Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Looks like CNN has stated that there Poll of Polls has Biden ahead of Trump by 9 points nationally! No wonder Trump is trying to interfere with the election by causing havoc to the Post Office seeing those poll numbers!


Hmmmm, could Roger Stone be the LAPDOG that Trump is referring to when he said that he would pardon a "very, very important" person later today? 🤔
Haha yes hundreds of thousands of Americans dead what a funny thing to joke about

You'd be disgusting if you weren't so pathetic
Oh the pandemic is no joke. I've personally called it as "the greatest global pandemic crisis in over 100 years" which you would know if you bothered to pay attention. You and Mac demonstrating your ignorance calling it a "national pandemic" is a riot.
You and Mac demonstrating your ignorance calling it a "national pandemic" is a riot.
Rather than argue with you, because you don't know when to shut the fuck up .... Guess the government is wrong calling it a National Pandemic" because I know you'd never be wrong, would you word-Bonehead.jpg
... and it wouldn't even be a "national pandemic" here IF the Orange President had taken his job seriously regarding covid-19 back in January. And the Republicans the same. "Ohhh, it'll blow over any day now" ... think that was about what your Bozo president said. He's never RIGHT on any of his calls. I think he's going to a palm reader to get his predictions. Totally in denial of anything pertaining to science. Even now the idiot wants to decrease "testing" and wants ******* to return to the classroom ... of course HIS KID is in a private school that goes back in October.
I say "vote all the cocksuckers out of office in November ... every frik'n one of them".

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Rather than argue with you, because you don't know when to shut the fuck up ....
... and it wouldn't even be a "national pandemic" here IF the Orange President had taken his job seriously regarding covid-19 back in January. And the Republicans the same. "Ohhh, it'll blow over any day now" ... think that was about what your Bozo president said. He's never RIGHT on any of his calls. I think he's going to a palm reader to get his predictions. Totally in denial of anything pertaining to science. Even now the idiot wants to decrease "testing" and wants ******* to return to the classroom ... of course HIS KID is in a private school that goes back in October.
I say "vote all the cocksuckers out of office in November ... every frik'n one of them".

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You really should learn to employ the First Law of Holes.....Neither of your documents speaks of a "national pandemic"....likely because they weren't written by dolts. Your first link is a national emergency declaration related to the pandemic. You second link is a national strategy for dealing with the pandemic.....likely very confusing to someone who has demonstrated on here they struggle with grade school level English I know.
Such a typical liberal narrative. BLAME BLAME BLAME, Zero substance and same old tired *******! All they have to go on is attack Trump but offer no solutions "We need change" Change what? Let's hear your grand ideas. "we need a president who will attack this pandemic" What's Bidens plan besides the idiotic notion that masks are the end all answer? Maybe he can do like the hypocrite Cuomo and send Covid patients to nursing homes. "we need a president that will unify this country." OK I'm all for that but what's your plan? Defund police, abolish ICE, open the borders? Please give me something to go on.

Biden has a much higher approval rating on race relations and handling the pandemic. Trump blows him out of the water on the economy and crime.
Why is Biden ahead on those issues? Four words.. Left Wing Biased Media!

And Michelle Obama (I do like her). She with that puppy dog look shaking her head back and forth basically means "we have been telling you folks for decades you, me, and everyone else are victims. We know you can't do anything for yourselves so were going to promise you the moon, the government will take care of you (not sure how we ever got to that point in this country), and we will give you whatever you want. Just vote for us. Then when we cannot come through with those promises, as usual, we will do what liberals are so good at. BLAME BLAME BLAME.
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Such a typical liberal narrative. BLAME BLAME BLAME, Zero substance and same old tired *******! All they have to go on is attack Trump but offer no solutions "We need change" Change what? Let's hear your grand ideas. "we need a president who will attack this pandemic" What's Bidens plan besides the idiotic notion that masks are the end all answer? Maybe he can do like the hypocrite Cuomo and send Covid patients to nursing homes. "we need a president that will unify this country." OK I'm all for that but what's your plan? Defund police, abolish ICE, open the borders? Please give me something to go on.
You Trump supporters cannot help but to expose your guy's many shortcomings. Accidentally projecting.
He is the first president that have blamed everyone for his ineptness except himself. No responsibility.
If you really want to know Bidens plans, listen to him, or look at the way the Obama Administration handled everything without whining about about the media or the Right.
Obama/Biden handled much worse pandemics with minimum American loss and did not let it get out of hand before addressing.

How can you call people dolts and idiots when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about?
Probably the same way you can call yourself Latina4BBC without there being a Latina.

Biden has a much higher approval rating on race relations and handling the pandemic. Trump blows him out of the water on the economy and crime.
Why is Biden ahead on those issues? Four words.. Left Wing Biased Media!
Where is Trump blowing Biden out of the water on any of those issues?
Blame, Blame, Blame. He's losing on those issues and more because he has no clue on how to take responsibility and lead an entire nation. He only knows how to divide, loose, blame, and praise those who remain with him.

And Michelle Obama (I do like her). She with that puppy dog look shaking her head back and forth basically means "we have been telling you folks for decades you, me, and everyone else are victims. We know you can't do anything for yourselves so were going to promise you the moon, the government will take care of you (not sure how we ever got to that point in this country), and we will give you whatever you want. Just vote for us. Then when we cannot come through with those promises, as usual, we will do what liberals are so good at. BLAME BLAME BLAME.
I'm sure you like her.
She said, vote for us, and the government will do it's job. Period.
As a guy, who's only, only success in life has come from the government, you should be more accepting of good government.
Look what happened to you when you had to stand on your own.
It is beyond me that anyone could even toy with the thought of voting for Trump, and those who do are exactly the same type of person he is, self absorbed, self serving and fucking dumb ass stupid!
you only have to watch youtube and you can witness the sheer drop jaw, insane comments he makes, its not "fake news" you can witness the words yourself!

