Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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They told me nothing. I have a mine of my own and can think for myself.

Man I wish the Trump supporters knew how to string a coherent thought together and write words that effectively communicate that thought. It's hard trying to guess what you mean here. I assume "mine" is "mind", but that first sentence is totally indecipherable.

Who is "they"? Did you mean "they" or "that"? What did you expect to be told? Freaking mystery over here.

There's a linguistic phenomena where people with poor short term memory (typically from chronic alcoholism or brain damage) have trouble using proper nouns and rely on pronouns a lot without defining or specifying antecedents. I see that a lot with the Trump supporters.
no President whether R or D should ever have to go through what Trump has endured.
Exactly what Democrats said of Obama and the way Republicans treated him coming out of the gate in 2009 and lasting 8 full years. Thing is, Republicans were pissed because they thought McCain & Romney were "shoe-ins" against a black man. They began conspiring even before Barack took his Presidential Oath. Its been documented and confirmed by the very Republicans that conspired against him ... Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Jim Demint, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, and Newt Gingrich, who instigated the whole thing. And it was properly titled "The Great Republican Conspiracy". All confirmed by George Voinovich, Republican of Ohio. The "Just Say No" Republicans ... you don't recall those Republicans vocally admitting that they would say NO to anything and everything B. Obama wanted to do. Their mission, said McConnell was `quote` ~"to make Obama a one-term president".
Thing is, Obama came to office to accomplish something GOOD for America and he knew he would be scrutinized a lot harsher than other Presidents simply because he WAS black. Unlike Trump, who came to office to better himself, and told a host of LIES, as he is NOW, to get himself elected. It should have been easy to see Trump's intentions as President by simply looking at his business life for the past 30-40 years ... nothing's changed about Trump. Trump does what he's always done to obtain his goals. Now he's openly admitting he wishes to obstruct voting. Well, he's done as of Feb 2021 in the public sector, my dear friend.
And mark my word, he's got some harsh surprises for the US between now and then ... he's vengeful and a hater. He'll leave his negative mark on the Presidency and go down as the worst President in the HISTORY of this country.

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Man I wish the Trump supporters knew how to string a coherent thought together and write words that effectively communicate that thought. It's hard trying to guess what you mean here. I assume "mine" is "mind", but that first sentence is totally indecipherable.

Who is "they"? Did you mean "they" or "that"? What did you expect to be told? Freaking mystery over here.

There's a linguistic phenomena where people with poor short term memory (typically from chronic alcoholism or brain damage) have trouble using proper nouns and rely on pronouns a lot without defining or specifying antecedents. I see that a lot with the Trump supporters.
This particular guy drinks a lot. If I had his sorry life, I'd be full hate, ignorance and beer constantly too.
Begging for help?...….of course he is...he is a loser that can do nothing on his own...trump probably promised P.utin Calif for helping him

Trump Eyes Putin Meeting Before November Election, NBC ...
Aug 16, 2020 · President Donald Trump told aides he’d like to hold an in-person meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin before the U.S. election in November, …

Trump Seeks Meeting with Putin Before Election
12 hours ago · “President Trump has told aides he’d like to hold an in-person meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin before the November election,” NBC News reports “Administration officials have explored various times and locations for another Trump-Putin summit, including potentially next month in
Man I wish the Trump supporters knew how to string a coherent thought together and write words that effectively communicate that thought. It's hard trying to guess what you mean here. I assume "mine" is "mind", but that first sentence is totally indecipherable.

Who is "they"? Did you mean "they" or "that"? What did you expect to be told? Freaking mystery over here.

There's a linguistic phenomena where people with poor short term memory (typically from chronic alcoholism or brain damage) have trouble using proper nouns and rely on pronouns a lot without defining or specifying antecedents. I see that a lot with the Trump supporters.
They told me nothing. I have a mine of my own and can think for myself. Something many liberals don't/can't. I watched the hearing live and it was ridiculous.

C'mon are you sure you're not the *******? It really shouldn't be that difficult to figure out "they" I referred to was "Brietbart and Fox news you mentioned. And my bad that I missed "mind." Sometimes I miss the auto correct. . So I'll make it easy for you.

"Brietbart or Fox news did not tell me anything. I have a mind of my own and can think for myself. There was that easier for you to decipher?

I'll even break it down further. If someone said to me "Biden and Harris are the best we have." My reply would be no THEY aren't. I think it's called implied if I'm not mistaken.
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New CNN poll shows Biden's lead has "significantly narrowed since June" and is now at the margin of error for registered voters.

New CNN poll shows Biden's lead has "significantly narrowed since June" and is now at the margin of error for registered voters.

Now, this is how you present a case that your guy can still pull it off. No mention of insults or anything. Somebody got lucky last night.
A few things:
Again, the national polling data makes good headlines but not good to base your strategy on. Electoral votes wins the office.
Trump appears to be fighting uphill in battleground states that he won last time, not good.
Registered voters (RV) is a good population to sample from, but Likely voters (LV) are an even better indicator.
From the article:
The pool of battleground states in this poll includes more that Trump carried in 2016 (10) than were won by Hillary Clinton (5), reflecting the reality that the President's campaign is more on defense than offense across the states. Taken together, though, they represent a more Republican-leaning playing field than the nation as a whole.
So the population sampled from the battleground states, have a higher number of registered republicans.

