Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Obama slams 'failure' of Trump presidency during DNC speech
"Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job, because he can't," Obama said.

Former President Barack Obama took aim at his successor's work in the White House during a passionate speech at the 2020 Democratic National Convention.
Speaking live from Philadelphia, Obama harshly criticized President Donald Trump for his policies and rhetoric during his time in office and warned voters that his administration would "tear our democracy down if that's what it takes for them to win." Obama noted that he hoped that Trump would show some interest in taking the job seriously, but he did not.

"For close to four years now, he has shown no interest in putting in the work. No interest in finding common ground No interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends. No interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves," Obama said.
Obama's scathing criticism of Trump breaks with the longstanding tradition of former presidents not publicly speaking out against their successors.

The 44th president pointed out the "consequences" of Trump's failures: 170,000 Americans dead from COVID-19, millions of jobs lost and "our worst impulses unleashed."
Obama touted former Vice President Joe Biden's record, particularly with the 2009 H1N1 flu and 2014 Ebola outbreaks, and the economy. He also emphasized Biden's empathy, particularly with military members.

He also praised Sen. Kamala Harris's long career and said she, too, would help steer the country in the right direction.

"Joe and Kamala will restore our standing in the world," he said.

Obama continued to take digs at the current administration and its attacks on voting rights and the free press. He urged voters to head to the polls.
"This president and those in power, those who benefit from keeping things the way they are, they are counting on your cynicism," Obama said. "They know they can't win you over with their policies, so they're hoping to make it as hard as possible for you to vote and to convince you that your vote does not matter. That is how they win."

Trump fired back at Obama on Twitter repeating claims, in all caps, that Obama spied on him and was caught. Biden quote tweeted Trump, repeated Obama's words, "Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job, because he can't."

Read Obama's full speech below:
Good evening, everybody. As you’ve seen by now, this isn't a normal convention. It's not a normal time. So tonight, I want to talk as plainly as I can about the stakes in this election. Because what we do these next 76 days will echo through generations to come. I'm in Philadelphia where our constitution was drafted and signed. It wasn't a perfect document. It allowed for the inhumanity of slavery and failed to guarantee women and even men who didn't own property the right to participate in the political process. But embedded in this document was a north star that would guide future generations, a system of representative government, a democracy to which we could better realize our highest ideals. Through civil war and bitter struggles, we improved this constitution to include the voices of those who had once been left out.

Trump tweets conspiracy theory minutes after Obama accuses him of treating the presidency like 'one more reality show he can use to get the attention he craves'

  • Shortly after former President Barack Obama warned that President Donald Trump is not interested in taking his job seriously, Trump tweeted a conspiracy theory about the Russia probe.
  • Trump has shown "no interest in treating the presidency as anything more than one more reality show he can use to get the
  • attention he craves," Obama said in his speech at the Democratic National Convention.

  • A few minutes later, Trump tweeted in all caps, "HE SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN, AND GOT CAUGHT!"
  • An internal Justice Department investigation uncovered no evidence that the Obama administration or the FBI "spied" on the Trump campaign.

Former President Barack Obama took the spotlight at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday to deliver a forceful endorsement of the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, and an equally forceful rebuke of President Donald Trump.

And it appears Trump was watching.

"HE SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN, AND GOT CAUGHT!" the president tweeted at 10:33 p.m. ET, as Obama's pre-recorded speech was playing at the DNC.

Trump's tweet came shortly after Obama said his successor has shown "no interest in treating the presidency as anything more than one more reality show he can use to get the attention he craves."

Trump "has shown no interest in putting in the work, no interest in finding common ground," and "no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends," Obama added. "Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job because he can't. And the consequences of that failure are severe."

Trump and his allies have long accused the Obama administration and senior officials at the FBI and Justice Department of inappropriately "spying" on Trump's 2016 campaign. However, a sweeping investigation by the Justice Department's inspector general, Michael Horowitz, uncovered no evidence that Obama officials or the FBI spied on Trump.

Trump attacks Obama and Harris speeches in real-time, all-caps tweets

President Donald Trump did not hide that he was closely following the third night of the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, firing off tweets in real time as former President Barack Obama and Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris delivered withering criticisms of his presidency.

The first of Trump's all-caps broadsides came less than 10 minutes into his predecessor’s speech, as Obama unleashed a blistering attack on Trump’s presidency and his character.

