psychological transference and detailed how Dems steal elections.
Ah going to the %s after you posted the numbers. Trump didn't increase the rate. Covid and Democrat States shutting down did. You might want to look at the numbers.

And it was still under Obama's lowest rate until Dems shut down states. oops, damn those numbers you posted and facts.
You made your usual bullshit argument and then moved the goal posts as @subhub174014 @MacNfries and @ridgelyfan have pointed out time and time again.
Your original statement was refuting the fact that Obama also set black unemployment numbers. As a matter of fact you said he added to the unemployment. It was bullshit and a damn lie.
Now you want to blame Democratic Governors for unemployment under COVID? You know what works best when fighting a national pandemic? A fucking national response and plan!!! That's how Obama did it.
So yes, because Trump did nothing, but stroke more fear, encourage irresponsible behavior, ignore and demean the scientists, and display for a total lack of leadership, Covid continues to ******* over 1000 Americans a day when it could have been contained in March.
Everything that goes with governing through a pandemic falls on this President's lap.
You are the fucking King of excuses, and changing the subject points. Nice try.
Ohhhh you're going to have to go to Karen in HR and go through democrat mandated sensitivity training to stay in your party.

Just off the top of my head, you assumed she didn't have ID or could navigate voting system. Actually that is Sexist and bigotry. Then you showed your psychological transference and detailed how Dems steal elections.
Nope. You can't read either.
I said one of your guys- ie republicans, will definitely profile her if they hear her speaking spanish. They do it in public all the time, they sre as hell gonna call her out in a voting booth.
Steal elections? Perfect example right here. You accuse the 3 million MORE who voted for Hillary as being illegal.
Your party profile, and surprise surprise, practice voter suppression on people just like her. A hispanic who doesn't speak english and tries to vote without wearing a MAGAt hat will be flagged each time by some fat assed faux patriot Republican. Even though about 25-30% will vote for Trump.
Actually they extended the Great Depression. That made it worse. If your policies did end it why did it last years after they were installed? And the last super majority was with Obama why are the same problems here after 150 years or at least 50 years? Why didn't the Dems fix it 10 years ago? Wait here comes the excuse about Republicans stopped a Super Majority from fixing it.

Dependency- No I mean actual dependence as in UBI, Get rid of cops, ****** housing, Single Payer, High Taxes and idiocy about speech codes. You know the current Democrat Platform. You should really get up to speed on your party's policies and platforms.

The Government's job is not to provide programs and lift you from "poverty". The governments job is to protect actual real rights, your property rights and let people live free. Not control you and tell you who you have to be with, live near or do business with. Need a Reference? US Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Federalist Papers. You can't support those and the current Democrat Party. They are diametrically opposite.

Yes the Democrats were the party of the KKK. They were the party who fought to keep slavery. They were the party fighting for Jim Crow and segregation. They were the slave owners. And they control the south until 1980.

Well that is funny. The Democrats supported, by a large margin, those policies and the KKK, hell Byrd was a Grand Dragon, but they weren't racist. Republicans' on the other hand, are ALL racist because they want to up hold the current laws, count the votes of citizens, say they want to reduce government burden on the tax payers and control our borders. We really know the Dems assert racist because the Republicans oppose the Democrats open boarders Anti American platform.
To Quote:

Holy ******* someone just got wrecked
Actually they extended the Great Depression. That made it worse.

I would love to see the new and exciting economic research on how the New Deal made the great depression worse. Sounds like a fun read

The Government's job is not to provide programs and lift you from "poverty". The governments job is to protect actual real rights, your property rights and let people live free. Not control you and tell you who you have to be with, live near or do business with. Need a Reference? US Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Federalist Papers. You can't support those and the current Democrat Party. They are diametrically opposite.

Pretty sure the declaration says right at the top that everyone has the right to the pursuit of happiness. Poverty and exploitation kind of runs against that.

Yes the Democrats were the party of the KKK.
Then why does the KKK endorse Trump? Can you answer that question? I've asked it a bunch of times and it's pretty simple.
Ah going to the %s after you posted the numbers. Trump didn't increase the rate. Covid and Democrat States shutting down did. You might want to look at the numbers.

And it was still under Obama's lowest rate until Dems shut down states. oops, damn those numbers you posted and facts.

