Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Trying to nudge me with that "boy" *******, and slip in 'arrogate' only shows everyone that you are exactly who you are. ..... Be responsible for your own words little man.
I have no problem owning up to what I post. Its little boiz like you who continually have your keyboard wars with everyone that doesn't think exactly like you ... easy to see. You continue acting like a "boy" I'll continue referring to you that way.
Terrible news day for people like you I bet
What, that Harris was chosen as VP with Biden ... little boy, I posted back during the Democratic debates, on these very boards, that Harris would be chosen as Biden's running mate ... ask any of the liberal posters or STIFF or anyone else that was posting many many moths ago. I even made a Biden/Harris sticker and put it in my post. Would you like to see it "little one"? You talk out your ass way too much ... too bad.
I have no problem owning up to what I post. Its little boiz like you who continually have your keyboard wars with everyone that doesn't think exactly like you ... easy to see. You continue acting like a "boy" I'll continue referring to you that way.
I am glad to not think like a racist. And, I will call it out. Live with it.
Isn't boi an effeminate term?
You call me boi, yet your reason for being here is that you're not man enough?
You've been on this site 10 years.
What, that Harris was chosen as VP with Biden ... little boy, I posted back during the Democratic debates, on these very boards, that Harris would be chosen as Biden's running mate ... ask any of the liberal posters or STIFF or anyone else that was posting many many moths ago. I even made a Biden/Harris sticker and put it in my post. Would you like to see it "little one"?
Hit a nerve did I? :mad:
Sorry but I miss the "meaning" of your post ... what's 10 years got to do with anything other than your belief that it does?
Forget it.
I do not like your views on black people. Period.

However, I don't have the fight in me to continue to go after you over it. I will call you out as I have and you can talk all the ******* you want on me calling out your own writings but, this back and forth, it's limp and pointless.
You want to say you won? Whatever, enjoy it.
See, we really do have something in common, I guess ... we each don't like the others views & comments of the opposite race.
Too bad, and I was thinking of hiring you someday.
Wrong again.
I don't have a monolithic view of white people. Seeing that I was married to one, my children are half white, my contractors are white, my neighbors, my banker, one of our cars, hell even my hobbies are enjoyed by more whites (ice hockey, sailing,). I'm much more accepting of different white than you are of black people.
Still trying to bait me? You know you couldn't afford me even if we were in the same industry. Plus, you work for someone else, you have no authority *******.
ed, just remember WHO started this one ... its ALL ON YOU.

Good night, little eddy ... chat with you tomorrow.
So, why do you use such slim and attractive people in your avatar? Are you ashamed of your real life? Does the fantasy extend beyond a pacifier up your ass?
I don't have a monolithic view of white people. Seeing that I was married to one,
You said it, I didn't ... WAS. Too much white pussy out there to stay married to one, wasn't it. You accomplished what you wanted with her... give her a few children and call it "splitsville". Besides, you don't have issues with white women, little eddy ... you have it with white males.
So, why do you use such slim and attractive people in your avatar? Are you ashamed of your real life? Does the fantasy extend beyond a pacifier up your ass?
Oh "little eddy" ... again, you're talking out your ass ... for the first 7 years on here I had both my wife & me in my avatar, and every day I'd get im'd by one or more "just like you" wanting to know if they could "fuck my wife" ... that bluntly, too. LOL I wouldn't let the likes of you sniff one of her soiled panties, but I did decide to take the photos down. AGAIN, you can ask any of the ones HERE that knew me back 4-5 years ago.
You said it, I didn't ... WAS. Too much white pussy out there to stay married to one, wasn't it. You accomplished what you wanted with her... give her a few children and call it "splitsville". Besides, you don't have issues with white women, little eddy ... you have it with white males.
We getting personal?
Can I bring your fat assed horny wife into this? The one you haven't been able to satisfy for at least ten years?

We were together for just about 20 total years.
My current girlfriend is not white, you can see the pics, or my avatar, or the 'fuck you' personal pic earlier on this topic to Stiff.
I'm not into white pussy as much as I'm into good looking women. I was married a long time and am having fun now. Well, I was. I'm on lockdown again.
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Oh "little eddy" ... again, you're talking out your ass ... for the first 7 years on here I had both my wife & me in my avatar, and every day I'd get im'd by one or more "just like you" wanting to know if they could "fuck my wife" ... that bluntly, too. LOL I wouldn't let the likes of you sniff one of her soiled panties, but I did decide to take the photos down. AGAIN, you can ask any of the ones HERE that knew me back 4-5 years ago.
Not, just like me. I would not, have not, and shall not. Ever. My choice.🤮
I'm good for now.
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