Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Didn't Trump also disband the little voting fraud investigation before they released their results to the public?

Most transparent president ever, ladies and gentlemen.
Why is everyone so mad at Trump for dismantling the Post Office? Can't have voter fraud if nobody can vote
Not receiving your medication in time is a small price to pay to guarantee the security of our election by preventing as much voting as possible.
So true ... Trump's an ultra-far right thinker ... can't blame him for trying, and to think, he may or may NOT succeed at his various quests. This guy is open to do practically anything and everything to obtain his goal of a second term. More and more Republicans are favoring & moving to nationalism, and Trump's determine, as he makes changes, just how many US citizens are even paying attention to what he's doing. Its obvious the Republicans are not going to make an attempt to stop him until they can determine who's going to be on the winning side.
So, Trump will persist with making covid-19 worse for the country (as planned) with his Trump logic, and he'll hope he can eliminate some of the drag on the country by killing off the older generations he feels don't contribute anymore.
He's a dictator, he favors total control, hates democracy ... when (if we wake up) we remove him, we need to remove him "in total". Trump cheats; if everyone on the other side cheats, we're really no different than Trump. Its not going to be easy. I hope the election will bring out a larger portion of voters than ever before ... this one is about the country's existence.
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As you've been told before, Pew Research has shown that among the three generational groups old enough to have lived through the great Ronald Reagan era, he is across the board the considered the greatest of presidents.
h-h, I suspect Reagan's popularity (at least initially) was more about name recognition and acting popularity than anything. A lot of Democrats voted for him, initially, over Jimmy Carter, as the country was awash in high inflation at the time, passed on by the previous 12 years of conservative thinking. Then Reagan gave his infamous TV "sales talks" with his cute little charts, sold the entire US on "trickle down" and how tax cuts for the wealthy would create new opportunities for the middleclass, etc ... Republicans liked it so much, plus the President's electability, and BINGO the Nat'l Debt and Deficit Spending took off in a whirlpool of stupidity ... let the younger folks pay for this, they basically said. So, here we are today with a $23Trillion debt, deficit spending into the 7 digits with NO CEILING in sight ... Republicans will again make themselves richer, then pass the problem of the "hangover" to the younger generations & the Democrats to FIX. Recycle - recycle - recycle. You should be so proud of the party that is NOW supporting the dictator-to-be Trump.
h-h, I suspect Reagan's popularity (at least initially) was more about name recognition and acting popularity than anything.
Initial popularity? The Pew research I cited was done in 2018. Given your demonstrated poor math skills, let me just point out that is ~30 years AFTER Reagan left office.....of course you just have to try to argue something...anything to try to impress the other dolts.

A lot of Democrats voted for him, initially, over Jimmy Carter, as the country was awash in high inflation at the time, passed on by the previous 12 years of conservative thinking.
Carter was elected in 1976 when inflation was 5.8%. By the 1980 election, after 4 years of Carter's "leadership" the inflation rate was 13.5%. Given your demonstrated poor math skills, let me just point out that 13.5% is more than double the 5.8% inflation Carter inherited.

Carter had F'd up the economy so much the evening news used to give us regular updates on the latest "misery index" value.
Reagan was the guy who sold guns to Iran (illegally) and used the money to fund right-wing paramilitaries in Nicaragua (illegally), right?

Sounds like a good guy. His trickle-down economics seem to have worked great too.
Carter had F'd up the economy so much the evening news used to give us regular updates on the latest "misery index" value.

Carter was only in for a single term, and it was during a massive oil crisis. Cute that a president can somehow be responsible for a world-wide oil crisis but not for a national pandemic he was clearly warned about months before.
Actually come to think about it, the oil crisis started because of CIA involvement in Iran resulting in the revolution that brough Khomeini to power. So if any president was responsible, it was Eisenhower (same guy that left his brother-in-law in charge of the CIA and green-lit a bloody coup to remove the democratic president of Guatemala so that his BIL's fruit company didn't have to pay taxes or follow labor laws, and could machine gun workers down with impunity)
Cute that a president can somehow be responsible for a world-wide oil crisis
Cute that you would make such poor attempts at strawman arguments with me.
but not for a national pandemic he was clearly warned about months before
A "national pandemic"...you might want to educate yourself so you don't say something so stupid again...oh hell, go on....your fellow dolts will never know the difference anyway....
H-H already knows everything you've said, ridgely, he's starving for attention, the poor guy. Lost his job, lost his wife, sitting at home with absolutely nothing to do as he bask himself in right wing fantasies & bs. At his age, he's past looking for jobs now ... probably struggling with dimentia and incontinence as well. Sits at home in his shitty britches waiting for someone to come change him.
Its best to simply ignore his posts, otherwise, he'll attach to you like a tick.
H-H already knows everything you've said, ridgely, he's starving for attention, the poor guy. Lost his job, lost his wife, sitting at home with absolutely nothing to do as he bask himself in right wing fantasies & bs. At his age, he's past looking for jobs now ... probably struggling with dimentia and incontinence as well. Sits at home in his shitty britches waiting for someone to come change him.
Its best to simply ignore his posts, otherwise, he'll attach to you like a tick.
such stunning intellect....quite commensurate with your demonstrated math and English "skills"
Initial popularity? The Pew research I cited was done in 2018. Given your demonstrated poor math skills, let me just point out that is ~30 years AFTER Reagan left office.....of course you just have to try to argue something...anything to try to impress the other dolts.

