Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Have you seen mac or ed post anything that shows me pretending to be a woman? Because you nor anyone else will. Fuck you liberals are so sensitive!
I will vote for him, because he has a clue on how to handle the pandemic, he isn't going to turn the US into a 3rd world country the way the GOP is right now. The current response to the Covid19 pandemic is probably 4th or 5th world in results, countries like Vietnam, New Zealand handled it better. He will stop the Hitler like cult that 45 has going on now. He knows the meaning of decency, he isn't going to grab women by their p#^&sy, and have a trail of affairs and over 3k lawsuits. He will tell the truth as opposed to lying more than 20k times. He will expand and protect the ACA reducing the cost of healthcare. He will review and change the detention and separation of migrant families. Most of all, he will bring back that can do attitude and spirit of optimism that America has, which attracts the entire world to it. He will ensure that all Americans, especially the middle class are not victimized so that the top 1% of Americans can get tax cuts and keep making more money. He will address the systemic issue of racism around the criminal justice system in America. I can go on and on, hopefully you get the idea.
Which made me think of something. I have been nothing but honest on all of my posts. Sometimes I get things wrong but there's is not one poster on here who hasn't said something that isn't true. We make mistakes and in the heat of the moment say something not totally correct.But here's what I thought. Liberals are so use to being lied to they think everything is a lie. What a sad commentary.
I appreciate the dialog. The way I see it, this election is the referendum on whether America wants to go to back to prior to 1776 with having a king, or if they want to be what the founding fathers wanted. Trump and the GOP want the US to have a king, who is all powerful and whose whims and utterances are law. This is not the GOP of Ronald Regan, Trump makes Dubya look like a saint!
Again I appreciate your thoughts. My view is Trump is trying to protect us from becoming a socialist country and overrun by groups like antifa and other Sorros backed factions. Obviously we have programs in our country that could be considered socialist but nothing like the direction the progressives want to take this country. Nothing is free like the liberals and progressives want you to believe. It sounds great and believe or not I would be supportive of that if the country could afford it. We can't and they know it. They just want your vote. Biden, if elected, is going to (he will have to) raise taxes like you've never seen to pay for all this free *******.
Which made me think of something. I have been nothing but honest on all of my posts. Sometimes I get things wrong but there's is not one poster on here who hasn't said something that isn't true. We make mistakes and in the heat of the moment say something not totally correct.But here's what I thought. Liberals are so use to being lied to they think everything is a lie. What a sad commentary.
I don't have too much more bandwidth on this topic but what I can say is that Trump's GOP isn't anywhere close to Bush, Regan or even Abraham Lincoln for that matter, because he doesn't believe in the constitution . Republicans from the past believed in the constitution, but had a different perspective on issues or platforms from Democrats. The current GOP are "yes men" and enablers for an autocratic President. Signing off on this topic
I don't have too much more bandwidth on this topic but what I can say is that Trump's GOP isn't anywhere close to Bush, Regan or even Abraham Lincoln for that matter, because he doesn't believe in the constitution . Republicans from the past believed in the constitution, but had a different perspective on issues or platforms from Democrats. The current GOP are "yes men" and enablers for an autocratic President. Signing off on this topic
Have a good night!
Liberals are so use to being lied to they think everything is a lie. What a sad commentary.
I'd feel a lot better, myself, if you would refer to many of us as Democrats, not liberals, because there is a big difference in many cases. Yes I'm a liberal thinker, and I'm a registered Democrat, however, I'm a moderate Democrat, or as they call Biden, a centrist. You know, the same thing happened to the Republicans 6-8 years ago ... in came Sarah Palin and the likes of the Koch Bro. funded "Tea Party" group and Grover Norquist, far-right thinkers that demanded from their Republican moderate constituents that it was going to be THEIR WAY or the HIGHWAY, and they were right for a short few years as moderate Democrats found themselves competing against Tea Party Republicans (well funded by the Koch Bros) and many found themselves replaced. And although the Tea Party idiots are mostly gone NOW, they did a tremendous amount of damage to the Republican party, so much so, that we have this polarized political system of extremists in both parties and NOTHING in Washington is getting done.
Here's the sad part of THAT ... in order to get Washington DC functional again, we've got to get rid of this political polarization attitude that its got to be ALL MY WAY or NO WAY. I'm already seeing the Democrats heading in the same direction as the Republicans did 10 or so years ago, and I'm hoping the Democrats have observed what happened to Republicans, a party now in total disarray. At any rate, the problems Joe Biden will face in his first and probably ONLY TERM are unfathomable.