Good thing happen: Trump made it happen
Bad thing happen: not Trump fault

I suppose I should thank Trump for the nice weather today
You made your usual bullshit argument and then moved the goal posts as @subhub174014 @MacNfries and @ridgelyfan have pointed out time and time again.
Your original statement was refuting the fact that Obama also set black unemployment numbers. As a matter of fact you said he added to the unemployment. It was bullshit and a damn lie.
Now you want to blame Democratic Governors for unemployment under COVID? You know what works best when fighting a national pandemic? A fucking national response and plan!!! That's how Obama did it.
So yes, because Trump did nothing, but stroke more fear, encourage irresponsible behavior, ignore and demean the scientists, and display for a total lack of leadership, Covid continues to ******* over 1000 Americans a day when it could have been contained in March.
Everything that goes with governing through a pandemic falls on this President's lap.
You are the fucking King of excuses, and changing the subject points. Nice try.
There you go again with the strawman.

I said "Record Low Black Unemployment until Covid" and you proved me right.

And Obama did increase the number of people not participating in the work place, which I claimed. The worker participation rate is more telling then the u3 Unemployment rate. If you make people give up trying to work, which under Obama happened, the U3 rate goes down.

You tried to say the Covid spike was Trump some how raising the Unemployment Rate 250%. In fact most states run by Republicans didn't "shut down" to battle a virus with a 99.7% survival rate. The only states that did the full shut downs were run or controlled by Democrats and now are trying to cover for their actions.

A actually Trump did a lot, including stopping travel for China and Europe. You really need diversification in your information streams. And would that be the same science that said business and families need to go bankrupt but looting and rioting are ok? Would that be the same "science" that said anyone who dies with covid in detected even if it was an auto accident count it as a death by Covid?

"Covid continues to ******* over 1000 Americans a day when it could have been contained in March." This a lie. In March all of the "Scientist" said we would all get it as they were saying MILLIONS Dead by April. Remember it was we just needed to shut down for 15 days to flatten the curve. Once they had the lockdown it kept changing and now the media and Democrats have destroyed the economy.

"Everything that goes with governing through a pandemic falls on this President's lap" Ah no. That is the point of the CDC and all the heath departments. This rest on them and the years of billions of dollars wasted on them their response plans. That is also the point of States Rights and having governors and state legislatures.

You really have no idea how our county works?
Dependency- No I mean actual dependence as in UBI, Get rid of cops, ****** housing, Single Payer, High Taxes and idiocy about speech codes. You know the current Democrat Platform. You should really get up to speed on your party's policies and platforms.

The Government's job is not to provide programs and lift you from "poverty". The government's job is to protect actual real rights, your property rights and let people live free. Not control you and tell you who you have to be with, live near or do business with. Need a Reference? US Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Federalist Papers. You can't support those and the current Democrat Party. They are diametrically opposite.
So, after almost 90 years, you can now speculate the Great Depression was prolonged because of FDR. Research or source please.

Government's job, according to several sections in each of those documents, is equal application of the law. That wasn't happening so unfortunately to your dismay, we needed to amend the Constitution to outlaw slavery and then another one for equal protection under the law.

So, again, apparently against your beliefs, government has a duty to its citizens equally. It did not perform that duty and yes, people like me stayed at it, until the government acted right by us. It doesn't lift us from poverty, but programs preventing discrimination in housing, allows us legally move where our money take us, programs preventing discrimination and opened up schools and universities absolutely provided uplift, programs that encourage economic development in areas that have been ignored for decades also provide a boost, and programs that prevent discrimination in lending helped get over that hump to take out small business loans. So, yes, the government plays a major role because generally, people have been assholes.

Also, the government forgave loans and rebuilt the south after the civil war. Where would that part of the country be without the government? I'll tell you, Mexico.
Would that be the same "science" that said anyone who dies with covid in detected even if it was an auto accident count it as a death by Covid?
You can look at the excess mortality under covid. It's actually higher than the reported deaths, by like 30% (we miss people who died at home, and some people die of other stuff just because the hospital is overloaded and can't treat them)

"Covid continues to ******* over 1000 Americans a day when it could have been contained in March." This a lie. In March all of the "Scientist" said we would all get it as they were saying MILLIONS Dead by April. Remember it was we just needed to shut down for 15 days to flatten the curve. Once they had the lockdown it kept changing and now the media and Democrats have destroyed the economy.