Carter was elected in 1976 when inflation was 5.8%. By the 1980 election, after 4 years of Carter's "leadership" the inflation rate was 13.5%. Given your demonstrated poor math skills, let me just point out that 13.5% is more than double the 5.8% inflation Carter inherited.

Carter had F'd up the economy so much the evening news used to give us regular updates on the latest "misery index" value.

wrong again there motor mouth....we rely on facts here...not your Trumpism version of them....test your reading and comprehension skills here

How Reagan Destroyed America & The Middle Class

Reagan is directly responsible for destroying the Middle Class of America, and I am not the only one who thinks so. A number of political analysts have written on this very subject.

James Joiner on allvoices.com calls him "the destroyer of main street" and "the ******* of this nightmare we are living.

He goes on to state of the Republicans: "They call themselves the party of Ronald Reagan! That scares the hell out of me because Reagan was the ******* of the war mongering high Deficit compassionate Conservatives that gave Birth to much war present and future unless Obama can turn around the disaster they created around the world with their war mongering!" (http://www.allvoices.com/contribute...in-street-and-a-ronald-reagan-jr-i-agree-with).

Pablo Mayhew, a columnist on rawstory.com goes so far as to refer to Reagan as a criminal no better than his Republican predecessor, Richard Nixon. He relates Reagan's role in the Iran-Contra affair in which Reagan pled "forgetfulness" when pressed about it.

Mayhew concludes with these words: " as one great writer has contended, that Richard Nixon broke the heart of the American Dream, then Reagan broke its back Now.... the American Dream is clearly down for the count." (http://www.rawstory.com/exclusives/mayhew/reagan_destroyed_american_dream.htm)

And listen to what Thom Hartmann, prominent television and radio talk show host and commentator, had to say about the devastation today on our economy that was the direct result, he reports, of Reaganomics when he appeared as a guest on
Dateline just prior to Obama taking office.

"when Reagan came into office we were the largest exporter of manufacturing goods and the largest importer of raw materials on the planet. And, the largest creditor--more people owed us money than anybody else in the world. Now, just 28 years later, we're the largest importer of finished goods, manufactured goods; the largest exporter of raw materials--which is kind of the definition of a third-world nation -- and we're the most in-debt of any country in the world. This is the absolute consequence of Reaganomics." (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thom-hartmann/thom-hartmann-defends-the_b_150964.html)

These graphs bear out exactly what all these people have been saying about Reagan being directly responsible for destroying America and the Middle Class. In looking at these pay particulular attention to 1981, the year Reagan took office.

Obviously, George H. Bush, Clinton, and Gorge W could have reversed this trend; instead, they, for the most part became keepers and harbingers of it.

Working people's share of the benefits from increased productivity took a sudden turn down:

This resulted in intense concentration of wealth at the top:

And ****** working people to spend down savings to get by:

Which ****** working people to go into debt: (total household debt aspercentage of GDP)

"Conservative policies transformed the United States from the largest
creditor nation to the largest debtor nation in just a few years, and it has only gotten worse since then: " So avows the author who researched the subject and collected the graphs. (http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2010062415/reagan-revolution-home-roost-charts)

You can find all kinds of books and articles praising Reagan, but what I have presented are the cold, hard facts about what the man did to our economy with his Reaganomics. For those who would like to read more on this subject, go to:

Reagan Revolution Home To Roost: America Drowning In Debt
Reagan Revolution Home To Roost: America IsCrumbling
Finance, Mine, Oil & Debt Disasters: THIS Is Deregulation

Reaganomics killed America’s middle class

This country’s fate was sealed when our government slashed taxes on the rich back in 1980

There's nothing "normal" about having a middle class. Having a middle class is a choice that a society has to make, and it's a choice we need to make again in this generation, if we want to stop the destruction of the remnants of the last generation's middle class.

