Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Can I bring your fat assed horny wife into this? The one you haven't been able to satisfy for at least ten years?
Sure, why don't you do just that, afterall, I'm pissing you off everytime I respond rather than letting your comment ride ... because I KNOW it pisses yuo off.
Hell, I'll be more than glad to post a small photo of my wife & me in private, if you like. Or hell I'll do it here ... I don't give a rat's ass. You should see who's making you look lilke a horse's ass tonight.
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Now I DO recall you saying earlier that you WISHED I was a Republican so you could really lay into me.... well, hell, why should the party we represent and support have any bearing on that ... you want my ass, come get it. OR, just say let's call a TRUCE, until after November. I'll do whatever you wish to do ... you started the insulting. Are you man enough to call a TRUCE, or should our feud here continue?

PS ... by the way, my wife & I have been together 22 years now ... soon 23 in September. We have two awesome teenagers ... one's gonna be a veterinary, the other ... my *******, still pondering at 15.
Now I DO recall you saying earlier that you WISHED I was a Republican so you could really lay into me.... well, hell, why should the party we represent and support have any bearing on that ... you want my ass, come get it. OR, just say let's call a TRUCE, until after November. I'll do whatever you wish to do ... you started the insulting. Are you man enough to call a TRUCE, or should our feud here continue?

PS ... by the way, my wife & I have been together 22 years now ... soon 23 in September. We have two awesome teenagers ... one's gonna be a veterinary, the other ... my *******, still pondering at 15.
I'll get your ass when it's time to get it. For now, I am much better at politics and policy, not personal.

My ex wife and I are still close and good friends and co-parents. Our marriage ran out of gas. We both have other people and get along well with them. My sons never, ever heard us argue or me use insulting language. That was on purpose. I didn't just drop ******* in her, we planned on when to have them, and how to raise them.

They are well adjusted, top of their class, good athletes and most important compassionate, older teens. That false bravado and macho bullshit is not in them. Again, aggressive athletes but, kind and considerate. Good young men. We put a lot of time into them growing up to be the young men they are. Which is why I go fucking ballistic when I read people generalizing blacks. If I believed that all white people are bad and cops are bad (which would be news to me. The CPD and CFD are literally my family), then I would have raised them in a different manner. And when I see ******* like George Floyd, or Trump moving troops against peaceful protestors, or Tamil Rice's death, it scares and angers the ******* out of me as a parent. Gang crime, and ******* crime, and those kind of murders, they can avoid by not being in those neighborhoods or being around people like that. Police though, you have to deal with them. It should not be a life or death dealing if you are not fucking up.
It might be about time someone brings up the topic of TREASON!

Trump Opposes Funding for Postal Service, Says U.S. ‘Can’t Have’ Mail-In Voting Without It
The comments fueled allegations that Trump is blocking funding to the Postal Service to suppress voter participation in November.

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he remains opposed to billions of dollars in funding for the U.S. Postal Service, noting that his position would deprive the service of money needed to process mail-in ballots this November.

Trump's comments, which linked his long-standing opposition to mail-in ballots with his refusal to OK more funding for the cash-strapped Postal Service, fueled accusations that he is manipulating the postal system for political gain and to suppress voter participation.

The comments also come amid mounting concerns from Democrats over recent changes at the Postal Service and potential political interference at the agency ahead of the election.

During an interview on Fox Business, Trump said Democrats' requests for $3.5 billion in funding for election resources and $25 billion in emergency funding for the Postal Service were sticking points during negotiations over another coronavirus stimulus package.

He also repeated allegations that mail-in voting will lead to voter fraud. Experts say there is not widespread voter fraud in the U.S., and there is no evidence that increased mail-in voting would lead to fraud.

"Now, they need that money in order to have the post office work, so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots," Trump said.

"But if they don't get those two items that means you can't have universal mail-in voting because they're not equipped to have it," Trump said.

Trump has railed against mail-in voting for months, attempting to draw a distinction between mail-in voting and absentee voting, which he has encouraged. Though the phrases are often used interchangeably, there is a slight difference: Absentee voting requires voters to request a ballot, and in some cases provide an excuse, while a small number states automatically send voters ballots in the mail, a process sometimes dubbed "universal mail-in voting."

A stimulus bill passed by the Democratic-controlled House earlier this summer approved $25 billion in funding for the Postal Service, which is facing massive budget shortfalls amid the coronavirus pandemic. That measure was dead on arrival in the Republican-controlled Senate, and Democrats have since been pushing for $10 billion for the Postal Service in now-stalled negotiations over a compromise stimulus package.

In July, a bipartisan group of senators, led by Republican Sen. Susan Collins from Maine, supported a bill to give the Postal Service $25 billion in funding

A spokesperson for former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, said Trump was "sabotaging" the Postal Service to deprive people of the right to vote.

