Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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OK give me the "science team" quotes.

Also the sources on the New Deal making the Great Depression worse while you're at it.

I want to read some of the news from Clown Town where you live!

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Oh wait what is this?

A SHOCKING CORRECTION: Dr. Fauci Went from a Possible 1.7 Million US Deaths Due to Coronavirus to a Possible 200,000 US Deaths in 14 Days!

Just so you know — these “experts” are making it up as they go along.

And these experts are going to destroy the US economy based on total guesses and hysterical predictions.

On March 15, 2020
Dr Anthony Fauci told Jon Karl on ABC that the US could expect up to 21 million coronavirus hospitalizations and up to 1.7 million coronavirus deaths.

Damn your family photo you posted is fitting now.
It says right there in the article that was the projection if we did nothing, which pretty much tracks with the 1-2% mortality rate (up to 3-4% with no medical attention, which is what happens when hospitals have no more ICU beds).

Clowns can't read! I knew it!

Wow you can't read. I said the forecasts were wrong. They were. Then I said it was to flatten the curve and now it is to get a vaccine. They were wrong and have been wrong since day one.
Oh wait what is this?

A SHOCKING CORRECTION: Dr. Fauci Went from a Possible 1.7 Million US Deaths Due to Coronavirus to a Possible 200,000 US Deaths in 14 Days!

Just so you know — these “experts” are making it up as they go along.

And these experts are going to destroy the US economy based on total guesses and hysterical predictions.

On March 15, 2020
Dr Anthony Fauci told Jon Karl on ABC that the US could expect up to 21 million coronavirus hospitalizations and up to 1.7 million coronavirus deaths.

Damn your family photo you posted is fitting now.

This article also explains that the ~2million deaths was if we did nothing, and 100k-200k was if we went with the measures in place.

Then we did the measures in place.

And we are currently at 100k-200k deaths!

Amazing! Please find some more articles that say the opposite of what you think they do. This is funny. Then do some juggling, you're an excellent clown.
This article also explains that the ~2million deaths was if we did nothing, and 100k-200k was if we went with the measures in place.

Then we did the measures in place.

And we are currently at 100k-200k deaths!

Amazing! Please find some more articles that say the opposite of what you think they do. This is funny. Then do some juggling, you're an excellent clown.

Again forecasts were wrong. There is no evidence the lock down did that. That is the game and why they presented it to you sheep that way. You know that was the part about fear and lockdowns I said before.

Sweden did nothing and they have the same outcome as their neighbors who did the lock downs. Several states did nothing and they have similar and much better outcomes then states with full lockdowns. There is no evidence that the lockdowns did anything for slowing the virus. In fact evidence points the other way.

Kind kills your story.
Sweden did nothing and they have the same outcome as their neighbors who did the lock downs.

Hahaha no it didn't

Sweden’s per capita death rate was 35 per 100,000 as of May 15. Meanwhile, Denmark’s death rate was 9.3 per 100,000, Finland’s 5.2 and Norway’s 4.7. All three neighboring countries enacted stricter policies. For comparison, the United States had 24 COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 as of May 15. But Sweden has fared better than hard-hit countries such as the United Kingdom and Spain.

More clown world views please. This is so entertaining.
I imagine McGrath's fate will go the same as the state of Kentucky ... they'll stay republican, as will Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi.
I do not completely agree....while Kentucky may go Republican, I believe Amy McGrath will remain a Democrat.
I do not completely agree....while Kentucky may go Republican, I believe Amy McGrath will remain a Democrat.
You might have misunderstood my post, Andrea. I am saying I believe that they will stick with McConnell (as a Republican) just as they will vote Republican as a state. I hope I'm wrong, but I lived in Kentucky for many years, covering the state as a sales manager. Think I've been in just about every square mile of Kentucky. Kentucky has a huge rural area and were very conservative when I was there. I can't imagine they've changed very much. Maybe, however, with the "lack of" a Trump covid-19 action plan, maybe Kentucky will decide its time for Trump & his "gang" to go. I wish Amy all the luck. Getting rid of Mitch would be a serious blow (actually a blessing, I think) for the Republicans.
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Don't you think its time to pull your head out of the ground and look around a bit? I've never seen an individual so un-informed, or misinformed, or in denial. Or maybe, your vision/misunderstanding of the mainstream Democrats is so far-left, that you can only envision a Communist government with Democrats in control. God, man, look at the history of Republicans & Democrats over the past 50 years; you should be fearing another 4 years of Trump. I think main stream Democrats will yell & scream if radical liberals try to take over the party; I know I will. "Everything in moderation" works best. We don't want happening to the Democratic party, what happened to the Republican party. Radicalism has no place in government regardless of which party it is.
You might have misunderstood my post, Andrea. I am saying I believe that they will stick with McConnell (as a Republican) just as they will vote Republican as a state. I hope I'm wrong, but I lived in Kentucky for many years, covering the state as a sales manager. Think I've been in just about every square mile of Kentucky. Kentucky has a huge rural area and were very conservative when I was there. I can't imagine they've changed very much. Maybe, however, with the "lack of" a Trump covid-19 action plan, maybe Kentucky will decide its time for Trump & his "gang" to go. I wish Amy all the luck. Getting rid of Mitch would be a serious blow (actually a blessing, I think) for the Republicans.

