Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I can't believe you're still buying into the Acorn fake news BS. O'Keefe is a convicted criminal who has built an entire career based on lies that were shopped around on Breitbart.

I guess you stopped reading Breitbart in 2009 after they fired Milo for his ******* weirdness

I can't believe you are still running away for the argument and trying to strawman.

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted ...
Nov 26, 2010 · In Milwaukee, three former ACORN workers have been convicted of election fraud. Last week, Kevin Clancy was sentenced to 10 months in prison for his role in submitting falsified voter registration ...
You running and dodging. Trying to strawman and as you like to say begging the question.
There is fraud. Now answer the questions.

Strawman -- when you attack a weaker argument instead of what the person is actually claiming. You're wrongly claiming that ACORN (who only registered people) was committing election fraud. That's what I'm arguing against. It's not a straw man.

Begging the question -- when you assume something you argue is true rather than provide evidence or reasoning to back it up. I'm giving you evidence that ACORN did nothing wrong -- 7 links to reports on investigations that found no wrongdoing.

Take a class in logic.
I can't believe you are still running away for the argument and trying to strawman.

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted ...
Nov 26, 2010 · In Milwaukee, three former ACORN workers have been convicted of election fraud. Last week, Kevin Clancy was sentenced to 10 months in prison for his role in submitting falsified voter registration ...

"several independent investigations that by December 2009 began to reveal no criminal activity by ACORN staff had taken place."

ACORN the organization did nothing wrong, and the staff did nothing wrong. The pimp video was fraud, and O'Keefe is a lying criminal.
Strawman -- when you attack a weaker argument instead of what the person is actually claiming. You're wrongly claiming that ACORN (who only registered people) was committing election fraud. That's what I'm arguing against. It's not a straw man.

Begging the question -- when you assume something you argue is true rather than provide evidence or reasoning to back it up. I'm giving you evidence that ACORN did nothing wrong -- 7 links to reports on investigations that found no wrongdoing.

Take a class in logic.

Exactly what you are doing. Dodging and making the same two arguments even after you admitted there is voter fraud and election fraud. So now you are here trying to argue over Acorn the second or third circular argument and not the argument we are having. You are running.

More Acorn Voter Fraud Comes to Light - WSJ
Washington Democrats are still sweeping Acorn abuses under a rug. On Monday, Nevada officials charged Acorn, its regional director and its Las Vegas field director with submitting thousands of...
You brought up ACORN as your only example of widespread election fraud by democrats, which is hilarious because

1) Voter ID laws would not affect ACORN at all -- they register people, dumbass
2) They were investigated countless times and no wrongdoing was found
BTW let's go ahead and see what this "fraud" was that Nevada was investigating from your WSJ link

"The violation was for unlawfully providing compensation for registering voters based on the total number of people registered"

Oh, sure, this is totally related to voter ID laws. Except it's not, at all.
You brought up ACORN as your only example of widespread election fraud by democrats, which is hilarious because

1) Voter ID laws would not affect ACORN at all -- they register people, dumbass
2) They were investigated countless times and no wrongdoing was found

No I posted several articles throughout this argument with Ed. Now you jump in and I post three sources. All show there is voter fraud. And in your normal fashion you are trying to dodge and change the topic. You are running. Acorn employees committed fraud and were convicted Therefore voter fraud. Audits found registration and address fraud in 21 states.

Oh here is another one on voter fraud.

Without a doubt I have proved voter fraud. Even you attacked 2 cases showing there is voter fraud.

Answer the questions
BTW let's go ahead and see what this "fraud" was that Nevada was investigating from your WSJ link

"The violation was for unlawfully providing compensation for registering voters based on the total number of people registered"

Oh, sure, this is totally related to voter ID laws. Except it's not, at all.

Oh look
"News21 conducted a study of 2,608 cases alleging voter fraud nationally from 2000 to 2012 and found only 1 case of in-person voter fraud every 207 cases involving other types of election fraud."

2,608 case of fraud. And 1 case of in person for very 207 cases of election fraud. Damn

Oh and look

Absentee ballot fraud comes in 2 forms: intentionally using an absentee ballots in more than one election (requires a person to have also committed voter registration fraud) and intentionally voting for someone else using their absentee ballot card. There are also cases where campaign workers illegally misinformed voters and collected absentee ballots not intending to turn in those with votes for the opponents.
1) In-person fraud (the thing that voter ID would stop) is super rare.

From your source!
"A News21 analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent."
2) Election fraud is pretty rare overall -- 2600 cases over 12 years!

Which is bigger, 14k "insignificant" voters, or 2600 votes over 12 years?

I mean like the very first paragraph of your source perfectly lays out my argument. And you found it! You found a great source that argues exactly what I was saying. Thank you @cpl2010co , that was thoughtful of you.


"Analysis of the resulting comprehensive News21 election fraud database turned up 10 cases of voter impersonation. With 146 million registered voters in the United States during that time, those 10 cases represent one out of about every 15 million prospective voters."

