Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I agree with you there! I just cannot see myself doing that when I see most White folks feel so arrogant in their beliefs such as 2kindred_spirits or White Satin! It's people like those two that make you NOT want to be on this website AT ALL! Just pisses me off especially how they feel about the reparations discussion, for example! Being on this site can give a brotha high ******* pressure, goodness! Smh!

TBH, I stick around in here because in my day-to-day life I never encounter anyone with such idiotic beliefs as the Trump lovers in here. I kind of like hashing things out with them to see how they tick. I know there's a bunch of these people in the US, but in my bi-coastal elite fortress of wokeness I never have a chance to talk to them, it's like they're some mythical swamp creature I want to examine.
TBH, I stick around in here because in my day-to-day life I never encounter anyone with such idiotic beliefs as the Trump lovers in here. I kind of like hashing things out with them to see how they tick. I know there's a bunch of these people in the US, but in my bi-coastal elite fortress of wokeness I never have a chance to talk to them, it's like they're some mythical swamp creature I want to examine.
"Mythical swamp creature"? That was a very nice analogy! They just make my ******* boil and I do not NEED that! I think I will need to do my Woosah exercises tonight! Though, seems like my ******* pressure is going down, so that's good news!
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Single white guys "can not" be verified, ed ... period.
He was given an ultimatum to verify or get a premium account. What's your point?
I wasn't specific enough? OK, How many single white guys are ****** to pay for a membership?
Then why should he?
Sorry for changing the subject, I do not know how you do it, @ed4mwf, but I was asked to upgrade on here or get verified! I absolutely REFUSE to do that with how much goes on this website! I guess, you can say, my rant is finished!

been there done that....although I do have the gold membership....I got it a long time ago with all I was posting....but as I lost favor here....and easy to do since they all seem to favor the right....I lost more and more of "benefits" on here...and a lot of that stemmed from right wingers complaining with a lot of exaggeration to a right wing owner....so anymore about all I can do is type on here......and look for that to end one day......with the right and politics it is win at all costs.....even here!

more than one whiner complaining on here and exaggerating the facts in their favor....shame really....piss someone off or offend someone....they fuck you....so don't think you are alone in all this....they find ways of fucking with you on here...….look at my profile message from owner....for all to see so I assume there was a reason for that also...….because of right wing cry babies
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He was given an ultimatum to verify or get a premium account. What's your point?
I wasn't specific enough? OK, How many single white guys are ****** to pay for a membership?
Then why should he?

It's so fucked up that here of all places a black guy is told to pay up or be silent, while white dudes just go on their merry way.

Armed Check Points to stop free people from traveling. Really, that is what democrats want?
Trump's America. Welcome.
He's abandoned responsibility at the federal level. So the local governments have to do what they can to take care of their citizens.
It's Trump's specialty, sow division and then yell how divisive they are.
It's so fucked up that here of all places a black guy is told to pay up or be silent, while white dudes just go on their merry way.
Well I'm white and I wasn't told anything, initially. Being identified as black or white is often, in many cases, determined by the screen names many of the black guys choose to have. I don't call myself MightyWhitie or WhiteKnight, etc ... and I wouldn't know anyone was black or white unless they told me by SN, profile, or admitting it in the forums. And I never go to one's profile to determine their race or gender.
It seems the black folks have the issues with their color as they're always bringing it up. Might give that some thought. Mac
Well I'm white and I wasn't told anything, initially. Being identified as black or white is often, in many cases, determined by the screen names many of the black guys choose to have. I don't call myself MightyWhitie or WhiteKnight, etc ... and I wouldn't know anyone was black or white unless they told me by SN, profile, or admitting it in the forums. And I never go to one's profile to determine their race or gender.
It seems the black folks have the issues with their color as they're always bringing it up. Might give that some thought. Mac
Did anybody say ALL white guys? Do you have a gold membership? Are you actually part of a couple?
So, this is not directed at you. STFU! Stop being defensive when someone comments on white people. You try to tie into some failure on black people, not just me, or BlkcumsHvy, but all of us. Like you're some kind of 'white knight' or something. Some of my best friends are commenters. Black folks got issues when we are singled out, or held to a different standard because of our color. As it stands, that's what it appears to be here.

If you read anything by BlkCumsHvy then you know he is black, even if you ignore his obvious screen name.
Others, you know they are white by what they post and how they present themselves as being submissive white "bois", or names like 'hoping hubby', or their pics, or anyone looking to be cucked.
Easy observation that many, no, MOST who post on Black to White sex site, identify themselves in some manner whether they are black, or white.