Moscow mitch had some trouble last time and barely made it if I remember right......and he has done all he and his corrupt wife can do to pave his way for re-election....with his wife working directly with/for trump......she has got several things passed to benefit the state...in her husbands name

Will Mitch McConnell Get Re-Elected To The Senate ...
The last time he failed to draw 53% of the vote was in 1990. Despite his low popularity, McConnell appears to be the frontrunner in a presidential election year.

Report: Mitch McConnell May Be Leaving the Senate in 2020
Mar 13, 2019 · McConnell is a savvy politician who has been around a long time, and he may now realize that the time for him to retire is now, while he has a shred of dignity left. And when he does, it will...

Who Is Amy McGrath? Mitch McConnell May Face Tough ...
Mitch McConnell May Face Tough Challenge To Get Re-Elected Against Surging Democrat Senate Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell (pictured January 14, 2020

McConnell and his wife shamed for stealing taxpayer money ...
Jun 11, 2019 · June 11, 2019. Former Office of Government Ethics director Walter Shaub tore into Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his wife Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao on Monday for colluding to steal taxpayer money for their friends in Kentucky.

Mitch McConnell's Wife Busted For Massive Ethics Violation
Jun 10, 2019 · ‘With a local guy, he has her ear 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You tell me.’ A typical case of a person’s worth when it is based on what they do and accomplish for another person. In this case, it is pushing McConnell’s agenda. In addition, this situation raises ethical concerns with McConnell’s wife, and it is not the first time.
You're a fool. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
The black panthers are same thing as the fucking KKK???
And the KKK endorses Trump just to get a rise out of the liberal media???
From 1867 onward, African-American participation in public life in the South became one of the most radical aspects of Reconstruction, as Black people won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. Congress. For its part, the Ku Klux Klan dedicated itself to an underground campaign of violence against Republican leaders and voters (both Black and white) in an effort to reverse the policies of Radical Reconstruction and restore white supremacy in the South. They were joined in this struggle by similar organizations such as the Knights of the White Camelia (launched in Louisiana in 1867) and the White Brotherhood. At least 10 percent of the Black legislators elected during the 1867-1868 constitutional conventions became victims of violence during Reconstruction, including seven who were killed. White Republicans (derided as “carpetbaggers” and “scalawags”) and Black institutions such as schools and churches—symbols of Black autonomy—were also targets for Klan attacks.

As you and others have said this is a different time:

Black Party Affiliation
African Americans have a history in both major political parties of the United States. After the Civil War almost all Blacks considered them-selves Republicans. It was the Republican Party that was started by abolitionists and of course the party of President Abraham Lincoln. Mean-while Southern Democrats strongly opposed any rights to Blacks at the time and for almost a century there-after. African Americans were not even allowed to officially attend the Democratic convention until 1924.

It was the association of civil rights legislation with John F Kennedy and Lyndon Banes Jonson that solidified Black loyalty to the Democratic Party for good. JFK proposed and LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which outlawed public discrimination. LBJs Republican opponent, Barry Goldwater, opposed it garnering Johnson 94% of the black vote that year, which was a record until 2008. Johnson later signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

By this time the majority of Blacks had become Democrats. By 2016 only 8% of African Americans considered themselves Republicans. Although 88% of African Americans voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016, only 70% consider themselves democrats. Over the last 40 years Black Americans have consistently voted overwhelmingly for the Democratic presidential candidate. The most votes any Republican candidate received from Blacks since 1968 was Gerald Ford in 1976 (15%).

So if you were running a scanky organization like KKK which candidate would you support? It's not rocket science!
Because the KKK supports Trump your left wing media will try to convince those non-thinking Democrats (and there's a lot of them) it means Trump supports them. He doesn't nor does the majority of Republican voters.
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I think the MAGA crowd really gets caught up in this because they can only think in terms of identity politics and fealty.

Parties are not constants. They're groups of people that pool resources to help each other get elected and to advertise a brand to voters.
I think the MAGA crowd really gets caught up in this because they can only think in terms of identity politics and fealty.