Please just explain how "injecting disinfectant" "cleaning out" is in anyway a sane thought process of the man leading the US?
Your all fucking nuts!!!!!!!! :LOL: :ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

But i suppose "it is what it is" :eek:

Oh and i welcome the onslaught, dip shits
You Trump supporters cannot help but to expose your guy's many shortcomings. Accidentally projecting.
He is the first president that have blamed everyone for his ineptness except himself. No responsibility.
If you really want to know Bidens plans, listen to him, or look at the way the Obama Administration handled everything without whining about about the media or the Right.
Obama/Biden handled much worse pandemics with minimum American loss and did not let it get out of hand before addressing.

How can you call people dolts and idiots when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about?
Probably the same way you can call yourself Latina4BBC without there being a Latina.

Where is Trump blowing Biden out of the water on any of those issues?
Blame, Blame, Blame. He's losing on those issues and more because he has no clue on how to take responsibility and lead an entire nation. He only knows how to divide, loose, blame, and praise those who remain with him.

I'm sure you like her.
She said, vote for us, and the government will do it's job. Period.
As a guy, who's only, only success in life has come from the government, you should be more accepting of good government.
Look what happened to you when you had to stand on your own.
If you really want to know Bidens plans, listen to him, or look at the way the Obama Administration handled everything without whining about about the media or the Right.

I have listened to him and it's been the same old thing out of his mouth...Trump Trump Trump. It reminded me of when Hillary, during the debates, said "we are going to create more jobs than ever since WWII." She made that statement but never said how. If she had the brains to achieve such a feat why didn't she pass that on to BO before the end of his term? Because it was same old lib talk. Jobs, education, healthcare and the economy. Every election they are going to "fix" all that and rarely do *******! Then she could have ridden on BO's coattail and pulled it off. But it's the same old tired rhetoric. Lot's of talk but no plan.

The right media was never as biased and hateful with Obama as the left are with Trump.

Probably the same way you can call yourself Latina4BBC without there being a Latina.

I have said before Latina4BBC was our initial profile and quite honestly I don't feel the need to change it. I never have nor ever will pretend to be anyone other than myself. We were verified, our profile said couple until I changed it to male after our divorce. I have been nothing but honest if I get an inquiry about my wife. Being fake is not my thing!

Look what happened to you when you had to stand on your own.

I am not sure what you mean by that. I served the public for over 33 years both in the military and civil service. Are you implying since the government pays my six figure pension and I will never have to work again in my life after retiring in my late 50's I'm not standing up on my own?
You Trump supporters cannot help but to expose your guy's many shortcomings. Accidentally projecting.
He is the first president that have blamed everyone for his ineptness except himself. No responsibility.
If you really want to know Bidens plans, listen to him, or look at the way the Obama Administration handled everything without whining about about the media or the Right.
Obama/Biden handled much worse pandemics with minimum American loss and did not let it get out of hand before addressing.

How can you call people dolts and idiots when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about?
Probably the same way you can call yourself Latina4BBC without there being a Latina.

Where is Trump blowing Biden out of the water on any of those issues?
Blame, Blame, Blame. He's losing on those issues and more because he has no clue on how to take responsibility and lead an entire nation. He only knows how to divide, loose, blame, and praise those who remain with him.

I'm sure you like her.
She said, vote for us, and the government will do it's job. Period.
As a guy, who's only, only success in life has come from the government, you should be more accepting of good government.
Look what happened to you when you had to stand on your own.
For me it doesn't matter to me who gets in the WH I'll still get my pension and in a few months free healthcare. IMO that should count for something. Meaning why should I care then? Because I don't want to live in a socialist country, I don't believe in the liberal ideal that everyone gets a trophy, I don't want open borders, I don't want The Fuck Deal aka Green Deal, I don't want my first amendment right fucked with, though I don't own a gun and frankly really don't care for them, I don't want anyone's 2nd amendment right to be fucked with, I don't want the police to be defunded, I don't want ICE abolished etc.Everything your liberals want!
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It is beyond me that anyone could even toy with the thought of voting for Trump, and those who do are exactly the same type of person he is, self absorbed, self serving and fucking dumb ass stupid!
you only have to watch youtube and you can witness the sheer drop jaw, insane comments he makes, its not "fake news" you can witness the words yourself!

Please just explain how "injecting disinfectant" "cleaning out" is in anyway a sane thought process of the man leading the US?
Your all fucking nuts!!!!!!!! :LOL: :ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

But i suppose "it is what it is" :eek:

Oh and i welcome the onslaught, dip shits
Better watch out @ridgelyfan is probably going to correct you grammar....Your all fucking nuts!!!!!!!! Should be YOU'RE all fucking nuts.
Bipartisan Senate report details Trump campaign contacts with Russia in 2016, adding to Mueller findings

Personally, I think Congress should require President Trump to NOW show his tax returns as a condition for the new 2020 election. He said he would IF elected the first time. Still waiting on Trump to fulfill just ONE of his campaign promises.
Perhaps you could enlighten us with what section of US code grants the Congress the authority to require a Presidential candidate to release his tax returns as a condition of election.
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