"The President of the United States is sabotaging a basic service that hundred of million of people rely upon, cutting a critical lifeline for rural economies and for delivery of medicines, because he wants to deprive Americans of their fundamental right to vote safely during the most catastrophic public health crisis in over 100 years," Biden campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement.

Rep. Gerry Connolly, Virginia Democrat, said Trump's comments Thursday illustrate that the president is holding up funding to the Postal Service to limit voting in November.

Trump-appointed USPS Postmaster General plans to slow mail ...
Jul 24, 2020 · Everything to know about Trump’s executive order. Finance. People are paying hundreds for Fyre Festival merch. Tech. Uber, Lyft must convert drivers into employees, judge rules. Most Popular.

Donald Trump is destroying the Post Office
Jul 16, 2020 · Trump, meanwhile, has demanded the USPS quadruple its rates on packages. This betrays an alarming lack of understanding about what makes the USPS work. Its primary advantage is daily, inexpensive...

Trump’s Postal Service Meddling Could Blow Up the Election ...
Jul 31, 2020 · Trump has vowed to “never let our Post Office fail,” but he has been attacking the service for years, claiming mismanagement. For a long time, it seemed the United States Postal Service
The Forward to Michael Cohen's New Book!
He needs to go back to prison. I was just listening to some excerpts of this book. Many of these statements would have come in handy when Trump was under Congressional investigation. I'm sure the FBI and House will want to have words with him. Another fucking Comey. Too little too late.
Trump assails, misrepresents Biden on mask mandate in partisan White House briefing

President Donald Trump on Thursday launched a partisan attack on Joe Biden at a White House press briefing, inaccurately suggesting the presumptive Democratic nominee wanted a national mandate on mask wearing while assailing Biden as "regressive," "anti-scientific" and "defeatist."

Donald Trump wearing a suit and tie: President Donald Trump speaks at a news conference in the James Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House on Thursday.
© Andrew Harnik/AP Photo President Donald Trump speaks at a news conference in the James Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House on Thursday.
Speaking to reporters from the lectern in the James S. Brady briefing room, Trump claimed Biden advocated a national mask mandate to fight the virus — an act that Trump said ignored the different needs of individual states and trampled on governors' authority. Earlier Thursday, Biden and recently announced running mate Kamala Harris called on governors to issue mask mandates amid a national effort to curb the pandemic.

Biden "wants the president of the United States with the mere stroke of a pen to order over 300 million American citizens to wear a mask for a minimum of three straight months," Trump said. "He thinks it's good politics, I guess. No matter where they live and no matter their surroundings."

funny...guess he thought he had them all bought and paid for and under his thumb

Trump-Appointed Judge Demands Evidence of Mail-in Voting Fraud
Aug 13, 2020 · Trump-Appointed Judge Demands Evidence of Mail-in Voting Fraud - Bloomberg A federal judge appointed by Donald Trump gave the president’s campaign one …

Judge Confronts Trump Over 2020 Election Fraud Allegation
Aug 13, 2020 · A Pennsylvania judge has demanded evidence from the Trump campaign for their claims of potential election fraud in the state. The claims are connected to the Trump team’s broader nationwide campaign against mail-in voting, which they have sought to depict as full of opportunities for fraud, despite the lack of evidence backing them up.
Interesting you consider Reagan one of the greatest ... at what I might ask? He is the one who convinced Republicans to redefine themselves with the belief that Reaganomics was the future platform of the party. All it managed to do is trigger unbudgeted spending, starving the country of its needed revenues, creating deficit spending and fast rising Nat'l Debt, giving tax cuts that would supposedly "pay for themselves" that NEVER DID, and the worst part of all the big lie that tax cuts for the wealthy & hugh corporations would trickle down new jobs & create new wealth for the middleclass and less fortunate workers. When all it managed to do is broaden the income gap each and every year to where the 1-2% were earning 300-400% more than the common line workers and create an even larger poorer class of workers. Reagan convinced the poor & middleclass that tax cuts for the wealthy would actually create bigger & better jobs and income for them. It didn't, never has, never will .... but it sounded good to those who were desperate to stay in middleclass incomes. Like buying a new diet pill to lose weight ... it didn't work, never has worked, never will work, but people spend their money on diet pills in "hope". Those, to me, aren't the kind of accomplishments I'd be proud of, H-H. Reagan had over 130 indictments & resignations in his administration, and although he had plenty of charisma, he was making the wealthy richer, and shifting taxes to the poor/middleclass, for his own selfish purpose. Sorry, but I'm not buying your fallacy:
I suspected you'd come back spewing your typical anti-Reagan venom....adding in opinion pieces from such highly respected sources as "politicalgates.blogspot"....wow impressive touch there :rolleyes:

As you've been told before, Pew Research has shown that among the three generational groups old enough to have lived through the great Ronald Reagan era, he is across the board the considered the greatest of presidents.