But the survey suggests that Trump's voters are a bit more likely to say that they could change their minds by November (12% say so) than are Biden's backers (7%).

So Team Trump has the additional burden of keeping their people on board this Fall. With the convention, post office mess, COVID, and Trump trying to get a Russian Summit with .iPutin, it's going to be hard for him to sustain even this.
Barack Obama reportedly said: 'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f... things up'..... Ain't that the Truth

Nick Allen
The TelegraphAugust 15, 2020

Biden - Reuters

Biden - Reuters
Barack Obama reportedly expressed private doubts about Joe Biden becoming the Democrat presidential nominee in 2020.
According to Politico the former president told one Democrat: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f... things up."
Mr Obama was also said to have spoken about his own understanding of the 2020 Democrat electorate in Iowa.
"And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden," he reportedly said.
There were said to have been lingering tensions between the two after Mr Obama supported Hillary Clinton for the nomination in 2016.
Related: Biden's friendship with Obama influencing his VP pick

Biden's Friendship With Obama Likely Influencing His VP Pick

Leon Panetta, Mr Obama’s defence secretary, told Politico: "He [Mr Biden] was loyal, I think, to Obama in every way in terms of defending and standing by him, even probably when he disagreed with what Obama was doing.
"To some extent, [he] oftentimes felt that that loyalty was not being rewarded.”
Some of Mr Obama's aides were said to have believed Mr Biden took discussions in the wrong direction when he was vice president.
In his book Ben Rhodes, Mr Obama’s former deputy national security adviser, wrote that "in the Situation Room, Biden could be something of an unguided missile”.
Mr Biden's aides were said to have believed his skills getting things achieved in Congress were under-appreciated.
Since Mr Biden secured the Democrat nomination Mr Obama has enthusiastically backed him and will be a keynote speaker at the Democrat Convention next week.
Trump was handed a booming economy. He fucked it up.
Trump was handed a special national security team for combating viruses and pandemics. He fucked it up.
Trump was handed a country without regular riots. He fucked it up.
Trump was handed a country with a low unemployment rate. He fucked it up.
Trump was handed a country with a top integrity in the world, the rest of the world relied on. He fucked it up.
Trump was handed everything he has in life, and has fucked it up. It is impossible to underestimate his ability to fuck anything up.
If you read what I said...Not saying they are not qualified but unfortunate she was chosen for reasons beyond her political career. She is no more qualified or under qualified than the rest. My point is a black woman was going to be chosen regardless of qualification. And please don't insinuate the racist thing Libs are so good at. Did you read what I said about Candace Owens? Last time I checked she is a black woman who I would vote for in a second and hope she runs after Trumps re-election. Condoleeza Rice, a black woman, would also be someone I would cast my vote. So knock that stupid ******* off. Say all you want about Trump but that's not my point. Given the state of our country there was no doubt in my mind a black woman was going to be chosen. And that is what I think is a shame. If the country wasn't in the current state, racist Uncle Joe probably would have chosen a white woman and that is also a shame. Don't forget "if you don't vote for me you're not black." WTF?

Are you going to tell me black people didn't vote for Obama just because he is black? I voted for him in '08 because I liked what he had to say and I thought he was going to take the country in the right direction. The color of his skin had zero to do with my vote for him as it should be!

Pence didn't appeal to me. I didn't even know who he was and couldn't have cared less. All I knew was there was no way in hell I was voting for Hillary. Trump could have chosen Homer Simpson as VP and I still would have voted for him.
Candace Owens is a grifter and con woman. That is her history. What did people used to say about Jesse Jackson-What's her job?
She is so bad that Republicans have started to denounce her.
I'm not saying it's racist to include such an unaccomplished uneducated woman in your group with two very very accomplished women like Rice and Harris but, it looks suspect.
Besides, you know Condi Rice is a critic of Trump? Told him to drop out after the pussy grabbing incident. Told him to stop tweeting after George Floyd's *******. And, was critical of his asking a foreign government to investigate an American citizen which led to Trump being the third president in history to be impeached. I'm cool with Condi, except the illegal wars, and mass ******* she condoned under Bush-Cheney.
Given the state of our country there was no doubt in my mind a black woman was going to be chosen. And that is what I think is a shame. If the country wasn't in the current state, racist Uncle Joe probably would have chosen a white woman and that is also a shame. Don't forget "if you don't vote for me you're not black." WTF?
Are you going to tell me black people didn't vote for Obama just because he is black? I voted for him in '08 because I liked what he had to say and I thought he was going to take the country in the right direction. The color of his skin had zero to do with my vote for him as it should be!
Pence didn't appeal to me. I didn't even know who he was and couldn't have cared less. All I knew was there was no way in hell I was voting for Hillary. Trump could have chosen Homer Simpson as VP and I still would have voted for him.
So it's negative to pick someone that can fill a void or address issues facing the country or your candidacy. Excuse me but that's exactly what has been done forever.
After VP Hobart died in 1899, McKinley choose a much younger, war hero who was popular governor of New York, and popular with the delegates, Teddy Roosevelt.
Kennedy, a northeast catholic liberal with little experience in the legislature, picked a evangelical, legislative master from the south LBJ.
In turn, LBJ picked the old school liberal Hubert Humphrey.
Nixon picked Spiro Agnew because, well nevermind. He was a criminal.
Reagan picked his biggest primary opponent, Bush. Who was the former party chair, 'Ambassador' to China and Director of the CIA. It gave a boost to Reagan's lack of foreign policy experience.
Old man Bush pick Dan Quayle because- well we are still trying to figure that out.
George HW picked Cheney because people knew he was the brightest bulb and Darth Cheney would keep everyone in line.
McCain choose Palin, the worst VP choice of a major party in history, who was his opposite.
Obama chose Biden for the institutional knowledge of the Congress and his ability to reach across the aisle (before the Tea Party) to get things done.
Trump chose Pence after being rejected by at least three others because Pence could bring the evangelical vote with him, and he did.
See how that works? Should I go back to the 1840's?

