Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And your take on Hillary paying a foreign agent to get a totally fabricated dossier on Trump is? Or using that fake dossier to get a warrant to spy on your parties opposition?

It always sad when people whine about old white men, then try to make some wronghead low level jab about those white men's racist motives. No that tactic is not racist at all.
Well is the republican party overwhelmingly white? YES
Is the Republican Party supported by more men than women? YES
Does the Republican elected officials at the federal level skew toward those over 60? Yes
Draw what you want from that.
What foreign agent are you talking about? Trump's people were talking to a bonafide working intelligence agent of a opposition government. Who was Hillary's team in contact with like that????? No one.
The FISA warrant was not based on the dossier, and according the Republican led Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this week, there were plenty of reasons to open surveillance on his corrupt campaign led by many criminal characters.
Black unemployment records were set by Obama, with a lot less fanfare. Trump beat him, on the same economic path set by Obama by .09 and he's bragging like some savoir.
Obama also created more jobs and brought the unemployment down more. Period.
Not going into the rabbit hole with you on history. Today's parties are nothing like they were 100 years ago because mostly, this country is not the same. We have progressed, even with the tire fires Trump continue to set off, we are better than off than we were a 15 years ago.
Black unemployment records were set by Obama, with a lot less fanfare. Trump beat him, on the same economic path set by Obama by .09 and he's bragging like some savoir.
Obama also created more jobs and brought the unemployment down more. Period.
Not going into the rabbit hole with you on history. Today's parties are nothing like they were 100 years ago because mostly, this country is not the same. We have progressed, even with the tire fires Trump continue to set off, we are better than off than we were a 15 years ago.

Don't forget that Trump didn't even write a new budget his first year, he just used Obama's. I don't think he knew he was supposed to do a budget tbh
And just because you said you aren't sure, Socialism is Communism's first step and it dose not matter what cute term you put with it. It is still just socialism leading to communism leading to genocide. Always....

Yeah it's not like capitalism led to the bloody coups in Guatemala and Iran, or the backing of dictators like Pinochet and Saddam, or stupid wars like Vietnam.

The problem has always been totalitarianism. Any totalitarian government is bad, whether it be Soviet totalitarianism or US-friendly capitalist totalitarianism.
Black unemployment records were set by Obama, with a lot less fanfare. Trump beat him, on the same economic path set by Obama by .09 and he's bragging like some savoir.
Obama also created more jobs and brought the unemployment down more. Period.
Not going into the rabbit hole with you on history. Today's parties are nothing like they were 100 years ago because mostly, this country is not the same. We have progressed, even with the tire fires Trump continue to set off, we are better than off than we were a 15 years ago.

No Obama didn't. The only number he increase was the number of people NOT Participating in the Job Market. And if he did how did Trumps de get push all of sudden create RECORD Unemployment of u6?
And you might want a new argument. The Dems have had 5 Super Majorities since the 1930s and have been 'fixing' the same progressive type big government control programs since.

And he was right then and Medicare is still here and he is still right.

Again for my whole life the Dem solution is to demonize white and rich Americans with the promises of punishing the oppressors, but for some reason they always have the excuse "we just can't get it done because they are ......." Ever occur to you that the party of the KKK and Slavery might still be trying to own you by government control and dependency?
Let's see 5 super majorities, we ended the great depression and rebuilt America, created social security AND fought and won against the Nazis. Oh, we finally addressed civil rights, improved relationships with allies around the world, rebuilt a new economy, opened housing, the justice system, education and the economy to include more people like me. The first and second longest expansion of economic growth were also under Democrats. And health care to the poor, working class and seniors.
I mean, there is more, and there will be. Just watch this winter.

When YOU say dependency, I know you mean welfare and such. Of course that's your perspective.
However, as minorities, what we have been dependent on is fair equity, and a fair shake from the government, and those rights to be protected by the government. For the first 100-125 years AFTER slavery, the government failed to do that until some Supreme Court cases began to strike down the unfairness.

