Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Why are you leftist so petrified of the Voter ID laws, ID Authenticated Registrations, and ID Authenticated Voting? Why would you leftist marxist be so against laws that eliminate ~95% of fraud around elections?
Ok, here we go again, pulling ******* out of your ass and expecting no one to challenge you. PROVE that 95% bullshit number! You can't, can you ... yet another post you'll leave "factless" as RETARDLICANS usually do. "Republicans don't need any stink'n facts"! FACTS are just an inconvenience, aren't they?
And again ...
• Mail-in voting forms are publicly listed ... that means if anyone has requested that form, their names are on a list. If their names are on that list, it makes it easier to implement Election Fraud ... WHY you ask ... you figure it out, amoeba brain. I refuse to discuss this with you AGAIN.​
• Voter ID law, if the purpose of it was ONLY to verify voters, that would be GREAT ... except that is NOT the case with Republicans. Republicans know that the fewer people that vote, the more likely the outcome of the election favors THEM, therefore, they attach all kinds of addition laws and/or conditions which have absolutely NOTHING to do with voter FRAUD and EVERYTHING to do with decreasing voter turnout. Yet, when it is addressed, Republicans refuse to discuss it, returning instead to talk about .... tataaaaa ... voter fraud. I listed those processes already at least a dozen times throughout the political threads, I REFUSE to list them AGAIN for your amoeba brain.​
• North Carolina has already proven umpteen times that Election Fraud has a bigger impact on voting results as does Voter Fraud because it is done in VAST NUMBERS . I'm pretty sure that for every Election Fraud that is caught, many other Election Frauds take place unnotices ... WHY you might ask again ... because its a county by county process ... in NC we have 100 counties, some run by Republican staff, some run by Democrat staff. The ONLY ONES that have been caught the past 3 elections for election fraud are ... again, tataaaaa ... Republicans. You know what they say about the person that yells "ewwww, I smell a fart, who farted?" .... FIRST SMELLER is the VERY FELLOW.​
words_UnfuckingBelievable.jpg ... "Of ALL the millions of sperm that had a chance to fertilize your mom's EGG and YOURS won ... like winning a lottery for YOU."
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When highly paid Senators in Washington got nothing better to do, like caring for matters relevant to voters, they get themselves involved in the absolute most ridiculous matters! The Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, epitomizes the absurd with his below Tweets with actor Jim Perlman! Oh, yes! Just a quick reminder, this is the same Cruz guy who allowed Trump to berate his wife, said little, did less, and then sucked Trump's ass! Cruz is no man worthy of anyone's vote!

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Ok, here we go again, pulling ******* out of your ass and expecting no one to challenge you. PROVE that 95% bullshit number! You can't, can you ... yet another post you'll leave "factless" as RETARDLICANS usually do. "Republicans don't need any stink'n facts"! FACTS are just an inconvenience, aren't they?
And again ...
• Mail-in voting forms are publicly listed ... that means if anyone has requested that form, their names are on a list. If their names are on that list, it makes it easier to implement Election Fraud ... WHY you ask ... you figure it out, amoeba brain. I refuse to discuss this with you AGAIN.​
• Voter ID law, if the purpose of it was ONLY to verify voters, that would be GREAT ... except that is NOT the case with Republicans. Republicans know that the fewer people that vote, the more likely the outcome of the election favors THEM, therefore, they attach all kinds of addition laws and/or conditions which have absolutely NOTHING to do with voter FRAUD and EVERYTHING to do with decreasing voter turnout. Yet, when it is addressed, Republicans refuse to discuss it, returning instead to talk about .... tataaaaa ... voter fraud. I listed those processes already at least a dozen times throughout the political threads, I REFUSE to list them AGAIN for your amoeba brain.​
• North Carolina has already proven umpteen times that Election Fraud has a bigger impact on voting results as does Voter Fraud because it is done in VAST NUMBERS . I'm pretty sure that for every Election Fraud that is caught, many other Election Frauds take place unnotices ... WHY you might ask again ... because its a county by county process ... in NC we have 100 counties, some run by Republican staff, some run by Democrat staff. The ONLY ONES that have been caught the past 3 elections for election fraud are ... again, tataaaaa ... Republicans. You know what they say about the person that yells "ewwww, I smell a fart, who farted?" .... FIRST SMELLER is the VERY FELLOW.​
View attachment 3421122 ... "Of ALL the millions of sperm that had a chance to fertilize your mom's EGG and YOURS won ... like winning a lottery for YOU."

Wow all that and you didn't answer a single questions. You fake like you did and then spewed dogmatic delusional liberal fear and hate.