Despite what you might read in the Wall Street Journal or see on Fox News, capitalism is not an economic system that produces a middle class. In fact, if left to its own devices, capitalism tends towards vast levels of inequality and monopoly. The natural and most stable state of capitalism actually looks a lot like the Victorian England depicted in Charles Dickens' novels.

At the top there is a very small class of superrich. Below them, there is a slightly larger, but still very small, "middle" class of professionals and mercantilists - doctor, lawyers, shop-owners - who help keep things running for the superrich and supply the working poor with their needs. And at the very bottom there is the great mass of people - typically over 90 percent of the population - who make up the working poor. They have no wealth - in fact they're typically in debt most of their lives - and can barely survive on what little money they make.

So, for average working people, there is no such thing as a middle class in "normal" capitalism. Wealth accumulates at the very top among the elites, not among everyday working people. Inequality is the default option.

You can see this trend today in America. When we had heavily regulated and taxed capitalism in the post-war era, the largest employer in America was General Motors, and they paid working people what would be, in today's dollars, about $50 an hour with benefits. Reagan began deregulating and cutting taxes on capitalism in 1981, and today, with more classical "raw capitalism," what we call "Reaganomics," or "supply side economics," our nation's largest employer is WalMart and they pay around $10 an hour.

This is how quickly capitalism reorients itself when the brakes of regulation and taxes are removed - this huge change was done in less than 35 years.

The only ways a working-class "middle class" can come about in a capitalist society are by massive social upheaval - a middle class emerged after the Black Plague in Europe in the 14th century - or by heavily taxing the rich.

French economist Thomas Piketty has talked about this at great length in his groundbreaking new book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century. He argues that the middle class that came about in Western Europe and the United States during the mid-twentieth was the direct result of a peculiar set of historical events.

According to Piketty, the post-World War II middle class was created by two major things: the destruction of European inherited wealth during the war and higher taxes on the rich, most of which were rationalized by the war. This brought wealth and income at the top down, and raised working people up into a middle class.

Piketty is right, especially about the importance of high marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes being necessary for the creation of a middle class that includes working-class people. Progressive taxation, when done correctly, pushes wages down to working people and reduces the incentives for the very rich to pillage their companies or rip off their workers. After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

This is the main reason why, when GM was our largest employer and our working class were also in the middle class, CEOs only took home 30 times what working people did. The top tax rate for all the time America's middle class was created was between 74 and 91 percent. Until, of course, Reagan dropped it to 28 percent and working people moved from the middle class to becoming the working poor.

Other policies, like protective tariffs and strong labor laws also help build a middle class, but progressive taxation is the most important because it is the most direct way to transfer money from the rich to the working poor, and to create a disincentive to theft or monopoly by those at the top.

History shows how important high taxes on the rich are for creating a strong middle class.

If you compare a chart showing the historical top income tax rate over the course of the twentieth century with a chart of income inequality in the United States over roughly the same time period, you'll see that the period with the highest taxes on the rich - the period between the Roosevelt and Reagan administrations - was also the period with the lowest levels of economic inequality.

You'll also notice that since marginal tax rates started to plummet during the Reagan years, income inequality has skyrocketed.

Even more striking, during those same 33 years since Reagan took office and started cutting taxes on the rich, income levels for the top 1 percent have ballooned while income levels for everyone else have stayed pretty much flat.

Coincidence? I think not.

Creating a middle class is always a choice, and by embracing Reaganomics and cutting taxes on the rich, we decided back in 1980 not to have a middle class within a generation or two. George H.W. Bush saw this, and correctly called it "Voodoo Economics." And we're still in the era of Reaganomics - as President Obama recently pointed out, Reagan was a successful revolutionary.

This, of course, is exactly what conservatives always push for. When wealth is spread more equally among all parts of society, people start to expect more from society and start demanding more rights. That leads to social instability, which is feared and hated by conservatives, even though revolutionaries and liberals like Thomas Jefferson welcome it.

And, as Kirk and Buckley predicted back in the 1950s, this is exactly what happened in the 1960s and '70s when taxes on the rich were at their highest. The Civil Rights movement, the women's movement, the consumer movement, the anti-war movement, and the environmental movement - social movements that grew out of the wealth and rising expectations of the post-World War II era's middle class - these all terrified conservatives. Which is why ever since they took power in 1980, they've made gutting working people out of the middle class their number one goal.

