Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Why do you or anyone else care about tax returns? Are you that Butt hurt because he said he would after the election? What difference would it make if the dude is a billionaire or or has 500,000 in the bank?
We CARE ... Are we BUTT HURT? You DAMN RIGHT! What difference would it make? We want Trump's ass on a skewer ... a red hot, metal skewer.
First of all, YES ... we are BUTT HURT because this con artist of a President has gotten away, since day one with breaking all the rules. We do want restitution ... we want his ass on a frik'n platter because he shared highly classified info twice with Russia ... is fixing to do it again between now and election day as he plans to meet privately with MrPutin again. As he denied Russia's involvement in the 2016 election, Congress (mainly Republicans) determined that the Russians DID interfere with the 2016 election, AND will do it again in 2020.
No one knows for sure, Latina, outside of Trump's "need to know" list, exactly what is in Trump's tax records. Some think Trump would be embarrassed if the public knew he wasn't as rich as he flaunts his wealth to be. Others think that because he pays little to NO Federal taxes and gives little to nothing to charities that he often brags about giving money. And others have reported that Trump owes Wall Street & foreign entities well over $650 million. A couple years before Trump started his run for the POTUS he was applying to open a casino (known well for their convenient money laundering schemes) and the state revealed that Trump had paid zero federal taxes in a couple years. When Clinton & Trump were debating, Clinton said "maybe because you haven't paid federal taxes for a lot of years" ... in which Trump responded "It would be squandered too, believe me".
All this may or may NOT be true, but its not the real reason Congress wishes to see his Federal Tax Returns. Here's what they're really looking for:
• paying hush money during the initial campaign directed to two women; others are suspected.​
• criminal investigation into Trump's many business dealings, particularly overseas​
• his dealings with foreign entities like banks & investment companies​
• use of his charity organizations as a "cash flow" instead of a charity​
• money laundering with foreign entities, particularly Russia & Deutsche Bank​
• misuse of party donation funds for personal use. He still can't explain how his inauguration speech cost 3 times that of Obama's, but was 1/4 the size of Obama's. The money vanished ... no one admits where it went.​
Trump is a known, habitual liar (2,000+ documented since becoming President), deceiver, vulture capitalist who is willing to take any direction (legal or not) to obtain "gains" for himself, and a plain old CROOK.
The SCOTUS has already decided, in a 7:2 ruling, that there is NO IMMUNITY for Trump simply because of the office he holds ... NONE!
The SCOTUS decided Trump should turn over his tax & financial documents to the District Attorney's Office saying "no one is above the law".

I'm sure they'll find that Trump has NOT paid a dime of federal taxes in many years. That he does not give to charities as he says. That he uses his charities as a charity fraud. Even his Trump University settled for millions out of court for fraudulent advertising. If Trump is really lucky, that's all they'll find ... he'll get fined and probated and be on his way. However I suspect a lot, lot more will be found. For example, what about the house in Florida where a oligarch paid radical millions above market value to Trump for Trump real state only to turn around and immediately tear it down. Money laundering scheme? (read attachment below)

Trump is a CON MAN, Latina4BBC! With TRUMP you just got to follow the money & jail everyone who lies for him.

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NO NOT AT ALL. Why should I care? Please tell me. Biden. Pelosi, and Hunter all benefited from shady Ukraine deals. Clinton with the uranium and that corrupt Clinton Foundation. But you know what who cares they all do it. That's why so many of these politicians who weren't millionaires walk away from office millionaires. Stand by for sub to post his left wing BS.
Great example of why you don't waste time arguing with dimwits. Enjoy your bliss.
I still say we haven't seen the BEST of TRUMP's con jobs yet ... I'm betting he tries to pull his biggest con job on the USA before the election and he'll get caught. Pence might even have to stand in for Trump for a while.
Its for sure he won't meet with Biden and/or ride the traditional ride to the inauguration with Biden. He'll probably call the election a fraud and refuse to leave ... can't wait for that. Trump's "history" is going to be made into a big movie someday. Can't wait to see it.
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3 takeaways from the second night of the Democratic National Convention

The Democratic National Convention continued Tuesday night, when former vice president Joe Biden was formally nominated for the presidency.