Let's try this

List in a concise bullet format 5 ways to stop
1) Voter fraud
2) Election fraud

Both without using NC and Republicans are evil or liberal fear
Hell if 5 is too much lets try 3 each.
OK no national ID. Check.
If one time is enough to tighten the laws but, what about the millions that are disenfranchised by stricter laws?

If you lead with #2 then we have no issue. The problem is it leads to voter suppression because it's never just about showing id.

There is plenty of evidence that it's a suppressive move. I just wanted to know what it acceptable in the amount of disenfranchising voters to prevent potential fraud. In Texas it appears to be 608,000 potential voters.


Think Progress- I didn’t read it- Not a valid source at all.

Wired Artcile- Really Ed?

Issue 1:
“Recently, however, researchers at Tufts University and Harvard University demonstrated that it's possible to match individuals across government databases with nearly perfect accuracy, using just a few basic identifiers like a person’s name, date of birth, and address. They developed the algorithm while working as expert witnesses in the Department of Justice's case against Texas. Now, in a newly published paper, researchers Stephen Ansolabehere of Harvard and Eitan Hersh of Tufts have explained the underlying”

Oh so they created the model to help fight voter ID. Paid for by the Federal Government to fight voter ID. And there are two other studies that came up with 14k.....How did some many Marxist Professors get this so fucking wrong? Bias maybe?

Issue 2:

Direct Quote: “But Hersh says that it also shows that voter ID laws affect a relatively small percentage of the population.

Direct Quote: “You’re down to a small percentage of the population that doesn’t have an ID.” Says Hersh.

Wow sounds like something I have said 100 times.

That really killed your argument, but what is this?

“But he cautions against Democrats artificially inflating the impact of voter ID laws in their messaging.”

Oops so a made up big data set in a ‘study’ by leftist 'research’ trying to prove the Democrat case against voter ID and he still tells Dems this is not a big deal.

And on the The Benenen Center third article:

New GroupSnoop.org Profile of the Brennan Center for Justice Released Leading Opponent of Voter Integrity Measures is Financed By George Soros

Washington, D.C. – A new report from the National Center for Public Policy Research finds the Brennan Center for Justice – one of the country’s loudest opponents of voter integrity measures – to have a history of bias-driven research.

The report also discloses that the Brennan Center has received millions in funding from George Soros.”

Your source are still not legit.

Explain to me how voter ID laws should not be used?
I did notice this is from the Federalist. I suspect from you style of argument you once collected a check from them or similar publication. Or maybe had am radio gig or podcast. I'm not engaging with them as a source.

Listen, when talking about white people in politics over decades, that ugly racist stick, has smacked them across party lines over time. It was more about what was acceptable in society at the time. Minds, hearts, priorities and etiquette has changed for the better. So, comparing historical acceptance is not on par with today, it's not fail, usually not germane.

Black radicals are a direct result of racism. However, the difference is that none have gained political power through it. They are on the outside yelling. White racist have been on the inside for centuries. If black radicals rise to political power, that radicalness is lost along the way and they work within a system that has been slow to change. It happens over on over. If you are more specific with whom, or what group, I can show you that they support agendas, not party.

Trump is a throwback. He utilizes the few who are stuck in the past, or are afraid of a future where they are not representative of the majority. He gives comfort to those who hate. He does it in such a way that they blend in with those who support the party and it's hard to tell the apart. So, you get to label that Republicans are racist. Or, all republicans are not racist but, racist find themselves being republicans. Trump's willingness to accept this support, and provide comfort in their views, plus his troubled history of race relations, yes, makes me comfortable saying he's a racist. Though I don't know what's in his heart. Or if he has one.

How has it changed for the better? I have been on this planet for a good number of years and I have heard this same Marxist bullshit from the 70s to now, over and over. Black sour grapes being stopped into whining and servitude. The same rhetoric from rich white democrats and their corporate masters keep'n the same, wash repeat, black apologist selling the same *******. Just like the black oversees/foremen on the plantations. Keep'em them in line using fear and violence, just as long as that apologist gets a nice car, nice retirement, nice income and gets out to live in Suburban Virginia he/ she will say "keep voting Democrat it will change this time"

And yes white racist have been on the inside, inside of the Democrat Party. From the start through to today. There are No republican KKK grand dragons, but there was more than serving as a democrat leader until 2010. And one working with Biden in 1970s. So Biden could get power.

They keep telling us whites should have guilt and suffer under some bullshit made up 'American original sin' and should hand out more power, more rewards and step assigned... are those rich Dems stepping aside, giving up all their money, or just asking for your vote to get the boggy man, again?

"If black radicals rise to political power, that radicalness is lost along the way." No it is not. They hide it to gain power, just Biden, and promote the divide while apologizing for the sins of the Democrats while calling it the sins of America. Always selling blame and fear of the "other" and in this case it is always the 'evil white males and Republicans for all the same problems they have been selling you since the start.

