Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You have China, a one party state which suppresses free speech, which is eclipsing usa economically and will eventually do so militarily and you have a complete clown in charge.

Wake up usa.

Says the British Subject. Who was it defending China, with great vigor, back in Jan- March? That would be you and Subhub.

What time is the SAS dropping into Beijing to tidy the problem? What are is Brit Gov't and their banks doing, eh? Oh, that's right, lending to China.

What, not in love Chicoms and world communism now?
Says the British Subject. Who was it defending China, with great vigor, back in Jan- March? That would be you and Subhub.

What time is the SAS dropping into Beijing to tidy the problem? What are is Brit Gov't and their banks doing, eh? Oh, that's right, lending to China.

What, not in love Chicoms and world communism now?
You sound confused. Yes you must be. A lot of you are or you wouldn't have the world's biggest idiot leading you.

Back in March and April I was ridiculing you for blaming China for covid19 and I still am.

That doesn't mean that China isn't a threat to our economies and ways of life. But you don't deal with the issue by blaming them for everything under the sun. That just makes you look embarrassingly stupid and petulant.

I doubt very much whether the UK, the world's fifth or sixth biggest economy is lending money to China, the world's second largest and fastest growing economy. But I'm willing to be corrected on that.

You sound 'butt hurt'. Is that the expression?
Also just lol, wtf is this nonsense

Oh, great, so we stopped doing business with Saudi Arabia? Oh wait, no, we didn't

First of all, Trump is far from being the first president to implement protectionist policies. Were you taught that Reagan was the first American president or something? Second, lmao what manufacturing jobs.

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Wow you really have not idea how our government or economy works. That there are three co branches of government. You really must think this is a dictatorship. You really must think this is Nazi Germany.

Why do you neo-Marxist democrats always try to argue ******* that happed 100, or 200, or 300 years ago? The reference was to more recent presidents.
You sound confused. Yes you must be. A lot of you are or you wouldn't have the world's biggest idiot leading you.

Back in March and April I was ridiculing you for blaming China for covid19 and I still am.

That doesn't mean that China isn't a threat to our economies and ways of life. But you don't deal with the issue by blaming them for everything under the sun. That just makes you look embarrassingly stupid and petulant.

I doubt very much whether the UK, the world's fifth or sixth biggest economy is lending money to China, the world's second largest and fastest growing economy. But I'm willing to be corrected on that.

You sound 'butt hurt'. Is that the expression?

No, mocking you. I enjoy watching you flailing about.

Yes, China is a threat. Has been for a long time. They are also another example of how socialism/ communism always works out badly for the people. That is a real threat to Liberals/Leftist ideology.

They are the source of Covid-19. They allowed it to spread to Europe for up to 6 weeks. Those are the facts you can't get around.
No, mocking you. I enjoy watching you flailing about.

Yes, China is a threat. Has been for a long time. They are also another example of how socialism/ communism always works out badly for the people. That is a real threat to Liberals/Leftist ideology.

They are the source of Covid-19. They allowed it to spread to Europe for up to 6 weeks. Those are the facts you can't get around.
Show me the source of your 'facts' that China wilfully and maliciously allowed the virus to spread. Because that's your argument. If you can do that, then I'm sold. But don't give me your nonsense fake news. I want verifiable facts.

But no other country on earth believes that. And, if it is true, why is the USA not acting on it right now? Because, if I was a leader and had proof that another country was maliciously attacking mine with biological weapons, then they'd have a fight on their hands one way or another.
Show me the source of your 'facts' that China wilfully and maliciously allowed the virus to spread. Because that's your argument. If you can do that, then I'm sold. But don't give me your nonsense fake news. I want verifiable facts.

Provided to you multiple times. As you should know, China is not to be trust with data, especially data that makes them look bad. First cases reported in November out break was assumed. Chinese Doctors posting in late November about virus. Per you, China "notified" WHO the last day of December. Minimum 4 week. Per China there were no travel restriction. The workers in Italy, many were from the same province and still traveling in late January. There will never be a smoking gun- But where are the doctors who did the whistleblowing. Last reports all have gone away or died. Samples where destroyed and documents saying major issues with the labs in Wuhan having virus security were pulled off the Chinese Servers.

But no other country on earth believes that. And, if it is true, why is the USA not acting on it right now? Because, if I was a leader and had proof that another country was maliciously attacking mine with biological weapons, then they'd have a fight on their hands one way or another.

So you keep trying to make this sound like it was planned as an act of war. I am saying China knew about it and didn't stop the spread. Either by intent to save face, fear of the government, or fear of losing the big money. I have said this more than once. Power is the key desire of government and keeping power in an honor based society is above all else the most important thing. And you might want ask, where does your news source want to expand to? Or where are they fearful of losing their biggest revenue? You might want to ask who holds the most debt of your news corporations and national debt.

Researchers at ETH Zurich released a study in early March that placed the origins of COVID-19 in November at the earliest. Research published by the Scripps Research Institute in February strongly implies that the virus in humans arose naturally through interspecies transfer, putting its origin in late November or early December 2019. Both studies point to the virus’s origin in Hubei province, China.

How do you feel about current republican governors who know full well about the virus, but are not stopping the spread? Re-opening in FL right when cases are going up, forsing an executive action that doesn't allow mayors to require masks in TX...

Yes I'm flailing about waiting for you to back up your outlandish assertions with hard facts. Still waiting on evidence that the UK lends money to China. 🤔
Here's me flailing 🛌

I shall not waste my time explaining the international monetary system to you. Start with currency creation, economic/ monetary hegemony, and their support of Communist governments. Playing both sides. Try the books "Creature form Jekyll Island" or "I was an Economic Hitman" They are US specific but UK does the same.
Oh look cpl2010co also doesn't understand how government bond markets work, and is instead going off of same vague notion that the Fed is evil (a book told him) and China is evil (Fox News told him) and therefore the Fed must be helping China.

