Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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GIMME GIMME GIMME that's all I here for the left.
.....A "gimme" by any name is still a "gimme" TwoBi .... you can call it whatever you wish ... welfare, entitlements, tax cuts, exemptions, whatever ... the thing is, the wealthiest Americans & corporations control the legislation thus continue slicing themselves off the largest pieces of the pie. And, Republicans intend on keeping it that way by chipping away at the one corridor of authority that each person holds ... the VOTE. There's no reason why one person's vote should carry more authority than the next vote, but it does, and you know that. Here in NC, due to the extreme gerrymandering of our Republican legislators, it takes 1.3 Democrat votes to equal 1 Republican vote ... it takes fewer voters turning up at the poles for Republicans to obtain/gain public office. Also, our legislators, here, are actually trying to take away from the powers of the Governorship ... isn't it a coincident that the current governor (as of last election) is Democrat? They don't even want the governor to have the power to name state judges ... Republicans want to take that authority as well.
.....The 'wealthy' benefit the most from the federal governments ... it only makes sense that the wealthy contribute more for the services they get. If you desire to cut or limit the type of "gimmes" the poor receive from government, pay them a fair wage. Its no doubt that Republican "trickle down" has devastated the middle class over the past 35 years ... hell, even the tariffs that Trump is implementing are not hurting China, they're hurting the poor and the veterans more. Trump seems to think that when you apply tariffs to China goods, you're hurting China, not the US ... wrong! And, the poor & middleclass are the ones who are hurt the most.
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Funny you quote Kennedy - More irony. That is exactly my point Mac, and it was Kennedy's as well - the more you ask of the government the more that will be require of YOU. Kennedy understood that -

.The 'wealthy' benefit the most from the federal governments
Really? and the Democrats don't work for the Federal government? Sorry, just not buying your BS that only the Republicans have had a strangle hold on the US economy since Regan and the Democrooks were powerless to do anything at all. Nope both parties are to blame and you both are too blind to see it. So blind in fact you defend the very thing you claim to be against lol. How pathetic can you get? I bet you both still shop at Wal-Mart, buy McDonald's, shop Amazon and carry i-Phones. All reminds me of the meme that showed a vegan protesting in front of a slaughter house with leather shoes on. LOL. - that was rich. On top of all that you want to raise taxes on the already battered middle class! Anything to get your free stuff right?

Can't you see the Democrooks do nothing but dangle a carrot in front of your face simply to get your vote? Sure you post a list of "look what the Democrooks have done for us" but really LOOK at those things. What do those social program really do? Very little to nothing. That is why poverty is still at a level it is today. A socialistic country has been proven to fail EVERY TIME. How does that go Mac? Beat a dead horse?...

Vote them out!
he is just a typical republican......the gimmes are fine when they go his way....he wants everyone to have to pay their own way...but yet is unwilling to give them the pay to do so!

You have no clue how good I am to my employees. Problem is, once Trump is out and a Democrook is in, I'll be ****** to lay them off or close. So will many companies I work with. But hay - don't worry about all those people loosing their job, just as long as it don't interrupt your free stuff.
I might be mistaken......but those sure look like "gimmes" to me...and there are more!

Tax Write-Offs for an Indiana Small Business Owner

The state of Indiana allows small business owners to claim many business expenses as tax deductions or write-offs on individual income tax returns filed with the state. To properly claim all credits, Indiana requires the filing of several additional schedules that allow for the transfer of information from federal tax returns.

Schedule C Business Deductions

Small businesses file Schedule C with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as an attachment to the federal individual income tax return. A variety of standard business expenses such as office supplies, postage costs, promotional materials, mileage deductions and home office deductions are reported on Schedule C to determine the profit or loss a small business can claim for the tax year. The profit or loss is then added to income from other sources to determine a taxpayer's total income before adjustments are deducted. Indiana's income tax return requires the transfer of income totals from your federal return to your state return. The direct transfer of your income total, which includes business profits or losses, allows you to bring over business write-offs from the federal return without re-specifying individual deductions on your state taxes.

Adjustments to Gross Income

Small business owners may claim adjustments to gross or total income on federal tax Form 1040, Individual Income Tax Return. Half of the self-employment taxes a small business owner pays are immediately deductible, as are contributions to health plans and retirement accounts for self-employed persons. Indiana's individual income tax return form, IT-40, begins calculations with your federal adjusted gross income. Since Indiana calculates income taxes starting with the adjusted gross income (AGI), the deductions for self-employment are also automatically transferred to your Indiana return within the AGI total.