Thinking further on the Rushmore issue, clearly Reagan belongs there, but we should probably make room for one of America's newest Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients on Mount RUSHmore....

Nope, just tired of talking to brick walls. Tiered of others unable to debate facts and can only insult and scream racism. Would much rather enjoy my time off, got more important things to do.

But since I'm here, Candace Owens for POTUS 2024
I love her! She speaks the truth. Because she doesn't buy into the fucked liberal narrative and has a mind of her own she is called a sellout. She'd have my vote in 2024. Hell she should have sign up for 2020!

BET Billionaire Predicts Trump 2020 Presidency
Emily Adeyanju

Emily Adeyanju
Posted on March 27, 2020
BET Billionaire Predicts Trump 2020 Presidency

Photo Credit: Getty Images
Although the 2020 election is nearly one year away, BET founder Robert L. Johnson has already predicted the outcome. In a recent CNBC interview, the billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist projected President Donald Trump’s win based on the President’s strategic ability to turn the tide of news cycles and to make himself the lead story.
In the past, Johnson has also touted the President’s economic success. In July, Johnson discussed the upward economic trend with CNBC, indicating record lows of black unemployment. More recently, in an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Johnson spoke about his ability to speak with President about various issues, aiming to give credit where credit is due, “…when I see a president doing positive things, particularly for African Americans.” When asked if a particular 2020 presidential candidate had clenched his vote, Johnson clarified, “I don’t think it’s fundamentally in the best interests of African Americans to be locked up in one party.
Published August 12
Polls are wrong, Trump will beat Biden: Billionaire fund manager Gundlach
Finance titan correctly predicted Trump's victory in 2016
Candace Owens is without a doubt an amazing woman. Candace destroyed Nadler and all his left wing flunkies when she was a witness for her cause in front of the democrat lead house of representatives, she nailed them along with the blond witness. She is so great because she knows her stuff and she is on the right because of it.
What, that Harris was chosen as VP with Biden ... little boy, I posted back during the Democratic debates, on these very boards, that Harris would be chosen as Biden's running mate ... ask any of the liberal posters or STIFF or anyone else that was posting many many moths ago. I even made a Biden/Harris sticker and put it in my post. Would you like to see it "little one"? You talk out your ass way too much ... too bad.
Unfortunately Mac that was a pretty easy prediction and you know it. Trump for many, myself included, was the “lesser”of two evils. Of the 20 plus Candidates who ran, Biden overall is in that same position for Democrats. I would have preferred Susan Rice over Kon Kamala. However, the patronizing liberals would have chosen one of them even if their only qualification was a burger flipper at McDonalds. Not saying they are not qualified but unfortunate she was chosen for reasons beyond her political career.
Why is everyone so mad at Trump for dismantling the Post Office?

Can't have voter fraud if nobody can vote


Not receiving your medication in time is a small price to pay to guarantee the security of our election by preventing as much voting as possible.
funny...guess he thought he had them all bought and paid for and under his thumb

Trump-Appointed Judge Demands Evidence of Mail-in Voting Fraud
Aug 13, 2020 · Trump-Appointed Judge Demands Evidence of Mail-in Voting Fraud - Bloomberg A federal judge appointed by Donald Trump gave the president’s campaign one …

Judge Confronts Trump Over 2020 Election Fraud Allegation
Aug 13, 2020 · A Pennsylvania judge has demanded evidence from the Trump campaign for their claims of potential election fraud in the state. The claims are connected to the Trump team’s broader nationwide campaign against mail-in voting, which they have sought to depict as full of opportunities for fraud, despite the lack of evidence backing them up.
On this issue let's turn back the clock. After Trumps election he called for a massive investigation into voter fraud because he was sure he won the popular vote. It was done at our expense and the result was no organized fraud, no significant numbers of illegal voting. There was some random cases of double voting , several people caught voting two or more times for Donald. I believe two of those used Donald's own words as defense. They claimed he said Democrats will be voting several times to keep him out at his rally. Very true as i went to the one in Tucson and heard those words in person. The deadbeat boasted after the election about having a very large amount to use to win again. I believe that because our paper ran updates for over a year about the nonpayment of the agreed cost of his rally. I'm a Republican and my state has a history of voting Republican he recently boasted he'd win Arizona for sure. Too stupid to realize our voting history shows a majority of both major party's vote by mail. He says the absentee ballots are fine, odd because in my state there is only one mail in ballot for early and absentee. All processed exactly the same. There is a movement in our state by Republicans to vote him out. The majority of those i know say they will not vote Trump without regret. The man has said several times he's a Nationalist not a Republican .
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