Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Perhaps you could enlighten us with what section of US code grants the Congress the authority to require a Presidential candidate to release his tax returns as a condition of election.
Did I say there was one? If you'd quit posting for purpose of arguing you'd see where I said "Trump agreed to show his tax returns AFTER he was elected President" .... is that a false statement or NOT? Everyone else who ran for President in 2016 did ... Trump said he would if elected. He lied about that ... he had NO INTENTION of providing his tax returns because he has something to HIDE in this tax returns. Just as he lied to everyone about providing a less expensive & better health plan ... just as he lied about building a wall that Mexico would pay for ... just as he lied about paying DOWN the national debt ... etc etc ... should I go ON? De-nuclearizing N Korea & Iran? Draining the Washington swamp & installing only TOP PEOPLE? etc, etc.
Now quit following me around with little jabs of BS to entice an argument. Go look for a job for christ sake. This is Tuesday ... a work week for everyone that works ... and go FUCK OFF someplace else!
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Such a typical liberal narrative. BLAME BLAME BLAME, Zero substance and same old tired *******! All they have to go on is attack Trump but offer no solutions "We need change"
We mean "positive" change ... all Trump has provided in his first term is negative change, or am I wrong? If I'm wrong, tell me where I'm wrong. Name one positive thing Trump has done while in office? Just one fulfillment of his 2016 campaign, maybe.
Trump took over a good "recovering" economy from Obama. What did he do with it? What positives did he make?
Regarding the virus, Trump made change, alright ... cuts to testing for covid-19, ignores rules of mask in public & space ... so much so that his followers are dying because of it, not to mention that we're such ASSHOLES of the World in managing the covid-19 that other countries (some our allies) banning US citizens from coming to their country. Yet, STILL ... Trump says "its gonna blow over". Well, hell yeah, eventually; a broken fuck'n clock will be right twice a day. So yes, we BLAME Trump ... the buck stops with the commander-n-chief ... but he's incapable incompetent of doing the right things. Hell, he still has a third of his administration he hasn't filled as of yet. Imagine all the jobs he cut in Washington, leaving empty offices and positions where no one is doing their work? NOW ... he wants to get rid of the Post Office ... oh wait, he wants to keep people from voting so he takes out the mailboxes, wishes to eliminate mail-in voting ... oh wait, that's just for US, not for HIM or for his buddies in Florida ... my bad!
I'm not trying to be a smartass, here, I'm trying to understand what "positives" you feel Trump has accomplished. Feel free to chime in and straighten my understanding of Trump. Please! I imagine many here would appreciate your "logic". And, ps, we want something MORE than "Go Trump"!

Your board, now .... Latina4BBC!
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I didn't watch one second of the democratic clown show ( Convention LOL ) last night. I didn't miss a thing. Keep holding on to your pipe dreams my CRUDE fellow posters on the left. Go Trump !!
Did I say there was one? If you'd quit posting for purpose of arguing you'd see where I said "Trump agreed to show his tax returns AFTER he was elected President" .... is that a false statement or NOT? Everyone else who ran for President in 2016 did ... Trump said he would in 2020. He lied about that ... had NO INTENTION of providing his tax returns because he has something to HIDE in this tax returns. Just as he lied to everyone about providing a less expensive & better health plan ... just as he lied about building a wall that Mexico would pay for ... just as he lied about paying DOWN the national debt ... etc etc ... should I go ON?
Now quit following me around with little jabs of BS to entice an argument. Go look for a job for christ sake. This is Tuesday ... a work week for everyone that works ... and go FUCK OFF someplace else!
Why do you or anyone else care about tax returns? Are you that Butt hurt because he said he would after the election? What difference would it make if the dude is a billionaire or or has 500,000 in the bank? I have to say that's where you guys have your head in the sand. Everyone of the MF'ers lie to the hilt. Every last GD one of them!
Why do you or anyone else care about tax returns? Are you that Butt hurt because he said he would after the election? What difference would it make if the dude is a billionaire or or has 500,000 in the bank? I have to say that's where you guys have your head in the sand. Everyone of the MF'ers lie to the hilt. Every last GD one of them!

