Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Republicans simply don't have much of anything to brag or boost about these days ... they've been too busy focusing on the Clintons & Obama to really pay attention to what their voters want or care. Here in NC we now have Senate Republican Tom Tillis wanting to provide expanded health care and income to help the covid-19 victims ... how amazing, too .... for 4 straight years he's been all against that stuff, suddenly the elections come up, its his TIME IN THE BARREL, and bingo, Tillis starts talking favorably about helping the citizens again. He's history HERE ... gone, the fuck'n buzzard.
We now have a choice in this country. We can either continue going down the road to oligarchy, the road we've been on since the Reagan years, or we can choose to go on the road to a more pluralistic society with working class people able to make it into the middle class.
This is a really big, important election ... I can't imagine any election more important. If voters won't turn out for this one, they won't turn out, PERIOD!

By the way, that avatar is perfect for you Sub ... good selection.
She was chosen for reasons beyond her political career???
Beyond running and winning real campaigns in the biggest city, and biggest state in the nation?
Beyond running the biggest AG's office in the country with thousands of employees?
Beyond proving her legal and constitutional intellect in hearings, on television?
Beyond running for President and proving she can handle the bs from the media?
Beyond NOT having a reputation for being soft on criminals, AND having one for supporting community programs to help people assimilate back into society after prison?
You can't say she is qualified? Because she is black and a woman?

Let's see, Trump never worked for anyone but his *******. He fucked up everything he tried to do on his own, except create media around his name. 5 business bankruptcies. Fucked over his own family members. Zero regular friends and aside from his ******* he actually like, no family support. Melania wouldn't even move into the White House until he changed his will to include Baron (what a dick).
Yet, he was qualified for the highest office in the land.

Pence was chosen because he was an anti-gay, evangelical. The base of the GOP.
He was also a shitty congressman, and embarrassing governor.
So, he was qualified, AND he appealed to the base voters of the GOP.

Harris, was elected SanFran City Attorney, California Attorney General, and to the United States Senate.
She is also a woman, and black. The base of the Democratic Party.
She is qualified, and appeals to base.

Stop exposing a racial or sexist or party hatred double standard. It doesn't look good on you.
If you read what I said...Not saying they are not qualified but unfortunate she was chosen for reasons beyond her political career. She is no more qualified or under qualified than the rest. My point is a black woman was going to be chosen regardless of qualification. And please don't insinuate the racist thing Libs are so good at. Did you read what I said about Candace Owens? Last time I checked she is a black woman who I would vote for in a second and hope she runs after Trumps re-election. Condoleeza Rice, a black woman, would also be someone I would cast my vote. So knock that stupid ******* off. Say all you want about Trump but that's not my point. Given the state of our country there was no doubt in my mind a black woman was going to be chosen. And that is what I think is a shame. If the country wasn't in the current state, racist Uncle Joe probably would have chosen a white woman and that is also a shame. Don't forget "if you don't vote for me you're not black." WTF?

Are you going to tell me black people didn't vote for Obama just because he is black? I voted for him in '08 because I liked what he had to say and I thought he was going to take the country in the right direction. The color of his skin had zero to do with my vote for him as it should be!

Pence didn't appeal to me. I didn't even know who he was and couldn't have cared less. All I knew was there was no way in hell I was voting for Hillary. Trump could have chosen Homer Simpson as VP and I still would have voted for him.
I would recommend a reading course for you. Basic.
This article was when Trump was still riding high the Obama economy.
While RL has actually become a billionaire (but down to about 800million now) unlike Donny T., he has taken on the interest of the high millionaire and billionaire class. However, he does have a couple of policy plans you might interesting:
What is it with you guys that don't have two nickels to rub together slobbering up to high millionaires and billionaires. How in the fuck, do they have your particular interests in mind?
Marco Rubio was your best chance to start a long Republican Rule the right way. He was young, articulate, looked white, quick political rise, hispanic, good story on his upbringing, good looking family. BUT, you let this rodeo clown of politics take over your party and while you are entertained because people like me get pissed off at his antics, you don't realize he's fucking up your ******* too. Even more.
Most don't realize that Candace Owens use to be a liberal - she woke up.

Fucking love her! She pretty much summed up what I was saying in my response to
Why Kamala Harris’s Stealth Radicalism Is Worse Than Bernie Democrats’ Open Radicalism
A thought police White House essentially run by Harris, while being portrayed as 'moderate' compared to the open socialism of Bernie Sanders, will be no less radical or dangerous.