Parties are not constants. They're groups of people that pool resources to help each other get elected and to advertise a brand to voters.
Who is the MAGA crowd? Are you referring to those who wear a "Make America Great Again" hat. The slogan also used by Bill Cinton and Ronald Reagan? It's your beloved left wing media that has those (too many to count) who can't think for themselves believing if you wear a MAGA hat you're a racist.
Hahaha no it didn't

More clown world views please. This is so entertaining.
Hahaha no it didn't

More clown world views please. This is so entertaining.
Ah so a US University that supports lockdowns says it didn't work. Gotcha. I wonder what the grant request required the outcome to be?

Oh Look Mortality Rates per 100K- John Hopkins:

Sweden- 57.01
Italy- 58.61
UK- 62.40
Spain- 61.67
France- 45.43
Germany- 11.17
Finland- 6.05
Canada- 24.55
Denmark- 10.71
Belgium- 87.34
US- 53.26

Italy was said to have one of the strictest lockdown responses of this data set.

Oh no not a data set with real numbers where you have to think for yourself. Ahhhhhhhhhh run you’re doomed.

What is the prima facia difference? Sweden no lockdown. The rest---- Lockdowns

So similar populations, demographics, distributions, locations with similar per 100K rates with many lockdowns countries having what? Oh yeah, higher rates. And oh look some with lower rates.

So on my original point- There is no evidence lockdowns worked. In fact the above POINTS to they don’t.

So in 3 years when all the Dem tactics die out and real scientist, do what they do, we will find population density, average age, other demographic, and whether your were old in a nursing home in a Democrat control state were the real reasons that you really died from Covid.

And on my other point- US States- Deaths per 100k and what do you see. The same thing. No prima facia evidence lockdowns work.

They didn't work with the Spanish Flu either. FYI
I think the MAGA crowd really gets caught up in this because they can only think in terms of identity politics and fealty.

Parties are not constants. They're groups of people that pool resources to help each other get elected and to advertise a brand to voters.

textbook transference/ projection at it's best.
Again forecasts were wrong. There is no evidence the lock down did that. That is the game and why they presented it to you sheep that way. You know that was the part about fear and lockdowns I said before.

Sweden did nothing and they have the same outcome as their neighbors who did the lock downs. Several states did nothing and they have similar and much better outcomes then states with full lockdowns. There is no evidence that the lockdowns did anything for slowing the virus. In fact evidence points the other way.

Kind kills your story.

Facts don't matter to the left. If their political leaders say something is bad, then it's bad. If the sheep are told it's good, then it's good. Statistical fact, and even scientific facts don't matter. I was actually told by a leftist that if you are protesting you can not catch COVID. :ROFLMAO:
Just when I didn't think the Democratic party couldn't discuss me any further,

Now just imagine if a city did that with black people and told them to undo their blackness.
- and let the hypocritical defense of the article begin...
From 1867 onward, African-American participation in public life in the South became one of the most radical aspects of Reconstruction, as Black people won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. Congress. For its part, the Ku Klux Klan dedicated itself to an underground campaign of violence against Republican leaders and voters (both Black and white) in an effort to reverse the policies of Radical Reconstruction and restore white supremacy in the South. They were joined in this struggle by similar organizations such as the Knights of the White Camelia (launched in Louisiana in 1867) and the White Brotherhood. At least 10 percent of the Black legislators elected during the 1867-1868 constitutional conventions became victims of violence during Reconstruction, including seven who were killed. White Republicans (derided as “carpetbaggers” and “scalawags”) and Black institutions such as schools and churches—symbols of Black autonomy—were also targets for Klan attacks.

As you and others have said this is a different time:

Black Party Affiliation
African Americans have a history in both major political parties of the United States. After the Civil War almost all Blacks considered them-selves Republicans. It was the Republican Party that was started by abolitionists and of course the party of President Abraham Lincoln. Mean-while Southern Democrats strongly opposed any rights to Blacks at the time and for almost a century there-after. African Americans were not even allowed to officially attend the Democratic convention until 1924.

It was the association of civil rights legislation with John F Kennedy and Lyndon Banes Jonson that solidified Black loyalty to the Democratic Party for good. JFK proposed and LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which outlawed public discrimination. LBJs Republican opponent, Barry Goldwater, opposed it garnering Johnson 94% of the black vote that year, which was a record until 2008. Johnson later signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

By this time the majority of Blacks had become Democrats. By 2016 only 8% of African Americans considered themselves Republicans. Although 88% of African Americans voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016, only 70% consider themselves democrats. Over the last 40 years Black Americans have consistently voted overwhelmingly for the Democratic presidential candidate. The most votes any Republican candidate received from Blacks since 1968 was Gerald Ford in 1976 (15%).