If you want to change your name to White Knight or Mighty Whitey, you can, they are open.
Fuck, I wish you were a republican so I could feel good about snapping off on you and not be restrained.
go for it ... you ASSHOLE! While your at it, eat ******* and DIE.
Something I said? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
You're way more creative than that line.
Stop looking for fight where there isn't one.
And, you're the prick that stuck your nose and uninformed opinion in our conversation.
Suck it up buttercup. Can't stand a guy like me, putting a mercy fuck like you in his place, can you?
Something I said? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
You're way more creative than that line.
Stop looking for fight where there isn't one.
And, you're the prick that stuck your nose and uninformed opinion in our conversation.
Suck it up buttercup. Can't stand a guy like me, putting a mercy fuck like you in his place, can you?
*******! Look what you made me do!
Just ignore me until November 4th, and I will do the same to you.
been there done that....although I do have the gold membership....I got it a long time ago with all I was posting....but as I lost favor here....and easy to do since they all seem to favor the right....I lost more and more of "benefits" on here...and a lot of that stemmed from right wingers complaining with a lot of exaggeration to a right wing owner....so anymore about all I can do is type on here......and look for that to end one day......with the right and politics it is win at all costs.....even here!

more than one whiner complaining on here and exaggerating the facts in their favor....shame really....piss someone off or offend someone....they fuck you....so don't think you are alone in all this....they find ways of fucking with you on here...….look at my profile message from owner....for all to see so I assume there was a reason for that also...….because of right wing cry babies
Being that I haven't been on here for a year, all of what you said is so true and I truly believe that this website COULD be a lot better if they TONED DOWN on a lot of this right wing crap that doesn't do anything, but keep us divided! At first, jokingly, I was wondering to myself if this website was being controlled secretly by the Agent Orange and his cronies! Thankfully, I haven't lost any benefits, but one issue that I have though with this site is that if I happen to notify staff about anything, why am I the one being punished instead? That's the type of ******* that is surprising to me, BUT is one other reason why I declined to upgrade!

Another thing that I noticed as well is that some of these staff members are friendships with some of these members, so if you happen to notify them about a member that they happen to be friends with, the person that did the notification will instead get punished! The CRAZIEST ******* that I have ever heard of, @subhub174014! I am not sure if others knew about that though! It shocked me plenty because I couldn't believe that!

Going back now to being ON TOPIC, I saw some AWESOME history in the making today and my cousin did as well also! I was so happy that Joe Biden decided on a woman of color, Kamala Harris, to be his VP! First time in history to have a woman of color as VP and to see my 8-year-old cousin with tears in her eyes watching on television, seeing what is happening, was an emotional thing to witness! I must say that TODAY has been full of excitement and so much happiness for Black Women! My cousin was definitely filled with emotion crying for awhile, which was good to see her excitement and the fact that she also saw President Obama's wonderful wife as the First Lady in Congress!
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Can't stand a guy like me, putting a mercy fuck like you in his place, can you?
Its not that, just can't stand a black man who acts like a black boy ... mainly. You're just an arrogate black racist ... but, as I said, you want a piece of me, "go for it" ... you're nothing to me.
*******! Look what you made me do!
Just ignore me until November 4th, and I will do the same to you.
Fuck you ... I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of an ignore. You've been a prick to everyone long enough ... we can spar around a while if you like.
Its not that, just can't stand a black man who acts like a black boy ... mainly. You're just an arrogate black racist ... but, as I said, you want a piece of me, "go for it" ... you're nothing to me.
WHAT!?!? 😳 😳 😳 You interrupt OUR conversation with a comment about black people, and I'm the racist?
Naw, you just can't stand a black man to stand up to you. You got something to say all of us who do. I had to take a look at your messages and see you like to speak up to try and put us in our place if we don't agree with your superior liberalism. Fuck that.
Trying to nudge me with that "boy" *******, and slip in 'arrogate' only shows everyone that you are exactly who you are. A fucking phony with too much time on his hands for 10 years now.
Be responsible for your own words little man.
Fuck you ... I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of an ignore. You've been a prick to everyone long enough ... we can spar around a while if you like.
To everyone? Or Trump supporters, and racist statements?
(Go with the latter, it will save you some face).
Terrible news day for people like you I bet.
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