“HE SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN, AND GOT CAUGHT!” Trump accused Obama, repeating a false conspiracy theory stemming from the FBI’s surveillance of Trump campaign associates in the run-up to the 2016 election.

Trump fired off a second tweet seven minutes later, implying that there was more to the story behind Obama waiting until his former vice president, Joe Biden, cleared a crowded field of Democratic White House hopefuls before endorsing him.



— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 20, 2020

He later weighed in as Harris formally accepted her nomination as Biden’s running mate, making her the first Black woman and first Asian American to join a major party presidential ticket.

“I know a predator when I see one,” Harris said of the president in her nomination speech, alluding to her prosecutorial background.

Trump returned the favor by attempting to revive tensions between Harris and Biden from last year’s primary, mischaracterizing a high-profile clash over Biden’s record on race issues.


But Harris specifically noted when she interrogated Biden about bussing that she did not view the former vice president as racist. She also never called Biden incompetent.

Trump’s tweets on Wednesday come as he has attempted to counterprogram the Democratic convention for much of this week, making campaign stops in three potential swing states on Monday and Tuesday while holding a coronavirus briefing earlier Wednesday during which he announced his latest effort to scrap the Iran nuclear deal.

4 takeaways from the third night of the Democratic National Convention

Democrats on Wednesday night formally nominated Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) as Joe Biden’s vice-presidential nominee, making her the first woman of color on a major-party ticket, while the last Democratic president, Barack Obama, issued an extraordinary rebuke of his successor, President Trump.

1. Harris’s ‘predator’ and ‘vaccine for racism’ lines
Wednesday night’s acceptance speech was an opportunity for Harris to redefine herself — after her 2020 primary campaign flamed out early and at a time in which she’s not just vital to Democrats’ 2020 hopes, but is set up to be their standard-bearer in future presidential elections.

Two lines stood out: “I know a predator when I see one,” and “There is no vaccine for racism.”
“I have fought for children and survivors of sexual assault,” Harris said. “I fought against transnational criminal organizations. I took on the biggest banks and helped take down one of the biggest for-profit colleges. I know a predator when I see one.”

That line, which is similar to one she used when campaigning for herself, came before Harris’s address explicitly turned to President Trump, but it was clearly intended to paint a picture. It was a subtly delivered but not terribly subtle allusion to the character of the man who occupies the Oval Office. In fact, Harris has previously followed up similar comments by directly invoking Trump, saying, “And we have a predator in the White House right now.” Harris also uttered it while talking about her past as a prosecutor — seeking to turn something of a liability with progressives into a positive.
Harris later described racial injustice as a “virus,” likening it to the coronavirus pandemic.

“This virus, it has no eyes, and yet it knows exactly how we see each other and how we treat each other,” Harris said. “And let’s be clear: There is no vaccine for racism.”

The speech was short on direct attacks on Trump — the traditional role of a running mate. But it seemed to pave a path for doing so next.

2. Obama’s big break with history
For years, Trump built his political career by using Obama as a boogeyman — mostly as the lead public face of the racist birther movement. Despite this, Obama in 2016 initially offered Trump the kind of well wishes we expect during a peaceful transfer of power. He even called their post-election conversation “excellent” and professed to be “encouraged” by it.

On Wednesday night, Obama was done putting anything amounting to a good face on things, utterly departing from traditional post-presidential protocol. While Obama has increasingly criticized Trump, on Wednesday he went further.

In his speech, Obama said that the man he hoped would rise to the task had utterly failed — and didn’t really even try.

“He never did,” Obama said. “For close to four years now, he’s shown no interest in putting in the work, no interest in finding common ground, no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends, no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.

“Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t. And the consequences of that failure are severe: 170,000 Americans dead. Millions of jobs gone while those at the top take in more than ever.”

The comments echoed former first lady Michelle Obama’s speech Monday night, when she said Trump “cannot meet this moment. He simply cannot be who we need him to be for us.”

Barack Obama also suggested that Trump used law enforcement as political pawns and averted “facts and science and logic” in favor of “just making stuff up.”

“None of this should be controversial,” Obama said, before alluding to his 2004 convention speech: “These shouldn’t be Republican principles or Democratic principles. They’re American principles. But at this moment, this president and those who enable him have shown they don’t believe in these things.”

Obama added: “This administration has shown it will tear our democracy down if that’s what it takes for them to win.”