10 votes! Lmao
I mean like the very first paragraph of your source perfectly lays out my argument. And you found it! You found a great source that argues exactly what I was saying. Thank you @cpl2010co , that was thoughtful of you.


"Analysis of the resulting comprehensive News21 election fraud database turned up 10 cases of voter impersonation. With 146 million registered voters in the United States during that time, those 10 cases represent one out of about every 15 million prospective voters."

10 votes! Lmao
1) In-person fraud (the thing that voter ID would stop) is super rare.

From your source!
"A News21 analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent."
2) Election fraud is pretty rare overall -- 2600 cases over 12 years!

Which is bigger, 14k "insignificant" voters, or 2600 votes over 12 years?


The argument was voter fraud.
You asserted no voter fraud.
This source you, wrongly think makes your argument still, proves voter fraud in the exact way you jumped into this argument saying didn't happen and it show that fraud is much more prevalent. Why do you think I posted it. I knew you bite.
So again you stated it multiple times, agreed with it, and now I have given you sourced voter fraud is real. Now you have no place to hide. You have stated it and now quoted my source and your quotes says there are 2068 case of fraud in that data set. And you bragged about it. Oops.

You asserted Minorities are overly impacted by voter ID laws and they are not.
And your sources proved there is no significant number. And your sourced proved your assertions wrong
And your source added and noted a third remedy for a voter who has no ID to vote, including on election day.
So again you stated significant impact and 14k by any logical standard is not significant in a population of 8.9 million. Also the impact is not disproportionate to minorities when 57% of the people who had to use the affidavit were white.

And in the end all 14 K were allowed to vote and all 14k still have 3 main types of Remedies to fix the ID issue including free State IDs to vote.

Bottomline your whole strawman argument has failed

And you are still running form my questions.
I asserted that in-person voter impersonation basically never happens, so voter ID laws only disenfranchise people.

You helpfully found a link that identifies 10 (!!!) cases of voter impersonation in the 12 year span it researched.

I showed you two articles by independent political scientists groups in different states demonstrating that a significant (just under a percent of the electorate) number of eligible voters don't have ID, and they're disproportionately black and latin.

You decided on your own with no evidence that the researchers must be democrats so you could ignore the work, but still assert than the 10 known cases of voter impersonation totally make it OK to disenfranchise tens to hundreds of thousands of people because they're "insignificant".

You can try to spin, and you can (incorrectly) copy the terms I use to describe your fallacious argument style, but you know you're wrong. You know you played yourself, and the main way you played yourself is by trying hard to argue something that's just not true.

Reality is a cold bitch.
Reality is a cold bitch.
Well written, ridgely ... those voter fraud numbers pretty much reflect North Carolina numbers as well. What Republicans AREN'T fighting is the absentee voting forms ... they KNOW that its much easier to manipulate fraud of "numbers" through absentee forms. You'll hear TRUMP exclaim that he doesn't want absentee forms to be allowed, but WHAT is he doing about it ... absolutely NOTHING because its a fake front.
Reminds me of the old elementary stories of Burr Rabbit, who was always out-foxing the fox who was trying to nab him. Rabbits love brier bushes as protection and cover, so when the fox finally nabbed Burr Rabbit, Burr Rabbit said he could do anything he wanted to him, but to please, please not throw him into those brier bushes nearby. The Fox figured if Burr thought that was the worst thing that could happen to him, that the Ole Fox would toss him right into those brier bushes, and so he did .... and Burr Rabbit started laughing as he, once again, outwitted the old Fox.​
Trump wants absentee voting to happen ... as do Republicans. Here in NC the Democrats have offered various senerios to shore up fraud in the voting system, here, and ALL of the Republicans (who control the NC Gen. Assembly) have refused them. They know if they are to stand a chance this 2020 election to keep the Senate and regain the House, they need to do whatever they can to get larger voting numbers than Democrats.
One Republican, and a second on trial now, for "election fraud"; its amazing how embolden these guys were, and at least one of them has already admitted the GOP hired him ... of course the NC GOP are denying everything.
This election year Tom Tillis (R) US Senate is on the chopping block ... voters HERE hate him as much as many hate Trump. Tillis is history in November.
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Compared to Election Fraud, Voter Fraud isn't crap, cpl2010co . Voter fraud is one-person-at-a-time fraud ... takes a tremendous number of fraudulent voters to show up to make even a dent compared to Election Fraud. They found hundreds of absentee ballots in his frik'n car.
Read on dumbnuts ...

:oops: A real live Domestic Terror Group Member is probably on her way to Congress? As a Republican. Can't say that I'm shocked or she will be the last one.

Republican candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene, a professed believer in the fringe conspiracy-theorist group known as QAnon, is probably headed to Congress after her strong finish in the Georgia primary.

House Republican leaders were silent Thursday about the likelihood that their caucus may soon include someone affiliated with a group that the FBI has flagged as a potential domestic terrorist threat.

None of the top three House Republicans, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Minority Whip Steve Scalise (La.) or Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney (Wyo.), responded to questions about Greene’s candidacy and possible place within their ranks.
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