1. The baiting of Trump
In some ways, the Democratic National Convention has thus far felt as much a messaging operation as an effort to bait President Trump. On Monday night, Michelle Obama led that effort, calling into question Trump’s fitness for office. Her use of Trump’s “it is what it is” comments about the coronavirus death toll has been repeated often at the convention, and her speech drew several rebukes from Trump on Tuesday morning.
At Tuesday night’s session, that latter effort continued apace. Speaker after speaker cast Trump as uninterested in being a good president, woefully unprepared and out of his depth. And the digs cut to the core of Trump’s self-cultivated image as a tough-guy world leader who commands respect.

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said that Trump “hid in a bunker as Americans were tear-gassed” in Lafayette Square outside the White House — a story Trump has disputed despite multiple outlets confirming it.

When this president goes overseas, it isn’t a goodwill mission; it’s a blooper reel,” former secretary of state and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry said. “He breaks up with our allies and writes love letters to dictators. America deserves a president who has looked up to, not laughed at.”

World leaders have laughed at Trump on occasion, including in one high-profile appearance at the United Nations. But as The Post’s Fact Checker noted Tuesday night, the “love” allusion was actually to the “beautiful letters” Trump says North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un wrote him, not the other way around.)
Some of the guests also appeared aimed at earning Trump’s ire.

Also appearing Tuesday night were Sally Yates, the acting attorney general whom Trump fired; Marie Yovanovitch, the former Ukraine ambassador whose removal was detailed during the impeachment hearings; and even Biden’s ******* Hunter Biden, whom Republicans have in many ways sought to run against as if he were on the ticket in 2020. Bill Clinton said Trump was a great president for people who want entertainment but not leadership.

Much of it fit with the overarching messaging of the convention, but it also seemed intended to get Trump’s goat. The Biden campaign has largely allowed Trump to be the focal point of the 2020 campaign, and he has often obliged, to his detriment in polls. That continued Tuesday morning, when he stepped on his pardon of Susan B. Anthony by hitting back at Michelle Obama.

Trump also suggested early Tuesday night that he was indeed watching the proceedings.

2. An unusually compelling roll call
There are few things about a virtual convention so far that are better than an in-person one. But one of them arrived Tuesday: the roll call.

In what is normally a pretty boring process involving representatives from each state announcing how many delegates have gone for each candidate, Tuesday brought an opportunity for a more compelling trip around the country (and to seven territories). Each state got a chance to display a scene and offer a message it wanted to emphasize.

3. A new era, with a bit part for the Clintons
Bill Clinton has spoken at every Democratic National Convention since 1980 — a streak of 10 conventions before Tuesday night. But for his 11th, the former president found himself in an unusual spot: a brief opening act.

Clinton spoke for about five minutes around 9:30 p.m. Eastern time in a strikingly brief address for a man known for delivering lengthy stemwinders that often last longer than convention organizers would like — more than 40 minutes in 2016 and around 50 minutes in 2012. In his remarks, which followed a tape of fellow former president Jimmy Carter, Clinton attacked Trump for being preoccupied with personal grievances.

“If you want a president who defines the job as spending hours a day watching TV and zapping people on social media, he’s your man,” Clinton said. “Denying, distracting and demeaning works great if you’re trying to entertain or inflame. But in a real crisis, it collapses like a house of cards.”

Part of the brief address was due to the necessary changes in format, in which speeches like Clinton’s are mostly taped. But the early, almost perfunctory appearance was also a striking departure from where the Democratic Party has been for the last 32 years.

The Clintons have found themselves increasingly on the outs with the modern Democratic Party, in part due to the #MeToo movement and in part due to the disappointment of the 2016 election. But it was still a remarkable bit part — and a reflection of the moment — for what has been the first family of Democratic politics for most of the last three decades.