Sumantra Maitra

By Sumantra Maitra
AUGUST 13, 2020

There are three certainties in life: Death is constant and absolute, sequels are almost always worse, and the Democrat establishment expects Joseph Robinette Biden to be a one-term (or less) president to pave the way for a “historic” female “leader of the free world.”
Liberals are very fond of superficial history-making. Their list could be anything from the first African-American president to the first non-binary demi-sexual paraplegic otherkin president. Now, doing that electorally might face a tiny problem, namely, the American people might not prefer the chosen female candidate.

So the only other way is to put someone in the VP spot who will graciously accept the burden when old Biden is pushed out, bows out, or worse. As inevitable as thunder after lightning, therefore, Biden picked Kamala Harris as his vice-presidential candidate.
So, what sort of a VP candidate will Harris be? This is a million-dollar question, since essentially this is a Harris-Biden ticket. Harris is the presidential candidate on this ticket in all but name. There is no question the main ******* behind this projected administration is and will be Harris, not Biden. Given her personality plus her youth and energy compared to Biden’s, she will likely be a huge factor in all major domestic decisions and even some foreign ones.
Unlike Biden, however, Harris will be the one getting all the fawning coverage, from her wardrobe choices to how “stunning and brave” she is. In a complete memory hole, it will be forgotten that she cynically accused Biden of being a racist and then laughed it off in private. Indeed, by her own “Believe Women” standards displayed during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing, she has now joined the team of a sexual predator. It is imperative therefore to contextualize her real ambition and capability from her rhetoric.
The fact of the matter is this: The potential Harris administration will be one of the most contradictory in the history of the modern United States. Throughout her failed presidential campaign, Harris tried to have it both ways, alternating between the smoldering thousand-yard stare of a trailblazing woman who “needs or fears no man,” to the wavering and wincing candidate withered by attacks from rivals like Tulsi Gabbard, to her routinely off-putting and artificial laughter (usually at her own “jokes”).

Politics is inherently performative, and American politics even more so, so one can understand the carefully crafted stage performance. But it’s not just her demeanor and tone — her policies are also a tangled nest of contradictions.
Harris opposes “authoritarian” Donald Trump on a ticket to “bring back normalcy,” but is herself likely to be the most authoritarian president in history. She says her potential executive actions include legislation to stop Big Pharma profiteering, unitary action on gun checks, a diktat to pass the Green New Deal, term limits on Supreme Court Justices, unliteral criminal procedures and incarceration reforms including massive amnesty for criminals in jail, censorship on social media, and using presidential powers to make ******* cheaper by snatching away patents from pharmaceutical companies.
Given the very real potential for a Republican minority in Congress, Harris may well be on course to coerce Biden to ram through all of these. She will likely have the opportunity to play the simultaneous parts of enforcer as well as the liberator, stabilizer as well as insurgent.
In reality, Harris is the swampiest of swampers and her elevation signifies a victory of the Democratic woke liberal establishment over the actual Bernie-Tulsi insurgents. Despite her terrible performance in a crowded primary field, Harris is a far better vice presidential pick than her two likely finalists, the shamelessly status-seeking Stacey Abrams and the foul-mouthed and incompetent Susan Rice.

Harris does possess a degree of administrative experience, although there’s no evidence she believes half of the things she says. Her cynicism, however, is a political gift and the reason she is so dangerous. Her administration, while superficially portrayed as “moderate” compared to the sledgehammer Sovietism of Bernie Sanders, will be no less radical.
Radicalism in stealth, with the administrative power to back it up, is often far more dangerous than open insurgency. Compare the quiet but rapid totalitarian changes happening just north of the border in Justin Trudeau’s Canada, to the linguistically challenged 1960s socialism rhetoric of Jeremy Corbyn in the United Kingdom.
As for Harris’s law enforcement background, true conservatives historically supported strong law and order, from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan, and even during Bill Clinton’s tough on crime days. To suddenly change to criticize that now just to oppose Harris will not win over any moderates or suburbanites who are rightfully worried about civil unrest and burning cities. The concern should not be that she’s a strict law-enforcer, the concern is what selective laws will she be enforcing.
Will she, for instance, take on the Antifa and other domestic left-wing radicals? Or, will she focus on feminism in college campuses and censorship on social media? Conservatives would do far better if they point out that Kamala will probably not be tough on real crimes, such as violence, riots, and arson, but she will most certainly be active in the burgeoning neo-Marxist field of “thought-crime.”