So, because Kamala Harris is an accomplished black woman, you think Joe should not have chosen her?
Stuck with a white male that for 240 years had to only be a natural born citizen, 35 years old and a christian?
Now you want qualifications, you get them, and still say she was picked because she is black?
You just can't win with people like you, so I don't try. You're full of ******* and empty on credibility.
90% or more of politicians that black people voter are not black. It's just that when there is a qualified black one, they turn out even more for support.
If they voted for any black person, we would be discussion how Jesse jackson, Al Sharpton and Carol Moseley Braun's presidential run got them the nomination. OR, why they voted for Joe Biden over Kamala Harris and Corey Booker.
New CNN poll shows Biden's lead has "significantly narrowed since June" and is now at the margin of error for registered voters.

and what do the other polls show?....you always seem to post what benefits your way of thinking!....surprised you don't have a pic on here depicting anal sex of some kind.....always trying to shove it in someones ass
New CNN poll shows Biden's lead has "significantly narrowed since June" and is now at the margin of error for registered voters.
I imagine, H-H, that the polls are starting to figure in Trump's various ways of stealing the election again ...
• Stop mail-in voting in all Democrat states possible​
• Remove as many postal mail boxes as possible​
• Meet with Russia again to plan a strategy of cheating & propaganda​
• Renew "birther" legitimacy for one or more of the candidates running for democratic Pres./VP​
• Continue closing polling places, times, same-day registration​
• Create a national pandemic of the covid-19 so voters will want to stay away from the polls​
• Decrease & stop testing for covid-19 to create more disease infestations​
• Sign an executive order demanding all employers & schools reopen while his ******* safely enjoys a private school that won't reopen until Oct.​
• Create more lies and disburse them in his weekly press conferences​
• Create even more lies on twitter​
• Take more money from his charities to channel to his presidency campaign in place of donors who have stopped donating​
• Openly announce that all these strategies, and many more to come, are to suppress/distort voting by the citizens​

Gee, its interesting how people & polls begin to adjust to the regular routines of a nazi fascist dictator. They don't want to be slandered by the President of the United States on his TWITTER Accout or at his weekly press conferences.
I imagine, H-H, that the polls are starting to figure in Trump's various ways of stealing the election again
Oh it's clear to many of us you "imagine" a lot of things...
Gee, its interesting how people & polls begin to adjust to the regular routines of a nazi fascist dictator. They don't want to be slandered by the President of the United States on his TWITTER Accout or at his weekly press conferences.
Oh yeah it is blatantly obvious how CNN is in the tank for Trump.....of course! :rolleyes:
Create a national pandemic of the covid-19 so voters will want to stay away from the polls
I won't waste my time with your Gish Gallop of fantasies, but this one stands out among the idiocy. Maybe you and your buddy Ridgely could study together...maybe between the two of you there is enough neurons to grasp how idiotic your claims of a "national pandemic" are.
I think everyone expected the polls to narrow. The expectation is now that we'll see a baseline when Trump is up by a few points in TX (instead of tied), but he's really not going to win the upper Midwest this time.

Also how in the hell can you think there's not a pandemic when we're on track for 200,000 dead Americans, not counting all the collateral deaths from ICUs being completely swamped for months? I know Trump supporters have a reality distortion field, but this is just ghoulish. Of all the things to make political, a fucking virus killing hundreds of thousands of Americans, for fucks sake
Also how in the hell can you think there's not a pandemic when we're on track for 200,000 dead Americans, not counting all the collateral deaths from ICUs being completely swamped for months? I know Trump supporters have a reality distortion field, but this is just ghoulish. Of all the things to make political, a fucking virus killing hundreds of thousands of Americans, for fucks sake
It isn't clear if you're attempting a strawman argument, or if you're just really this ignorant. I've never claimed there isn't a pandemic. Words have meanings....you and Mac should learn how to use them, lest you demonstrate for all your ignorance.
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