All of those programs I listed have positively affected and lifted millions of blacks out of dead end poverty. So yes, we are dependent on government to do it's job because when it didn't, 99% of us were living like refugees in a foreign land. Can't depend on people to do the right thing. Fuck, we can't even get you to wear face masks.

Democrats were not the party of the KKK. The SOUTH was the region of the KKK. Republicans in the South also stood against equality. Democrats in the Northeast, West and Midwest, were very liberal, as were the Republicans. Hubert Humphrey, JFK, Robert Byrd and Strom Thurmond were all Democrats at one time at the same time. They were not all the same kind and did not have the same views on Race. The KKK supports your party and your guy today. Kind of crazy to offer that to us as a legit option.

Fuck, I'm in the rabbit hole!
No Obama didn't. The only number he increase was the number of people NOT Participating in the Job Market. And if he did how did Trumps de get push all of sudden create RECORD Unemployment of u6?
Black Unemployment

January 2017 would be the last recording under Obama.

Black Unemployment grew after the Great Recession when millions of jobs were wiped out due to the housing crisis of 2008. Post-recession Black unemployment peaked in March 2010 at 16.8%. From there Black unemployment began a 53% decline which continued during the rest of the Obama administration to 7.5%.

This was a result of the economic recovery that took place under Obama and continued during the Trump administration declining an additional 31% under Trump reaching record lows. By September 2019 Black unemployment was 5.5%
In the chart you can see that before COVID, Black Unemployment had crept back up under Trump to 6.7%. Of course his failure at COVID has increased unemployment to record highs for every group.

Anything else you need help with remembering?
I love it. I saw this woman get out of her car. She was on her phone speaking Spanish. I walked up to her and asked if I could take her picture. She didn’t understand what I was saying. I pointed to her hat and my phone. She got a huge smile and did a super pose for me.

so far not one Biden


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Let's see 5 super majorities, we ended the great depression and rebuilt America, created social security AND fought and won against the Nazis. Oh, we finally addressed civil rights, improved relationships with allies around the world, rebuilt a new economy, opened housing, the justice system, education and the economy to include more people like me. The first and second longest expansion of economic growth were also under Democrats. And health care to the poor, working class and seniors.
I mean, there is more, and there will be. Just watch this winter.

When YOU say dependency, I know you mean welfare and such. Of course that's your perspective.
However, as minorities, what we have been dependent on is fair equity, and a fair shake from the government, and those rights to be protected by the government. For the first 100-125 years AFTER slavery, the government failed to do that until some Supreme Court cases began to strike down the unfairness.

All of those programs I listed have positively affected and lifted millions of blacks out of dead end poverty. So yes, we are dependent on government to do it's job because when it didn't, 99% of us were living like refugees in a foreign land. Can't depend on people to do the right thing. Fuck, we can't even get you to wear face masks.

Democrats were not the party of the KKK. The SOUTH was the region of the KKK. Republicans in the South also stood against equality. Democrats in the Northeast, West and Midwest, were very liberal, as were the Republicans. Hubert Humphrey, JFK, Robert Byrd and Strom Thurmond were all Democrats at one time at the same time. They were not all the same kind and did not have the same views on Race. The KKK supports your party and your guy today. Kind of crazy to offer that to us as a legit option.

Fuck, I'm in the rabbit hole!

Actually they extended the Great Depression. That made it worse. If your policies did end it why did it last years after they were installed? And the last super majority was with Obama why are the same problems here after 150 years or at least 50 years? Why didn't the Dems fix it 10 years ago? Wait here comes the excuse about Republicans stopped a Super Majority from fixing it.

Dependency- No I mean actual dependence as in UBI, Get rid of cops, ****** housing, Single Payer, High Taxes and idiocy about speech codes. You know the current Democrat Platform. You should really get up to speed on your party's policies and platforms.

The Government's job is not to provide programs and lift you from "poverty". The governments job is to protect actual real rights, your property rights and let people live free. Not control you and tell you who you have to be with, live near or do business with. Need a Reference? US Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Federalist Papers. You can't support those and the current Democrat Party. They are diametrically opposite.

Yes the Democrats were the party of the KKK. They were the party who fought to keep slavery. They were the party fighting for Jim Crow and segregation. They were the slave owners. And they control the south until 1980.

