Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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β€œI would love to see the new and exciting economic research on how the New Deal made the great depression worse. Sounds like a fun read”

Then go to the library and read. Several economists have written extensively on this. You fancy yourself an economist why don’t you know this?

Name... one?

β€œThen why does the KKK endorse Trump? Can you answer that question? I've asked it a bunch of times and it's pretty simple.”

I have answered this more than once. You really do think it is clever. They endorsed him to get coverage from the hypersensitive liberal ideologues/ media looking for any reason to clutch their pearls and attack President Trump. And Trump has, more than once, disavowed them.

Why did the Black Panthers endorse Obama. Same thing
Hahaha this is so good.

"It's a false flag! They actually want their members to vote for Biden, but they say vote for Trump to trick the dumb liberal media"

please never stop posting, this is hilarious
So, after almost 90 years, you can now speculate the Great Depression was prolonged because of FDR. Research or source please.

Government's job, according to several sections in each of those documents, is equal application of the law. That wasn't happening so unfortunately to your dismay, we needed to amend the Constitution to outlaw slavery and then another one for equal protection under the law.

So, again, apparently against your beliefs, government has a duty to its citizens equally. It did not perform that duty and yes, people like me stayed at it, until the government acted right by us. It doesn't lift us from poverty, but programs preventing discrimination in housing, allows us legally move where our money take us, programs preventing discrimination and opened up schools and universities absolutely provided uplift, programs that encourage economic development in areas that have been ignored for decades also provide a boost, and programs that prevent discrimination in lending helped get over that hump to take out small business loans. So, yes, the government plays a major role because generally, people have been assholes.

Also, the government forgave loans and rebuilt the south after the civil war. Where would that part of the country be without the government? I'll tell you, Mexico.

Wow you sure do like ducking.

No speculations. Go read some economics books. I bet a search of the topic "FDR prolonged the Great Depression" will supply an ample reading source. Try an article from both sides of the spectrum.

"So, again, apparently against your beliefs, government has a duty to its citizens equally." Ha, don't know what it means to protect our rights? Yes EQUALLY. But you don't want equally. You want the government to take from one group to aid you in your desires. The Federal Government has not applied the law equally and still doesn't. However, you like it when it is unequal and favors you not when it is equal. And remember those "uplift" programs have been show to prolong poverty. Why are we still paying for those programs if they work? Also remember they are paid for by ****** stealing from one group by the government. And it never seems to be enough.
Wow you sure do like ducking.

No speculations. Go read some economics books. I bet a search of the topic "FDR prolonged the Great Depression" will supply an ample reading source. Try an article from both sides of the spectrum.

"So, again, apparently against your beliefs, government has a duty to its citizens equally." Ha, don't know what it means to protect our rights? Yes EQUALLY. But you don't want equally. You want the government to take from one group to aid you in your desires. The Federal Government has not applied the law equally and still doesn't. However, you like it when it is unequal and favors you not when it is equal. And remember those "uplift" programs have been show to prolong poverty. Why are we still paying for those programs if they work? Also remember they are paid for by ****** stealing from one group by the government. And it never seems to be enough.

\Doctor say it is Ok for you to be out and conversing with real people
No speculations. Go read some economics books. I bet a search of the topic "FDR prolonged the Great Depression" will supply an ample reading source. Try an article from both sides of the spectrum.

Lol you "bet" huh?

Just post a single book. Name a single author. Just one. Please.
You're a fool. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
The black panthers are same thing as the fucking KKK???
And the KKK endorses Trump just to get a rise out of the liberal media???

No you are the fool.

Yes they are the same thing. Black Supremacist versus White Supremacist. Black separatist v. white separatist.
Black Group advocating the killing white babies and White group advocating the killing of Blacks.
No you are the fool.

Yes they are the same thing. Black Supremacist versus White Supremacist. Black separatist v. white separatist.
Black Group advocating the killing white babies and White group advocating the killing of Blacks.
Who's actually done it?
That's your problem, like Stiff, you like living in the fantasy world.
Like the entire reason the office of the POTUS exists in the first place is to be able to take decisive and quick action on stuff like this. Trump once again ******* the bed on the most basic expectations of his office, and we all suffer for it.
Well except that part where he closed travel from China and Europe while the dems told everyone to come down to China town to a huge gathering and don't listen to "racists" closing travel. That and clearing red tape to get ventilators that the CDC forgot to stock. Or moving trials ahead to try to get a virus while the dem dominated CDC and FDA had a pissing contest over who got the money from the vaccine they might produced in 20 years.

That is per the Gov of NY
Well except that part where he closed travel from China and Europe

Yes he shut down travel. I'm pretty sure that's the only thing he's figured out how to do in office, besides nominating a list of judges given to him directly by the Federalist Society and signing without question like a good little boy
Revisionism is cool, isn't it.
So, during a national emergency, you know who has jurisdiction? The president.
You know who staffs the senior folks at the CDC? The president.
You know who submits the CDC budget to Congress with their plans? The president.
You know who keeps trying to change the subject by making up *******? You.
You know who has a tiny penis and a big mullet? You.
So, what the fuck are you talking about it?

