Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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it is an opinion...everyone is entitled to one...….and you want to start posting all kinds of ******* against it...it's an opinion....that most would agree with
You're just trying to start your typical argument BS. I posted facts. They aren't twisted. They are basic facts of the poverty level and tax code backed up by links. Drillher is entitled to his opinion. He also has the right to express that opinion....even when doing to proves he lacks basic knowledge of the existing tax code.
You're just trying to start your typical argument BS. I posted facts. They aren't twisted. They are basic facts of the poverty level and tax code backed up by links. Drillher is entitled to his opinion. He also has the right to express that opinion....even when doing to proves he lacks basic knowledge of the existing tax code.

Knowledge and facts have nothing to do with anything
he stated his opinion and you want to turn it into an argument....with false numbers and fake news
the whole country KNOWS the middle class and below took a fucking on that tax deal....and you want to post some right wing propaganda
Knowledge and facts have nothing to do with anything
Never has a statement better summed up your history of posts on here

with false numbers and fake news
I'm feel terrible that my data linked straight from hhs.gov and a tax preparation site is fake. Please enlighten us all on the correct numbers. I want so very much to be well informed. I feel so badly for all the people that used efile.com's service and therefore miscalculated their standard deduction.
Hmmmm, your statement bounces from tax policy to minimum wage and back to tax policy. Since you id est tax policy, we'll take that as what you were really trying to get at. Well this is your lucky day and you have President Donald Trump to thank for it! Thanks to the Trump tax plan we're even better off than your wish. Let's take a young married couple for example. The poverty level for a 2 person household in 2018 is $16,460.


Thanks to Trump's tax plan, the standard income tax deduction for a couple married filing jointly is $24,000. So with just claiming the standard deduction, the couple wouldn't pay a dime of income tax until their income is 45.8% over the poverty level.


Now under Obummer's tax plan (and other presidents before him of both parties) the standard deduction was well under the poverty level. Trump's tax plan nearly doubled the standard deduction

I'll pay to have my comments translated into whatever language you comprehend, evidently English isn't it!

So under your (and your so called "president's) scenario it's "let them starve and live in poverty" until they can find a job that'll pay $24,000.00/yr., after that they can pay taxes, eh! In the meantime don't spend money on creating jobs that perhaps 50% of the poor can fill and earn a liveable wage, like those who could be employed in the rebuilding of your infrastructure such as your depleting highways and bridges, better to take that money and give tax breaks to the idle rich, like the top 2-5%. Nothing better than taking care of those people, after all it's those are the people who'll make the big financial donations in the next election cycle, eh! Yeah, your government just committed to tax changes that will add $1 trillion dollars to the U.S. deficit over the next few years, sadly 90%+ went to those who needed it the least, the top 2-5%! Sorriest thing is that there are those, like you, who relish the fact that the few pennies that, not squandered by your government on those who need the tax breaks the least, fall off the table of greed into your pockets and you believe it's manna from Heaven! Whether you like it or not, you've been bought for pennies on the dollar!

In the meantime there is no "one" strategy that will solve the problems of the underprevelidged
It is my belief that those amongst us at, or below, the poverty level don't need tax breaks or hand outs! What they need is a minimum wage that will put them at least 10% above the poverty level, ie., if the hypothetical annual wage for a family of four is $20,000.00/yr, that family should not have to pay a penny of income tax until their annual income exceeds $22,000.00/yr. I'd term it "Trickel Up Economics!" I believe that any family living on this level of income is going to spend it! Who benefits from consumer spending, for the greater part, big business, and of course, all businesses benefit! It's the greed of the upper 5%+ that demand more and more tax breaks with, of course, the forever promises to their mantra of "Trickel Down Economics!" Trickel down doesn't, never has nor never will, help anyone but the very rich! Let's give "Trickel Up" some consideration and keep America what it has always been, GREAT!

What amazes me is that you totally lack a complete comprehension of the Englisg Language! Worse still, it's evident from your remarks that you are fully supportive of trickle down economics and corporate, and the wealthy welfare! Good luck! The underprivileged don't stand a chance under your logic!
I'll pay to have my comments translated into whatever language you comprehend, evidently English isn't it!

So under your (and your so called "president's) scenario it's "let them starve and live in poverty" until they can find a job that'll pay $24,000.00/yr., after that they can pay taxes, eh! In the meantime don't spend money on creating jobs that perhaps 50% of the poor can fill and earn a liveable wage, like those who could be employed in the rebuilding of your infrastructure such as your depleting highways and bridges, better to take that money and give tax breaks to the idle rich, like the top 2-5%.
Ah yes, ad hominem attacks and straw man arguments....about what I expected. I never said anything remotely close to "let them starve and live in poverty" until they can find a job that'll pay $24,000.00/yr., after that they can pay taxes.

Once again, your wish was. "That family should not have to pay a penny of income tax until their annual income exceeds $22,000.00/yr. " or 10% over the poverty level.