Bill Clinton Rips Trump's 'Chaos' on DNC Undercard ...
Aug 18, 2020 · After being a headliner in past Democratic National Conventions, former President Bill Clinton is delivering a five-minute speech Tuesday night, rejecting President Donald Trump's coronavirus response as chaotic and billing Joe Biden as the unifying candidate.

Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter to address virtual DNC Tuesday ...
Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter to address virtual DNC Tuesday evening After years of big moments, Bill Clinton's DNC role shrinks. Tonight will be his 11th convention speech.

Bill Clinton trashes Trump and a sleeper fan talks up ...
Aug 18, 2020 · 2020 conventions. Bill Clinton trashes Trump and a sleeper fan talks up Biden: Key moments from Night 2 of the convention. Party elders, rising stars and a …
Damn, that Senate Intelligence Report went in detail regarding Russia's efforts to compromise the 2016 presidential election! Trump stated that he "never" spoke to Roger Stone about WikiLeaks, BUT the Senate report SHOWS that Trump LIED, which he seems to do ALOT! How the Republican Party can SUPPORT a man who cares MORE about himself than the COUNTRY doesn't make ANY SENSE to me! The Republican Party is the Party of OLD WHITE MEN, so no wonder that Party prefers to NOT be so DIVERSE! Yet, many Americans like that *******, for SOME REASON!

Did I say there was one? If you'd quit posting for purpose of arguing you'd see where I said "Trump agreed to show his tax returns AFTER he was elected President" .... is that a false statement or NOT? Everyone else who ran for President in 2016 did ... Trump said he would if elected. He lied about that ... he had NO INTENTION of providing his tax returns because he has something to HIDE in this tax returns. Just as he lied to everyone about providing a less expensive & better health plan ... just as he lied about building a wall that Mexico would pay for ... just as he lied about paying DOWN the national debt ... etc etc ... should I go ON? De-nuclearizing N Korea & Iran? Draining the Washington swamp & installing only TOP PEOPLE? etc, etc.
Now quit following me around with little jabs of BS to entice an argument. Go look for a job for christ sake. This is Tuesday ... a work week for everyone that works ... and go FUCK OFF someplace else!
MacNfries, your best bet to deal with the hoping hubby's of this world is to ignore them! It drives them nuts! Lol!
P.S. not unlike the nut in the White House - He can't tolerate it when there isn't a camera pointed in his direction or a few fools around him kissing his ugly ass!
MacNfries, your best bet to deal with the hoping hubby's of this world is to ignore them!
Well, actually, I consider H-H a nemesis so to speak. I'm not normally rude to people, although my sarcasm can go a bit unchecked sometimes, but with H-H, I make an exception because I love abusing the asshole. He's already living such a miserable life, I'm sure you're right, just ignore him, but actually he wants to be abused. He enjoys it ... probably why his wife left his sorry ass. When they enjoy it too much, its no fun anymore, so off she went.
I heard he bought a dog, but every time the dog went to the door to be let out, he found out the dog was wanting H-H to leave. LOL! Probably needs to buy himself a beta fish ... they have about the same disposition as he has. My ******* bought 2 beta fish, with a divider in the tank to keep them apart. They're so funny ... everytime they get close to each other they blow up their fins ... I told my ******* I was gonna lift that gate one day and let them go at it ... best beta WINS IT ALL!
well you being a legal,,,,???...….you ever heard of past precedence?
Well I've heard of and actually know the definition of precedents....since you obviously don't, I think my posts take precedence over yours. :bounce:

Of course both you and Mac have been schooled on this particular homophone error before....particularly ironic with Mac given how he has repeatedly screwed up precedence/precedents since he has demonstrated a propensity to chide others for their homophone foul ups. I suppose it goes to prove the old saying: you can lead a dolt to water but you can't make him think.
BTW. This
We CARE ... Are we BUTT HURT? You DAMN RIGHT! What difference would it make? We want Trump's ass on a skewer ... a red hot, metal skewer.
First of all, YES ... we are BUTT HURT because this con artist of a President has gotten away, since day one with breaking all the rules. We do want restitution ... we want his ass on a frik'n platter because he shared highly classified info twice with Russia ... is fixing to do it again between now and election day as he plans to meet privately with MrPutin again. As he denied Russia's involvement in the 2016 election, Congress (mainly Republicans) determined that the Russians DID interfere with the 2016 election, AND will do it again in 2020.
No one knows for sure, Latina, outside of Trump's "need to know" list, exactly what is in Trump's tax records. Some think Trump would be embarrassed if the public knew he wasn't as rich as he flaunts his wealth to be. Others think that because he pays little to NO Federal taxes and gives little to nothing to charities that he often brags about giving money. And others have reported that Trump owes Wall Street & foreign entities well over $650 million. A couple years before Trump started his run for the POTUS he was applying to open a casino (known well for their convenient money laundering schemes) and the state revealed that Trump had paid zero federal taxes in a couple years. When Clinton & Trump were debating, Clinton said "maybe because you haven't paid federal taxes for a lot of years" ... in which Trump responded "It would be squandered too, believe me".
All this may or may NOT be true, but its not the real reason Congress wishes to see his Federal Tax Returns. Here's what they're really looking for:
• paying hush money during the initial campaign directed to two women; others are suspected.​
• criminal investigation into Trump's many business dealings, particularly overseas​
• his dealings with foreign entities like banks & investment companies​
• use of his charity organizations as a "cash flow" instead of a charity​
• money laundering with foreign entities, particularly Russia & Deutsche Bank​
Trump is a known, habitual liar, deceiver, vulture capitalist who is willing to take any direction (legal or not) to obtain "gains" for himself.
The SCOTUS has already decided, in a 7:2 ruling, that there is NO IMMUNITY for Trump simply because of the office he holds ... NONE!
The SCOTUS decided Trump should turn over his tax & financial documents to the District Attorney's Office saying "no one is above the law".

I'm sure they'll find that Trump has NOT paid a dime of federal taxes in many years. That he does not give to charities as he says. That he uses his charities as a charity fraud. Even his Trump University settled for millions out of court for fraudulent advertising. If Trump is really lucky, that's all they'll find ... he'll get fined and probated and be on his way. However I suspect a lot, lot more will be found. For example, what about the house in Florida where a oligarch paid radical millions above market value to Trump for Trump real state only to turn around and immediately tear it down. Money laundering scheme? (read attachment below)

Trump is a CON MAN, Latina4BBC! With TRUMP you just got to follow the money & jail everyone who lies for him.

I feel you Mac. Myself, you, or anyone can "speculate" (which is the leftist media specialty) what might be in his tax returns, what he may have or may have not done with Russia (so far it appears there's nothing there), what his business dealings were before he got into office (sorry don't care), how many women he might have paid off (don't care).

Yes I have voted Republican in every Presidential election except in '08 when I voted for Obama (Nice charismatic guy but weak on so many levels. He is definitely not a Bull. Pun intended). I chose Romney who I knew jack ******* about. I just knew I didn't want another four of BO.

I voted for Reagan because at the end of 1980 I was off to boot camp. I didn't know much about politics (Save the jokes. Liberals are so predictable. The jury is still out on you Independents). The military was in shambles ( a typical trait of Dems) so I voted for the best President of our time who was a huge supporter of the military.

In 1984 and 1988 I was still in the Air ******* and again voted for Reagan/ Bush respectively. Military members tend to (at least then) support the Republican candidate. In '92 when Suck My Dick Clinton got in I was disappointed my candidate lost but I was OK with it. Our democracy was at work and that's the way it goes. In '96 I wasn't thrilled with Dole but he was a military man and I respected him. I could have gone either way then but his military service over DRAFT DODGING Clinton made my choice easier. My candidate lost and again I was OK with that. It is what it is. Then 2000 Bush, 2008 Obama, 2012 for Romney. Four more years of Obama was tolerable and I really do like the guy. I didn't have that sick feeling in my stomach like I do now with the current regime.