So if you were running a scanky organization like KKK which candidate would you support? It's not rocket science!
Because the KKK supports Trump your left wing media will try to convince those non-thinking Democrats (and there's a lot of them) it means Trump supports them. He doesn't nor does the majority of Republican voters.
Dude, I have written at length on this. I have read and written about the transition of Black interests being addressed by the Republicans to the Democratic party. The bottom line is that the Republican Party let these voters slip away mid century.

There were no black delegates to the Democratic convention until 1936, though in 1924 there was ONE black alternate, and by 1932 there were TEN black alternates. The Republican conventions had many black delegates, mostly from the South from 1868 to 1956.

The 1924 Democratic Party convention had so many Klan members that they had their own caucus.

In the Northern States, were elected usually with very strong European immigrant support, who were ignored by white politicians.
By 1900, Democratic Leaders in cities like Boston, New York, Baltimore, Chicago recognize the numbers and influence Blacks can have in certain areas and begin recruiting and purging from the Republicans.

Democrats were huge on patronage (get this many votes, and you'll get a constable assigned to your area, or a tire factory, or a train stop, or 5 real estate licenses). The Republican Party still had actual black officials.

In the South, Democrats were determined to keep a seperate and terrified black population. The KKK was key, and their membership was strongly in law enforcement and local politicians. Hence the sheriff ignoring lynchings and allowing mobs to storm jails and pull blacks out and hold public execution.

In the 1948 Democratic National Convention, Minnesota Senator Hubert H. Humphrey introduced a civil rights platform. A fucking brawl damn near broke out, Southern Democrats walked out of the convention, changed their names to the Dixiecrats, and nominated a young-old Strom Thurmond as their Presidential candidate. That was short lived but, it began the transition for real over the next 20 years.

Democrats strongly supported civil rights and equal opportunity and it was part of their platform. Except Southern Democrats continued to stand in opposition and use terms like 'states rights' for issues they didn't agree with a national perspective.
Th Republicans did not oppose those issues, but were not strong or vocal on them. Instead taking a very strong stance on economic and fiscal policy. They have recently adopted the 'states rights' position, which still gives them

Trump supports himself. That's it. We don't have to guess who the KKK or like organizations support, they come out and admit it.
They have no home in the Democratic Party, too many blacks controlling that party, anti-hatred language of it's platform, support of immigrants, gays, women, etc. None of that appeals to the KKK or white supremacists.
They hide behind the language of 'states rights', denagrading places where minorities live like Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore, talk about accomplished minorities as not being qualified (your words on Harris) and use that to push their idea that whites need to be in control.
They know exactly who they support, no need to guess. And you Republican supporters, rather fight with us, than to clean your party of their support. Why? It's all about the votes. Whites are not the only ones voting anymore. They are still the majority but for how long?
Don't you think its time to pull your head out of the ground and look around a bit? I've never seen an individual so un-informed, or misinformed, or in denial. Or maybe, your vision/misunderstanding of the mainstream Democrats is so far-left, that you can only envision a Communist government with Democrats in control. God, man, look at the history of Republicans & Democrats over the past 50 years; you should be fearing another 4 years of Trump. I think main stream Democrats will yell & scream if radical liberals try to take over the party; I know I will. "Everything in moderation" works best. We don't want happening to the Democratic party, what happened to the Republican party. Radicalism has no place in government regardless of which party it is.
Says the guy supporting the party who had a 2nd place finisher and many "leaders" saying they are Socialists wants to lecture about extremism. Do you know what real socialism is? NO not Sweden or Finland- Try Cuba and genocide and suffering.

Don't forget you support the party who wants
To get rid of the police
Open borders
Steal your neighbor's assets
Allow anyone to vote from any county,
To buy votes by giving free medical care, education and food to anyone who breaks our laws coming here
And to many other things to list.

All paid for by US taxpayers as the flood of low skill drive down wages, again.

And that was just yesterday's speakers at your convention. Yes the Democrat party wants total government control over your life. They said it, push for it every chance, and all you need to do is look at how the dem states handled this. Or look at the 1800 page bill from the Dems submitted- to just write stimulus checks.

Extreme, at this time, Democrats have that all to themselves. Just watch their online convention.

Maybe you Dem/leftist should check your pseudo intellect, your smug hubris, stop trying to bust Trump and start listening to your own party. Then apply the same efforts you use to "bust orange man bad" and the "Trumptards" at your own thinking.

The sad part... This is not my opinion, this is your party leadership speaking, the party platform, and the convention speakers words.
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