Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Wow, more personal attacks - can you feel the hate? Maybe if you extend your hand out far enough, someone will give you a car too.

Just proving me right on a daily basis.
You know, TwoBi, when a party continually claims to be helping a certain segment of a population, then their actions don't follow their claims, people eventually get 'fed up' with that BS. How many times have Republicans made their "Trickle Down" claim of helping the middleclass & poor, and then it didn't come true? It was all BS for giving the wealthiest & the corporations MORE income under the false assumption that it would help those middleclass & poor. All they do with the lower income tax payers is cut their life saver benefits, thus each time the middleclass & poor just gets poorer. Both parties are actually to blame ... one in its own actions, and the other in their own in-actions. Still, your arguments for the Republicans is quite weak, at best, since the tax cut theory has failed repetitively over & over and in fact worsened the situation of those the Republicans have always claimed to be helping.
Republicans claim they want to HELP the poor & middleclass, THEN talk about them like they were dogs. Just like you do by implying that the poor JUST want handouts, which is entirely NOT SO. So, you'll get NO pity from me when you're treated the way you are sometimes.
You know, TwoBi, when a party continually claims to be helping a certain segment of a population, then their actions don't follow their claims, people eventually get 'fed up' with that BS.
Like the Democrats do?
How many times have Republicans made their "Trickle Down" claim of helping the middleclass & poor, and then it didn't come true? It was all BS for giving the wealthiest & the corporations MORE income under the false assumption that it would help those middleclass & poor.
I never assume it will help the middle class. I know it mostly benefits the rich - everyone does. But it's like the old saying - if Mamma 'aint happy, 'aint NOBODY happy. The same goes for the rich. It would do you some good to study what actually caused the great depression. In a nut shell - it was all a knee jerk reaction and the rich stopped spending money. When the rich aren't being taxed, they hire more people.
All they do with the lower income tax payers is cut their life saver benefits, thus each time the middleclass & poor just gets poorer. Both parties are actually to blame ... one in its own actions, and the other in their own in-actions.
No *******? what the fuck to you think I have been saying for the past 4 years? Good God Man! :frantic:
Still, your arguments for the Republicans is quite weak, at best, since the tax cut theory has failed repetitively over & over and in fact worsened the situation of those the Republicans have always claimed to be helping.
The democrats policies haven't worked either Mac. Just look at the poverty numbers. Practically no change. But of course, that is all the Republicans fault. LOL. The arguments you present for the Democrats is just as weak. Actually, poverty has improved about 1% since LBJ, so the Republicians couldn't have made it "worse". Or are you speaking wosre since Obama?
Republicans claim they want to HELP the poor & middleclass, THEN talk about them like they were dogs. Just like you do by implying that the poor JUST want handouts, which is entirely NOT SO.
No, I implied Subhub wants a handout. He is the one that seems to get so pissed and jealous that he doesn't have nice things. I know people want to work, people want to feel valued which is why I support job creation over welfare (why do you think I am involved with job re-training). It's not that people want handouts, but when you have a government making it sooo easy to just stay unemployed, what do you think eventually is going to happen? And just for the record, there are some that do simply want things given to them, I know you don't like to hear it, but its true. Others just need an opportunity to shine, which again, can't happen under our current state of welfare.
I simply prefer the Republicans plan over the Democrats when it comes to my hard earned money. (Obviously the Democrats prefer it also) If I knew my tax dollars were being maximized and spent wisely, I may have a different outlook. But they are not and I think you can agree the wastefulness of the government. The government needs to get their ******* together and stop playing the Party Card, the Race Card, the Poor Card, and the Rich card. If they would just do whats right for the American people they wouldn't need to worry so much about getting reelected.
So, you'll get NO pity from me when you're treated the way you are sometimes.
Don't remember asking for it. But it's your buddy Sub that needs the pity, I bet he lies awake at night thinking about me. :bounce:
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The rich hire more people when not taxed. Comedy gold right there.

Well, you might think it's funny, but it's true. During he last 2-3 years of Obama, most corporations I deal with were on a hiring freeze and I lost several accounts. Once Trump was elected I regained most of those accounts after his tax breaks. Because that is what happens when the rich get taxed - those higher taxes "trickle down" as well. If you are going to raise taxes on the rich, you need a way to prevent those taxes from being imposed on the middle class and the poor via increased prices, layoffs, decrease employee benefits, pay freezes etc etc. The list goes on how a corporation can re-distribute those taxes.