I have never been so disgusted by a Democratic party as I have by this goon, socialist, progressive party of the past few years. As in previous elections if November doesn't go the way I would like, I will accept the outcome. However, this will be the first election that I am truly scared shitless for our children and our country if Biden symbolically wins. If Biden was younger and able to stay a moderate course I would be OK with it. That is not going to happen.

The Russians have been meddling in our politics for a long time. The US does it as well as other countries.
Although it wasn't the Russians Joe Kennedy got his ******* into the WH through collusion with the mob. An unfortunate relationship for his sons. Politics is a dirty, deceitful, corrupt, and dishonest business.

So even if Biden/Harris win I don't care that Joe likes to sniff women/little girls hair, I don't care that he had had shady dealings, I don't care his record doesn't have the luster liberals pretend it does, but his racism bothers me.

I don't care Harris fucked a married man and used Willie's Willy to get appointed to positions other than doggie style, I don't care she had a friend whom miraculously made 16,000 votes disappear when the race against Dan Cooley was so close, I do care her family owned slaves.

You can find scandal, controversies, lies, cheating, and a huge one for Dem's, hypocrisy in many many politicians. Take away all that and at the end of the day I will chose anyone over an administration that will open our borders (you know because it's the nice American thing to do), fuck up our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights etc..When you have Democratic leaders who stand by and order police not to take action against violence and allow the take over cities is a party and ideology I want nothing to do with. They are 10 times more of a disgrace than Trump will ever be!
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Well I've heard of and actually know the definition of precedents....since you obviously don't, I think my posts take precedence over yours. :bounce:

Of course both you and Mac have been schooled on this particular homophone error before....particularly ironic with Mac given how he has repeatedly screwed up precedence/precedents since he has demonstrated a propensity to chide others for their homophone foul ups. I suppose it goes to prove the old saying: you can lead a dolt to water but you can't make him think.

I would rather think you can show a republican the facts but you can't make him understand them
BTW. This

I feel you Mac. Myself, you, or anyone can "speculate" (which is the leftist media specialty) what might be in his tax returns, what he may have or may have not done with Russia (so far it appears there's nothing there), what his business dealings were before he got into office (sorry don't care), how many women he might have paid off (don't care).

Yes I have voted Republican in every Presidential election except in '08 when I voted for Obama (Nice charismatic guy but weak on so many levels. He is definitely not a Bull. Pun intended). I chose Romney who I knew jack ******* about. I just knew I didn't want another four of BO.

I voted for Reagan because at the end of 1980 I was off to boot camp. I didn't know much about politics (Save the jokes. Liberals are so predictable. The jury is still out on you Independents). The military was in shambles ( a typical trait of Dems) so I voted for the best President of our time who was a huge supporter of the military.

In 1984 and 1988 I was still in the Air ******* and again voted for Reagan/ Bush respectively. Military members tend to (at least then) support the Republican candidate. In '92 when Suck My Dick Clinton got in I was disappointed my candidate lost but I was OK with it. Our democracy was at work and that's the way it goes. In '96 I wasn't thrilled with Dole but he was a military man and I respected him. I could have gone either way then but his military service over DRAFT DODGING Clinton made my choice easier. My candidate lost and again I was OK with that. It is what it is. Then 2000 Bush, 2008 Obama, 2012 for Romney. Four more years of Obama was tolerable and I really do like the guy. I didn't have that sick feeling in my stomach like I do now with the current regime.

I have never been so disgusted by a Democratic party as I have by this goon, socialist, progressive party of the past few years. As in previous elections if November doesn't go the way I would like, I will accept the outcome. However, this will be the first election that I am truly scared shitless for our children and our country if Biden symbolically wins. If Biden was younger and able to stay a moderate course I would be OK with it. That is not going to happen.

The Russians have been meddling in our politics for a long time. The US does it as well as other countries.
Although it wasn't the Russians Joe Kennedy got his ******* into the WH through collusion with the mob. An unfortunate relationship for his sons. Politics is a dirty, deceitful, corrupt, and dishonest business.