I think people might be concerned about who has been funding Trump, since no banks in the US would touch him after the casino bankruptcies.

That might also be why Trump fought tooth and nail to keep the NY AG from getting financial records from Deutsche Bank. I would not be surprised if the first charges of money laundering come in before the election.
Trump did inherit a rising economy. It couldn't have gone in any direction but up from where it was after the financial meltdown. However, in Trump's first two years it rose 40% more than Obama's last four.

He said he was going to build a wall which we need! Yeah he said Mexico would pay for it. Personally I don't care how it's paid for we need to secure our borders. And every other President whether D/R has said immigration reform is paramount to keeping us safe. Except Trump takes decisive action and he's a racist. Bullshit!

He's held accountable countries who have been leaching off of us for decades,

Tax cuts (all the bitching about how some had to pay more at the end of the year. People didn't change their deductions to reflect the cuts so duh),

He does not fuck around with our enemies unlike Obama. I feel so much safer with Trump as our CIC than any other President. Yeah Obama was in office when Osama was killed but he had been hunted for years befor Obama took office. Luck of being in office at the time. When you look at the faces of those in attendance watching he and Hillary looked scared shitless.

He is tough on China. No one else had the balls to take them on.

Met with Kim Jung -Un - Was it a success? Not totally. But no other President has met with him (as far as I know). I'll bet Trump pretty much said "you fuck with us your fucked up country is toast."

He put our allies on notice that it's time for them to take responsibility for there own protection. As it should be. I've said it before if we are going to be the world police then we need to show them who's boss. I wish we were not in that position but since we are fuck em!

I agree Trump's handling of the pandemic could be better? But I also take into account the overwhelming situation this pandemic has caused. Do you think hypocrite Cuomo did all the right things in a state that was pretty much the epicenter? A pandemic of this magnitude we haven't seen in 100 years. The Obama lovers say he had a similar situation with H1N1. AH No!

From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.
Ten years later work continues to better understand influenza, prevent disease, and prepare for the next pandemic.

The United States mounted a complex, multi-faceted and long-term response to the pandemic, summarized in The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: Summary Highlights, April 2009-April 2010. On August 10, 2010, WHO declared an end to the global 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. However, (H1N1)pdm09 virus continues to circulate as a seasonal flu virus, and cause illness, hospitalization, and deaths worldwide every year.

People gave Trump so much ******* when he said it's not that bad and will blow over. I don't think many people realized how this was going to affect the world. Even if Trump said to the American public this is a serious issue and we need to do A, B, and C he would still be chastised for something.

I don't think he's the sharpest tool in the shed. I can't emphasize enough I will take his (you name it...lying, cheating, corrupt blah blah blah) anytime over the people who want to destroy this country with their idiotic, socialist, progressive ideals. We are a country of law and your buddies want to so desperately to change that by taking away our freedoms. Mac you posted something back in 2017 "well now that Trumps in office say good-bye to your porn sites and probably this one." Didn't happen did it? Just like so many doomsayers who thought the world was going to end after he was elected. He going to lead us into WWIII. Didn't happen did it? How many of those dumb ass liberal celebrities who said they would move if he's elected? They are still here because they are as full of ******* as the rest. Bet their cozy lives got even cozier the way the stock market has performed since 2016. They probably built bigger walls like Maxine POS Watters has around her mansion. You know to keep the undesirables out. Hmmm sounds like a border wall type thing. Hypocrites.