• He's got to re-establish TRUST across the isle so some Republicans can start working with some Democrats to accomplish their jobs.​
• He's got to weed out the extremists in the Democrat party or they'll turn on him like mad dogs in 2021, and Republicans need to do the same thing. He's got to find a way to help Republicans get rid of the Newt Gingrich clones such as Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell and rid of the extreme Washington DC of polarization.​
• He's got to restore global, as well as national confidence, in the USA with our allies, our own citizens, and our resolvement with our adversaries.​
• He's got to gain control of our run-away deficit spending and national debt with goals that both sides of the isles can agree to do.​
• He's got to repair the damages Trump has done with his "executive orders", and refocus on many of the things that have been totally ignored the past years with Trump ... health care, racial issues, infra-structure issues, education, climate & environment issues, etc.​
• He's most definitely got to find a way to bring a "fiscal reform" agreement that both parties can live with. When Biden enters office (hopefully) he'll be faced with a national debt and run-away spending that no "tax increase or entitlement cuts can resolve on their own. Both sides will be unhappy with fiscal reform ... like an obese person, start your diet & exercise now or die early.​
• He's practically got to effectively hit the ground running with a covid-19 strategy that will quickly resolve this virus pandemic for a more normal 2021.​
I'm hoping the Majority AND Minority Leaders of both houses can encourage their own constituents to cross the isle and do what's BEST for the entire USA ... not just their party or for the wealthy. I don't think there's anyone in Washington DC with any more knowledge than Biden to how to accomplish feat, but ALL OF US better hope he and the party leaders find a way really, really soon.
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I'd feel a lot better, myself, if you would refer to many of us as Democrats, not liberals, because there is a big difference in many cases. Yes I'm a liberal thinker, and I'm a registered Democrat, however, I'm a moderate Democrat, or as they call Biden, a centrist. You know, the same thing happened to the Republicans 6-8 years ago ... in came Sarah Palin and the likes of the Koch Bro. funded "Tea Party" group and Grover Norquist, far-right thinkers that demanded from their Republican moderate constituents that it was going to be THEIR WAY or the HIGHWAY, and they were right for a short few years as moderate Democrats found themselves competing against Tea Party Republicans (well funded by the Koch Bros) and many found themselves replaced. And although the Tea Party idiots are mostly gone NOW, they did a tremendous amount of damage to the Republican party, so much so, that we have this polarized political system of extremists and NOTHING in Washington is getting done.
Here's the sad part of THAT ... in order to get Washington DC functional again, we've got to get rid of this political polarization attitude that its got to be ALL MY WAY or NO WAY. I'm already seeing the Democrats heading in the same direction as the Republicans did 10 or so years ago, and I'm hoping the Democrats have observed what happened to Republicans, a party now in total disarray. At any rate, the problems Joe Biden will face in his first and probably ONLY TERM is unfathomable.
• He's got to re-establish TRUST across the isle so some Republicans can start working with some Democrats to accomplish their jobs.​
• He's got to weed out the extremists in the Democrat party or they'll turn on him like a mad dogs in 2021, and Republicans need to do the same thing. He's got to find a way to help Republicans get rid of the Newt Gingrich clones such as Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell and rid of the extreme Washington DC of polarization.​
• He's got to restore global, as well as national confidence, in the USA with our allies, our own citizens, and our resolvement with our adversaries.​
• He's got to gain control of our run-away deficit spending and national debt with goals that both sides of the isles can agree with.​
• He's got to repair the damages Trump has done with his "executive orders", and refocus on many of the things that have been totally ignored the past years with Trump ... health care, racial issues, infra-structure issues, climate & environment issues, etc.​
• He's most definitely got to find a way to bring a "fiscal reform" agreement that both parties can live with.​
• He's practically got to effectively hit the ground running with a covid-19 strategy that will quickly resolve this virus pandemic for a more normal 2021.​
I'm hoping the Majority AND Minority Leaders of both houses can encourage their own constituents to cross the isle and do what's BEST for the entire USA ... not just their party or for the wealthy. I don't think there's anyone in Washington DC with any more knowledge as to how to accomplish feat, but ALL OF US better hope he and the party leaders find a way really, really soon.
Amen! I am more than fearful what you just posted is a pipe dream and would be derailed by the radicals who are making me pull the lever for Trump. However, I agree with almost everything you list.
Amen! I am more than fearful what you just posted is a pipe dream and would be derailed by the radicals who are making me pull the lever for Trump. However, I agree with almost everything you list.