The former president spent most of his speech on the kind of high-minded rhetoric that characterized his 2004 speech and on vouching for his former vice president. But his decision to go so hard on Trump was surely one he arrived at after years of Trump laying waste to so many of the other norms of American politics. Democrats have trodden uneasily around just how much to go down that path themselves, and that made this a significant moment.

3. Hillary Clinton turns her disappointment into a call to action
Ever since unexpectedly losing the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton has blamed various factors — many of them credibly, given the narrowness of her loss — often re-litigating things even as some Democrats wanted to turn the page.

But on Wednesday night, she found a way to turn her disappointment into a perhaps more fruitful call to action.

Reflecting on her own loss, Clinton implored Democrats not to be overconfident or take things for granted.

“For four years, people have told me, ‘I didn’t realize how dangerous he was,’ ‘I wish I could do it all over’ or worse: ‘I should have voted,’” Clinton said. “Look, this can’t be another woulda, coulda, shoulda election.”

She added later: “And don’t forget, Joe and Kamala can win by 3 million votes and still lose — take it from me. So we need numbers overwhelming, so Trump can’t sneak or steal his way to victory.”

That last line could be read as an allusion to Russian interference and other factors that Clinton has suggested made Trump’s win illegitimate. It could also be read as an allusion to Trump’s 2020 maneuvers with the post office. But the practical impact is probably the same.

4. Sidelining the left-wing insurgency
Around the time the convention began Monday, a quarrel broke out between Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and former Ohio governor John Kasich (R). Kasich, who would speak that night, had suggested that Ocasio-Cortez’s role in the modern Democratic Party was overstated, and she hit back hard. For a party that has largely tamped down tensions between its left wing and the establishment since Biden emerged as its nominee, it threatened to be an unhappy sideshow.

Since then, though, it’s been “kumbaya.”

For the third night in a row, a leader of the liberal movement in the United States spoke at the convention outside the prime hour — Bernie Sanders on Monday, Ocasio-Cortez on Tuesday and Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday. But there has been almost no real dissension expressed. Sanders even offered an enthusiastic endorsement of Biden’s health-care plan, which he had attacked in the 2020 primaries.

Criticism of Biden — or even a hint of it — was never going to happen in such a prepackaged virtual convention. But that doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be avenues for dissension about the future of the party — as Monday showed. Thus far, there’s almost no indication of that. Apart from grumbling about the likes of Kasich and Colin Powell speaking, it’s the picture of a party united behind a common cause — at least for now.

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Wait a minute, though, I thought the Republicans said that Democrats couldn't run a state AT ALL! Trump has even said the same thing, though I DON'T know how his "Agent Orange" ass can talk when he couldn't even run a business correctly! Damn, Trump, you've declared bankruptcy SIX times, yet Michael Bloomberg, who is a BILLIONAIRE, from New York, has NEVER ever declared bankruptcy AT ALL! Anyway, looks like the coronavirus positive tests have hit a RECORD LOW, which are EXCELLENT news!