The woke establishment wants social change from within, from school curricula to seizing guns, to Title IX and campus feminism. That is what makes them stealthy and far more dangerous than Sanders. That trend is set to continue with Harris in such a prominent position and with such a large microphone.
Unfortunately, the Obama-Obama-Trump working-class voters don’t look to gain anything from a Biden-Harris administration. A return to the status quo is essentially a return to a world where the rich signal their virtues while the working class continues to be hammered by low-skill migration, stifling totalitarian campus-culture, civil unrest, and performative anti-patriotism. The much-vaunted return to “normalcy” will therefore also be a reversal to a world that has long passed so many Americans by.
Barack Obama reportedly said: 'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f... things up'..... Ain't that the Truth

Nick Allen
The TelegraphAugust 15, 2020

Biden - Reuters

Biden - Reuters
Barack Obama reportedly expressed private doubts about Joe Biden becoming the Democrat presidential nominee in 2020.
According to Politico the former president told one Democrat: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f... things up."
Mr Obama was also said to have spoken about his own understanding of the 2020 Democrat electorate in Iowa.
"And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden," he reportedly said.
There were said to have been lingering tensions between the two after Mr Obama supported Hillary Clinton for the nomination in 2016.
Related: Biden's friendship with Obama influencing his VP pick

Biden's Friendship With Obama Likely Influencing His VP Pick

Leon Panetta, Mr Obama’s defence secretary, told Politico: "He [Mr Biden] was loyal, I think, to Obama in every way in terms of defending and standing by him, even probably when he disagreed with what Obama was doing.
"To some extent, [he] oftentimes felt that that loyalty was not being rewarded.”
Some of Mr Obama's aides were said to have believed Mr Biden took discussions in the wrong direction when he was vice president.
In his book Ben Rhodes, Mr Obama’s former deputy national security adviser, wrote that "in the Situation Room, Biden could be something of an unguided missile”.
Mr Biden's aides were said to have believed his skills getting things achieved in Congress were under-appreciated.
Since Mr Biden secured the Democrat nomination Mr Obama has enthusiastically backed him and will be a keynote speaker at the Democrat Convention next week.
If you read what I said...Not saying they are not qualified but unfortunate she was chosen for reasons beyond her political career. She is no more qualified or under qualified than the rest. My point is a black woman was going to be chosen regardless of qualification. And please don't insinuate the racist thing Libs are so good at. Did you read what I said about Candace Owens? Last time I checked she is a black woman who I would vote for in a second and hope she runs after Trumps re-election. Condoleeza Rice, a black woman, would also be someone I would cast my vote. So knock that stupid ******* off. Say all you want about Trump but that's not my point. Given the state of our country there was no doubt in my mind a black woman was going to be chosen. And that is what I think is a shame. If the country wasn't in the current state, racist Uncle Joe probably would have chosen a white woman and that is also a shame. Don't forget "if you don't vote for me you're not black." WTF?

Are you going to tell me black people didn't vote for Obama just because he is black? I voted for him in '08 because I liked what he had to say and I thought he was going to take the country in the right direction. The color of his skin had zero to do with my vote for him as it should be!

Pence didn't appeal to me. I didn't even know who he was and couldn't have cared less. All I knew was there was no way in hell I was voting for Hillary. Trump could have chosen Homer Simpson as VP and I still would have voted for him.

well are you trying to apply your standards to the rest of the country...…..most are more interested in what can make the country run

Biden said way back he was going to pick a woman and probably a black woman.....and when harris dropped out of the race....biden stated then that she would be a good candidate...….throw in Bidens ******* working with and knowing her...….she was way above the others right from the start

knock off the stupid *******?

Remember when I asked for your opinion? Well, me neither.
Barack Obama reportedly said: 'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f... things up'..... Ain't that the Truth

Nick Allen
The TelegraphAugust 15, 2020

Biden - Reuters

Biden - Reuters
Barack Obama reportedly expressed private doubts about Joe Biden becoming the Democrat presidential nominee in 2020.
According to Politico the former president told one Democrat: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f... things up."
Mr Obama was also said to have spoken about his own understanding of the 2020 Democrat electorate in Iowa.
"And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden," he reportedly said.
There were said to have been lingering tensions between the two after Mr Obama supported Hillary Clinton for the nomination in 2016.
Related: Biden's friendship with Obama influencing his VP pick