Besides, what good does it do to increase tax on the middle class when we already know they are struggling? That sounds more like a bad joke to me.
For hundreds of years the people in these United States of America have worked hard to keep the bill collectors away and try to move a head. For along time people in small businesses, which stared out small and through hard work and not spending money carelessly were able to grow slowly and were able to hire extra help here and there. What happened to the days when a company payed all there bills for the year, and had some left over considered that profit and took that money and but it back into the company helping it to grow and hire a few more people in the process. That was a perfect trickle down plan. Companies today set goals every year that they need to make a profit of 750,000.00 dollars, then many only a profit of 500.000.00 dollars, they consider that to mean they didn't profit 500.000.00 but they lost 250.000.00 dollar making it necessary to find ways to make up that money. The number 1 solution, down sizing but cutting into the work *******. Just a few thoughts and just my view,
You know, TwoBi, when a party continually claims to be helping a certain segment of a population, then their actions don't follow their claims, people eventually get 'fed up' with that BS. How many times have Republicans made their "Trickle Down" claim of helping the middleclass & poor, and then it didn't come true? It was all BS for giving the wealthiest & the corporations MORE income under the false assumption that it would help those middleclass & poor. All they do with the lower income tax payers is cut their life saver benefits, thus each time the middleclass & poor just gets poorer. Both parties are actually to blame ... one in its own actions, and the other in their own in-actions. Still, your arguments for the Republicans is quite weak, at best, since the tax cut theory has failed repetitively over & over and in fact worsened the situation of those the Republicans have always claimed to be helping.
Republicans claim they want to HELP the poor & middleclass, THEN talk about them like they were dogs. Just like you do by implying that the poor JUST want handouts, which is entirely NOT SO. So, you'll get NO pity from me when you're treated the way you are sometimes.

MacNfries, I couldn't agree with you more!
I recall a saying my grandfather often repeated, and he was a very smart and wise old gentleman!
He often said: "*******, beware of those bearing gifts because they'll do you in every time!"
actually if you look at the numbers...the top 1%....employ less than 2% of the people employed!
may have let my battleship mouth over load my tugboat ass on that one...….read an article on that a while back...and CAN NOT find it now

but it was including Bill gates and a few others....corps employ a lot but not individually owned....mostly local manuf employs more
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For hundreds of years the people in these United States of America have worked hard to keep the bill collectors away and try to move a head. For along time people in small businesses, which stared out small and through hard work and not spending money carelessly were able to grow slowly and were able to hire extra help here and there. What happened to the days when a company payed all there bills for the year, and had some left over considered that profit and took that money and but it back into the company helping it to grow and hire a few more people in the process. That was a perfect trickle down plan. Companies today set goals every year that they need to make a profit of 750,000.00 dollars, then many only a profit of 500.000.00 dollars, they consider that to mean they didn't profit 500.000.00 but they lost 250.000.00 dollar making it necessary to find ways to make up that money. The number 1 solution, down sizing but cutting into the work *******. Just a few thoughts and just my view,

funny how they can shuffle those numbers to avoid the tax man......tax laws they put in place..not the working man....I have no problem going back 50 years where they got a huge tax break if they put that money back into expanding the company

OR ELSE they paid 90% in taxes!!!!!!!!
He often said: "*******, beware of those bearing gifts because they'll do you in every time!"

Ironic - It's the Democrats that come "bearing gifts" in the form of social programs, Free housing, free health care, free education, free transportation, free this and that. Maybe you should listen to your grandfather.