When your small business experiences a net operating loss in a tax year, the loss can be carried over to the next tax year to offset or write-off a portion of the profit. If your business claims a net operating loss carryforward on your federal return's "Other income" line, the loss must be removed from your Indiana return on form Schedule 1: Add-Backs. If your business claimed state taxes paid as an expense on IRS Schedule C, the tax total must also be added back on Schedule 1.


The net operating loss added back to your income with Indiana Schedule 1 is removed from your income again on Schedule 2: Deductions. Indiana allows you to report the loss carryforward as an "Other deduction" labeled "Indiana net operating loss" with the code number 607. If your business received a refund for overpayment of state taxes in the previous tax year, the refund would be reported on your current year federal return as income, but the refund is not considered income at the state level. Your business should report the amount of a state tax refund listed on your federal return as a deduction on Schedule 2 to ensure the business is not taxed twice for the same income.


Estimated tax payments your business submitted to the state of Indiana during the tax year are reported on Schedule 5: Credits. If estimated payments exceed your tax liability, you may receive a tax refund from the state via check or direct deposit.
You have no clue how good I am to my employees. Problem is, once Trump is out and a Democrook is in, I'll be ****** to lay them off or close. So will many companies I work with. But hay - don't worry about all those people loosing their job, just as long as it don't interrupt your free stuff.

cry me a fucking river!

you know damned well you are not going to close Layoff or any other damned thing just because a Dem gets in!
Small Business Jobs Bill – Tax Breaks, Credits, SBA Loans, and Bonus Depreciation

Update Sep 2010] Following on from President Obama’s plans to help small business, Congress and the President have approved the Small Business Jobs Bill ( H.R. 5297) to cut taxes, provide more SBA funding and ease credit for small businesses (details below). The legislation would create a $30 billion lending program and provide small businesses with $12 billion in tax breaks, including more generous write-offs for equipment purchases.

“Reinvigorating our economy in the short run and rebuilding it over the long term is not a one-step process,” Obama said today. “But this is a critically important one and I am grateful to those senators on the Republican side of the aisle willing to take this vote on behalf of America’s small- business owners.”

Small Businesses to Get Increased Tax Breaks Under Obama Budget

Small businesses would get increased tax breaks under President Barack Obama's budget proposal for the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1.
The budget contains a permanent increase in the Section 179 deduction, used by small businesses to write off the costs of buying equipment like computers, machinery and cars. The deduction would be set at $500,000 for the calendar year 2015, and rise to $1 million in 2016. In subsequent years, it would increase according to the inflation rate.

Obama Announces $33B Hiring Tax Credit

President Obama announced today a proposal to establish a $33 billion tax credit to encourage small businesses to hire more workers and increase wages. The plan is one of several the president is pushing to help bolster employment in a country where one in 10 Americans no longer receives a paycheck.
The announcement comes two days after the president's first State of the Union address, when he said that jobs must be the U.S.'s top priority this year.


you missed out on that one also?
cry me a fucking river!

you know damned well you are not going to close Layoff or any other damned thing just because a Dem gets in!

Yes, they will. Mark my words. We will be talking about layoffs very soon.

Corporations around me are already gearing up in case Trump gets impeached after the midterms.
you have a strange perception of the "gimmies"

and you have a short memory on who helps you get those "gimmies"

but you are a republican and everything a dem gives you ...you are just entitled is that it?
But hey...you might have missed out on knowing if they put it out while you was attending one of your trump booster rallies
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you have a strange perception of the "gimmies"

and you have a short memory on who helps you get those "gimmies"

but you are a republican and everything a dem gives you ...you are just entitled is that it?

Don't try to turn this around - you know EXACTLY what I mean. I'm not entiled to anything nor have I ever felt I was. It is the Left that feels entitled and you know it. Nothing more than a typical argument tactic, twisting the words. I'm not asking for everything to be provided for me, you are. HUGE difference. Your buddy Mac post a twist to my words and you run with it like the good little sheep you are.
Go to a collage campus some time, go to a homeless shelter. Look around you, listen to the younger generation. Your a taker.
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