We now have a choice in this country. We can either continue going down the road to oligarchy, the road we've been on since the Reagan years, or we can choose to go on the road to a more pluralistic society with working class people able to make it into the middle class. We can't have both.

And if we want to go down the road to letting working people back into the middle class, it all starts with taxing the rich.

The time is long past due for us to roll back the Reagan tax cuts.

yes I have posted this before...but your reading and comprehension skills seem to be lacking...…..but with the way you education system is in Kansas I can understand that
I love her! She speaks the truth. Because she doesn't buy into the fucked liberal narrative and has a mind of her own she is called a sellout. She'd have my vote in 2024. Hell she should have sign up for 2020!

BET Billionaire Predicts Trump 2020 Presidency
Emily Adeyanju

Emily Adeyanju
Posted on March 27, 2020
BET Billionaire Predicts Trump 2020 Presidency

Photo Credit: Getty Images
Although the 2020 election is nearly one year away, BET founder Robert L. Johnson has already predicted the outcome. In a recent CNBC interview, the billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist projected President Donald Trump’s win based on the President’s strategic ability to turn the tide of news cycles and to make himself the lead story.
In the past, Johnson has also touted the President’s economic success. In July, Johnson discussed the upward economic trend with CNBC, indicating record lows of black unemployment. More recently, in an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Johnson spoke about his ability to speak with President about various issues, aiming to give credit where credit is due, “…when I see a president doing positive things, particularly for African Americans.” When asked if a particular 2020 presidential candidate had clenched his vote, Johnson clarified, “I don’t think it’s fundamentally in the best interests of African Americans to be locked up in one party.
Published August 12
Polls are wrong, Trump will beat Biden: Billionaire fund manager Gundlach
Finance titan correctly predicted Trump's victory in 2016
I would recommend a reading course for you. Basic.
This article was when Trump was still riding high the Obama economy.
While RL has actually become a billionaire (but down to about 800million now) unlike Donny T., he has taken on the interest of the high millionaire and billionaire class. However, he does have a couple of policy plans you might interesting:
What is it with you guys that don't have two nickels to rub together slobbering up to high millionaires and billionaires. How in the fuck, do they have your particular interests in mind?
Marco Rubio was your best chance to start a long Republican Rule the right way. He was young, articulate, looked white, quick political rise, hispanic, good story on his upbringing, good looking family. BUT, you let this rodeo clown of politics take over your party and while you are entertained because people like me get pissed off at his antics, you don't realize he's fucking up your ******* too. Even more.
What is it with you guys that don't have two nickels to rub together slobbering up to high millionaires and billionaires. How in the fuck, do they have your particular interests in mind?

It's a love of social hierarchy. Probably why they're all into submissive sex as well. They want some betters to worship and toady up to.
Unfortunately Mac that was a pretty easy prediction and you know it. Trump for many, myself included, was the “lesser”of two evils. Of the 20 plus Candidates who ran, Biden overall is in that same position for Democrats. I would have preferred Susan Rice over Kon Kamala. However, the patronizing liberals would have chosen one of them even if their only qualification was a burger flipper at McDonalds. Not saying they are not qualified but unfortunate she was chosen for reasons beyond her political career.
She was chosen for reasons beyond her political career???
Beyond running and winning real campaigns in the biggest city, and biggest state in the nation?
Beyond running the biggest AG's office in the country with thousands of employees?
Beyond proving her legal and constitutional intellect in hearings, on television?
Beyond running for President and proving she can handle the bs from the media?
Beyond NOT having a reputation for being soft on criminals, AND having one for supporting community programs to help people assimilate back into society after prison?
You can't say she is qualified? Because she is black and a woman?

Let's see, Trump never worked for anyone but his *******. He fucked up everything he tried to do on his own, except create media around his name. 5 business bankruptcies. Fucked over his own family members. Zero regular friends and aside from his ******* he actually like, no family support. Melania wouldn't even move into the White House until he changed his will to include Baron (what a dick).
Yet, he was qualified for the highest office in the land.

Pence was chosen because he was an anti-gay, evangelical. The base of the GOP.
He was also a shitty congressman, and embarrassing governor.
So, he was qualified, AND he appealed to the base voters of the GOP.

Harris, was elected SanFran City Attorney, California Attorney General, and to the United States Senate.
She is also a woman, and black. The base of the Democratic Party.
She is qualified, and appeals to base.