I don't remember the Republicans promising anything other than the ability for anyone to succeed.
actually if you look at the numbers...the top 1%....employ less than 2% of the people employed!
may have let my battleship mouth over load my tugboat ass on that one...….read an article on that a while back...and CAN NOT find it now

but it was including Bill gates and a few others....corps employ a lot but not individually owned....mostly local manuf employs more

And what do the democrats do to small businesses? the chock them out with regulation after regulation forsing them to sell to large conglomerates, or close. More small businesses, closed than opened during Obama.
These are from 2014, and one is left biased - gotta like that

.I have no problem going back 50 years where they got a huge tax break if they put that money back into expanding the company

Nor do I - Employees were treated much better back then. Now we have too much corporate greed. As I mentioned,
If you are going to raise taxes on the rich, you need a way to prevent those taxes from being imposed on the middle class and the poor via increased prices, layoffs, decrease employee benefits, pay freezes etc etc. The list goes on how a corporation can re-distribute those taxes.
A 90% tax hick would require huge incentives to pay back to the employee.
And what do the democrats do to small businesses? the chock them out with regulation after regulation forsing

Post whatever false info you want
Obama put 3 different bills in front of congress to help small biz...…..but your party of no wouldn't pass anything!

Nor do I - Employees were treated much better back then. Now we have too much corporate greed. As I mentioned
Don't recall you mentioning that....but I will agree with that....greed is what is killing this country!
I posted an article on here somewhere about At&T closing call centers and moving to India for 2$ an hour

90% tax hick would require huge incentives to pay back to the employee.

in the 50's and 60's that was the program...pay 90% or invest it in your company
worked fine...built the interstate system ……..schools the envy of the world...hubby was able to make a decent wage while momma stayed home and raised the *******......etc
Post whatever false info you want
Obama put 3 different bills in front of congress to help small biz...…..but your party of no wouldn't pass anything!

It's not false info - educate yourself, read the articles.
What bills would you be referring to? I posted links backing up my claim - wheres yours?
But then you know all this....you trumpies just want to go on about all the good he is doing for you!

The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
September 23, 2014

The Republican political strategy has been to obstruct efforts to help the economy for everyone but the wealthiest few, and then campaign on complaints that the economy isn’t helping anyone but the wealthiest few. It’s working.
In President Obama’s July 12 weekly address he said, “So far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked every serious idea to strengthen the middle class.” He could have said, “Since 2009.” Since the 2009 “stimulus,” Republicans have obstructed pretty much every effort to help the economy. In the Senate they have filibustered hundreds of bills, and since the “stimulus” they have managed to keep anything from passing that might help the economy.
In the House, Republicans have refused to allow votes on anything that seriously would help the economy, instead passing only tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, spending cuts on essential things like maintaining our infrastructure and scientific research, and cutting regulations that protect people and the environment from being harmed by corporations seeking profit.
Republicans have blocked every effort since the stimulus to maintain infrastructure, hire teachers, raise the minimum wage, give equal pay for women, stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies), stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country, provide student loan relief, help the long-term unemployed, and more. Instead they insist on even more tax breaks for oil companies and billionaires, on cutting environmental protections, deregulating oil companies, and so on.
Obstruction Using Senate Filibusters
How many bills have been filibustered by Senate Republicans since President Obama took office? Bloomberg’s Jonathan Bernstein, in “All Filibusters, All the Time,” writes, “The correct count of how many bills have been filibustered during Obama’s presidency is: approximately all of them.”
Ironic - It's the Democrats that come "bearing gifts" in the form of social programs, Free housing, free health care, free education, free transportation, free this and that. Maybe you should listen to your grandfather.

I don't remember the Republicans promising anything other than the ability for anyone to succeed.

"You don't remember the Republicans promising anything other than ..... !" Good God, man!
You don't remember the Republican promise to cut taxes for everyone and then gave big business
and the top 1-2%, 98% of a $1.5 Trillion Tax break over the next 10 years! Or ....

You don't remember, or never heard of your Presidents Reagan's Trickle Down Economic Tax Plan?
Just in case you hadn't I'll post the following for you to read, and possibly understand what that
Republican Plan was, and promised!

Trickle-down economics, also referred to as trickle-down theory, is an economic theory that advocates reducing taxes on businesses and the wealthy in society as a means to stimulate business investment in the short term and benefit society at large in the long term. This tax break benefited the wealthy top 2% and corporations!

David Stockman, who as Ronald Reagan's budget director championed Reagan's tax cuts at first, later became critical of them and told journalist William Greider that "supply-side economics" is the trickle-down idea. (that is bogus economics that only help the rich!)

You've never heard the story of the Trojan Horse?
That's the reference my grandfather inferred with his wise advice!
Ah, yes! He was a learned man indeed!
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