By all means let's go back to the gold standard, when we never had depressions (oh wait... we did)
I shall not waste my time explaining the international monetary system to you. Start with currency creation, economic/ monetary hegemony, and their support of Communist governments. Playing both sides. Try the books "Creature form Jekyll Island" or "I was an Economic Hitman" They are US specific but UK does the same.
No, just try answering my question instead of chasing the subject.
How do you feel about current republican governors who know full well about the virus, but are not stopping the spread? Re-opening in FL right when cases are going up, forsing an executive action that doesn't allow mayors to require masks in TX...

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Ah the virus fear for control play again.

1) I don't think the Government had or has the Constitutional power to make you wear masks. Or lock you down
2) The forecasts were dead wrong and we should have never closed.
3) The purpose of the closures were to flatten the curve and prevent runs on the hospitals- We did that.
4) The Survival Rate is something like 99.9963.
5) This is play to keep power.
6) They made up or fake death totals and still were wrong as hell.

Our fear has given them power and they don't want to give it up. They have stated it more than once. We will all get it just like the flu. And with herd immunity we will have less impact in the years going forward. How do you get herd immunity if you are in lock down wearing masks. Which by the way don't work any where close to what they say and are now causing lung issues for the wears.

Dr. F has groupies. Women have posted they want to have his *******. Do you really think a short nerd wants to give up power and groupies? Almost every prediction they have made was wrong.
If the survival rate is so high and we're not going to lock down for MaH fReEdOMs, why are you mad at China?

(also how can the forecasts be wrong but also right about bending the curve, what...)

Also I'm super entertained by the Glenn Beck / Ron Paul book club recommendations. Tell us more about "Central Bank Actions" you mentally ill person, lmao
Oh look cpl2010co also doesn't understand how government bond markets work, and is instead going off of same vague notion that the Fed is evil (a book told him) and China is evil (Fox News told him) and therefore the Fed must be helping China.

By all means let's go back to the gold standard, when we never had depressions (oh wait... we did)

Oh Look Ridge does not know how currency and currency swap and inflation works. Oh look ridge has no idea how central bank window operations work. Oh look Ridge has no idea what the Mandrake Mechanism is.

Oh look Ridge has a juvenile understanding of finance and fear mongers with the leftist uber boogey man Fox News. Oh look ridge continues to be the shill for big banking and big corporations, but pretends to be for the people. Typical Dem.

Yes we should stay with central banking. They have not had a single recession or depression in the US since 1913. Oh wait there has been 47 recessions or depressions since 1913 in the US. Should we talk about purchasing power gold back versus fiat?
Also let's do some math on this awesome survival rate of %99.9963

That means that %0.0037 of people die from catching Covid. A little over 120,000 Americans have died from it. Let's see how many were infected!

120,000 / 0.000037 = 3.24 billion.

So 3.24 billion Americans have been infected with Covid. Sweet. I like your source on that. Seems reliable.
I'm not taking banking advice from a gold standard conspiracy theorist who thinks that 3.24 billion Americans have been infected with Covid. Don't you have some bitcoin to lose all your money on or something?
If the survival rate is so high and we're not going to lock down for MaH fReEdOMs, why are you mad at China?

(also how can the forecasts be wrong but also right about bending the curve, what...)

Also I'm super entertained by the Glenn Beck / Ron Paul book club recommendations. Tell us more about "Central Bank Actions" you mentally ill person, lmao

Mad at China? Do you know how to read? I explained it clearly look back a few posts.

Well forecasting up to 2 million dead by June and millions at hospital waiting for care or dying in the streets is a called forecasting. In finance that is called Bullshit for fear factor. That is how you get the sheep to buy your bonds or bankrupt their country.

If you take data like
Actually number of people admitted
Actual number discharged
Available beds/ventilators
Add in dead
Testing Data
Cases waiting for treatment/ dying in the streets,
Or even slack hospital staff hours (Or look on tiktoc)

And even a juvenile financier like you can determine if the curve is flat, going up, down and the base survival rate.

I have held back but I have to- The person who taught me this was an devote Communist Lesbian from China who later became a bundler for the Dems. She was my first boss in the finance world. "Have to know the rules or you are just a corporate slave like the rest of the fools." She meant like, well like you.
Also let's do some math on this awesome survival rate of %99.9963

That means that %0.0037 of people die from catching Covid. A little over 120,000 Americans have died from it. Let's see how many were infected!

120,000 / 0.000037 = 3.24 billion.

So 3.24 billion Americans have been infected with Covid. Sweet. I like your source on that. Seems reliable.

Sticking with your math:

What happens to that number when it is the CDCs number of 98.5% Survival rate?
120.000/0.015= is that 8 trillion?
120,000/0.02= is that 6 Trillion?

Is that number correct? Did I do the math right?
Here is where they fact check the survival rate and use Dr. F's Congressional Testimony.
I'm not taking banking advice from a gold standard conspiracy theorist who thinks that 3.24 billion Americans have been infected with Covid. Don't you have some bitcoin to lose all your money on or something?

That is funny. You are the one that brought up the gold standard. Not me. Strange how you went right to the gold standard when I was talking central banking mechanisms. Almost like you were programed to use that to shame or fear when countering on central banking.

I stated what systems and international finance mechanism lend money, or more precisely, prop up the Chiacoms in China. You went right to shaming and trying to cause fear. Interesting how you always duck the main points, try to create strawmen and then quickly go straight to fear, labelling and shaming as your only manner to 'try' to respond.
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