Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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wealth breeds contempt...and right now the wealthy are getting what they want and could care less about anything else
if this country goes down the tubes they just take their wealth and go someplace else without a care in the world

like the old saying goes...money is the root of all evil.....and right now evil is ruling!

there are a lot on this board who just don't seem to see a problem
I agree totally!
wealth breeds contempt...and right now the wealthy are getting what they want and could care less about anything else
if this country goes down the tubes they just take their wealth and go someplace else without a care in the world

like the old saying goes...money is the root of all evil.....and right now evil is ruling!

there are a lot on this board who just don't seem to see a problem

Sounds more like jealousy to me.
You meanvto tell us that you can not see what Trump is tearing this country apart!

LOL, the rich is NOT a product of Trump - give me a break. The wealth gap has always been there and always will. Wanting what they have is called envy, taking what they have is called theft.

So tell me, what gives the government the right to TAKE what is not theirs simply to give to you? You believe Equal outcome is fair? Why should everyone have equal outcome when not everyone does equal work? Should you be paid simply because you breath?

I believe the wealth gap can be narrowed without socialism and without flat out thievery.

Trump is not tearing this country apart - the leftist media is doing a fine job of that on their own spewing hate on a daily bases. Just turn on your TV for a daily dose of pessimist outlook, death and disrepair (that has yet to come to fruition). Yes I think Trump is a moron, but he has not done near the damage the media has done, and he is not responsible for the wealth gap or greedy corporations.
The wealth gap has always been there and always will

tell me there MR republican...who created that wealth gap...I know I have posted it on here several times....but those answers don't sit well with the right so they skip right over them

Wanting what they have is called envy, taking what they have is called theft.

wanting what they have USED to be the American dream, until the wealthy took that from everyone to create more for them selves

and why is it when the wealth takes from the poor it is necessity......but yet when the poor take from the wealthy it is theft?

So tell me, what gives the government the right to TAKE what is not theirs simply to give to you?

you really are being a true dipshit today aren't you....how about we just start with the recent tax cuts...who benefits?
and now that the country is losing that income how do they plan to recoup their losses? social security/medicare and programs for the needy

I'm sure to you...since your biz has increased 2 fold under trump that is all well and good

Why should everyone have equal outcome when not everyone does equal work? Should you be paid simply because you breath?

No but being paid a living wage would be nice...….but then you don't do that do you?

I believe the wealth gap can be narrowed without socialism and without flat out thievery

you are just being stupid now....the wealthy will never part with what they have....and they will tolerate Russia...gerrymander the vote....restrict voting and etc to see to it that those without do not have a say in what happens in their own country...to you and yours they are just peasants to be used and discarded...but now you don't have to discard them you can just turn a blind eye towards their lack of health care and let them die!
U.S. incomes rose but inequality widened in 2017: data
By Katanga Johnson,

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The median U.S. household income rose for a third straight year in 2017 to the highest on record since 1967 by one measure, but the gap between white- and non-white households widened, government data showed on Wednesday.
The Census Bureau said in its Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage and Supplemental Poverty Measure report that median household incomes increased 1.8 percent to $61,400 last year.
"Without adjusting for the change in the income questions, 2017 has the highest median household income on record since 1967," said Jonathan Rothbaum, chief of income statistics at the Census Bureau. "When you adjust for the change, median household income in previous years was just as high."
But while the median household income for white, non-Hispanic households rose 2.6 percent to $68,145 in 2017 and rose 3.7 percent to $50,486 for Hispanic households, it fell 0.2 percent to $40,258 for African-American households.

that's because congress believe in the trickle down theory.....while the employers apply the pure greed theory!
The right doing all they can to make us just like mexico
Light at the end of the tunnel?

Midterms 2018: Republicans facing 'blue wave' as support for Trump wanes in Midwest states
Chris Baynes,The Independent

Republicans could be swamped by a “blue wave” in Congress, according to a clutch of polls which show double-digit leads for Democrats in November’s midterm elections.
Midwest voters are fuelling a growing gap between the two parties as support for Donald Trump wanes in key states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, one pollster said.
“Every way we are looking at the data, the same general pattern is emerging,” said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, whose latest survey showed a 12 percentage point lead for the Democrats.

“The Midwest is an area that is getting restless about what they hoped was going to occur and what they feel is not occurring,” he added.
A separate poll published on Wednesday by Quinnipiac University showed a 14-point advantage for the Democrats, while a Politico and Morning Consult survey put the party 10 points ahead.
All three polls asked voters whether they preferred the Democrat or Republican in their district, rather than about specific candidates.
Democrats need to gain 23 seats in the 6 November elections to seize control of the House of Representatives and the power to thwart President Trump’s agenda.
Historically the sitting president's party tends to lose seats in congressional midterm elections and some analysts believe Mr Trump's low national approval rating will impact upon Republican candidates.
“Republicans have not only been fairly silent in opposition to the president, but they’ve been driving very hard in the Senate when it comes to his Supreme Court nominee,” Mr Miringoff told NPR, which commissioned Marist’s research. “In terms of brand, they look totally in lockstep with the president – and that has become extremely clear to voters.”
Polls in July suggested only a third of voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota thought Mr Trump deserved a second term as president.
Mr Trump’s waning support in the Midwest may be linked to the trade wars he has waged with other nations. The region’s farmers and car manufacturers have been hurt by tariffs imposed on exports in retaliation for the president ramping up import duties.

Half of US voters surveyed by NPR/Marist said they were more likely to vote for the Democrat in their congressional district, compared to 38 per cent who opted for the Republican.
The Politico and Morning Consult poll found 45 per cent preferred their Democrat candidate, compared to 35 per cent Republican.
The split in Quinnipiac University’s survey was 52 per cent to 38 per cent.
“By a 14-point margin, Americans would rather vote for the Democratic candidate in their local race for the US House of Representatives. Could the ‘blue wave’ become a tsunami?” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University research. ”There are a lot of factors, and eight weeks of campaigning, that make up the answer to that question.”


well no matter what..on this site we still have..needle dick and thumper and the village idiot to support the commie asshole
more trouble in paradise?

Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump

Retired Adm. William "Bill" McRaven, who led the mission to ******* Osama bin Laden, resigned from his post on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Board last month, just days after he publicly criticized President Donald Trump, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.
"I can confirm that Admiral (ret) William H. McRaven resigned from the Defense Innovation Board, effective August 20, 2018,” Heather Babb, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, told ABC News on Thursday. "The Department appreciates his service and contribution on the board."
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