Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I'll even break it down further. If someone said to me "Biden and Harris are the best we have." My reply would be no THEY aren't. I think it's called implied if I'm not mistaken.

something you...and the right...….do not understand...….Joe will bring honesty and integrity back to the office....get the world looking back up at us instead of down on us for letting an idiot and a thief run the country

will admit corruption is a way of life for the right so whatever trump does is alright in your book...….just curious...I'm guessing you haven't tried the bleach yet
Oh yeah it is blatantly obvious how CNN is in the tank for Trump.....of course!
Trumptards ... no points, just denials. Not bad for you, however. I put up a dozen good points as to what Trump is doing to skew this election and you weakly come back with a comment on CNN. Talk about evading the points as to why there might be a favorable flux in Trump's poll #s; CNN sarcasm is all you have, there? Why don't you just admit the man you support is a scuzball? So much so, that more and more Republicans are coming out announcing their support to Biden.
Think you could use a visit to your bathroom mirror and see the dumbass looking back at you.
Please, please, please go find your wife and a job ... I think having those again might improve your disposition and attitude.

pic_MacNfries-signature.jpg .... pic_MacNfries&Wife-1a.jpg
No, you spewed your typical Gish Gallop....but someone who believes Trump created a "national pandemic" is too ignorant to waste energy trying to educate.

you really don't think he didn't do you...he may not have created it...but he did enable it.....through incompetence and illiteracy....

the question is....did you take your Clorox shot today?....it's right next to the kool aid glass
oh of course not...it's too much fun pointing out your ignorance, although it can be a near full time job at times.
Then I'm sure you'll definitely ignore that then ... its a job ... no wait ... a FULL TIME job. Surely you don't want to break your record for most months with out a wife AND a job.
So, I understand. gif_yellowball-laughing3.gif
Angry, rich, white guy party.

I dunno about "rich". Even the Mercers and the Koch brothers are backing away slowly from this one. It's the angry poor white guy, who got screwed by those same billionaires for decades and not wants to take it out on the entire country.
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somewhere....somehow.....treason has to start taking a role in this administration

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