Biden's Friendship With Obama Likely Influencing His VP Pick

Leon Panetta, Mr Obama’s defence secretary, told Politico: "He [Mr Biden] was loyal, I think, to Obama in every way in terms of defending and standing by him, even probably when he disagreed with what Obama was doing.
"To some extent, [he] oftentimes felt that that loyalty was not being rewarded.”
Some of Mr Obama's aides were said to have believed Mr Biden took discussions in the wrong direction when he was vice president.
In his book Ben Rhodes, Mr Obama’s former deputy national security adviser, wrote that "in the Situation Room, Biden could be something of an unguided missile”.
Mr Biden's aides were said to have believed his skills getting things achieved in Congress were under-appreciated.
Since Mr Biden secured the Democrat nomination Mr Obama has enthusiastically backed him and will be a keynote speaker at the Democrat Convention next week.

sure Obama hated Biden...….that is why he picked him for VP....AND he is campaigning hard for Biden

Why don't you go outside and play hide and go f*ck yourself
The funny thing is you can attack Biden all you want, and people on the left will just agree with you that he sucks but we're still going to vote for him. It's a lot of wasted breath.
The funny thing is you can attack Biden all you want, and people on the left will just agree with you that he sucks but we're still going to vote for him. It's a lot of wasted breath.
Well that's one thing we can agree on. Exactly why no matter how much garbage sub posts about Trump we're still going to vote for him!
That seems like a fair question, since it sounds like you're agreeing that Trump is as bad as everyone is saying (as I'm agreeing that Biden is pretty lame).
Why do you like Trump?
It's not so much that I like Trump. It's what I despise about the Democratic party. Regardless of what anyone thinks of the person who occupies the office no President whether R or D should ever have to go through what Trump has endured. Another reason is the biased left wing media. If any of you liberals can't see the hypocrisy, narrative shaped news reports, admitted targeting, purposeful divisive reporting, etc. then you truly have your collective heads in the sand. If Biden was able to maintain his moderate position I probably wouldn't care so much about who wins this election. Unfortunately he will be influenced by the likes of AOC, and the other socialists. A direction I hope never happens.

So if you guys can drum up a decent candidate for 2024 I might consider him/her. But until then I'm sticking with the orange guy!
It's not so much that I like Trump. It's what I despise about the Democratic party. Regardless of what anyone thinks of the person who occupies the office no President whether R or D should ever have to go through what Trump has endured.

Yes, he is a weak little baby. This presidency must have been hard on him. My heart goes out.

If Biden was able to maintain his moderate position I probably wouldn't care so much about who wins this election. Unfortunately he will be influenced by the likes of AOC, and the other socialists. A direction I hope never happens.

So if you guys can drum up a decent candidate for 2024 I might consider him/her. But until then I'm sticking with the orange guy!

Biden was already the most centrist candidate, except for maybe Pete Buttigeig. If you assume that Biden is going to be influenced by the left (a prediction that I would like to see, but really don't think will happen), then certainly no other candidate would actually meet your imaginary goalpost here.

So what exactly do you despise about the Democratic party? That they say mean things about our weak baby-in-chief?
should ever have to go through what Trump has endured.

Jail should be at the top of the list....and if he hadn't been protected by the right and their party over country he might have been....and that doesn't even cover the laws he has broken since being the cumander n thief.....he has not fulfilled one of his promises before getting the job…..especially the one about acting very presidential
Yes, he is a weak little baby. This presidency must have been hard on him. My heart goes out.

Biden was already the most centrist candidate, except for maybe Pete Buttigeig. If you assume that Biden is going to be influenced by the left (a prediction that I would like to see, but really don't think will happen), then certainly no other candidate would actually meet your imaginary goalpost here.

So what exactly do you despise about the Democratic party? That they say mean things about our weak baby-in-chief?
I think that's what I'm saying. However, he will end up drifting far left of center and succumb to the radicals.

It's not what the Democratic party says to our, as you so eloquently put, "weak baby-in-chief." It's what they did. Pelosi and her goons are a disgrace. During the Barr hearing before the Judiciary committee the Democrats would not allow him to answer their questions. Why? because they want the ignorant to believe that Hmmm maybe he is hiding something since he didn't answer and they don't want to hear the truth. It was disgusting! I was embarrassed for the D's.
Pretty sure Barr is able to speak as much as he wants outside of the hearing that the judiciary committee was running with a specific purpose.

Despite what Breitbart and Fox News tells you, a judiciary committee hearing is not the only time in a person's life they are allowed to speak or make press releases.
Pretty sure Barr is able to speak as much as he wants outside of the hearing that the judiciary committee was running with a specific purpose.

Despite what Breitbart and Fox News tells you, a judiciary committee hearing is not the only time in a person's life they are allowed to speak or make press releases.
They told me nothing. I have a mine of my own and can think for myself. Something many liberals don't/can't. I watched the hearing live and it was ridiculous.
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