You see, Latina ... you're not admitting that the radicals are on BOTH SIDES of the isle ... extremists on the Right AND Left. And you're not admitting that Trump can't possibly obtain ANY of the dot points I just mentioned ... NONE OF THEM. Yet, they are the critical issues of this country. You have no idea what Biden will do ... you base your assumptions on what your far right media sources have told you. LOOK at the track records, Latina. The old saying that "a tiger doesn't change his stripes" is pretty much accurate with Trump, particularly. His MO of doing business has followed him for his entire private & public sector life ... look at all of them, and admit, he's not going to do anything different in 2021. If you don't, you're either really naïve or you're really stupid. Come February, 2021, Biden will very possibly be facing a $25 trillion national debt and a $trillion+ dollars of annual deficit spending. To think, Trump said he was going to pay OFF the National Debt ... he's adding to it in a major way.
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I'd feel a lot better, myself, if you would refer to many of us as Democrats, not liberals, because there is a big difference in many cases. Yes I'm a liberal thinker, and I'm a registered Democrat, however, I'm a moderate Democrat, or as they call Biden, a centrist. You know, the same thing happened to the Republicans 6-8 years ago ... in came Sarah Palin and the likes of the Koch Bro. funded "Tea Party" group and Grover Norquist, far-right thinkers that demanded from their Republican moderate constituents that it was going to be THEIR WAY or the HIGHWAY, and they were right for a short few years as moderate Democrats found themselves competing against Tea Party Republicans (well funded by the Koch Bros) and many found themselves replaced. And although the Tea Party idiots are mostly gone NOW, they did a tremendous amount of damage to the Republican party, so much so, that we have this polarized political system of extremists in both parties and NOTHING in Washington is getting done.
Here's the sad part of THAT ... in order to get Washington DC functional again, we've got to get rid of this political polarization attitude that its got to be ALL MY WAY or NO WAY. I'm already seeing the Democrats heading in the same direction as the Republicans did 10 or so years ago, and I'm hoping the Democrats have observed what happened to Republicans, a party now in total disarray. At any rate, the problems Joe Biden will face in his first and probably ONLY TERM are unfathomable.
• He's got to re-establish TRUST across the isle so some Republicans can start working with some Democrats to accomplish their jobs.​
• He's got to weed out the extremists in the Democrat party or they'll turn on him like mad dogs in 2021, and Republicans need to do the same thing. He's got to find a way to help Republicans get rid of the Newt Gingrich clones such as Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell and rid of the extreme Washington DC of polarization.​
• He's got to restore global, as well as national confidence, in the USA with our allies, our own citizens, and our resolvement with our adversaries.​
• He's got to gain control of our run-away deficit spending and national debt with goals that both sides of the isles can agree to do.​
• He's got to repair the damages Trump has done with his "executive orders", and refocus on many of the things that have been totally ignored the past years with Trump ... health care, racial issues, infra-structure issues, education, climate & environment issues, etc.​
• He's most definitely got to find a way to bring a "fiscal reform" agreement that both parties can live with. When Biden enters office (hopefully) he'll be faced with a national debt and run-away spending that no "tax increase or entitlement cuts can resolve on their own. Both sides will be unhappy with fiscal reform ... like an obese person, start your diet & exercise now or die early.​
• He's practically got to effectively hit the ground running with a covid-19 strategy that will quickly resolve this virus pandemic for a more normal 2021.​
I'm hoping the Majority AND Minority Leaders of both houses can encourage their own constituents to cross the isle and do what's BEST for the entire USA ... not just their party or for the wealthy. I don't think there's anyone in Washington DC with any more knowledge as to how to accomplish feat, but ALL OF US better hope he and the party leaders find a way really, really soon.
I have a question for you then I'm off to bed. If Biden has the answers to get control of this virus why wouldn't he reach out to all the Democratic governors, who all most likely want to see Trump gone, and suggest they adopt his ideas? So between now and November he can say he took a leadership role and if it does get under control he's in. That's not a smart ass question.
I have a question for you then I'm off to bed. If Biden has the answers to get control of this virus why wouldn't he reach out to all the Democratic governors, who all most likely want to see Trump gone, and suggest they adopt his ideas? So between now and November he can say he took a leadership role and if it does get under control he's in. That's not a smart ass question.
There's absolutely nothing Biden can do while Trump is the President. Joe Biden has already been on TV telling the nation to abide by the "mask & distance" rules ... Trump's done exactly the opposite.
Trump's the Commander-N-Chief of the USA ... his words reign for now, and even up until he steps down. But, he most definitely will NOT let Biden win any "political ground" against him while he is President. The ones who need to be speaking up NOW are the Republicans while they have control of the Senate ... yet Mitch McConnell is following Trump around like a heel hound. THAT'S WHY!