So, during a national emergency, you know who has jurisdiction? The president.- No it depends on what it is. And he did what you whined about. Listen to the 'scientist' they were wrong again. Shocker.
You know who staffs the senior folks at the CDC? The president.- Sorta He has that authority but remember the media stated almost day one hinting Faucci was the best and Trump can't fire him. That and there are only so many people that can fit that job.
You know who submits the CDC budget to Congress with their plans? The president.- No the CDC submits it and the President approves it. The first level hired staffer is the one who writes it with the accounting staff.
You know who keeps trying to change the subject by making up *******? That would by you.
You know who has a tiny penis and a big mullet? Ah Ad hominem attack, the sign of someone out classed and losing.
So, what the fuck are you talking about it? Something you don't understand and above your pay grade.

You really have a School House Rock understanding of our system.
Listen to the 'scientist' they were wrong again. Shocker.
I did. They weren't.

Trump was wrong though. "Won't be a problem here". "Will be gone by spring". "One day will go away like magic". Uh huh.

You know who staffs the senior folks at the CDC? The president.- Sorta He has that authority but remember the media stated almost day one hinting Faucci was the best and Trump can't fire him. That and there are only so many people that can fit that job.

Fauci kind of actually is the best. He's served in multiple administrations and is a very, very well-regarded researcher
I did. They weren't.

Trump was wrong though. "Won't be a problem here". "Will be gone by spring". "One day will go away like magic". Uh huh.

Fauci kind of actually is the best. He's served in multiple administrations and is a very, very well-regarded researcher

Oh so there were 3 Million dead by April in America? The death rate was 20% or is now? Really he is the best? 15 days to flatten the curve now it is until we have a vaccine for a virus with a survival rate of 99.7%. Why did he and the experts forget to replace the PPE?. Store the Ventilators or ensure vaccine manufacturing continuity? That is their job. And after Obama their budget went up by a lot. They can't even get the death totals right not mention they are straight up lying.

Oh and you forgot all the Democrats into March and even some in April saying come to China Town in Feb- Nan Pelosi or saying "New York City is Open go out and eat" Mayor D. and many many others. Opps.
Personally i thought his pushing a law to regulate water flow through a shower head was the high point of the past week. Over a thousand deaths daily, millions on the cutting side of the knife over payment of rent and mortgage payments and his priority is getting more water to wash his hair. Someday they'll make a movie about this mess, comedy or tragedy will be the only options. Documentary out of the question they are well known for telling the truth. Truth may soon become a obsolete word, too many have already forgotten its meaning.
Oh so there were 3 Million dead by April in America? The death rate was 20% or is now? Really he is the best? 15 days to flatten the curve now it is until we have a vaccine for a virus with a survival rate of 99.7%. Why did he and the experts forget to replace the PPE?. Store the Ventilators or ensure vaccine manufacturing continuity? That is their job. And after Obama their budget went up by a lot. They can't even get the death totals right not mention they are straight up lying.

Oh and you forgot all the Democrats into March and even some in April saying come to China Town in Feb- Nan Pelosi or saying "New York City is Open go out and eat" Mayor D. and many many others. Opps.

Uh, can you find the Fauci quotes where he said the death rate is 20%, or that 3 million would be dead by April? Or that we only had to social distance for 15 days?

Here in "reality", he never said those things. I want to see the crazy clown universe you live in!
No because Fauci is the head of this "Science team" so he is responsible for everyone's statements. That is the standard you hold Trump too.

Actually those were stats they, the "scientist", toss out if we didn't flatten the curve. Well until the forecaster got Covid from his mistress during lock down. However, Faucci played off that fear and never shut those numbers down and played politics with word games like heavy losses. He knew the totals out there and played off it. Now he keeps it going because he has fame and groupies. Not because of science.

He and the CDC also directed faking the numbers of deaths. "Go back for the last several months and revise Death Certificates if you think it was a possible covid death." Is that Science?

I noticed you ducked his real sin- PPE and Ventilators.

Oh and the Dems doing the same thing as Trump but even to a greater degree. Oops
No because Fauci is the head of this "Science team" so he is responsible for everyone's statements. That is the standard you hold Trump too.

OK give me the "science team" quotes.

Also the sources on the New Deal making the Great Depression worse while you're at it.

I want to read some of the news from Clown Town where you live!

Uh, can you find the Fauci quotes where he said the death rate is 20%, or that 3 million would be dead by April? Or that we only had to social distance for 15 days?

Here in "reality", he never said those things. I want to see the crazy clown universe you live in!
Oh but here is where he admits 2.2 million

Oh but here is where he admits 2.2 million


It says right there in the article that was the projection if we did nothing, which pretty much tracks with the 1-2% mortality rate (up to 3-4% with no medical attention, which is what happens when hospitals have no more ICU beds).

Clowns can't read! I knew it!
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