Stop exposing a racial or sexist or party hatred double standard. It doesn't look good on you.
Candace Owens is without a doubt an amazing woman. Candace destroyed Nadler and all his left wing flunkies when she was a witness for her cause in front of the democrat lead house of representatives, she nailed them along with the blond witness. She is so great because she knows her stuff and she is on the right because of it.
You like her, don't you?
Maybe because she is nothing but a con artist, like ol' Donnie T. Let's review her climb into the public eye:

Lawsuit With the NAACP
Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit. In 2007, she accused some white boys of racially harassing and threatening to ******* her. Owens claimed the boys were the ******* of then-Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy, Connecticut’s former governor. Because of the NAACP, Owens’ family received a settlement of $37,500 from Stamford Public Schools

Anti-Trump Website
In May of 2018, BuzzFeed reported that Candace Owens was the CEO of an anti-Trump, liberal-leaning website called Degree180. Owens wrote in 2015 that it was “good news” that the “Republican Tea Party … will eventually die off (peacefully in their sleep, we hope).”
Degree180 also talked about Trump’s penis size and him being racist with an immigrant wife.
The site reportedly shut down by the end of 2016 and Owens magically “came out” as a conservative on YouTube a few months later.

Fox News
By March of 2018, Owens was slithering onto TV stations and finally made it to Fox News. She spit out a line that went viral and made her a darling of pseudo-conservatives. Owens said the National Rifle Association was founded as a civil rights organization that protected Black people from the KKK. Even the Fox News host said, “I’ve never heard that before! That’s so interesting!” She never heard it before, either, because it was a lie.
PolitiFact confirmed she lied or is just willfully ignorant. According to the NRA’s own web site, “Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. The primary goal of the association would be to ‘promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis,’ according to a magazine editorial written by Church.”

Another Lawsuit, To Keep From Paying Rent
Back in January of this year, Owens attacked New York Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez for being “fiscally irresponsible” because the newly elected congresswoman couldn’t afford an apartment in Washington, D.C. However, reporter Nathan Bernard exposed Owens by posting a lawsuit that showed “she rented a $3,500 apartment, lived there for six months rent-free, then claimed she had gotten ‘toxic mold sickness’ and threatened to sue her landlord to avoid paying rent.”
She allegedly stopped paying rent in September of 2016 and was evicted in January of 2017, which coincides with her “coming out” as a conservative only months later.
As for the mold claims, a legal analyst told Bernard Media, “The obvious question is if the place was so unlivable why stay there 6 months, even rent free? Why not get out of there especially if you can afford an apartment for $3,500? It’s not difficult to identify a toxic mold infestation either. If you started to exhibit symptoms that seemed related to the infestation, why not notify a doctor immediately? Also, why sue a year later after moving out? There are a lot of questions that arise on first glance at this case. She’s going to have a huge burden of proof at trial.”

Her term Blexit, which got her embarrassed by Kanye West who implied she “used” him, is a slogan that was stolen from the Bank Black movement.
In addition, Owens’ Blexit site is packed with historical inaccuracies. Historian Kevin Kruse broke this down for her on Twitter and he was blocked. The thread is an excellent read packed with facts.
Within only a few years, Owens had two failed internet projects, didn’t pay rent and then somehow became a conservative, landing a job at Turning Point USA. She is now known for outlandish language. She said Hitler only wanted to make Germany “great again.”
After the horrific mail bombs sent to Democrats back in October, she tweeted then deleted, “I’m going to go ahead and state that there is a 0% chance that these ‘suspicious packages’ were sent out by conservatives. The only thing ‘suspicious’ about these packages is their timing. Caravans, fake bomb threats—these leftists are going ALL OUT for midterms.”

Black Conservative Denounce Candace Owens

Initial popularity? The Pew research I cited was done in 2018. Given your demonstrated poor math skills, let me just point out that is ~30 years AFTER Reagan left office.....of course you just have to try to argue something...anything to try to impress the other dolts.

Carter was elected in 1976 when inflation was 5.8%. By the 1980 election, after 4 years of Carter's "leadership" the inflation rate was 13.5%. Given your demonstrated poor math skills, let me just point out that 13.5% is more than double the 5.8% inflation Carter inherited.

Carter had F'd up the economy so much the evening news used to give us regular updates on the latest "misery index" value.
Carter actually has the fourth highest job creation numbers, right behind Reagan. He is the only one in the top ten who did it in one term. Number eleven is Kennedy. Of course, numbers one and two are Clinton and Roosevelt.
I don't know where Trump gets this 'like nobody has ever seen' line from. We've seen much better in the last 100 years. Hell, in the last 20 years. WTF- the last four years.
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