The Democratic party has lost itself and deserve every bit of it. The Republicans also have lost direction as well because they too can't believe how this $2 businessman and Reality TV host got the keys to the WH. That speaks volumes! So yeah GO TRUMP!
Why do you or anyone else care about tax returns? Are you that Butt hurt because he said he would after the election? What difference would it make if the dude is a billionaire or or has 500,000 in the bank? I have to say that's where you guys have your head in the sand. Everyone of the MF'ers lie to the hilt. Every last GD one of them!
Its not the point if he is a billionaire or not, (how narrow minded)! its what is in the tax returns, where his money comes from and his alliances which you should ALL be aware of, wouldn't you want to know if he has ties to Russian or Turkish money? you should!
Its not the point if he is a billionaire or not, (how narrow minded)! its what is in the tax returns, where his money comes from and his alliances which you should ALL be aware of, wouldn't you want to know if he has ties to Russian or Turkish money? you should!
NO NOT AT ALL. Why should I care? Please tell me. Biden. Pelosi, and Hunter all benefited from shady Ukraine deals. Clinton with the uranium and that corrupt Clinton Foundation. But you know what who cares they all do it. That's why so many of these politicians who weren't millionaires walk away from office millionaires. Stand by for sub to post his left wing BS.
Did I say there was one?
No, you said "Personally, I think Congress should require President Trump to NOW show his tax returns as a condition for the new 2020 election"

I'm asking you to tell us just how you propose they "require" him to do that....under what authority could they.

"Trump agreed to show his tax returns AFTER he was elected President"
What...you mean a political figure broke a campaign promise....say it isn't so.....oh the humanity! Funny how this is such a huge deal to you but Obozo breaking his promise of "if you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan" gets excused away.

Now quit following me around with little jabs of BS to entice an argument
Let me check...nope you're still quite high on my don't give a flying fuck what you order me to do list. Sorry (well not really ;))
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NO NOT AT ALL. Why should I care? Please tell me. Biden. Pelosi, and Hunter all benefited from shady Ukraine deals. Clinton with the uranium and that corrupt Clinton Foundation. But you know what who cares they all do it. That's why so many of these politicians who weren't millionaires walk away from office millionaires. Stand by for sub to post his left wing BS.
NO NOT AT ALL. Why should I care? Please tell me. Biden. Pelosi, and Hunter all benefited from shady Ukraine deals. Clinton with the uranium and that corrupt Clinton Foundation. But you know what who cares they all do it. That's why so many of these politicians who weren't millionaires walk away from office millionaires. Stand by for sub to post his left wing BS.

Are you talking about the Ukraine deal that Trump tried to extort the president of the Ukraine into lying about? That went over like a lead balloon.

A lot of politicians make their money on books and speaking engagements. It's easy to tell how they made their money, because they release their tax returns. Trump refuses to do that, and refuses to divest himself from businesses that he profits from at the expense of the US taxpayer. And he's got a history of proven fraud with Trump "University" and the Trump charity, both of which were ****** to shut down.

It's pretty clear you have a very corrupt party leader when his only defense is "well Clinton did it too!" when Clinton isn't even running for president.
Are you talking about the Ukraine deal that Trump tried to extort the president of the Ukraine into lying about? That went over like a lead balloon.

A lot of politicians make their money on books and speaking engagements. It's easy to tell how they made their money, because they release their tax returns. Trump refuses to do that, and refuses to divest himself from businesses that he profits from at the expense of the US taxpayer. And he's got a history of proven fraud with Trump "University" and the Trump charity, both of which were ****** to shut down.

It's pretty clear you have a very corrupt party leader when his only defense is "well Clinton did it too!" when Clinton isn't even running for president.
I'm sorry you and anyone else can say what the want. Unless Trump commits a seriously heinous crime I am voting for him as well as many others.


Very typical site on boats here in FL. Now that I think of it and being totally honest. I have not seen one Biden hat/shirt/flag here yet.

1597790431549.png Just in case you need a better view
I notice no one fired anything back at me regards the one of many idiotic statements out of your illustrious leaders mouth....

"injecting disinfectant" :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

And you want to vote for this maniac? lol tells us how Dim you all are :LOL: the more people defend this moron the more stupid they look.

Keep up the good work guys! :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL: comedic gold!
I notice no one fired anything back at me regards the one of many idiotic statements out of your illustrious leaders mouth....

"injecting disinfectant" :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

And you want to vote for this maniac? lol tells us how Dim you all are :LOL: the more people defend this moron the more stupid they look.

Keep up the good work guys! :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL: comedic gold!
That's what it's all about. Except the difference between me and the hate filled liberals is I will accept what ever happens in November, continue on with my life, and not lose one wink of sleep over it. If it doesn't go the way I like then I'll chill until 2024 and see what that brings.
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