I then showed how ignorant you are of current tax code since Trump's tax change exempts more than that amount from income tax already.
Never has a statement better summed up your history of posts on here

I'm feel terrible that my data linked straight from hhs.gov and a tax preparation site is fake. Please enlighten us all on the correct numbers. I want so very much to be well informed. I feel so badly for all the people that used efile.com's service and therefore miscalculated their standard deduction.

well at this current date and time just what party or who is putting out those numbers.....naturally someone trying to sell snake oil
if I remember right only 52% of the country voted last election....voter apathy...so Pences argument just doesn't hold water

PoliticsThe Latest: Obama rallies Democrats, Pence disappointed
Associated Press 16 hours ago

ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — The Latest on former President Barack Obama (all times local):
6:05 p.m.
Vice President Mike Pence says it's disappointing that former President Barack Obama is back on the campaign trail criticizing President Donald Trump.
Says Pence: "The truth is, the American people in 2016 rejected the policy and direction of Barack Obama when they elected President Donald Trump."
Pence comments in a taped interview set to air on "Fox News Sunday." Fox released an excerpt on Saturday.
Obama campaigned for congressional Democrats from California on Saturday, a day after he excoriated Trump in a speech in Illinois.
Pence said it's "very disappointing" to see Obama break with the tradition of former presidents, who largely shun the campaign trail, and "become so political."
Pence says Obama rolled out "the same tired arguments that he and liberals have made over the last eight years."
2:15 p.m.
Former President Barack Obama says November midterm elections give Americans "a chance to restore some sanity in our politics."
Appearing in Southern California on Saturday, the former president took another swipe at his successor as he raised his profile campaigning for fellow Democrats to regain control of the House. Obama didn't mention President Donald Trump by name during a 20-minute speech in the key Southern California battleground of Orange County.
Obama's appearance comes one day after a strongly worded critique of Trump at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In California, the former president touched on themes of retirement security, climate change and education.
He told the audience at the Anaheim Convention Center, "If we don't step up, things can get worse."
12:55 p.m.
Former President Barack Obama says the midterm elections in November will give Americans the chance to — in his words — "restore some sanity in our politics" by changing control of Congress.
He's in California trying to help out a group of congressional candidates. And Obama tells the crowd in Anaheim that "we're all in this together and that what makes America exceptional and unique is that from all around the world people ... came here because they believed in a certain set of ideals."
12:40 p.m.
Barack Obama has made a political appearance in California on behalf of Democratic congressional candidates he says have "decided to step up and bring out the best in our country."
The former president says "we're in a challenging moment" when enormous changes are taking place. He says 'people feel unsettled, people feel scared," and they're worried about their children's future.
Obama says there are no problems that can't be solved if "we're working together and we're true to the traditions that are the best in America." But he's also warning that it's "always tempting for politicians — for their own gain and for people in power — to try to see if they can divide people, scapegoat folks."
When that happens, he says, people become cynical and decide not to participate in the political process — creating a vacuum that lobbyists and special interests fill.
8:15 a.m.
Former President Barack Obama is in California to campaign for Democratic congressional candidates one day after issuing a stinging rebuke of his successor in the White House.
Obama is set to appear later Saturday at the Anaheim Convention Center in the heart of Orange County, a once-solid Republican stronghold that voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election that Donald Trump won.
Obama will share the billing with seven Democratic candidates in competitive U.S. House districts across California. Those races are considered crucial to the party's efforts to retake control of the House from Republican. Four of those districts are at least partly in Orange County.
Obama issued a scorching critique of President Donald Trump on Friday in a speech at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
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Vice President Mike Pence says it's disappointing that former President Barack Obama is back on the campaign trail criticizing President Donald Trump.
So, its ok for The Thumpster to criticize Obama day in and day out, but not ok for Obama to criticize Thumpster, huh?
Says Pence: "The truth is, the American people in 2016 rejected the policy and direction of Barack Obama when they elected President Donald Trump."
Another Pence denial or hallucination ... 3,000,000 more votes Hillary received ... the PEOPLE didn't elect Thumpster, Russia did.
Pence said it's "very disappointing" to see Obama break with the tradition of former presidents, who largely shun the campaign trail, and "become so political."
As if Thumpster hasn't broken with some Presidential traditions ... refusing to show his tax returns before the elections is a good start. Sharing highly classified information with Russians & meeting in private with MrPutin another.
Pence says Obama rolled out "the same tired arguments that he and liberals have made over the last eight years."
Those worked ... unlike "Trickle Down" that has never worked as promised, at least for the middleclass. Republican domestic policies have done nothing more than push more middleclass into becoming poor ... unable to buy homes, provide education for their children, etc.
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Bob Woodward On Donald Trump: 'People Better Wake Up To What's Going On'
Hayley Miller,HuffPost

President Donald Trump’s aides worry he poses a potential threat to national security, veteran journalist Bob Woodward said in his first TV interview to promote his forthcoming tell-all book on the Trump presidency.
“You look at the operation of this White House and you have to say, ’Let’s hope to God we don’t have a crisis,’” Woodward said in an interview that aired Sunday on “CBS Sunday Morning.”
“People better wake up to what’s going on,” he added.
He will be fired next week!

Trump's tweet about the economy was false, top White House economic adviser says

The top official on the White House economic advisory council said on Monday that President Trump’s claim that the quarterly change in the country’s gross domestic product has eclipsed the U.S. unemployment rate for “the first time in over 100 years” is false.
“I can tell you what is true,” Kevin Hassett, chairman of the council, told reporters during a press briefing. “What is true is that it is the highest in 10 years.”
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