Again the Dems have had the same rhetoric to the Black Community and have had 5 super majorities with the White House and you still have the same problems.

Give me a break. Trump asked the Black Community to vote for him. Many did and he returned with more jobs and record low unemployment with his direct actions of reducing red tape. First President to hold the Rainbow flag on stage and first president to take executive action to stop doing business with countries who ******* or *******/ lock up gay people for being gay. First President to work to make trade deals better for the American worker instead of selling us out to globalization. Brought manufacturing jobs back. Is he the best person, no. Is he doing more for us then rich democrats? Yes.
Lol, @cpl2010co is still at it, this time with:
  • Solve all election and voter fraud then!
  • I didn't read your article because I decided the publication was biased liberal (so much for the marketplace of ideas, lmao)
  • Some kind of screed about Marxism and the KKK, and a bunch of BS about Trump
Hey man, here let's simplify things a lot. Which number is bigger?

A) 10
B) 1.5 million

The first number is the count of in-person voting fraud that has been caught like ever, the second number is a lower-bound estimate on the number of registered voters without ID. Is 10 bigger than 1.5 million? You're a trump voter, so feel free to use a calculator to figure this one out. Take your time.
Also just lol, wtf is this nonsense

first president to take executive action to stop doing business with countries who ******* or *******/ lock up gay people for being gay.
Oh, great, so we stopped doing business with Saudi Arabia? Oh wait, no, we didn't

First President to work to make trade deals better for the American worker instead of selling us out to globalization. Brought manufacturing jobs back.

First of all, Trump is far from being the first president to implement protectionist policies. Were you taught that Reagan was the first American president or something? Second, lmao what manufacturing jobs.

Anyone remember when Trump was going to give everyone way better health insurance that Obamacare?
... and at a much LOWER cost, too!

As far as Trump bringing back jobs to the USA, if that is a fact how come both he and his wife use China to manufacture their product lines ... Trumps MAGA hats ... produced in China, wife's shoes & clothing lines ... made in China.

Doesn't sound like he's bringing anything but a bunch of bullshit.
Let's see what Bolton has to say ... funny how Trump is scared to death of what he's going to say ... like Finland being a part of RUSSIA ... oh yeah.
Trump couldn't find Finland on a globe map if you gave him 10 minutes to look for it. Trump's starting to run out of people to cover for him.
You have China, a one party state which suppresses free speech, which is eclipsing usa economically and will eventually do so militarily and you have a complete clown in charge.

Wake up usa.
Anyone remember when Trump was going to give everyone way better health insurance that Obamacare?
Anyone remember when the republican's passed their new health care plan in the House, just 7 months after Trump took office....only to have it blocked in the Senate by the Democrat Party of NO????


When Chucky Schumer rose to "debate" the American Health Care Act of 2017 what did he choose to talk about?....Russia Russia Russia! From Chucky's "debate":

"Mr. President, I have one other point, on Russia sanctions. It is apropos. I didn't know, when we read all of this stuff, that my good friend from Arizona would be here. Even as we debate other items on the floor, we should not delay this legislation on the Russia sanctions any longer."

Lol, @cpl2010co is still at it, this time with:
  • Solve all election and voter fraud then!
  • I didn't read your article because I decided the publication was biased liberal (so much for the marketplace of ideas, lmao)
  • Some kind of screed about Marxism and the KKK, and a bunch of BS about Trump
Hey man, here let's simplify things a lot. Which number is bigger?

A) 10
B) 1.5 million

The first number is the count of in-person voting fraud that has been caught like ever, the second number is a lower-bound estimate on the number of registered voters without ID. Is 10 bigger than 1.5 million? You're a trump voter, so feel free to use a calculator to figure this one out. Take your time.

1) No it is not- in person fraud is higher. It has been documented as much higher. And you are missing the point or ducking the point.
2) And no it is not 10x bigger- Voters without ID- No legit data has been proven to show this. And a good number of those are in prison for decades.
3) If they don't have an id they need to fix that or should they really vote. If you want to vote take some personal accountability and fix your fuckups. There are 3 to 4 remedies to fix your fuck ups.
4) They get to cast provisional ballots and get authenticated. Again- No impact.

Your argument is based on false made up data, bullshit ideology and bad assumption that do not bare out in your own articles.

All people who fail to have ID, are not registered to vote, have not been turned away from voting, and have remedies to fix the issue. Again no prevention from voting.

If you are against
authenticating voters
purging rolls
having checks to ensure counts are done correctly

You don't care about the rule of law, don't want valid elections for some reason and have nefarious motives.

Ah politics make strange bedfellows.

Remember when Bush appointed this guy and then when Trump did. You neo-Marxist equated him to anti Christ or Satan.

Think maybe he is trying to sell books?
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