I didn't see any projections in the millions. Fauci was saying hundreds of thousands, which.... welp

Also, "flatten the curve" was to stop the overload of hospital ICUs. It's kind of in the name -- "flatten" means "stop it from going up so fast", not "turn it back to 0". And I don't remember a single person claiming it was just 15 days. The incubation time alone is like a week, how would that even work.

Stop creating your own fake reality.
There you go again with the strawman.

I said "Record Low Black Unemployment until Covid" and you proved me right.

And Obama did increase the number of people not participating in the work place, which I claimed. The worker participation rate is more telling then the u3 Unemployment rate. If you make people give up trying to work, which under Obama happened, the U3 rate goes down.

You tried to say the Covid spike was Trump some how raising the Unemployment Rate 250%. In fact most states run by Republicans didn't "shut down" to battle a virus with a 99.7% survival rate. The only states that did the full shut downs were run or controlled by Democrats and now are trying to cover for their actions.

A actually Trump did a lot, including stopping travel for China and Europe. You really need diversification in your information streams. And would that be the same science that said business and families need to go bankrupt but looting and rioting are ok? Would that be the same "science" that said anyone who dies with covid in detected even if it was an auto accident count it as a death by Covid?

"Covid continues to ******* over 1000 Americans a day when it could have been contained in March." This a lie. In March all of the "Scientist" said we would all get it as they were saying MILLIONS Dead by April. Remember it was we just needed to shut down for 15 days to flatten the curve. Once they had the lockdown it kept changing and now the media and Democrats have destroyed the economy.

"Everything that goes with governing through a pandemic falls on this President's lap" Ah no. That is the point of the CDC and all the heath departments. This rest on them and the years of billions of dollars wasted on them their response plans. That is also the point of States Rights and having governors and state legislatures.

You really have no idea how our county works?
Revisionism is cool, isn't it.
So, during a national emergency, you know who has jurisdiction? The president.
You know who staffs the senior folks at the CDC? The president.
You know who submits the CDC budget to Congress with their plans? The president.
You know who keeps trying to change the subject by making up *******? You.
You know who has a tiny penis and a big mullet? You.
So, what the fuck are you talking about it?
The president can actually do all sorts of awesome ******* in an emergency. He can allocate emergency budget then order factories to create PPE and tests. He can set national policy on social distancing and give the states incentives to follow them. He can speak to the nation to give everyone clear and helpful information.

He did none of that. Now we're falling behind on even basic covid testing while the rest of the world is getting back to normal.
Like the entire reason the office of the POTUS exists in the first place is to be able to take decisive and quick action on stuff like this. Trump once again ******* the bed on the most basic expectations of his office, and we all suffer for it.
I would love to see the new and exciting economic research on how the New Deal made the great depression worse. Sounds like a fun read

Pretty sure the declaration says right at the top that everyone has the right to the pursuit of happiness. Poverty and exploitation kind of runs against that.

Then why does the KKK endorse Trump? Can you answer that question? I've asked it a bunch of times and it's pretty simple.

“I would love to see the new and exciting economic research on how the New Deal made the great depression worse. Sounds like a fun read”

Then go to the library and read. Several economists have written extensively on this. You fancy yourself an economist why don’t you know this?

“Pretty sure the declaration says right at the top that everyone has the right to the pursuit of happiness. Poverty and exploitation kind of runs against that.”

Yep says “Pursuit” not guarantee. This really was a dimwitted response. And all the other documents say we get to keep the fruits of our labor and the government doesn’t get to steal them, (Property Rights). As far as exploitation you are not ****** to work or partake in the fruits of that work.- You choose to. And we don’t have to support your choice not to partake. You really should read those documents again. And if you feel exploited there are other countries to move to. May I suggest North Korea. The align with your parties platform.

“Then why does the KKK endorse Trump? Can you answer that question? I've asked it a bunch of times and it's pretty simple.”

I have answered this more than once. You really do think it is clever. They endorsed him to get coverage from the hypersensitive liberal ideologues/ media looking for any reason to clutch their pearls and attack President Trump. And Trump has, more than once, disavowed them.

Why did the Black Panthers endorse Obama. Same thing
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