So even if Biden/Harris win I don't care that Joe likes to sniff women/little girls hair, I don't care that he had had shady dealings, I don't care his record doesn't have the luster liberals pretend it does, but his racism bothers me.

I don't care Harris fucked a married man and used Willie's Willy to get appointed to positions other than doggie style, I don't care she had a friend whom miraculously made 16,000 votes disappear when the race against Dan Cooley was so close, I do care her family owned slaves.

You can find scandal, controversies, lies, cheating, and a huge one for Dem's, hypocrisy in many many politicians. Take away all that and at the end of the day I will chose anyone over an administration that will open our borders (you know because it's the nice American thing to do), fuck up our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights etc..When you have Democratic leaders who stand by and order police not to take action against violence and allow the take over cities is a party and ideology I want nothing to do with. They are 10 times more of a disgrace than Trump will ever be!
You are one phony fake ass patriot.
Trump is a major Draft Dodger. Five (5) times he avoided service so poor fucks like my ******* can go in his place. Or like my *******'s cousin who died in the war, so Trump didn't have to. Fine citizen.

You're a fucking idiot that believes what he hears because he cannot understand what he sees. He eats that ******* up.
What was Obama weak on? Saved the fucking economy, and American auto industry, and delivered health care to 40 million working Americans. Oh yeah, all of that prosperity was offensive to you. He wore a fucking tan suit.

The NONE racism of Biden bothers you, but the outright racist words and actions of Trump do not?

Harris' ancestor was a slave owner? You know who else? Mine. Many African Americans because slave owners did what the fuck they wanted and ******* was very very common. What could she do about an Irishman who fucked her ancestor 200 years ago?

You're a sick fuck.
MacNfries, your best bet to deal with the hoping hubby's of this world is to ignore them! It drives them nuts! Lol!
P.S. not unlike the nut in the White House - He can't tolerate it when there isn't a camera pointed in his direction or a few fools around him kissing his ugly ass!
Ole MacNLies likes to tell others to ignore me, but like you and other typical liberals he's a do as I say, not as I do person.
Its best to simply ignore his posts
That's H-H ... nothing to do but be an annoyance. Its best you just spray yourself down with mosquito repellant and IGNOR the lonely little mosquito.
h-h doesn't deserve a response from you, subhub ... just ignore the asshole.
Just ignore the idiot, Zwing ... H-H doesn't contribute anything to the forums
You are one phony fake ass patriot.
Trump is a major Draft Dodger. Five (5) times he avoided service so poor fucks like my ******* can go in his place. Or like my *******'s cousin who died in the war, so Trump didn't have to. Fine citizen.

You're a fucking idiot that believes what he hears because he cannot understand what he sees. He eats that ******* up.
What was Obama weak on? Saved the fucking economy, and American auto industry, and delivered health care to 40 million working Americans. Oh yeah, all of that prosperity was offensive to you. He wore a fucking tan suit.

The NONE racism of Biden bothers you, but the outright racist words and actions of Trump do not?

Harris' ancestor was a slave owner? You know who else? Mine. Many African Americans because slave owners did what the fuck they wanted and ******* was very very common. What could she do about an Irishman who fucked her ancestor 200 years ago?

You're a sick fuck.
Apparently you are too ignorant to understand my point. You and others can complain Trump is a racist. If he is fuck him. Uncle Joes racist remarks are all over the internet but you blind liberals make excuses every fucking time. Your back at me about Trump being a draft dodger is exactly what I’m talking about. So was Clinton. Why was that OK. Trump as a person is a piece of *******. They all are. The difference is he will run this country as it should be run. Law and fucking order. Not being a patronizing bitch like your current party. If you cannot see this totally fucked up Democratic platform will take This country into the ground you are way more ignorant than you seem.
BTW God forbid Biden wins I’ll be the first to admit I’m wrong if after his term we aren’t a third world country!
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