You see, Latina ... you're not admitting that the radicals are on BOTH SIDES of the isle ... extremists on the Right AND Left. And you're not admitting that Trump can't possibly obtain ANY of the dot points I just mentioned ... NONE OF THEM. Yet, they are the critical issues of this country. You have no idea what Biden will do ... you base your assumptions on what your far right media sources have told you. LOOK at the track records, Latina. The old saying that "a tiger doesn't change his stripes" is pretty much accurate with Trump, particularly. His MO of doing business has followed him for his entire private & public sector life ... look at all of them, and admit, he's not going to do anything different in 2021. If you don't, you're either really naïve or you're really stupid.
I guess I have failed to present my position correctly. I know both sides have radicals, I know both sides play incessant politics and never get anything done. That's a huge reason I will vote for Trump. Yes he is... A -Z and I agree he has several character flaws. But he's not a politician, he is definitely not politically correct which I like, and won't hesitate to take action on any enemy foreign or domestic. I'm just tired of the same old worn out D.C bullshit.
There's absolutely nothing Biden can do while Trump is the President. Joe Biden has already been on TV telling the nation to abide by the "mask & distance" rules ... Trump's done exactly the opposite.
Trump's the Commander-N-Chief of the USA ... his words reign for now, and even up until he steps down. But, he most definitely will NOT let Biden win any "political ground" against him while he is President. The ones who need to be speaking up NOW are the Republicans while they have control of the Senate ... yet Mitch McConnell is following Trump around like a heel hound. THAT'S WHY!
a huge reason I will vote for Trump. Yes he is... A -Z and I agree he has several character flaws. But he's not a politician, he is definitely not politically correct which I like, and won't hesitate to take action on any enemy foreign or domestic.
No, he's not a politician, and he's not honest. He's a vulture capitalist willing to do what he wants in obtaining his goals ... he's tossed honesty and integrity out the window. Yes, he will stand up to foreign & domestic enemies, but he's not postured to do it in a practical way. Trump would not hesitate to use a nuclear weapon on a foe ... but, the first one that uses one, WWIII will begin and you and I, and our familes probably won't be here to witness the short war and the end to it. THEN, the world WILL be changed forever. I can think of a thousand ways I'd prefer dying than with radiation poisoning.
You see, Latina, Donald Trump doesn't have an ounce of empathy for anyone but Donald Trump ... so, starting a war or not taking action against a deadly virus, is no skin off Trump's ass ... he'll squench his shoulders and say "people are gonna die" ... he does that because he has NO SKIN in the decisions he makes. Its always on someone else, which is why he's gone bankrupt so many times, been sued so many times, etc, and owes $650+ million dollars to other people.
Now, if his decisions directly impacted his ******* Baron, or his *******, then Trump MIGHT take a more sincere consideration in what he does. But, that's not gonna happen, is it? Trump doesn't care about you, or me, or any unrelated person to him. He's TRUMP.
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I was very hopeful when Amy McGrath won the Democratic primary.....but now the polls unfortunately have McConnell in the lead.
I imagine McGrath's fate will go the same as the state of Kentucky ... they'll stay republican, as will Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi.
I'd feel a lot better, myself, if you would refer to many of us as Democrats, not liberals, because there is a big difference in many cases. Yes I'm a liberal thinker, and I'm a registered Democrat, however, I'm a moderate Democrat, or as they call Biden, a centrist.

I would also not call myself a liberal, I would identify as a democratic socialist. I respect Mac as someone who has mostly reasoned opinions that he believes are in the best interests of the country, but we clearly also disagree on here often. (though strangely, we can do that without insulting each others' character...)
we clearly also disagree on here often.
Like on what? Reparations, maybe? BLM discussions?
(reparations) I support investing in people to make them better, not reimbursing them for wrongs done decades & centuries ago.
Why not give all young black people a chance at a free college education that would prepare them, for example, the technologies & and sciences of the future? Just think, in 2-3 generations, there would be little or no government assistance needed. Most people would be making enough income and have enough knowledge to consider the Republican's idea of investing their SS funds instead of saving through Social Security funds.
(BLM) I say there are two sides to a coin. Lots of "fixing" on both sides. Ultimately, if only one side gets fixed, the issues persist and the problem doesn't get fixed at all. So the first thing is for both sides of the coin to admit they contribute to the problems. We need to quit pointing fingers and toying with the problem. The first point in this post suggest one viable solution to help fix racial relations and begin mending the problems. I won't support direct monetary solutions as there is too much waste to that approach, plus not everyone would apply those monetary solutions to fixing the problems, and in fact, could worsen the problems that exist. We need solutions that will eventually decrease dependency on government in the long run for EVERYONE. Education is one huge solution ... and we take away the excuse to obtain one ... free bachelor's degrees in field of choice.

So, ridgely ... are these a couple of the areas we've disagreed with each other in the past?
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