Did you see the endless sea homelessness, human waste on the streets, and syringes everywhere? I lived in San Jose, the epicenter of the.com. Google, ebay, yahoo, sysco, etc. i lived in a decent neighborhood but literally around the corner was tent after tent of homeless. Every street corner had beggars. They would hold up signs asking for money for a funeral for the same person they asked a month prior. Liberalism/Socialism true colors. They are victims right? Victims of what? Please explain.
Actually, Socialism would have these people housed, so they are not on the streets. The would not ask you for money, because they know we would know that they get meals and housing- just like you did most of your 'career' that we paid for. Socialist values were good for you when you were a weekend warrior.
Are you talking about capital 'L' liberalism, as in Western Liberalism, or American political scale liberalism. Both seem to have not done anything about the homeless issue. Why? In a democracy, majority votes in Congress matter, and the President matters. Socialism, the leader can just sign a document. Socialist Democracy, I'm not sure.
We are NOW living under Trump's Republican Conservatism. EVERYTHING you see around you, is Trump's America. Riots, fires, thousand a people a day being infected, voter suppression tactics, dismantling of American institutions, making an enemy out of scientists, and the election of people who believe their is a cabal of pedofile cannibals at the highest offices in the and and Trump is secretly fighting them. That's where we are today.
You think this country can proceed and progress divided? No, no one does.
You think Trump can bring people together?
You think Trump can rise about personal slights and do what's best for the country?
Why has he not? Why is four more years of this better for the country? It's not.
He has had his chance and he has left this country broken, divided and on fire. Try to see beyond your 35% that will follow him off a cliff.
The choice between Republican and Democrat priorities has never been more clear: we can either invest in human capability (R), or in human dependency (D). Whichever path America chooses will affect all Americans. We are, after all, one people, and if we stand for capability, as ‘one people, under God’, we will truly become “indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Actually, Socialism would have these people housed, so they are not on the streets. The would not ask you for money, because they know we would know that they get meals and housing- just like you did most of your 'career' that we paid for. Socialist values were good for you when you were a weekend warrior.
Are you talking about capital 'L' liberalism, as in Western Liberalism, or American political scale liberalism. Both seem to have not done anything about the homeless issue. Why? In a democracy, majority votes in Congress matter, and the President matters. Socialism, the leader can just sign a document. Socialist Democracy, I'm not sure.
We are NOW living under Trump's Republican Conservatism. EVERYTHING you see around you, is Trump's America. Riots, fires, thousand a people a day being infected, voter suppression tactics, dismantling of American institutions, making an enemy out of scientists, and the election of people who believe their is a cabal of pedofile cannibals at the highest offices in the and and Trump is secretly fighting them. That's where we are today.
You think this country can proceed and progress divided? No, no one does.
You think Trump can bring people together?
You think Trump can rise about personal slights and do what's best for the country?
Why has he not? Why is four more years of this better for the country? It's not.
He has had his chance and he has left this country broken, divided and on fire. Try to see beyond your 35% that will follow him off a cliff.

Do you think Biden and Harris will bring people together?

Or do you just want your statist ideology in power?

Every wonder, as government grows to record size, you think the world is getting worse, so maybe it is the government that's the problem? Ever wonder how a guy, who was there for 47 years, didn't cause the problems, but can fix it now? And the guy there for 4 years did all this damage while the Dems in office for decades are still in Congress?

The Democrat's whole platform is divide with hate and envy. Ask yourself, what Dem policy on the planform is not based on the Punish the Rich payment method? They need you to hate and mistrust your neighbors, not watching the Dems.

And just because you said you aren't sure, Socialism is Communism's first step and it dose not matter what cute term you put with it. It is still just socialism leading to communism leading to genocide. Always....
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Damn, that Senate Intelligence Report went in detail regarding Russia's efforts to compromise the 2016 presidential election! Trump stated that he "never" spoke to Roger Stone about WikiLeaks, BUT the Senate report SHOWS that Trump LIED, which he seems to do ALOT! How the Republican Party can SUPPORT a man who cares MORE about himself than the COUNTRY doesn't make ANY SENSE to me! The Republican Party is the Party of OLD WHITE MEN, so no wonder that Party prefers to NOT be so DIVERSE! Yet, many Americans like that *******, for SOME REASON!

And your take on Hillary paying a foreign agent to get a totally fabricated dossier on Trump is? Or using that fake dossier to get a warrant to spy on your parties opposition?

It always sad when people whine about old white men, then try to make some wronghead low level jab about those white men's racist motives. No that tactic is not racist at all.
Do you think Biden and Harris will bring people together?

Or do you just want your statist ideology in power?

Every wonder, as government grows to record size, you think the world is getting worse, so maybe it is the government that's the problem? Ever wonder how a guy, who was there for 47 years, didn't cause the problems, but can fix it now? And the guy there for 4 years did all this damage while the Dems in office for decades are still in Congress? Always....

The Democrat's whole platform is divide with hate and envy. Ask yourself, what Dem policy on the planform is not based on the Punish the Rich payment method? They need you to hate and mistrust your neighbors, not watching them.

And just because you said you aren't sure, Socialism is Communism's first step and it dose not matter what cute term you put with it. It is still just socialism leading to communism leading to genocide.
Very well said!
The choice between Republican and Democrat priorities has never been more clear: we can either invest in human capability (R), or in human dependency (D). Whichever path America chooses will affect all Americans. We are, after all, one people, and if we stand for capability, as ‘one people, under God’, we will truly become “indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Same ******* your side has been saying this exact thing since Reagan. With Republicans in control 24 of those 40 years.
Why are you making the same argument today when you did nothing about it for all this time?
I can find recording or Reagan in the early 60s railing against Medicare with some of the same language.
I know you're smarter than this, you just didn't think we were.

steve hilton

while Kamala Harris makes her "heavily personal" speech tonight telling you "who she is"... remember that as San Francisco DA she covered up baby sexual abuse to please her political backers in the Catholic Church. she BLOCKED justice for the victims that's also "who she is"

Author claims Harris 'deep-sixed' release of documents ID'ing clergy accused of sex abuse as city DA

"Hallinan was using those documents to build criminal cases and he was also planning to release them after redacting the names of victims," he said. "Kamala Harris actually deep-sixed ... those documents, and those documents disappeared, much to the chagrin of victims' groups.