Well that is funny. The Democrats supported, by a large margin, those policies and the KKK, hell Byrd was a Grand Dragon, but they weren't racist. Republicans' on the other hand, are ALL racist because they want to up hold the current laws, count the votes of citizens, say they want to reduce government burden on the tax payers and control our borders. We really know the Dems assert racist because the Republicans oppose the Democrats open boarders Anti American platform.
Actually they extended the Great Depression. That made it worse. If your policies did end it why did it last years after they were installed? And the last super majority was with Obama why are the same problems here after 150 years or at least 50 years? Why didn't the Dems fix it 10 years ago? Wait here comes the excuse about Republicans stopped a Super Majority from fixing it.

Dependency- No I mean actual dependence as in UBI, Get rid of cops, ****** housing, Single Payer, High Taxes and idiocy about speech codes. You know the current Democrat Platform. You should really get up to speed on your party's policies and platforms.

The Government's job is not to provide programs and lift you from "poverty". The governments job is to protect actual real rights, your property rights and let people live free. Not control you and tell you who you have to be with, live near or do business with. Need a Reference? US Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Federalist Papers. You can't support those and the current Democrat Party. They are diametrically opposite.

Yes the Democrats were the party of the KKK. They were the party who fought to keep slavery. They were the party fighting for Jim Crow and segregation. They were the slave owners. And they control the south until 1980.

Well that is funny. The Democrats supported, by a large margin, those policies and the KKK, hell Byrd was a Grand Dragon, but they weren't racist. Republicans' on the other hand, are ALL racist because they want to up hold the current laws, count the votes of citizens, say they want to reduce government burden on the tax payers and control our borders. We really know the Dems assert racist because the Republicans oppose the Democrats open boarders Anti American platform.
Same ol' bullshit from you. Lies, and more lies. You getting lazy and using the same messages basically. You're statements get shot down, you wait, and repost.
Wifey leave you alone for the afternoon? You request your mail in your ballot yet?
I love it. I saw this woman get out of her car. She was on her phone speaking Spanish. I walked up to her and asked if I could take her picture. She didn’t understand what I was saying. I pointed to her hat and my phone. She got a huge smile and did a super pose for me.

so far not one Biden
35% of you out there. I'm not surprised that the entertainment value appeals to some.
But this is encouraging. IF she can vote, it'll be great because she doesn't speak English, one of your GOP poll watchers will probably flag her, and pull her ballot until she can prove she has a right to vote, then, without even looking, they'll loose her ballot. All under the assumption that she probably voted for Biden.
Black Unemployment

January 2017 would be the last recording under Obama.

Black Unemployment grew after the Great Recession when millions of jobs were wiped out due to the housing crisis of 2008. Post-recession Black unemployment peaked in March 2010 at 16.8%. From there Black unemployment began a 53% decline which continued during the rest of the Obama administration to 7.5%.

This was a result of the economic recovery that took place under Obama and continued during the Trump administration declining an additional 31% under Trump reaching record lows. By September 2019 Black unemployment was 5.5%
In the chart you can see that before COVID, Black Unemployment had crept back up under Trump to 6.7%. Of course his failure at COVID has increased unemployment to record highs for every group.

Anything else you need help with remembering?

Great and the rate was the lowest under who? And stayed lower until covid under who? Trump's Administration.
Same ol' bullshit from you. Lies, and more lies. You getting lazy and using the same messages basically. You're statements get shot down, you wait, and repost.
Wifey leave you alone for the afternoon? You request your mail in your ballot yet?

Not lies just facts you can't dodge.

Lets be clear you have not shot down a thing. You just keep dodging and tossing out talking points.
35% of you out there. I'm not surprised that the entertainment value appeals to some.
But this is encouraging. IF she can vote, it'll be great because she doesn't speak English, one of your GOP poll watchers will probably flag her, and pull her ballot until she can prove she has a right to vote, then, without even looking, they'll loose her ballot. All under the assumption that she probably voted for Biden.

Wow that was bigoted on many levels.
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