Just like the 16,000 votes she made disappear when it looked like she was going to lose against Dan Cooley. I'm tellin ya these people are all the same!

I'm sure there's a thousand excuses why it isn't true
Same ******* your side has been saying this exact thing since Reagan. With Republicans in control 24 of those 40 years.
Why are you making the same argument today when you did nothing about it for all this time?
I can find recording or Reagan in the early 60s railing against Medicare with some of the same language.
I know you're smarter than this, you just didn't think we were.

They keep saying the same stuff because the Dems have had the same statist BS, in one form or another, since the 1870s. The Republicans did make changes and then the Dems in DC, at liberal states and the 'media' weaponized Covid. Remember 1st time record Black Unemployment and growth in the Black Communities. Oh the Dems can't have that.

And you might want a new argument. The Dems have had 5 Super Majorities since the 1930s and have been 'fixing' the same progressive type big government control programs since.

And he was right then and Medicare is still here and he is still right.

Again for my whole life the Dem solution is to demonize white and rich Americans with the promises of punishing the oppressors, but for some reason they always have the excuse "we just can't get it done because they are ......." Ever occur to you that the party of the KKK and Slavery might still be trying to own you by government control and dependency?
Do you think Biden and Harris will bring people together?
Absolutely. Already doing it. No need to wait until January 21st.

Or do you just want your statist ideology in power?
MY statist ideology? I'm not sure what that means. I just heard it a few years ago and it's just stupid af.
I want people in power who have a demonstrated history utilizing, expertise, education, humility, responsibility and respect in that office. Period. I expect the other side to define this as the extreme of the extreme. Really, what do you have left?

Every wonder, as government grows to record size, you think the world is getting worse, so maybe it is the government that's the problem? Ever wonder how a guy, who was there for 47 years, didn't cause the problems, but can fix it now? And the guy there for 4 years did all this damage while the Dems in office for decades are still in Congress?
No I don't wonder on the growth. The country is bigger and the government's role has been defined to be broad. We are not a young colony with 5 million people anymore. It's about 330,000,000. Need a big apparatus to govern and administer that.
Joe has thousands of legislation he signed on to or authored. Many were to address some of society's problems. LIke success in business, there is no magic bullet or quick fix or one solution solves all. We the people, prefer band aid solutions, over real ones that may involve sacrifice.
He's only been there under 4 years and yes, he's set this fucing place on fire. You are welcome to show where this guy has made a genuine effort to reach out personally or in a governing manner to solve problems with his opposition or someone who is political critical of him. He hasn't. Yet embraces divisive groups, because they 'like him'. Come on man!! Trump is so transparent and blatant. However, I am starting to understand he is as he always was. The Republicans in Congress may the one who failed to execute their duties.

The Democrat's whole platform is divide with hate and envy. Ask yourself, what Dem policy on the planform is not based on the Punish the Rich payment method? They need you to hate and mistrust your neighbors, not watching the Dems.
Nope. Hate and Envy is trademarked on the Right. It's the party of grievance. You've got proud white supremacists and Qanon members under the Republican brand. What are you talking about?

And just because you said you aren't sure, Socialism is Communism's first step and it dose not matter what cute term you put with it. It is still just socialism leading to communism leading to genocide. Always....
I know what socialism is. The question was about liberalism and western liberalism.
I agree with you on Communism in practice. It kills. Progress, freedom, hope and human lives. All die under Communism.
You never had an argument from me against that. Let's talk about China and North Korea. Fuck 'em.
However, liberalism, is not socialism. And Communism is one extreme form of socialism. You already know the European countries I am going to point to. So what's your response?
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Well Mac that might be a blessing considering what Bidens puppet masters have planned!
Biden's "puppet masters" ... ???? Like who, for instance? And what "plan" do his puppet masters have planned? And please provide some source for you wealth of knowledge, would you? Is that even remotely possible. We'd just like to see WHERE you got that information.
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